lat = -16.3 # Australia time = datetime.utcnow() duration = timedelta(days=3) bufferlat = duration.total_seconds() / 111000 bufferlon = bufferlat * np.cos(lat * np.pi / 180) #%% Fetching current data from CMEMS # By intialisation, only an XML-file with the contents is downloaded. # The netCDF file with data is downloaded later, after the simulation is started, # when necessary coverage (time/space) is known ( <reader>.prepare() ) cmems = reader_cmems.Reader( dataset='global-analysis-forecast-phy-001-024-hourly-merged-uv', variable_mapping={ # Overriding the mapping in 'utotal': 'x_sea_water_velocity', 'vtotal': 'y_sea_water_velocity', 'utide': 'sea_ice_x_velocity', # Fake mapping, as standard_name 'vtide': 'sea_ice_y_velocity' }) # must be unique for a reader o = OceanDrift() o.add_reader(cmems) # Alternatively, use OPeNDAP directly: # #o.add_readers_from_list(['']) o.seed_elements(lon=lon, lat=lat, number=5000, radius=1000, time=time) # Although total current (SMOC) has been used as forcing, we plot the tidal current as background field, disguised as ice velocity
time = duration = timedelta(days=3) bufferlat = duration.total_seconds() / 111000 bufferlon = bufferlat * np.cos(lat * np.pi / 180) # Fetching current data from CMEMS cmems_file = '' if os.path.exists(cmems_file): # Reuising downloaded file, if existing. Delete it to force update. cmems = reader_netCDF_CF_generic.Reader(cmems_file) else: cmems = reader_cmems.Reader(username=username, password=password, lon_min=lon - bufferlon, lon_max=lon + bufferlon, lat_min=lat - bufferlat, lat_max=lat + bufferlat, time_start=time - timedelta(hours=3), time_end=time + duration) o = OceanDrift() o.add_reader(cmems) o.seed_elements(lon=lon, lat=lat, number=5000, radius=1000, time=time) o.animation(fast=True) #%% # .. image:: /gallery/animations/example_cmems_0.gif
time = duration = timedelta(days=3) bufferlat = duration.total_seconds()/111000 bufferlon = bufferlat*np.cos(lat*np.pi/180) # Fetching current data from CMEMS cmems_file = '' if os.path.exists(cmems_file): # Reuising downloaded file, if existing. Delete it to force update. cmems = reader_netCDF_CF_generic.Reader(cmems_file) else: cmems = reader_cmems.Reader(username=username, password=password, motu=motu_client, lon_min = lon - bufferlon, lon_max = lon + bufferlon, lat_min = lat - bufferlat, lat_max = lat + bufferlat, time_start = time, time_end = time + duration) # Fetching wind data from NCEP reader_ncep = reader_netCDF_CF_generic.Reader('') o = Leeway() o.add_reader([cmems, reader_ncep]) o.seed_elements(lon=lon, lat=lat, number=5000, time=time), outfile='', time_step=600, time_step_output=3600) o.animation()