Example #1
 def onchange_product_id(self, cr, uid, ids, pricelist_id, product_id, qty, uom_id,
         partner_id, date_order=False, fiscal_position_id=False, date_planned=False,
         name=False, price_unit=False, context=None):
     if not context:
         context = {}
     onchange handler of product_id.
     res = super(purchase_order_line,self).onchange_product_id(cr, uid, ids, pricelist_id, product_id, qty, uom_id,
                             partner_id, date_order, fiscal_position_id, date_planned,name, price_unit, context)
     #when this is product id changing not uom changing, check product's supplier setting
     if not uom_id and product_id and partner_id:
         prod = self.pool['product.product'].browse(cr, uid, product_id, context=context)
         supplier_ids = [seller.name.id for seller in prod.seller_ids]
         if partner_id not in supplier_ids:
             partner_name = self.pool['res.partner'].read(cr, uid, partner_id, ['name'], context=context)['name']
             message = _('[%s] is not defined in supplier list of [%s]')%(partner_name, prod['name'])
             #set the return warning messages
             utils.set_resu_warn(res, message, title = _('Warn'))
     #add supplier product name
     if product_id and partner_id:
         res['value']['supplier_prod_name'] = self.pool.get('product.product').get_supplier_product(cr, uid, partner_id, product_id, context=context)
     return res    
Example #2
def product_id_change_imrpove(self, cr, uid, ids, pricelist, product, qty=0,
        uom=False, qty_uos=0, uos=False, name='', partner_id=False,
        lang=False, update_tax=True, date_order=False, packaging=False, fiscal_position=False, flag=False, context=None):
    context = context or {}
    product_uom_obj = self.pool.get('product.uom')
    partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner')
    product_obj = self.pool.get('product.product')
    warning = {}
    res = super(sale_order_line, self).product_id_change(cr, uid, ids, pricelist, product, qty=qty,
        uom=uom, qty_uos=qty_uos, uos=uos, name=name, partner_id=partner_id,
        lang=lang, update_tax=update_tax, date_order=date_order, packaging=packaging, fiscal_position=fiscal_position, flag=flag, context=context)

    if not product:
        res['value'].update({'product_packaging': False})
        return res

    #update of result obtained in super function
    product_obj = product_obj.browse(cr, uid, product, context=context)
    res['value']['delay'] = (product_obj.sale_delay or 0.0)
    res['value']['type'] = product_obj.procure_method

    #check if product is available, and if not: raise an error
    uom2 = False
    if uom:
        uom2 = product_uom_obj.browse(cr, uid, uom, context=context)
        if product_obj.uom_id.category_id.id != uom2.category_id.id:
            uom = False
    if not uom2:
        uom2 = product_obj.uom_id

    # Calling product_packaging_change function after updating UoM
    res_packing = self.product_packaging_change(cr, uid, ids, pricelist, product, qty, uom, partner_id, packaging, context=context)
    res['value'].update(res_packing.get('value', {}))
    warning_msgs = res_packing.get('warning') and res_packing['warning']['message'] or ''
    compare_qty = float_compare(product_obj.virtual_available, qty, precision_rounding=uom2.rounding)
    if (product_obj.type=='product') and int(compare_qty) == -1 \
       and (product_obj.procure_method=='make_to_stock'):
        warn_msg = _('You plan to sell %.2f %s but you only have %.2f %s available !\nThe real stock is %.2f %s. (without reservations)') % \
                (qty, uom2.name,
                 max(0,product_obj.virtual_available), uom2.name,
                 max(0,product_obj.qty_available), uom2.name)
        warning_msgs += _("Not enough stock ! : ") + warn_msg + "\n\n"

    #update of warning messages
    #johnw, 07/17/2015, se warning message
#    if warning_msgs:
#        warning = {
#                   'title': _('Configuration Error!'),
#                   'message' : warning_msgs
#                }
#    res.update({'warning': warning})    
    utils.set_resu_warn(res, warning_msgs, title = _('Configuration Error!'))
    return res    
Example #3
    def onchange_product_id(self,
        if not context:
            context = {}
        onchange handler of product_id.
        res = super(purchase_order_line,
                    self).onchange_product_id(cr, uid, ids, pricelist_id,
                                              product_id, qty, uom_id,
                                              partner_id, date_order,
                                              fiscal_position_id, date_planned,
                                              name, price_unit, context)
        #when this is product id changing not uom changing, check product's supplier setting
        if not uom_id and product_id and partner_id:
            prod = self.pool['product.product'].browse(cr,
            supplier_ids = [seller.name.id for seller in prod.seller_ids]
            if partner_id not in supplier_ids:
                partner_name = self.pool['res.partner'].read(
                    cr, uid, partner_id, ['name'], context=context)['name']
                message = _('[%s] is not defined in supplier list of [%s]') % (
                    partner_name, prod['name'])
                #set the return warning messages
                utils.set_resu_warn(res, message, title=_('Warn'))

        #add supplier product name
        if product_id and partner_id:
            res['value']['supplier_prod_name'] = self.pool.get(

        return res
Example #4
    def product_id_change(self, cr, uid, ids, pricelist, product, qty=0,
            uom=False, qty_uos=0, uos=False, name='', partner_id=False,
            lang=False, update_tax=True, date_order=False, packaging=False,
            fiscal_position=False, flag=False, context=None):

        res=super(sale_order_line, self).product_id_change(cr, uid, ids, pricelist, product, qty,
            uom, qty_uos, uos, name, partner_id,
            lang, update_tax, date_order, packaging=packaging, fiscal_position=fiscal_position, flag=flag, context=context)

        #check product's customer setting
        if product and partner_id:
            prod = self.pool['product.product'].browse(cr, uid, product, context=context)
            customer_ids = [customer.name.id for customer in prod.customer_ids]
            if partner_id not in customer_ids:
                partner_name = self.pool['res.partner'].read(cr, uid, partner_id, ['name'], context=context)['name']
                message = _('[%s] is not defined in customer list of [%s]')%(partner_name, prod['name'])
                #set the return warning messages
                utils.set_resu_warn(res, message, title = _('Warn'))
        #add customer product name
        if product and partner_id:
            res['value']['customer_prod_name'] = self.pool.get('product.product').get_customer_product(cr, uid, partner_id, product, context=context)
        return res