Example #1
def input_handle(message, session):
    content = message.content.lower()
    serviceid = message.target
    openid = message.source

    rs = request.env()['wx.autoreply'].sudo().search([])
    for rc in rs:
        if rc.type == 1:
            if content == rc.key:
                return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
        elif rc.type == 2:
            if rc.key in content:
                return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
        elif rc.type == 3:
                flag = re.compile(rc.key).match(content)
                flag = False
            if flag:
                return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
    uuid = session.get("uuid", None)
    ret_msg = ''
    cr, uid, context, db = request.cr, request.uid or openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, request.context, request.db
    if not client.UUID_OPENID.has_key(db):
        client.UUID_OPENID[db] = {}
    if not uuid:
        Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']
        channel_id = Param.get_param('wx_channel') or 0
        channel_id = int(channel_id)

        info = client.wxclient.get_user_info(openid)
        anonymous_name = info.get('nickname', '微信网友')

        reg = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(db)
        session_info = reg.get('im_livechat.channel').get_channel_session(
            cr, uid, channel_id, anonymous_name, context=context)
        if session_info:
            uuid = session_info['uuid']
            session["uuid"] = uuid
        ret_msg = '请稍后,正在分配客服为您解答'

    if uuid:
        client.UUID_OPENID[db][uuid] = openid

        message_type = "message"
        message_content = content
        registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, request.session.uid, request.context
        message_id = registry["im_chat.message"].post(cr,
    return ret_msg
Example #2
    def website_info(self):
        admin_group_id = request.env().ref('base.group_erp_manager')
        is_admin_group = request.env()['res.groups'].search([
            ('id', '=', admin_group_id.id),
            ('users', 'in', request.session._uid)
        if not is_admin_group:
            return request.registry['ir.http']._handle_exception(
                'Not found', 404)

        except Exception, e:
            return request.registry['ir.http']._handle_exception(e, 404)
Example #3
def input_handle(message, session):
    content = message.content.lower()
    serviceid = message.target
    openid = message.source
    rs = request.env()['wx.autoreply'].sudo().search([])
    for rc in rs:
        if rc.type==1:
            if content==rc.key:
                return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
        elif rc.type==2:
            if rc.key in content:
                return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
        elif rc.type==3:
                flag = re.compile(rc.key).match(content)
            if flag:
                return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
    uuid = session.get("uuid", None)
    ret_msg = ''
    cr, uid, context, db = request.cr, request.uid or openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, request.context, request.db
    if not client.UUID_OPENID.has_key(db):
        client.UUID_OPENID[db] = {}
    if not uuid:
        Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']
        channel_id = Param.get_param('wx_channel') or 0
        channel_id = int(channel_id)
        info = client.wxclient.get_user_info(openid)
        anonymous_name = info.get('nickname','微信网友')
        reg = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(db)
        session_info = reg.get('im_livechat.channel').get_channel_session(cr, uid, channel_id, anonymous_name, context=context)
        if session_info:
            uuid = session_info['uuid']
            session["uuid"] = uuid
        ret_msg = '请稍后,正在分配客服为您解答'
    if uuid:
        client.UUID_OPENID[db][uuid] = openid
        message_type = "message"
        message_content = content
        registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, request.session.uid, request.context
        message_id = registry["im_chat.message"].post(cr,openerp.SUPERUSER_ID,uid, uuid, message_type, message_content, context=context)
    return ret_msg
Example #4
    def input_handle(message, session):
        from .. import client
        entry = client.wxenv(request.env)
        client = entry
        content = message.content.lower()
        serviceid = message.target
        openid = message.source
        _logger.info('>>> wx text msg: %s'%content)

        rs = request.env()['wx.autoreply'].sudo().search([])
        for rc in rs:
            if rc.type==1:
                if content==rc.key:
                    return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
            elif rc.type==2:
                if rc.key in content:
                    return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
            elif rc.type==3:
                    flag = re.compile(rc.key).match(content)
                if flag:
                    return rc.action.get_wx_reply()
        uuid = client.OPENID_UUID.get(openid, None)
        ret_msg = ''
        cr, uid, context, db = request.cr, request.uid or openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, request.context, request.db

        if not uuid:
            rs = request.env['wx.user'].sudo().search( [('openid', '=', openid)] )
            if not rs.exists():
                info = client.wxclient.get_user_info(openid)
                info['group_id'] = ''
                wx_user = request.env['wx.user'].sudo().create(info)
                wx_user = rs[0]
            anonymous_name = wx_user.nickname

            channel = request.env.ref('oejia_wx.channel_wx')
            channel_id = channel.id

            session_info, ret_msg = request.env["im_livechat.channel"].create_mail_channel(channel_id, anonymous_name, content)
            if session_info:
                uuid = session_info['uuid']
                client.OPENID_UUID[openid] = uuid
                client.UUID_OPENID[uuid] = openid
                wx_user.write({'last_uuid': uuid})
                request.env['wx.user.uuid'].sudo().create({'openid': openid, 'uuid': uuid})

        if uuid:
            message_type = "message"
            message_content = message.content
            request_uid = request.session.uid or openerp.SUPERUSER_ID
            author_id = False  # message_post accept 'False' author_id, but not 'None'
            if request.session.uid:
                author_id = request.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(request.session.uid).partner_id.id
            mail_channel = request.env["mail.channel"].sudo(request_uid).search([('uuid', '=', uuid)], limit=1)
            message = mail_channel.sudo(request_uid).with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).message_post(author_id=author_id, email_from=False, body=message_content, message_type='comment', subtype='mail.mt_comment', content_subtype='plaintext')

        return ret_msg
Example #5
File: main.py Project: ws-mps/odoo
 def avatar(self, res_model, res_id, partner_id):
     headers = [[('Content-Type', 'image/png')]]
     content = 'R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=='  # default image is one white pixel
     if res_model in request.env:
             # if the current user has access to the document, get the partner avatar as sudo()
             if partner_id in request.env[res_model].browse(res_id).sudo(
                 status, headers, _content = binary_content(
                 # binary content return an empty string and not a placeholder if obj[field] is False
                 if _content != '':
                     content = _content
                 if status == 304:
                     return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(status=304)
         except AccessError:
     image_base64 = base64.b64decode(content)
     headers.append(('Content-Length', len(image_base64)))
     response = request.make_response(image_base64, headers)
     response.status = str(status)
     return response
Example #6
def get_model_for_read(model):
    """Fetch a model object from the environment optimized for read.

    Postgres serialization levels are changed to allow parallel read queries.
    To increase the overall efficiency, as it is unlikely this API will be used
    as a mass transactional interface. Rather we assume sequential and structured
    integration workflows.

    :param str model: The model to retrieve from the environment.

    :returns: the framework model if exist, otherwise raises.
    :rtype: openerp.models.Model
    :raise: werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException if the model not found in env.
    cr, uid = request.cr, request.session.uid
    test_mode = request.registry.test_cr
    if not test_mode:
        # Permit parallel query execution on read
        # Contrary to ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE as per Openerp Standard
        return request.env(cr, uid)[model]
    except KeyError:
        err = list(CODE__obj_not_found)
        err[2] = 'The "%s" model is not available on this instance.' % model
        raise werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException(response=error_response(*err))
Example #7
File: main.py Project: mutita/M-Erp
    def jobs_thankyou(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["partner_name", "phone", "email_from"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_error'] = error
            ufile = post.pop('ufile')
            if ufile:
                error['ufile'] = 'reset'
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/jobs/apply/%s' % post.get("job_id"))

        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('partner_name'),
        for f in ['email_from', 'partner_name', 'description']:
            value[f] = post.get(f)
        for f in ['department_id', 'job_id']:
            value[f] = int(post.get(f) or 0)
        # Retro-compatibility for saas-3. "phone" field should be replace by "partner_phone" in the template in trunk.
        value['partner_phone'] = post.pop('phone', False)

        applicant = env['hr.applicant'].create(value)
        if post['ufile']:
            name = applicant.partner_name if applicant.partner_name else applicant.name
                body = _("%s's Application \n From: %s \n\n %s \n") % (name, applicant.email_from or "", applicant.description or ""),
                attachments = [(post['ufile'].filename, post['ufile'].read())],
                content_subtype = 'plaintext',
                subtype = "hr_recruitment.mt_applicant_hired")

        return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.thankyou", {})
Example #8
class Website(openerp.addons.web.controllers.main.Home):
    @http.route('/website/info', type='http', auth="user", website=True)
    def website_info(self):
        admin_group_id = request.env().ref('base.group_erp_manager')
        is_admin_group = request.env()['res.groups'].search([
            ('id', '=', admin_group_id.id),
            ('users', 'in', request.session._uid)
        if not is_admin_group:
            return request.registry['ir.http']._handle_exception(
                'Not found', 404)

        except Exception, e:
            return request.registry['ir.http']._handle_exception(e, 404)
        irm = request.env()['ir.module.module'].sudo()
        apps = irm.search([('state', '=', 'installed'),
                           ('application', '=', True)])
        modules = irm.search([('state', '=', 'installed'),
                              ('application', '=', False)])
        values = {
            'apps': apps,
            'modules': modules,
            'version': openerp.service.common.exp_version()
        return request.render('website.info', values)
Example #9
 def _on_messages(self, uuid, session, from_uid, message_id, message_content, notifications):
     if hasattr(session, 'channel_id'):
         Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']
         wx_channel_id = Param.get_param('wx_channel') or 0
         wx_channel_id = int(wx_channel_id)
         if session.channel_id.id==wx_channel_id and from_uid:
             client.chat_send(request.db,uuid, message_content)
Example #10
    def offers(self, type=None, **kwargs):
        env = request.env(context=dict(
            request.env.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True))

        offer_orm = env['project.offer']

        # List Offers available to current UID
        offer_ids = offer_orm.search(
            [('state', '=', 'open')],
            order="website_published desc, date_open desc").ids
        # Browse Offers as superuser, because address is restricted
        offers = offer_orm.sudo().browse(offer_ids)

        # Deduce types and offices of those Offers
        types = set(j.type for j in offers if j.type)

        # Filter the matching one
        if type:
            offers = (j for j in offers if j.type and j.type.id == type.id)

        # Render page
        return request.website.render("website_project_submission.index", {
            'offers': offers,
            'types': types,
            'type': type,
Example #11
    def create(self, vals):
        if vals.get('name', '/') == '/':
            vals['name'] = self.env['ir.sequence'].get('sale.order') or '/'

        res = super(sale_order, self).create(vals)

        if not res.to_affcode_id:
            affcode_cookie = request.httprequest.cookies.get(AFFCODE_PARAM_NAME)
            if affcode_cookie:
                env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
                affcode = env['to.affiliate.code'].search([('name', '=', affcode_cookie)], limit=1)
                if affcode:
                    res.to_affcode_id = affcode.id

        if res.to_affcode_id:

            salesperson = res.to_affcode_id.saleperson_id
            if salesperson:
                res.user_id = salesperson.id

            company = res.to_affcode_id.company_id
            if company:
                res.company_id = company.id

        return res
Example #12
    def jobs_thankyou(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["name", "personal_email"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'

        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {}
        for f in [
                'personal_email', 'name', 'dob', 'age', 'gender',
                'father_name', 'passport_no', 'place_of_birth', 'martial',
                'mobile', 'nationality', 'mobile'
            value[f] = post.get(f)
        for f in ['join_id']:
            join_id = int(post.get(f) or False)
            emp_join_form_rec = env['od.beta.joining.form'].browse(join_id)
        # Retro-compatibility for saas-3. "phone" field should be replace by "partner_phone" in the template in trunk.
#         value['partner_phone'] = post.pop('phone', False)

        emp_join_id = emp_join_form_rec.write(value)
        if post['ufile']:
            attachment_value = {
                'name': post['ufile'].filename,
                'res_name': value['name'],
                'res_model': 'hr.applicant',
                'res_id': join_id,
                'datas': base64.encodestring(post['ufile'].read()),
                'datas_fname': post['ufile'].filename,
        return request.render("beta_customisation.beta_thankyou", {})
Example #13
 def home(self, **kw):
     env = request.env(context=dict(
         request.env.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True))
     units_model = env['product.product']
     units = units_model.search([('sale_ok', '=', True)])
     shop_menu = env['website.menu'].search([('name', '=', 'Shop')])
     contact_us = env['website.menu'].search([('name', '=', 'Contact us')])
     units_no = len(units)
     items_no = units_no / 4.00
     items = int(math.ceil(items_no))
     if items > 1:
         more_than_one = True
         return request.website.render(
             "website.homepage", {
                 'units': units,
                 'items': items,
                 'units_no': units_no,
                 'more_than_one': more_than_one,
         items = 1
     return request.website.render("website.homepage", {
         'units': units,
         'items': items,
         'units_no': units_no,
Example #14
 def avatar(self, res_model, res_id, partner_id):
     headers = [[("Content-Type", "image/png")]]
     content = "R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=="  # default image is one white pixel
     if res_model in request.env:
             # if the current user has access to the document, get the partner avatar as sudo()
             if (
                 in request.env[res_model].browse(res_id).sudo().exists().message_ids.mapped("author_id").ids
                 status, headers, content = binary_content(
                 if status == 304:
                     return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(status=304)
         except AccessError:
     image_base64 = base64.b64decode(content)
     headers.append(("Content-Length", len(image_base64)))
     response = request.make_response(image_base64, headers)
     response.status = str(status)
     return response
Example #15
 def avatar(self, res_model, res_id, partner_id):
     content = None
     if res_model in request.env:
             # if the current user has access to the document, get the partner avatar as sudo()
             if partner_id in request.env[res_model].browse(res_id).sudo(
                 status, headers, content = binary_content(
                 if status == 304:
                     return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(status=304)
         except AccessError:
     if content:
         image_base64 = base64.b64decode(content)
         binary = Binary()
         image_base64 = binary.placeholder(
         )  # could return (contenttype, content) in master
         headers = binary.force_contenttype(headers,
     headers.append(('Content-Length', len(image_base64)))
     response = request.make_response(image_base64, headers)
     response.status = str(status)
     return response
Example #16
 def onclick(message, session):
     _name, action_id = message.key.split(',')
     action_id = int(action_id)
     if _name:
         action = request.env()[_name].sudo().browse(action_id)
         ret = action.get_wx_reply()
         if is_string(ret):
             return create_reply(ret, message=message)
         elif isinstance(ret, list):
             return create_reply(ret, message=message)
         elif type(ret)==dict:
             media = ret
             media_type = media['media_type']
             media_id = media['media_id']
             from werobot.replies import ImageReply, VoiceReply, VideoReply, ArticlesReply
             if media_type=='image':
                 return ImageReply(message=message, media_id=media_id).render()
             elif media_type=='voice':
                 return VoiceReply(message=message, media_id=media_id).render()
             elif media_type=='video':
                 return VideoReply(message=message, media_id=media_id).render()
             elif media_type=='news':
                 from .. import client
                 entry = client.wxenv(request.env)
                 entry.wxclient.send_news_message(message.source, media_id)
Example #17
    def __init__(self):
        import client

        Param = request.env()["ir.config_parameter"]
        robot.config["TOKEN"] = Param.get_param("wx_token") or "K5Dtswpte"
        client.wxclient.appid = Param.get_param("wx_appid") or ""
        client.wxclient.appsecret = Param.get_param("wx_AppSecret") or ""
Example #18
 def school_class(self, class_id):
     class_1 = request.env()['school.standard'].sudo().search([('id', '=', class_id)])
     print class_1
     return env.get_template("class.html").render({
         #     'databases': dbs,
         #     'debug': request.debug,
         'sclass': class_1
Example #19
File: main.py Project: zegab/diane
    def jobs(self, country=None, department=None, office_id=None, tag=None, **kwargs):
        env = request.env(context=dict(request.env.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True))

        Country = env['res.country']
        Jobs = env['hr.job']
        #Tags = env['x_job.tag']

        # List jobs available to current UID
        job_ids = Jobs.search([], order="create_date desc").ids
        # Browse jobs as superuser, because address is restricted
        jobs = Jobs.sudo().browse(job_ids)

        # Deduce departments and offices of those jobs
        departments = set(j.department_id for j in jobs if j.department_id)
        offices = set(j.address_id for j in jobs if j.address_id)
        countries = set(o.country_id for o in offices if o.country_id)
        #tags = set(j.x_tag_ids for j in jobs if j.x_tag_ids)
        tags = {}
        for j in jobs:
            for t in j.x_tag_ids:
                if t in tags:
                    tags[t] += 1
                    tags[t] = 1

        # Default search by user country
        if not (country or department or office_id or kwargs.get('all_countries')):
            country_code = request.session['geoip'].get('country_code')
            if country_code:
                countries_ = Country.search([('code', '=', country_code)])
                country = countries_[0] if countries_ else None
                if not any(j for j in jobs if j.address_id and j.address_id.country_id == country):
                    country = False

        # Filter the matching one
        if country and not kwargs.get('all_countries'):
            jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.address_id is None or j.address_id.country_id and j.address_id.country_id.id == country.id)
        if department:
            jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.department_id and j.department_id.id == department.id)
        if office_id:
            jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.address_id and j.address_id.id == office_id)
        if tag:
            jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.x_tag_ids and tag in j.x_tag_ids)

        # Render page
        return request.website.render("website_hr_recruitment.index", {
            'jobs': jobs,
            'countries': countries,
            'departments': departments,
            'offices': offices,
            'tag_ids': sorted(tags.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True),
            'country_id': country,
            'department_id': department,
            'office_id': office_id,
            'tag': tag,
Example #20
 def __init__(self):
     Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']
     self.TOKEN = Param.get_param('wx_token') or 'K5Dtswpte'
     self.EncodingAESKey = Param.get_param('EncodingAESKey') or ''
     self.CorpId = Param.get_param('CorpId') or ''       # 企业号
     global crypto
     crypto = WeChatCrypto(self.TOKEN, self.EncodingAESKey, self.CorpId)
Example #21
    def newsletter_thankyou(self, **post):
        env = request.env()
        email = post.get('email')

        search_email = env['office.newsletter'].search([('email', '=', email)])
        if not search_email:
            value = {'email': email}
            newsletter_id = env['office.newsletter'].create(value).id
        return request.redirect('/')
Example #22
    def jobs_thankyou(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["partner_name", "phone", "email_from"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_error'] = error
            ufile = post.pop('ufile')
            if ufile:
                error['ufile'] = 'reset'
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/jobs/apply/%s' % post.get("job_id"))

        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('partner_name'),
        for f in ['email_from', 'partner_name', 'description']:
            value[f] = post.get(f)
        for f in ['department_id', 'job_id']:
            value[f] = int(post.get(f) or 0)
        # Retro-compatibility for saas-3. "phone" field should be replace by "partner_phone" in the template in trunk.
        value['partner_phone'] = post.pop('phone', False)

        # If the email is already known in our database, match it to the existing partner, else create a new one
        Partner = env['res.partner']
        existing_partner = Partner.name_search(
            args=[('is_company', '=', False)],

        if not existing_partner:
            value_partner = {
                'name': post['partner_name'],
                'email': post['email_from'],
                'phone': value['partner_phone'],
            partner = Partner.create(value_partner)
            value['partner_id'] = partner.id
            value['partner_id'] = existing_partner[0][0]

        # Create applicant
        applicant = env['hr.applicant'].create(value)
        if post['ufile']:
            name = applicant.partner_name if applicant.partner_name else applicant.name
                body=_("%s's Application \n From: %s \n\n %s \n") %
                (name, applicant.email_from or "", applicant.description
                 or ""),
                attachments=[(post['ufile'].filename, post['ufile'].read())],

        return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.thankyou", {})
Example #23
    def get_logo(self, company_id):
        env = request.env(user=request.uid)
        image_data = env['res.company'].sudo().browse(int(company_id)).logo

        #        image_data = openerp.tools.image_resize_image(base64_source=image_data, size=(240, 80), encoding='base64', filetype='PNG')
        image_data = base64.b64decode(image_data)
        return request.make_response(image_data, [
            ('Content-Type', 'image/png'),
            ('Content-Length', len(image_data)),
Example #24
    def _get_applicant_skils(self,skill_list):
        if (skill_list):
            env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
            skills = aplicant_skill.search([('name','in',skill_list)])
            for sk in skills:

        return skill_ids
Example #25
 def web_settings_dashboard_data(self, **kw):
     has_access_to_apps = request.registry['res.users'].has_group(
         request.cr, request.uid, 'access_apps.group_show_modules_menu')
     # issue: due to unknown reason has_group is always invoked with superuser as uid param in new API
     # has_access_to_apps = request.env.user.has_group('access_apps.group_show_modules_menu')
     request.env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
     res = super(WebSettingsDashboardCustom,
     res['has_access_to_apps'] = has_access_to_apps
     return res
Example #26
    def unsubscribe(message):

        serviceid = message.target
        openid = message.source
        env = request.env()
        rs = env['wx.user'].sudo().search( [('openid', '=', openid)] )
        if rs.exists():

        return "欢迎下次光临!"
Example #27
def unsubscribe(message):
    serviceid = message.target
    openid = message.source
    env = request.env()
    rs = env['wx.user'].sudo().search( [('openid', '=', openid)] )
    if rs.exists():
    return "欢迎下次光临!"
Example #28
    def _on_messages(self, uuid, session, from_uid, message_id, message_content, notifications):
        if hasattr(session, 'channel_id'):
            Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']
            wx_channel_id = Param.get_param('wx_channel') or 0
            wx_channel_id = int(wx_channel_id)
            Corp_Channel_id = Param.get_param('Corp_Channel') or 0
            Corp_Channel_id = int(Corp_Channel_id)
            Corp_Agent = Param.get_param('Corp_Agent') or 0
            Corp_Agent = int(Corp_Agent)
            if from_uid:
                session_channel_id = session.channel_id.id
                if session_channel_id and session_channel_id==wx_channel_id:
                    from ..controllers import client
                    client.chat_send(request.db, uuid, message_content)
                elif session_channel_id and session_channel_id==Corp_Channel_id:
                    from ..rpc import corp_client
                    corp_client.chat_send(request.db, uuid, message_content)
                    session_users = session.user_ids
                    from_user = [e for e in session_users if e.id==from_uid][0]
                    for user in session.user_ids:
                        if user.id==from_uid:
                        _partner = user.partner_id
                        if _partner.wxcorp_user_id:
                            from ..rpc import corp_client

                            _key = '%s-%s'%(request.db, user.id)
                            new_flag = False
                            if _key in corp_client.UID_UUID:
                                _data = corp_client.UID_UUID[_key]
                                _now = datetime.datetime.now()
                                if _now - _data['last_time']<=  datetime.timedelta(seconds=10*60):
                                    if _data['from'] == from_uid:
                                        message_content = u'%s:%s'%(from_user.name, message_content)
                                        new_flag = True
                                        message_content = u'%s:%s'%(from_user.name, message_content)
                                    message_content = u'%s:%s\n (10分钟内可直接回复)'%(from_user.name, message_content)
                                    new_flag = True
                                message_content = u'%s:%s\n (10分钟内可直接回复)'%(from_user.name, message_content)
                                new_flag = True
                                # 全新
                            if new_flag:
                                if _key not in corp_client.UID_UUID:
                                    corp_client.UID_UUID[_key] = {}
                                corp_client.UID_UUID[_key]['from'] = from_uid
                                corp_client.UID_UUID[_key]['last_time'] = datetime.datetime.now()
                                corp_client.UID_UUID[_key]['uuid'] = uuid
                                corp_client.client.message.send_text(Corp_Agent, _partner.wxcorp_user_id.userid, message_content)
Example #29
 def property(self, **post):
     env = request.env(context=dict(
         request.env.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True))
     form_fields = [
         'name', 'property_type', 'min_beds', 'max_beds', 'min_price',
     search_fields = {}
     for field in form_fields:
         if post.get(field):
             search_fields[field] = post.get(field)
     if not search_fields:
         properties = env['product.product'].search([('sale_ok', '=', True)
         fields = []
         for key, value in search_fields.iteritems():
             if key == 'min_price':
                 fields.append(('list_price', '>=', value))
             elif key == 'max_price':
                 fields.append(('list_price', '<=', value))
             elif key == 'min_beds':
                 fields.append(('bed_rooms', '>=', value))
             elif key == 'max_beds':
                 fields.append(('bed_rooms', '<=', value))
             elif key == 'name':
                 fields.append((key, 'like', '%' + value + '%'))
                 fields.append((key, "=", value))
         print fields
         properties = env['product.product'].search(fields)
     properties_no = len(properties)
     items_no = properties_no / 9.00
     items = int(math.ceil(items_no))
     list_items_no = properties_no / 4.00
     list_items = int(math.ceil(list_items_no))
     more_than_one = False
     more_than_one_list = False
     if items > 1:
         more_than_one = True
         items = 1
     if list_items > 1:
         more_than_one_list = True
         items = 1
     return request.website.render(
         "website.property", {
             'properties': properties,
             'properties_no': properties_no,
             'items': items,
             'more_than_one': more_than_one,
             'list_items': list_items,
             'more_than_one_list': more_than_one_list,
Example #30
def unsubscribe(message):
    serviceid = message.target
    openid = message.source
    env = request.env()
    rs = env['wx.user'].sudo().search([('openid', '=', openid)])
    if rs.exists():
        # rn:计划修改为发往用户订阅状态,而不是删除
        rs.write({'subscribe': False})
        # rs.unlink()

    return "欢迎下次光临!"
Example #31
    def jobs(self, country=None, department=None, office_id=None, **kwargs):
        env = request.env(context=dict(
            request.env.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True))

        Country = env['res.country']
        Jobs = env['hr.job']

        # List jobs available to current UID
        job_ids = Jobs.search(
            [('website_published', '=', True)],
            order="website_published desc,no_of_recruitment desc").ids

        # Browse jobs as superuser, because address is restricted
        jobs = Jobs.sudo().browse(job_ids)

        # Deduce departments and offices of those jobs
        departments = set(j.department_id for j in jobs if j.department_id)
        offices = set(j.address_id for j in jobs if j.address_id)
        countries = set(o.country_id for o in offices if o.country_id)

        # Default search by user country
        if not (country or department or office_id
                or kwargs.get('all_countries')):
            country_code = request.session['geoip'].get('country_code')
            if country_code:
                countries_ = Country.search([('code', '=', country_code)])
                country = countries_[0] if countries_ else None
                if not any(j for j in jobs if j.address_id
                           and j.address_id.country_id == country):
                    country = False

        # Filter the matching one
        if country and not kwargs.get('all_countries'):
            jobs = (j for j in jobs
                    if j.address_id is None or j.address_id.country_id
                    and j.address_id.country_id.id == country.id)
        if department:
            jobs = (j for j in jobs
                    if j.department_id and j.department_id.id == department.id)
        if office_id:
            jobs = (j for j in jobs
                    if j.address_id and j.address_id.id == office_id)

        # Render page
        return request.website.render(
            "website_hr_recruitment.index", {
                'jobs': jobs,
                'countries': countries,
                'departments': departments,
                'offices': offices,
                'country_id': country,
                'department_id': department,
                'office_id': office_id,
Example #32
 def __init__(self):
     Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']
     self.TOKEN = Param.get_param('Corp_Token') or 'NN07w58BUvhuHya'
     self.EncodingAESKey = Param.get_param('Corp_AESKey') or 'esGH2pMM98SwPMMQpXPG5Y5QawuL67E2aBvNP10V8Gl'
     self.CorpId = Param.get_param('Corp_Id') or ''       # 企业号
     self.Secret = Param.get_param('Corp_Secret') or ''
     global crypto
     crypto = WeChatCrypto(self.TOKEN, self.EncodingAESKey, self.CorpId)
     from ..rpc import corp_client
     corp_client.init_client(self.CorpId, self.Secret)
Example #33
def subscribe(message):
    serviceid = message.target
    openid = message.source

    info = client.wxclient.get_user_info(openid)
    info['group_id'] = str(info['groupid'])
    env = request.env()
    rs = env['wx.user'].sudo().search( [('openid', '=', openid)] )
    if not rs.exists():
    return "您终于来了!欢迎关注"
Example #34
def subscribe(message):
    serviceid = message.target
    openid = message.source

    info = client.wxclient.get_user_info(openid)
    info['group_id'] = str(info['groupid'])
    env = request.env()
    rs = env['wx.user'].sudo().search([('openid', '=', openid)])
    if not rs.exists():

    return "您终于来了!欢迎关注"
Example #35
    def __init__(self):
        Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']

        self.TOKEN = Param.get_param('Corp_Token') or 'NN07w58BUvhuHya'
        self.EncodingAESKey = Param.get_param(
            'Corp_AESKey') or 'esGH2pMM98SwPMMQpXPG5Y5QawuL67E2aBvNP10V8Gl'
        self.CorpId = Param.get_param('Corp_Id') or ''  # 企业号
        self.Secret = Param.get_param('Corp_Secret') or ''

        global crypto
        crypto = WeChatCrypto(self.TOKEN, self.EncodingAESKey, self.CorpId)
        from ..rpc import corp_client
        corp_client.init_client(self.CorpId, self.Secret)
Example #36
    def get_authorization_code(self, **kwargs):
        Allow to catch the authorization code form Microsoft.

        state = json.loads(kwargs['state'])
        dbname = state.get('d')
        # service = state.get('s')
        # url_return = state.get('f')

        with registry(dbname).cursor() as cr:
            if kwargs.get('code'):
                request.env(cr, request.session.uid
                # return redirect(url_return)
            elif kwargs.get('error'):
                # return redirect("%s%s%s" % (url_return, "?error=", kwargs['error']))
                return redirect("%s%s" % ("?error=", kwargs['error']))
                # return redirect("%s%s" % (url_return, "?error=Unknown_error"))
                return redirect("%s" % ("?error=Unknown_error"))
Example #37
 def checkout_parse(self, address_type, data, remove_prefix=False):
     values = super(website_sale,
     affcode_cookie = request.httprequest.cookies.get(AFFCODE_PARAM_NAME)
     if affcode_cookie:
         env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
         affcode = env['to.affiliate.code'].search(
             [('name', '=', affcode_cookie)], limit=1)
         if affcode:
             values.update({'to_affcode_id': affcode.id})
     return values
Example #38
File: main.py Project: opengst/odoo
    def jobs_thankyou(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["partner_name", "phone", "email_from"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_error'] = error
            ufile = post.pop('ufile')
            if ufile:
                error['ufile'] = 'reset'
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/jobs/apply/%s' % post.get("job_id"))

        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('partner_name'),
        for f in ['email_from', 'partner_name', 'description']:
            value[f] = post.get(f)
        for f in ['department_id', 'job_id']:
            value[f] = int(post.get(f) or 0)
        # Retro-compatibility for saas-3. "phone" field should be replace by "partner_phone" in the template in trunk.
        value['partner_phone'] = post.pop('phone', False)

        # If the email is already known in our database, match it to the existing partner, else create a new one
        Partner = env['res.partner']
        existing_partner = Partner.name_search(name=post.get('email_from').strip(), args=[('is_company', '=', False)], limit=1)

        if not existing_partner:
            value_partner = {
                'name': post['partner_name'],
                'email': post['email_from'],
                'phone': value['partner_phone'],
            partner = Partner.create(value_partner)
            value['partner_id'] = partner.id
            value['partner_id'] = existing_partner[0][0]

        # Create applicant
        applicant = env['hr.applicant'].create(value)
        if post['ufile']:
            name = applicant.partner_name if applicant.partner_name else applicant.name
                body = _("%s's Application \n From: %s \n\n %s \n") % (name, applicant.email_from or "", applicant.description or ""),
                attachments = [(post['ufile'].filename, post['ufile'].read())],
                content_subtype = 'plaintext',
                subtype = "hr_recruitment.mt_applicant_hired")

        return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.thankyou", {})
Example #39
    def town(self,town_id):
        # cr, uid, session = request.cr, request.uid, request.session
        # if not session.uid:
        #     return login_redirect(MODULE_BASE_PATH)
        # partners = request.registry.get("res.partner")
        # ids = partners.search(cr, uid, [('id', '=', id)])
        # obj = partners.browse(cr, uid, ids)

        return env.get_template("town.html").render({
        #     'databases': dbs,
        #     'debug': request.debug,
             'town': town
Example #40
 def affiliate_register(self, user=None, **kwargs):
     env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
     res_company = env['res.company'].search([])
     values = {}
     aff_code = False
     if user and user.partner_id.to_is_affiliate:
         aff_code = env['to.affiliate.code'].search(
             [('partner_id', '=', user.partner_id.id)], limit=1)
         'to_res_company': res_company,
         'user': user,
         'aff_code': aff_code
     return request.website.render("to_affiliate_manager.to_affiliate",
Example #41
    def jobs(self, country=None, department=None, office_id=None, **kwargs):
        env = request.env(context=dict(request.env.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True))

        Country = env['res.country']
        Jobs = env['hr.job']

        # List jobs available to current UID
        job_ids = Jobs.search([], order="website_published desc,no_of_recruitment desc").ids
        # Browse jobs as superuser, because address is restricted
        jobs = Jobs.sudo().browse(job_ids)

        # Default search by user country
        if not (country or department or office_id or kwargs.get('all_countries')):
            country_code = request.session['geoip'].get('country_code')
            if country_code:
                countries_ = Country.search([('code', '=', country_code)])
                country = countries_[0] if countries_ else None
                if not any(j for j in jobs if j.address_id and j.address_id.country_id == country):
                    country = False

        # Filter job / office for country
        if country and not kwargs.get('all_countries'):
            jobs = [j for j in jobs if j.address_id is None or j.address_id.country_id and j.address_id.country_id.id == country.id]
            offices = set(j.address_id for j in jobs if j.address_id is None or j.address_id.country_id and j.address_id.country_id.id == country.id)
            offices = set(j.address_id for j in jobs if j.address_id)

        # Deduce departments and countries offices of those jobs
        departments = set(j.department_id for j in jobs if j.department_id)
        countries = set(o.country_id for o in offices if o.country_id)

        if department:
            jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.department_id and j.department_id.id == department.id)
        if office_id and office_id in map(lambda x: x.id, offices):
            jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.address_id and j.address_id.id == office_id)
            office_id = False

        # Render page
        return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.index", {
            'jobs': jobs,
            'countries': countries,
            'departments': departments,
            'offices': offices,
            'country_id': country,
            'department_id': department,
            'office_id': office_id,
Example #42
    def freshers(self, **kwargs):
        env = request.env(context=dict(request.env.context, no_tag_br=True))
        Freshers = env['hr.applicant']
        # List jobs available to current UID
        fresher_ids = Freshers.search([]).ids
        # Browse jobs as superuser, because address is restricted
        freshers = Freshers.sudo().browse(fresher_ids)

        # Deduce departments and offices of those jobs
        name = set(n.name for n in freshers if n.name)

        # Render page
        return request.website.render("website_freshers.index", {
            'freshers': freshers,
 def sms_authentication_new_code(self, code_id, **kwargs):
     if not code_id:
         return request.website.render('website.404')
     env = request.env(context=dict(request.context))
     values = dict(kwargs)
     error = {}
     code_obj = env['sms.authentication']
     code = code_obj.sudo().search([('id', '=', code_id)], limit=1)
     if not code:
         return request.website.render('website.404')
     code = code.send_new_code()
                    'code': code,
                    'error': error,
     return request.website.\
         render('website_sms_authentication.sms_authentication', values)
Example #44
    def jobs_thankyou(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["partner_name", "phone", "email_from", "port_register_no",
                           "seaman_book_no", "passport_validity_date", "police_validity_date",
                           "health_validity_date", 'seaman_validity_date', 'security_date']:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_error'] = error
            ufile = post.pop('ufile')
            if ufile:
                error['ufile'] = 'reset'
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/jobs/apply/%s' % post.get("job_id"))
        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'source_id': env.ref('hr_recruitment.source_website_company').id,
            'name': '%s\'s ' % post.get('partner_name'),

        for f in ['email_from', 'partner_name', 'port_register_no', 'description',
                  'seaman_book_no', 'passport_validity_date', 'seaman_validity_date',
                  'police_validity_date', 'health_validity_date', 'security_date',
                  'base_stcw_date', 'shift_date', 'life_saving_date', 'guv_zbt_date',
            value[f] = post.get(f)
        for f in ['department_id', 'job_id', 'stcw_id']:
            value[f] = int(post.get(f) or 0)
        # Retro-compatibility for saas-3. "phone" field should be replace by
        # "partner_phone" in the template in trunk.
        value['partner_phone'] = post.pop('phone', False)

        applicant_id = env['hr.applicant'].create(value).id
        if post['ufile']:
            attachment_value = {
                'name': post['ufile'].filename,
                'res_name': value['partner_name'],
                'res_model': 'hr.applicant',
                'res_id': applicant_id,
                'datas': base64.encodestring(post['ufile'].read()),
                'datas_fname': post['ufile'].filename,
        return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.thankyou", {})
Example #45
    def company_save(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["name"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_freshers_error'] = error
            request.session['website_freshers_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/freshers/create_company/%s' % post.get("fresher_id"))

        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('partner_name'), 
        contact_value = {
            'name': post.pop('contact_name'),
            'email': post.pop('contact_email'),
            'mobile': post.pop('contact_mobile'), 
        username=post.pop('name', False)
        value['name'] = username
        value['street'] = post.pop('street', False)
        value['city'] = post.pop('city', False)
        value['phone'] = post.pop('phone', False)
        value['email'] = post.pop('email', False)
        value['district_id'] = post.pop('district_id', False)
        value['state_id'] = post.pop('state_id', False)
        value['country_id'] = post.pop('country_id', False)
        value['is_company'] = True
        value['child_ids'] = [(0,0,contact_value)]
        if partner_id:
            value['name']= username
            value['active']= True
            value['login'] = post.pop('login', False)
            value['password']= post.pop('password', False)
        return request.render("website_freshers.index", {})
Example #46
    def theme_customize(self, enable, disable, get_bundle=False):
        """ enable or Disable lists of ``xml_id`` of the inherit templates
        cr, uid, context, pool = request.cr, request.uid, request.context, request.registry
        view = pool["ir.ui.view"]
        context = dict(request.context or {}, active_test=True)

        def set_active(ids, active):
            if ids:
                view.write(cr, uid, self.get_view_ids(ids), {'active': active}, context=context)

        set_active(disable, False)
        set_active(enable, True)

        if get_bundle:
            bundle = AssetsBundle('web.assets_frontend', env=request.env(context={}))
            return bundle.to_html()

        return True
Example #47
    def freshers_thankyou(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["name"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_freshers_error'] = error
            request.session['website_freshers_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/freshers/create/%s' % post.get("fresher_id"))

        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('partner_name'), 
        username=post.pop('name', False)
        value['name'] = username
        value['partner_name']= post.pop('partner_name', False)
        value['email_from']=post.pop('email_from', False)
        value['partner_phone']= post.pop('partner_phone', False)
#        file=post['ufile']
#        if file and partner_id:
#            attachment_value = {
#                'name': post['ufile'].filename,
#                'res_name': value['partner_name'],
#                'res_model': 'hr.applicant',
#                'res_id': partner_id,
#                'datas': base64.encodestring(post['ufile'].read()),
#                'datas_fname': post['ufile'].filename,
#            }
#            env['ir.attachment'].create(attachment_value)
        value['name']= username
        value['active']= True
        value['login'] = post.pop('login', False)
        value['password']= post.pop('password', False)
        return request.render("website_freshers.index", {})
    def confirm_order(self, **post):
        """add to confirm_order the attachment."""
        cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
        order = request.website.sale_get_order(context=context)
        if not order:
            return request.redirect("/shop")

        redirection = self.checkout_redirection(order)
        if redirection:
            return redirection

        values = self.checkout_values(post)
        values["error"] = self.checkout_form_validate(values["checkout"])
        if values["error"]:
            return request.website.render("website_sale.checkout", values)

        request.session['sale_last_order_id'] = order.id
        request.website.sale_get_order(update_pricelist=True, context=context)

        error = {}
        if error:
            request.session['bp_checkout_file_upload_error'] = error
            ufile = post.pop('ufile')
            if ufile:
                error['ufile'] = 'reset'
            request.session['bp_checkout_file_upload_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/shop/checkout')

        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)

        if post['ufile']:
            attachment_value = {
                'name': post['ufile'].filename,
                'res_name': post['name'],
                'res_model': 'sale.order',
                'res_id': order.id,
                'datas': base64.encodestring(post['ufile'].read()),
                'datas_fname': post['ufile'].filename,

        return request.redirect("/shop/payment")
Example #49
    def jobs_thankyou(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["partner_name", "phone", "email_from"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_error'] = error
            ufile = post.pop('ufile')
            if ufile:
                error['ufile'] = 'reset'
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/jobs/apply/%s' % post.get("job_id"))

        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'source_id' : env.ref('hr_recruitment.source_website_company').id,
            'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('partner_name'), 
        for f in self._get_applicant_char_fields():
            value[f] = post.get(f)
        for f in self._get_applicant_relational_fields():
            value[f] = int(post.get(f) or 0)
        for f in self._get_applicant_one2many_fields():
            value[f] = post.get(f)
        # Retro-compatibility for saas-3. "phone" field should be replace by "partner_phone" in the template in trunk.
        value['partner_phone'] = post.pop('phone', False)

        applicant_id = env['hr.applicant'].create(value).id
        if post['ufile']:
            attachment_value = {
                'name': post['ufile'].filename,
                'res_name': value['partner_name'],
                'res_model': 'hr.applicant',
                'res_id': applicant_id,
                'datas': base64.encodestring(post['ufile'].read()),
                'datas_fname': post['ufile'].filename,
        return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.thankyou", {})
Example #50
    def college_save(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["name"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_freshers_error'] = error
            request.session['website_freshers_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/freshers/create_college/%s' % post.get("fresher_id"))

        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('partner_name'),
        username=post.pop('name', False)
        value['name'] = username
        value['email']= post.pop('email', False)
        value['mobile']= post.pop('mobile', False)
        value['country_id']= post.pop('country_id', False)
        value['state_id']= post.pop('state_id', False)
        value['street']= post.pop('street', False)
        value['city']= post.pop('city', False)
        value['accreditation']= post.pop('accreditation', False)
        value['year_of_establishemnt']= post.pop('year_of_establishemnt', False)
        value['avail_courses']= post.pop('avail_courses', False)
        value['college_dec']= post.pop('college_dec', False)
        value['about_management']= post.pop('about_management', False)
        if partner_id:
            value['name']= username
            value['active']= True
            value['login'] = post.pop('login', False)
            value['password']= post.pop('password', False)
        return request.render("website_freshers.index", {})
 def sms_authentication(self, code_id, **kwargs):
     if not code_id:
         return request.website.render('website.404')
     env = request.env(context=dict(request.context))
     values = dict(kwargs)
     error = {}
     code_obj = env['sms.authentication']
     code = code_obj.sudo().search([('id', '=', code_id)], limit=1)
     if not code:
         return request.website.render('website.404')
     if code.validity <= fields.Datetime.now() or code.state == 'cancel':
         error['expired'] = True
                        'code': code,
                        'error': error,
         return request.website.\
             render('website_sms_authentication.sms_authentication', values)
     for field in ['code']:
         if kwargs.get(field):
             values[field] = kwargs.pop(field)
     written_code = 'code' in values and values['code'] and \
         values.pop('code') or False
     if not written_code:
     elif not code.verify_code(written_code):
         error['wrong_code'] = True
         values = self.preRenderThanks(code, values, kwargs)
         return self.callback_sms(code, values, kwargs)
                    'code': code,
                    'error': error,
     return request.website.\
         render('website_sms_authentication.sms_authentication', values)
Example #52
    def create_lead(self, request, values, kwargs):

        # Create a new Lead with correct Sales Team
        # FIXME: request.registry is depricated - should use request.env instead
        values['section_id'] = request.env.ref('website.salesteam_website_sales').id
        newlead = request.registry['crm.lead'].create(request.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, values, request.context)

        # Get a Recordset from crm.lead - in this case a singleton for the new lead
        # Create an additional environment with user superuser
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        leadrecord = env['crm.lead'].browse(newlead)

        # Search if a res.partner with the same E-Mail or with an similar name exists and add this to the
        # lead. If more then one partner is found assign none for safety (assign it manually later)
        partners = request.env['res.partner'].search([('email', '=', values['email_from'])])
        if len(partners.ids) == 1:
            leadrecord.partner_id = partners.id
        if len(partners.ids) == 0:
            partners = request.env['res.partner'].search([('name', 'ilike', values['contact_name'])])
            if len(partners.ids) == 1:
                leadrecord.partner_id = partners.id

        # Post a New Message to this record
        # Todo use a Mail-Template (so translation would be working too!)
        recordtext = 'Neue Webanfrage: \n\nVon: %s\nE-Mail: %s\nPhone: %s\nFirma: %s\n\nBetreff: %s\nNachricht: %s' % (
        leadrecord.message_post(body=recordtext, subject=values['name'], type='notification', subtype='mail.mt_comment',

        return newlead
Example #53
 def avatar(self, res_model, res_id, partner_id):
     headers = [[('Content-Type', 'image/png')]]
     content = 'R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=='  # default image is one white pixel
     if res_model in request.env:
             # if the current user has access to the document, get the partner avatar as sudo()
             if partner_id in request.env[res_model].browse(res_id).sudo().exists().message_ids.mapped('author_id').ids:
                 status, headers, _content = binary_content(model='res.partner', id=partner_id, field='image_medium', default_mimetype='image/png', env=request.env(user=openerp.SUPERUSER_ID))
                 # binary content return an empty string and not a placeholder if obj[field] is False
                 if _content != '':
                     content = _content
                 if status == 304:
                     return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(status=304)
         except AccessError:
     image_base64 = base64.b64decode(content)
     headers.append(('Content-Length', len(image_base64)))
     response = request.make_response(image_base64, headers)
     response.status = str(status)
     return response
Example #54
                # Sitemaps must be split in several smaller files with a sitemap index
                content = iuv.render(cr, uid, 'website.sitemap_index_xml', dict(
                    pages=range(1, pages + 1),
                ), context=context)
            create_sitemap('/sitemap.xml', content)

        return request.make_response(content, [('Content-Type', mimetype)])

    @http.route('/website/info', type='http', auth="public", website=True)
    def website_info(self):
        except Exception, e:
            return request.registry['ir.http']._handle_exception(e, 404)
        irm = request.env()['ir.module.module'].sudo()
        apps = irm.search([('state','=','installed'),('application','=',True)])
        modules = irm.search([('state','=','installed'),('application','=',False)])
        values = {
            'apps': apps,
            'modules': modules,
            'version': openerp.service.common.exp_version()
        return request.render('website.info', values)

    # Edit
    @http.route('/website/add/<path:path>', type='http', auth="user", website=True)
    def pagenew(self, path, noredirect=False, add_menu=None):
        xml_id = request.registry['website'].new_page(request.cr, request.uid, path, context=request.context)
Example #55
 def __init__(self):
     import client
     Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']
     robot.config["TOKEN"] = Param.get_param('wx_token') or 'K5Dtswpte'
     client.wxclient.appid = Param.get_param('wx_appid')  or ''
     client.wxclient.appsecret = Param.get_param('wx_AppSecret')  or ''
Example #56
 def __init__(self):
     Param = request.env()['ir.config_parameter']
     self.TOKEN = Param.get_param('wx_token') or 'K5Dtswpte'
     self.AES_KEY = Param.get_param('AES_KEY') or ''
     self.APPID = Param.get_param('APPID') or '' # 公众号
Example #57
    def jobs_thankyou(self, **post):
        error = {}
        for field_name in ["salutation", "first_name", "last_name", "partner_address", "place", "partner_phone", "email_from", "cover_letter", "curriculum_vitae"]:
            if not post.get(field_name):
                error[field_name] = 'missing'
        if error:
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_error'] = error
            cover_letter = post.pop('cover_letter')
            curriculum_vitae = post.pop('curriculum_vitae')
            diploma_certificates = post.pop('diploma_certificates')
            if cover_letter:
                error['cover_letter'] = 'reset'
            if curriculum_vitae:
                error['curriculum_vitae'] = 'reset'   
            if diploma_certificates:
                error['diploma_certificates'] = 'reset'    
            request.session['website_hr_recruitment_default'] = post
            return request.redirect('/jobs/apply/%s' % post.get("job_id"))
        # public user can't create applicants (duh)
        env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
        value = {
            'source_id' : env.ref('hr_recruitment.source_website_company').id,
            'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('first_name'), 
        for f in ['salutation', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'partner_address', 'place', 'partner_phone', 'email_from', 'possible_join_date', 'description']:
            value[f] = post.get(f)
        for f in ['department_id', 'job_id']:
            value[f] = int(post.get(f) or 0)
        # Retro-compatibility for saas-3. "phone" field should be replace by "partner_phone" in the template in trunk.
        value['partner_name'] = post.pop('first_name', False) + ' ' + post.pop('last_name', False)
        applicant_id = env['hr.applicant'].create(value).id
        if post['cover_letter']:
            attachment_value = {
                'name': post['cover_letter'].filename,
                'res_name': value['first_name'],
                'res_model': 'hr.applicant',
                'res_id': applicant_id,
                'datas': base64.encodestring(post['cover_letter'].read()),
                'datas_fname': post['cover_letter'].filename,
        if post['curriculum_vitae']:
            attachment_value = {
                'name': post['curriculum_vitae'].filename,
                'res_name': value['first_name'],
                'res_model': 'hr.applicant',
                'res_id': applicant_id,
                'datas': base64.encodestring(post['curriculum_vitae'].read()),
                'datas_fname': post['curriculum_vitae'].filename,
        if post['diploma_certificates']:
            attachment_value = {
                'name': post['diploma_certificates'].filename,
                'res_name': value['first_name'],
                'res_model': 'hr.applicant',
                'res_id': applicant_id,
                'datas': base64.encodestring(post['diploma_certificates'].read()),
                'datas_fname': post['diploma_certificates'].filename,
        return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.thankyou", {})