def connectdb(dbname=None, uid=1, context=None):[]) r = RegistryManager.get(dbname or config["db_name"]) cr = r.cursor() Environment.reset() env = Environment(cr, uid, context or {}) return env
def test_01_pos_basic_order(self): cr = self.registry.cursor() assert cr == self.registry.test_cr env = Environment(cr, self.uid, {}) journal_obj = env['account.journal'] account_obj = env['account.account'] main_company = env.ref('base.main_company') main_pos_config = env.ref('point_of_sale.pos_config_main') account_receivable = account_obj.create({'code': 'X1012', 'name': 'Account Receivable - Test', 'user_type_id': env.ref('account.data_account_type_receivable').id, 'reconcile': True}) field = self.env['ir.model.fields'].search([('name', '=', 'property_account_receivable_id'), ('model', '=', 'res.partner'), ('relation', '=', 'account.account')], limit=1) env[''].create({'name': 'property_account_receivable_id', 'company_id':, 'fields_id':, 'value': 'account.account,' + str(}) # set the company currency to USD, otherwise it will assume # euro's. this will cause issues as the sale journal is in # USD, because of this all products would have a different # price main_company.currency_id = env.ref('base.USD') test_sale_journal = journal_obj.create({'name': 'Sale Journal - Test', 'code': 'TSJ', 'type': 'sale', 'company_id':}) main_pos_config.journal_id = test_sale_journal main_pos_config.write({'journal_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'Cash Journal - Test', 'code': 'TSC', 'type': 'cash', 'company_id':, 'journal_user': True})]}) # open a session, the /pos/web controller will redirect to it main_pos_config.open_session_cb() # needed because tests are run before the module is marked as # installed. In js web will only load qweb coming from modules # that are returned by the backend in module_boot. Without # this you end up with js, css but no qweb. env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', 'point_of_sale')], limit=1).state = 'installed' cr.release() self.phantom_js("/pos/web", "['web.Tour'].run('pos_basic_order', 'test')", "['web.Tour'].tours.pos_basic_order", login="******") for order in env['pos.order'].search([]): self.assertEqual(order.state, 'paid', "Validated order has payment of " + str(order.amount_paid) + " and total of " + str(order.amount_total))
def process_search_log(self, cr, uid, context=None): env = Environment(cr, uid, context=context or {}) logs = env[''].search([]) if not logs: return template = env.ref('website_sale_search_log.search_log_email') template = template.with_context(lang=env['res.users'].browse(uid).lang, logs=[l.log for l in logs]) template.send_mail(logs[0].id, force_send=True, raise_exception=True) logs.unlink()
def execute(conf_attrs, dbname, uid, obj, method, *args, **kwargs): import openerp from openerp.api import Environment from openerp.modules.registry import Registry for attr, value in conf_attrs.items():[attr] = value with Environment.manage(): registry = Registry(dbname) cr = registry.cursor() context = kwargs.get('context') and kwargs.pop('context') or {} env = Environment(cr, uid, context) # openerp.api.Environment._local.environments = env try: print args getattr(env.registry[obj], method)(cr, uid, *args, **kwargs) # Commit only when function finish except Exception as exc: print exc try: raise execute.retry( queue=execute.request.delivery_info['routing_key'], exc=exc, countdown=(execute.request.retries + 1) * 60, max_retries=5) except Exception as retry_exc: raise retry_exc finally: return True
def _procurement_run_thread(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): with Environment.manage(): proc_obj = self.pool.get('procurement.order') new_cr = self.pool.cursor() proc_obj.run_procurement(new_cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), use_new_cursor=new_cr.dbname, context=context) new_cr.close() return {}
def _procure_calculation_all(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ @param self: The object pointer. @param cr: A database cursor @param uid: ID of the user currently logged in @param ids: List of IDs selected @param context: A standard dictionary """ with Environment.manage(): proc_obj = self.pool.get('procurement.order') #As this function is in a new thread, i need to open a new cursor, because the old one may be closed new_cr = self.pool.cursor() scheduler_cron_id = self.pool[''].get_object_reference(new_cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'procurement', 'ir_cron_scheduler_action')[1] # Avoid to run the scheduler multiple times in the same time try: with tools.mute_logger('openerp.sql_db'): new_cr.execute("SELECT id FROM ir_cron WHERE id = %s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT", (scheduler_cron_id,)) except Exception:'Attempt to run procurement scheduler aborted, as already running') new_cr.rollback() new_cr.close() return {} user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(new_cr, uid, uid, context=context) comps = [ for x in user.company_ids] for comp in comps: proc_obj.run_scheduler(new_cr, uid, use_new_cursor=new_cr.dbname, company_id = comp, context=context) #close the new cursor new_cr.close() return {}
def sub_thread_create_accounting_entries(self, move_id, cost_line): with Environment.manage(): new_env = Environment(self.pool.cursor(), self.env.uid, self.env.context ) this = self.with_env(env=new_env).browse(self.ids) this._create_accounting_entries(move_id, cost_line)
def _background_estimation(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ @param self: The object pointer. @param cr: A database cursor @param uid: ID of the user currently logged in @param ids: List of IDs selected @param context: A standard dictionary """ with Environment.manage(): new_cr = self.pool.cursor() self._calc_estimation(new_cr, uid, ids, context) new_cr.commit() new_cr.close() return {}
def _register_login(self, db_name, user_id, user_agent_env): db = pooler.get_db(db_name) cr = db.cursor() if not user_id: return with Environment.manage(): collaborator_obj = self.pool.get('kemas.collaborator') collaborator_ids =, user_id, [('user_id', '=', user_id)]) if collaborator_ids: vals_login = { 'collaborator_id' : collaborator_ids[0], 'base_location' : user_agent_env['base_location'], 'remote_address' : user_agent_env['REMOTE_ADDR'], } self.pool.get('kemas.collaborator.logbook.login').create(cr, 1, vals_login) cr.commit()
def shell(self, dbname): local_vars = { 'openerp': openerp } with Environment.manage(): if dbname: registry = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(dbname) with registry.cursor() as cr: uid = openerp.SUPERUSER_ID ctx = Environment(cr, uid, {})['res.users'].context_get() env = Environment(cr, uid, ctx) local_vars['env'] = env local_vars['self'] = env.user self.console(local_vars) else: self.console(local_vars)
def _procure_calculation_orderpoint(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ @param self: The object pointer. @param cr: A database cursor @param uid: ID of the user currently logged in @param ids: List of IDs selected @param context: A standard dictionary """ with Environment.manage(): proc_obj = self.pool.get('procurement.order') #As this function is in a new thread, I need to open a new cursor, because the old one may be closed new_cr = self.pool.cursor() user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users') company_id = user_obj.browse(new_cr, uid, uid, context=context) proc_obj._procure_orderpoint_confirm(new_cr, uid, use_new_cursor=new_cr.dbname, company_id = company_id, context=context) #close the new cursor new_cr.close() return {}
def run_create_accounting_entries(self): with Environment.manage(): new_env = Environment(self.pool.cursor(), self.env.uid, self.env.context) this = self.with_env(env=new_env) move_id = this._create_account_move()"Start create account entries for Purchase Cost Distribution" " at %s" % ("%H:%M:%S"))) for cost_line in this.cost_lines: # Create Accounting Entries this._create_accounting_entries(move_id, cost_line)"Finish create account entries for Purchase Cost Distribution" " at %s" % ("%H:%M:%S")))
def read_group( self, cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, context=None, orderby=False, lazy=True ): res = super(stock_history, self).read_group( cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, context=context, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy ) if "parallel_inventory_value" in fields and "inventory_value" in fields: context["date"] = context.get("history_date") for line in res: with Environment.manage(): # class function env = Environment(cr, uid, context) line["parallel_inventory_value"] = env.user.company_id.currency_id.compute( line["inventory_value"], env.user.company_id.parallel_currency_id ) return res
def auto_workflow_process(self,workflow_process_id=False,ids=[]): with Environment.manage(): env_thread1 = Environment(self._cr,self._uid,self._context) sale_order_obj=env_thread1['sale.order'] workflow_process_obj=env_thread1['sale.workflow.process'] if not workflow_process_id:[]) else: work_flow_process_records=workflow_process_obj.browse(workflow_process_id) if not work_flow_process_records: return True for work_flow_process_record in work_flow_process_records: if not ids:[('workflow_process_id','=',,('state','not in',('done','cancel','shipping_except','invoice_except')),('invoiced','=',False)]) else:[('workflow_process_id','=',,('id','in',ids)]) if not orders: continue for order in orders: if order.invoiced: continue if work_flow_process_record.validate_order: order.signal_workflow('order_confirm') if not order.invoice_ids: if work_flow_process_record.create_invoice and order.order_policy=='manual' and work_flow_process_record.invoice_on=='manual': order.manual_invoice() if work_flow_process_record.validate_invoice: for invoice in order.invoice_ids: invoice.signal_workflow('invoice_open') journal = work_flow_process_record.journal_id if work_flow_process_record.invoice_date_is_order_date: date = order.date_order else: date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') amount = invoice.amount_total if work_flow_process_record.register_payment: sale_order_obj.pay_sale_order(order,invoice,journal,amount,date) invoice.reconcile_invoice() return True
def post_init_hook(cr, pool): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) store_field_maturity_residual_post_init(env)
def init(self, cr): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) Fiscal = env['account.fiscalyear'] fiscals =[]) fiscals.generate_budget_allocations()
def _post_init_hook(cr, pool): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) products = env['product.product'].search([('ean13', '=', False)]) 'Generating barcode for %s products without EAN13' % len(products.ids)) products.generate_ean13()
def create_xlsx_report(self, ids, data, report): self.context = data['context'] self.env = Environment(, SUPERUSER_ID, self.env.context) return super(ReportAccountFinancial, self).create_xlsx_report(ids, data, report)
def thread_general_import_common(self, cr, uid, ids, sheet, required_fields, o2m_required_fields, context=None): context.update({'active_test':False}) import_obj = self.pool.get('') with Environment.manage(): try: new_cr = self.pool.cursor() for record in import_obj.browse(new_cr, uid, ids, context=None): record.status_ids.unlink() create_pool = self.pool.get(record.model_id.model) model_id = path = self.save_file(record.file_name, record.file_import) try: book=xlrd.open_workbook(path) except: self.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, message='Not found file!. Please check path....', status='fail') finally: pass sheet=book.sheet_by_index(0) from_row = 3 total_row = 0 mess_temp = "" for r in range(from_row, sheet.nrows): if sheet.cell(r,0).value: try: int(sheet.cell(r,0).value) total_row += 1 except Exception: mess_line = "Row %s in columns A must be integer" % r mess_temp += len(mess_temp) == 0 and mess_line or "\n" + mess_line if len(mess_temp) or total_row == 0: if len(mess_temp): import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=0, message=mess_temp, status='fail') else: import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=0, message="Don't have row has value in columns A", status='fail') raise Exception(mess_temp) val = {'state': 'processing', 'current_row': 0, 'total_row': total_row} if context.get('from_row', False): val.update({'current_row': context.get('from_row',0)}) from_row += context.get('from_row',0) import_obj.write(new_cr, uid,, val, context=context) new_cr.commit() row_counter = 2 success_row = 0 current_row = 0 fields_name = import_obj.get_fields_name(new_cr, uid, sheet._cell_values[0], 1, sheet.ncols, context=context) fields_name_in_excel = import_obj.get_fields_name(new_cr, uid, sheet._cell_values[1], 1, sheet.ncols, context=context) # list_missing = map(lambda x:x, [x for x in required_fields if x not in fields_name]) list_missing = [] if list_missing: str_list_missing = "" for missing in list_missing: value = missing.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') str_list_missing += len(str_list_missing) == 0 and value or ','+value import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=current_row, message='Missing columns required: [%s]. Please check again!' % str_list_missing, status='fail') else: is_child = False data_temp = {} message = "" success = True for row in sheet._cell_values[from_row:]: row_counter += 1 next_row = row_counter + 1 < sheet.nrows and row_counter + 1 or row_counter if current_row == 0: current_row = row_counter + 1 required_mess = import_obj.check_required_field(new_cr, uid, fields_name_in_excel, fields_name, row[1:], required_fields, context=None) if required_mess and not is_child and sheet.cell(row_counter, 0).value: import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=row[0], message=required_mess, status='fail') else: if not (is_child or sheet.cell(row_counter, 0).value): line_message = "Row %s in file is child content of parent row has value in columns A before !" % (row_counter + 1) message += len(message) == 0 and line_message or "\n" + line_message if sheet.cell(next_row, 0).value: import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=current_row, message=message, status='fail') message = "" current_row = 0 continue data = import_obj.get_values_one_row(new_cr, uid, row[1:], fields_name, model_id, sheet, row_counter, context=context) vals_create = data.get('values', {}) for field_o2m in data.get('field_one2many', []): o2m_value = vals_create.get(field_o2m, []) if o2m_value: message_temp_child_o2m = import_obj.check_required_for_special_field(field_o2m, o2m_value[0][2], o2m_required_fields, context=None) if message_temp_child_o2m: message_tmp = data.get('message', "") message_tmp += len(message_tmp) == 0 and message_temp_child_o2m or "\n" + message_temp_child_o2m data.update({ 'message': message_tmp }) if data_temp: if field_o2m in data_temp: data_temp[field_o2m].append(o2m_value[0]) else: data_temp.update({field_o2m:o2m_value}) for m2m_key in data.get('m2m_keys', []): m2m_value = vals_create.get(m2m_key,False) if m2m_value: if data_temp: if m2m_key not in data_temp: data_temp.update({m2m_key : [(6,0,[])]}) data_temp[m2m_key][0][2].append(m2m_value) else: vals_create[m2m_key] = [(6,0,[m2m_value])] if not sheet.cell(next_row, 0).value: if not is_child: is_child = True data_temp = vals_create current_row = current_row success = data.get('success', False) if row_counter + 1 == sheet.nrows: is_child = False else: is_child = False if not data_temp: data_temp = vals_create success = data.get('success', False) if data.get('message', "") != "": message += len(message) == 0 and data.get('message', "") or "\n" + data.get('message', "") success = False if not is_child: if success: try: if data.get('key_many2one',[]): message_temp = "" for key_m2o in data.get('key_many2one',[]): message_temp_child = import_obj.check_required_for_special_field(key_m2o, data_temp[key_m2o]['values'], o2m_required_fields, context=None) if len(message_temp_child): message_temp += len(message_temp) == 0 and message_temp_child or "\n" + message_temp_child if not len(message_temp): m2o_id = self.pool.get(data_temp[key_m2o]['relation']).create(new_cr, uid, data_temp[key_m2o]['values'], context=context) data_temp[key_m2o] = m2o_id if len(message_temp): raise Exception(message_temp) create_pool.create(new_cr, uid, data_temp, context=context) import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=current_row, message='Import line success.') new_cr.commit() success_row += 1 except Exception as excep: new_cr.rollback() import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=current_row, message=excep.message or excep.value, status='fail') else: import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=current_row, message=message, status='fail') import_obj.write(new_cr, uid,, {'current_row': current_row,'success_row': success_row}, context=context) new_cr.commit() if not is_child: data_temp = {} message = "" current_row = 0 import_obj.write(new_cr, uid,, {'state': 'done'}, context=context) new_cr.commit() except Exception as excep: log.exception(excep) import_obj.create_detail_import(new_cr, uid,, row=row[0], message=excep.message or excep.value, status='fail') import_obj.write(new_cr, uid,, {'state': 'error'}, context=context) new_cr.commit() finally: new_cr.close() return True
def migrate(cr, version): if not version: return env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) convert_action_mail_server_email(env)
def post_init_hook(cr, registry): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) warehouses = env['stock.warehouse'].search([]) warehouses.create_locations_rma() warehouses.create_sequences_picking_types()
def executeOrm(self, api_name, task, dbname, uid, obj, method, *args, **kwargs): result = False _logger.debug( "executeOrm self=%s, task = %s ,dbname = %s ,uid= %s, obj=%s, method=%s, args=%s," "kwargs=%s" % (self, task, dbname, uid, obj, method, args, kwargs)) # openerp.multi_process = True # rdb.set_trace() uid = SUPERUSER_ID global init with Environment.manage(): if not init: # 多进程间 不共享数据库连接. openerp.sql_db.close_all() init = True registry = RegistryManager.get(dbname) model_method = False model = False try: cr = registry.cursor() _logger.debug("Orm Cursor = %s start " % cr) context = kwargs.pop('context') if 'context' in kwargs else {} #context['celeryTask'] = task # rdb.set_trace() env = Environment(cr, uid, context) obj_ids = [] model_method = self.origin_func args = list(args) print 'api_name= %s ' % api_name # rdb.set_trace() if not api_name: model = registry[obj] args.insert(0, uid) args.insert(0, cr) args.insert(0, model) print 'call %s ' % model_method result = model_method(*args, **kwargs) else: model = env[obj] if api_name == 'model' or api_name == 'multi' or api_name == 'one': if args and len(args) > 0: obj_ids = args.pop(0) if obj_ids: recs = model.browse(obj_ids) else: recs = model args.insert(0, recs) result = model_method(*args, **kwargs) cr.commit() except Exception as exc: _logger.debug("Orm Cursor = %s call %s.%s Exception " % (cr, model, model_method)) cr.rollback() _logger.exception(exc) # rdb.set_trace() raise exc # print 'SELF.REQUEST= %s ' % self.request # try: # raise self.retry( # queue=self.request.delivery_info['routing_key'], # exc=exc, countdown=(self.request.retries + 1) * 60, # max_retries=100) # except Exception as retry_exc: # raise retry_exc finally: # _logger.debug("Orm Cursor = %s end " % cr) cr.close() return result
def create_xlsx_report(self, ids, data, report): self.env = Environment(, SUPERUSER_ID, self.env.context) return super( ReportBankReconciliationSummary, self ).create_xlsx_report(ids, data, report)
def thread_send_notify(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): detail_obj = self.pool.get('') partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner') number_limit = 50 with Environment.manage(): try: new_cr = self.pool.cursor() for data in self.browse(new_cr, uid, ids, context=context): self.createRabbitMQforNotifyContent( new_cr, uid, [self.browse(new_cr, uid,], "createMQ") new_cr.commit() time.sleep(1) self.write(new_cr, uid, [], {'state': 'pushing'}, context=context) new_cr.commit() customer_ids = [] if data.type == 'all': customer_ids += new_cr, uid, [('customer', '=', True)], context=context) elif data.type == 'many': customer_ids += data.partner_ids.ids elif data.type == 'once': customer_ids += [] received_ids = map( lambda x: if x.partner_id else False, data.detail_ids) customer_ids = [ x for x in customer_ids if x not in received_ids ] list_website_ids = [ x.website_id for x in partner_obj.browse( new_cr, uid, customer_ids, context=context) ] ranger = len(customer_ids) % number_limit and ( len(customer_ids) / number_limit) + 1 or len(customer_ids) / number_limit for index in range(ranger): max_item = (index + 1) * number_limit > len( customer_ids) and len(customer_ids) or ( index + 1) * number_limit partner_ids = customer_ids[index * number_limit:max_item] website_ids = list_website_ids[index * number_limit:max_item] for partner_id in partner_ids: detail_obj.create(new_cr, uid, { 'partner_id': partner_id, 'ref_id': }, context=context) new_cr.commit() message = self.makeDataQueueforSendNotify( new_cr, uid, data, website_ids, "createMQ") self.createRabbitMQforSendNotify( new_cr, uid, [self.browse(new_cr, uid,], message, "createMQ") new_cr.commit() time.sleep(1) self.write(new_cr, uid, [], {'state': 'done'}, context=context) new_cr.commit() except Exception as e: log.exception(e) new_cr.commit() finally: new_cr.close() return True
def post_init_hook(cr, registry): with Environment.manage(): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) warehouses = env['stock.warehouse'].search([]) warehouses.create_locations_rma()
def create_xlsx_report(self, ids, data, report): self.env = Environment(, SUPERUSER_ID, self.env.context) return super(ReportStockInventoryXlsx, self).create_xlsx_report(ids, data, report)
def init(self, cr): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) fiscalyears = env['account.fiscalyear'].search([]) fiscalyears.create_budget_level_config()
def pre_init_hook(cr): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) 'UPDATE hr_applicant SET partner_id=1 WHERE partner_id IS NULL')
def post_init_hook(cr, pool): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) env['res.partner'].search([('birthdate', "!=", False) ])._birthdate_inverse()
def mfa_login_post(self, *args, **kwargs): """Process MFA login attempt Overview: * Try to find a user based on the MFA login token. If this doesn't work, redirect to the password login page with an error message * Validate the confirmation code provided by the user. If it's not valid, redirect to the previous login step with an error message * Generate a long-term MFA login token for the user and log the user in using the token * Build a trusted device cookie and add it to the response if the trusted device option was checked * Redirect to the provided URL or to '/web' if one was not given """ # sudo() is required because there is no request.env.uid (likely since # there is no user logged in at the start of the request) user_model_sudo = request.env['res.users'].sudo() device_model_sudo = user_model_sudo.env['res.users.device'] config_model_sudo = user_model_sudo.env['ir.config_parameter'] token = request.params.get('mfa_login_token') try: user = user_model_sudo.user_from_mfa_login_token(token) except (MfaTokenInvalidError, MfaTokenExpiredError) as exception: return http.local_redirect( '/web/login', query={ 'redirect': request.params.get('redirect'), 'error': exception.message, }, keep_hash=True, ) confirmation_code = request.params.get('confirmation_code') if not user.validate_mfa_confirmation_code(confirmation_code): return http.local_redirect( '/auth_totp/login', query={ 'redirect': request.params.get('redirect'), 'error': _('Your confirmation code is not correct. Please try' ' again.'), 'mfa_login_token': token, }, keep_hash=True, ) # These context managers trigger a safe commit, which persists the # changes right away and is needed for the auth call with Environment.manage(): with registry(request.db).cursor() as temp_cr: temp_env = Environment(temp_cr, SUPERUSER_ID, request.context) temp_user = temp_env['res.users'].browse( temp_user.generate_mfa_login_token(60 * 24 * 30) token = temp_user.mfa_login_token request.session.authenticate(request.db, user.login, token, request.params['login_success'] = True redirect = request.params.get('redirect') if not redirect: redirect = '/web' response = http.redirect_with_hash(redirect) if not isinstance(response, WerkzeugResponse): response = Response(response) if request.params.get('remember_device'): device = device_model_sudo.create({'user_id':}) secret = config_model_sudo.get_param('database.secret') device_cookie = JsonSecureCookie({'device_id':}, secret) cookie_lifetime = timedelta(days=30) cookie_exp = datetime.utcnow() + cookie_lifetime device_cookie = device_cookie.serialize(cookie_exp) cookie_key = 'trusted_devices_%d' % sec_config = config_model_sudo.get_param('auth_totp.secure_cookie') security_flag = sec_config != '0' response.set_cookie( cookie_key, device_cookie, max_age=cookie_lifetime.total_seconds(), expires=cookie_exp, httponly=True, secure=security_flag, ) return response
def _send_email(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}): def send(): try: res = config_obj.send_email_event(cr, uid, int(line['event_line_id']), context) if not res: return 'Error' else: return 'Successful' except: return 'Error' with Environment.manage(): config_obj = self.pool.get('kemas.config') wizard_line_obj = self.pool.get('kemas.send.notification.event.line.wizard') line_obj = self.pool.get('kemas.event.collaborator.line') event_obj = self.pool.get('kemas.event') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if type(ids).__name__ == 'list': wizard_id = ids[0] else: wizard_id = ids event_id =, uid, wizard_id, ['event_id'])['event_id'] super(kemas_send_notification_event_wizard, self).write(cr, uid, wizard_id, {'sending_emails':True}) cr.commit() super(addons.kemas.kemas.kemas_event, event_obj).write(cr, uid, event_id, {'sending_emails':True}) cr.commit() line_ids =, uid, wizard_id, ['send_notification_event_line_wizard_ids'])['send_notification_event_line_wizard_ids'] lines =, uid, line_ids) _lines = [] for line in lines: if line['send_email']: _lines.append(line) if len(_lines) == 0: raise osv.except_osv(u'¡Operación no válida!', _('No staff to send notifications.')) if not self.collaborator_ids_send_email.has_key(event_id): self.collaborator_ids_send_email[event_id] = [] for line in _lines: self.collaborator_ids_send_email[event_id].append(line['collaborator_id'][0]) line_obj.write(cr, uid, [long(line['event_line_id'])], { 'send_email_state':'Waiting', }) cr.commit() for line in _lines: cr.commit() sending_emails =, uid, event_id, ['sending_emails'])['sending_emails'] if sending_emails == False: break res_email = kemas_extras.timeout(send, timeout_duration=self.timeout_send_email, default='Timeout') if res_email == 'Successful': wizard_line_obj.write(cr, uid, [line['id']], { 'state':'Successful', 'send_email': False, 'sent_date' : time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }) line_obj.write(cr, uid, [long(line['event_line_id'])], { 'send_email_state':'Sent', 'sent_date' : time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }) elif res_email == 'Error': wizard_line_obj.write(cr, uid, [line['id']], { 'state':'Error', 'send_email':True, 'sent_date' : time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }) line_obj.write(cr, uid, [long(line['event_line_id'])], { 'send_email_state':'Error', 'sent_date' : time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }) elif res_email == 'Timeout': wizard_line_obj.write(cr, uid, [line['id']], { 'state':'Timeout', 'send_email':True, 'sent_date' : time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }) line_obj.write(cr, uid, [long(line['event_line_id'])], { 'send_email_state':'Timeout', 'sent_date' : time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }) cr.commit() cr.commit() super(kemas_send_notification_event_wizard, self).write(cr, uid, wizard_id, {'sending_emails': False}) super(addons.kemas.kemas.kemas_event, event_obj).write(cr, uid, event_id, {'sending_emails': False}) try: del self.collaborator_ids_send_email[event_id] except:None cr.commit()
def _thread_create_docker(self, kwargs): with openerp.sql_db.db_connect(kwargs.get('db')).cursor() as new_cr: with Environment.manage(): env = Environment(new_cr, kwargs.get('uid'), {}) project = env['project.project'].browse( [kwargs.get('project_id')]) try: if not project: raise Exception( _("The project appears doesn't exists!")) # Obtener informacion del proyecto a desplegar eiqui_config = env['eiqui.config.settings'].search( [], order="id DESC", limit=1) git_username = None git_password = None if eiqui_config: git_username = eiqui_config.git_username git_password = eiqui_config.git_password repos = [] modules = [] # Obtener Modulos y Repos a Instalar Vertical Base vertical_base_id = env['eiqui.vertical'].search( [('name', '=', '__base__')], limit=1) if vertical_base_id: branch_modules = env['eiqui.modules'].search([ ('repo_id.branch', '=', project.odoo_version), ('id', 'in', vertical_base_id.modules.mapped('id')) ]) for module in branch_modules: modules.append(module.folder) repos.append(module.repo_id.url) # Obtener repos a instalar branch_repos = env['eiqui.project.modules'].search([ ('repo_id.branch', '=', project.odoo_version), ('id', 'in', project.repo_modules_ids.mapped('id')) ]) for repo in branch_repos: repos.append(repo.url) # Crear Droplet eiqui_utils.create_droplet(, branch=project.odoo_version) # Escribir Recetas Buildout eiqui_utils.prepare_client_recipe(, repos, project.odoo_version, git_user=git_username, git_pass=git_password) # Crear dockers y resto de configuración del sistema eiqui_utils.create_client( # Instalar base de datos, cargar modulos, ... (inst_info, adminpasswd, odoo_url) = eiqui_utils.prepare_client_instance(, modules_installed=modules) #eiqui_utils.monitor_client( project.write({ 'server_state': 'created', 'adminpass': adminpasswd }) # Send Creation Mail project.send_mail_plan_creation({ 'inst_info': inst_info, 'adminpasswd': adminpasswd, 'url': odoo_url, }) except Exception: env['project.issue'].create({ 'name': _('Error while creating a new plan'), 'description': traceback.format_exc(), 'project_id':, 'priority': '2', }) project.write({'server_state': 'error'}) # Send Error Mail try: project.send_mail_plan_creation() except: pass
def create_refund(self): with Environment.manage(): env_thread1 = Environment(self._cr, self._uid, self._context) #sale_order_obj=env_thread1['sale.order'] for record in self: account_invoice_line_obj = env_thread1['account.invoice.line'] journal_id = record.journal_id and inv_date = record.date_ept or fields.Date.context_today(self) payment_term = record.order_id.payment_term_id or False invoice_vals = { 'name': or '', 'origin':, 'type': 'out_refund', 'reference': record.order_id.client_order_ref or, 'account_id': record.order_id.partner_id.property_account_receivable_id. id, 'partner_id':, 'journal_id': journal_id, 'currency_id':, 'comment': record.order_id.note, 'payment_term_id':, 'fiscal_position_id': or, 'company_id':, 'amazon_instance_id':, 'user_id': record._uid or False, 'date_invoice': inv_date, 'team_id': record.order_id.team_id and, } invoice = env_thread1['account.invoice'].create(invoice_vals) record.write({'invoice_id':}) for line in record.amazon_refund_line_ids: name = invoice_id = account = env_thread1[ 'account.invoice.line'].get_invoice_line_account( 'out_refund', line.product_id, record.order_id.fiscal_position_id, record.company_id) quantity = line.product_qty price_unit = round( line.total_refund / quantity, self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get( 'Product Price')) uom_id = vals = { 'product_id':, 'name': name, 'invoice_id': invoice_id, 'account_id':, 'price_unit': price_unit, 'quantity': quantity, 'uom_id': uom_id, } new_record = new_record._onchange_product_id() retval = new_record._convert_to_write( {name: new_record[name] for name in new_record._cache}) retval.update({ 'price_unit': price_unit, 'quantity': quantity, 'uom_id': uom_id, }) account_invoice_line_obj.create(retval) return True
def post_init_hook(cr, registry): """Loaded after installing the module. This module's DB modifications will be available. :param openerp.sql_db.Cursor cr: Database cursor. :param openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager registry: Database registry, using v7 api. """'Post init hook initialized') document_types_not_updatable(cr, registry) sync_padron_afip(cr, registry) # we don not force dependency on openupgradelib, only if available we try # o un de hook if not table_exists: return False # TODO choose: # odoo migration delete vouchers that where moved to payments so we make # a copy of voucher table and get data from thisone. Beacuse # account_payment ids and account_voucher ids does not match, we search # by move_id advance_column = column_exists(cr, 'account_voucher_copy', 'advance_amount') if advance_column: sql = """ SELECT receiptbook_id, afip_document_number, advance_amount FROM account_voucher_copy WHERE move_id = %s """ else: sql = """ SELECT receiptbook_id, afip_document_number FROM account_voucher_copy WHERE move_id = %s """ if table_exists(cr, 'account_voucher_copy'):'Migrating vouchers data') for payment_id in registry['account.payment'].search(cr, 1, []):'Migrating vouchers data for payment %s' % payment_id) move_ids = registry['account.move'].search( cr, 1, [('line_ids.payment_id', '=', payment_id)], limit=1) if not move_ids: continue cr.execute(sql, (move_ids[0], )) recs = cr.fetchall() if recs: # steamos el advance_amount aunque sea para los pagos que # fueron validados if advance_column: receiptbook_id, document_number, advance_amount = recs[0] registry['account.payment'].write( cr, 1, [payment_id], { 'receiptbook_id': receiptbook_id, 'document_number': document_number, # no lo hacemos aca porque este campo es de # y el payment group probablemente no # existe en este momento, lo hacemos en l10 withholding # 'unreconciled_amount': advance_amount, }) else: receiptbook_id, document_number = recs[0] registry['account.payment'].write( cr, 1, [payment_id], { 'receiptbook_id': receiptbook_id, 'document_number': document_number, }) # forma horrible de saber si se esta instalando en una bd que viene migrada # despues de hacer esto aprendimos a usar el no_version en migrates # pero que en realidad tampoco nos anduvo env = Environment(cr, 1, {}) if openupgrade.column_exists(cr, 'account_journal', 'old_type'): set_company_loc_ar(cr) merge_padron_into_account(cr) migrate_responsability_type(env) fix_invoice_without_date(env) merge_refund_journals_to_normal(env) map_tax_groups_to_taxes(cr, registry)'Getting currency rate for invoices') ar_invoice_ids = registry['account.invoice'].search( cr, 1, [('localization', '=', 'argentina')]) for invoice_id in ar_invoice_ids: vals = registry['account.invoice'].get_localization_invoice_vals( cr, 1, invoice_id) registry['account.invoice'].write( cr, 1, invoice_id, {'currency_rate': vals.get('currency_rate')})
def auto_workflow_process(self, auto_workflow_process_id=False, ids=[]): with Environment.manage(): env_thread1 = Environment(self._cr, self._uid, self._context) sale_order_obj = env_thread1['sale.order'] sale_order_line_obj = env_thread1['sale.order.line'] account_payment_obj = env_thread1['account.payment'] workflow_process_obj = env_thread1['sale.workflow.process.ept'] if not auto_workflow_process_id: work_flow_process_records =[]) else: work_flow_process_records = workflow_process_obj.browse( auto_workflow_process_id) if not work_flow_process_records: return True for work_flow_process_record in work_flow_process_records: if not ids: orders =[ ('auto_workflow_process_id', '=',, ('state', 'not in', ('done', 'cancel', 'sale')), ('invoice_status', '!=', 'invoiced') ]) #('invoiced','=',False) else: orders =[ ('auto_workflow_process_id', '=',, ('id', 'in', ids) ]) if not orders: continue for order in orders: if order.invoice_status and order.invoice_status == 'invoiced': continue if work_flow_process_record.validate_order: order.action_confirm() if work_flow_process_record.invoice_policy == 'delivery': continue if not work_flow_process_record.invoice_policy and not [('product_id.invoice_policy', '!=', 'delivery'), ('order_id', 'in', order.ids)]): continue if not order.invoice_ids: if work_flow_process_record.create_invoice: order.action_invoice_create() if work_flow_process_record.validate_invoice: for invoice in order.invoice_ids: invoice.action_invoice_open() if work_flow_process_record.register_payment: if invoice.residual: # Create Invoice and Make Payment vals = { 'journal_id':, 'invoice_ids': [(6, 0, [])], 'communication': invoice.reference, 'currency_id':, 'payment_type': 'inbound', 'partner_id':, 'amount': invoice.residual, 'payment_method_id': work_flow_process_record.journal_id., 'partner_type': 'customer' } new_rec = account_payment_obj.create(vals) return True
def create_xlsx_report(self, ids, data, report): self.env = Environment(, SUPERUSER_ID, self.env.context) return super(ReportAccountAssetXlsx, self).create_xlsx_report(ids, data, report)
def post_init_hook(cr, pool): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) adjust_employee_partners_post(env)
def uninstall_hook(cr, registry): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) recs = env['bi.sql.view'].search([]) for rec in recs: rec.button_set_draft()
def post_init_hook(cr, pool): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) adjust_menu(env)
def migrate(cr, version): if not version: return env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) merge_action_stages(env)
def init(self, cr): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) env['res.currency'].search([]).write({'type': 'bigger'})