def to_api_dict(self, full=True, api_version: ComparableVersion = None) -> dict: """ API-version-aware conversion of batch job metadata to jsonable openEO API compatible dict. see """ # Basic/full fields to export fields = ["id", "title", "description", "status", "progress", "created", "updated", "plan", "costs", "budget"] if full: fields.extend(["process"]) result = {f: getattr(self, f) for f in fields} # Additional cleaning and massaging. result["created"] = rfc3339.datetime(self.created) if self.created else None result["updated"] = rfc3339.datetime(self.updated) if self.updated else None if full: usage = self.usage or {} if self.cpu_time: usage["cpu"] = {"value": int(round(self.cpu_time.total_seconds())), "unit": "cpu-seconds"} if self.duration: usage["duration"] = {"value": int(round(self.duration.total_seconds())), "unit": "seconds"} if self.memory_time_megabyte: usage["memory"] = {"value": int(round(self.memory_time_megabyte.total_seconds())), "unit": "mb-seconds"} if usage: result["usage"] = usage if api_version and api_version.below("1.0.0"): result["process_graph"] = result.pop("process", {}).get("process_graph") result["submitted"] = result.pop("created", None) # TODO wider status checking coverage? if result["status"] == "created": result["status"] = "submitted" return dict_no_none(result)
def set_status(self, job_id: str, user_id: str, status: str) -> None: """Updates a registered batch job with its status. Additionally, updates its "updated" property.""" self.patch(job_id, user_id, status=status, updated=rfc3339.datetime(datetime.utcnow())) _log.debug("batch job {j} -> {s}".format(j=job_id, s=status))
def register(self, job_id: str, user_id: str, api_version: str, specification: dict, title: str = None, description: str = None) -> dict: """Registers a to-be-run batch job.""" # TODO: use `BatchJobMetadata` instead of free form dict here? job_info = { 'job_id': job_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'status': 'created', # TODO: move api_Version into specification? 'api_version': api_version, # TODO: why json-encoding `specification` when the whole job_info dict will be json-encoded anyway? 'specification': json.dumps(specification), 'application_id': None, 'created': rfc3339.datetime(datetime.utcnow()), 'title': title, 'description': description, } self._create(job_info) return job_info
def test_rfc3339_datetime(): assert "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020-03-17") assert "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020/03/17") assert "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020:03:17") assert "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020_03_17") assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020-03-17-12-34-56") assert "2020-03-17T12:34:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020-03-17-12-34") assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020:03:17:12:34:56") assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020/03/17/12/34/56") assert "2020-03-17T12:34:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020/03/17/12/34") assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020_03_17_12_34_56") assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime("2020-03-17T12:34:56Z") assert "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime(date(2020, 3, 17)) assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime(datetime(2020, 3, 17, 12, 34, 56)) assert "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime((2020, 3, 17)) assert "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime([2020, 3, 17]) assert "2020-03-17T00:00:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime(2020, 3, 17) assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime((2020, 3, 17, 12, 34, 56)) assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime([2020, 3, 17, 12, 34, 56]) assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime(2020, 3, 17, 12, 34, 56) assert "2020-03-17T12:34:00Z" == rfc3339.datetime(2020, 3, 17, 12, 34) assert "2020-03-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime((2020, "3", 17, "12", "34", 56)) assert "2020-09-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime([2020, "09", 17, "12", "34", 56]) assert "2020-09-17T12:34:56Z" == rfc3339.datetime(2020, "09", "17", "12", "34", 56)
def load_test_collection( collection_id: str, collection_metadata: GeopysparkCubeMetadata, extent, srs: str, from_date: str, to_date: str, bands=None, correlation_id: str = "NA", ) -> Dict[int, geopyspark.TiledRasterLayer]: """ Load synthetic data as test collection :param collection_id: :param collection_metadata: :param extent: :param srs: :param from_date: :param to_date: :param bands: :param correlation_id: :return: """ # TODO: support more test collections assert collection_id == "TestCollection-LonLat4x4" grid_size: float = 1.0 tile_size = 4 # TODO: support other srs'es? assert srs == "EPSG:4326" # Get bounds of tiling layout extent = geopyspark.Extent(extent.xmin(), extent.ymin(), extent.xmax(), extent.ymax()) col_min = int(math.floor(extent.xmin / grid_size)) row_min = int(math.floor(extent.ymin / grid_size)) col_max = int(math.ceil(extent.xmax / grid_size) - 1) row_max = int(math.ceil(extent.ymax / grid_size) - 1) # Simulate sparse range of observation dates from_date = rfc3339.parse_datetime(rfc3339.datetime(from_date)) to_date = rfc3339.parse_datetime(rfc3339.datetime(to_date)) dates = dates_between(from_date, to_date) # Build RDD of tiles with requested bands. tile_builder = TestCollectionLonLat(tile_size=tile_size, grid_size=grid_size) bands = bands or [ for b in collection_metadata.bands] rdd_data = [(SpaceTimeKey(col, row, date), tile_builder.get_tile(bands=bands, col=col, row=row, date=date)) for col in range(col_min, col_max + 1) for row in range(row_min, row_max + 1) for date in dates] rdd = SparkContext.getOrCreate().parallelize(rdd_data) metadata = Metadata( bounds=Bounds(SpaceTimeKey(col_min, row_min, min(dates)), SpaceTimeKey(col_max, row_max, max(dates))), crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ", cell_type=CellType.FLOAT64, extent=extent, layout_definition=LayoutDefinition( extent=geopyspark.Extent(col_min * grid_size, row_min * grid_size, (col_max + 1) * grid_size, (row_max + 1) * grid_size), tileLayout=TileLayout(layoutCols=col_max - col_min + 1, layoutRows=row_max - row_min + 1, tileCols=tile_size, tileRows=tile_size))) layer = TiledRasterLayer.from_numpy_rdd(LayerType.SPACETIME, rdd, metadata) return {0: layer}
def prepare_for_json(self) -> dict: """Prepare metadata for JSON serialization""" d = self._asdict() # pylint: disable=no-member d["created"] = rfc3339.datetime(self.created) if self.created else None return d
def utcnow_rfc3339() -> str: """Current datetime formatted as RFC-3339 string.""" return rfc3339.datetime(datetime.utcnow())