def apply(self, offer): if http.request.httprequest.method != 'POST': return http.local_redirect('/offer/{}'.format(slug(offer))) try: http.request.env['offers.application'].sudo().create({ 'user':, 'offer':, }) except IntegrityError: # can't use the usual `` style, # because `env` queries db and everything explodes http.request._cr.rollback() return http.request.render('bestja_offers.duplicate_application') return http.local_redirect('/offer/{}/thankyou'.format(slug(offer)))
def portal_my_contacts_create(self, redirect="/my/contacts/{}", **kwargs): """Create a contact.""" self._contacts_fields_check(kwargs.keys()) values = self._contacts_clean_values(kwargs) _logger.debug("Creating contact with: %s", values) contact = request.env["res.partner"].create(values) return local_redirect(redirect.format(
def page_as_widget(self, *args, **kwargs): # get aswiddget from kwargs or set it to True if not found: So one could call the URL with &aswidget=False to # reset the session and show header and footer again request.session['aswidget'] = kwargs.get('aswidget', True) widgeturl = kwargs.get('widgeturl', '/') # local_redirect found at addons/web/controllers/ line 467 return http.local_redirect(widgeturl, query=request.params, keep_hash=True)
def create(self, **kwargs): cr, uid, context =, request.session.uid, request.context password = request.session.password version = release.version_info[0] if version==9: csrf_token = request.csrf_token() else : csrf_token = 'None' if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/saas/create') else : user_id = request.session.uid partner_id = request.registry['res.users'].read(cr, uid, user_id, ['partner_id'])['partner_id'][0] if len(kwargs): values = {'user':partner_id, 'host_name': kwargs['domain_name'], 'server':kwargs.get('server_select', False), } ids = request.registry[''].create(cr, uid, values,context=context) #request.registry[''].create_use_db(cr, uid, [ids],password,context=context) template = request.registry('').get_object(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'saas_admin', 'registry_saas_db_email') request.registry('email.template').send_mail(cr, SUPERUSER_ID,, ids, force_send=True, raise_exception=True, context=context) users = http.request.env[''] servers = http.request.env['saas.server'] values = { 'users':[]), 'servers':[]), 'password':password, 'csrf_token':csrf_token } return http.request.render('saas_website.list', values)
def apply(self, offer): if http.request.httprequest.method != 'POST': return http.local_redirect('/offer/{}'.format(slug(offer))) try: http.request.env['offers.application'].sudo().create({ 'user':, 'offer':, }) except IntegrityError: # can't use the usual `` style, # because `env` queries db and everything explodes http.request._cr.rollback() # Unique constraint. # Should this redirect user to a page with a different message? return http.local_redirect('/offer/{}/thankyou'.format(slug(offer)))
def build_rerun_buildout(self, build, **post): if build.sudo().branch_id.buildout_version: build.sudo().write({ 'state': 'testing', 'result': False, 'job': 'job_10_test_base', }) return http.local_redirect('/runbot/repo/%s' %
def check(self, **kw): cr, uid, context, pool =, request.uid, request.context, request.registry mod_get = pool.get('fac.worker') ids_get =, uid, [('name', '=', request.params.get('fullname'))]) if ids_get: return http.local_redirect('/factory/factory/') else: return """<script type='text/javascript'>
def portal_my_contacts_update(self, contact, redirect="/my/contacts/{}", **kwargs): """Update a contact.""" self._contacts_fields_check(kwargs.keys()) values = self._contacts_clean_values(kwargs) _logger.debug("Updating %r with: %s", contact, values) contact.write(values) return local_redirect(redirect.format(
def selector(self, **kw): try: dbs = http.db_list() if not dbs: return http.local_redirect('/web/database/manager') except openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied: dbs = False loader = jinja2.PackageLoader('openerp.addons.ob_web_replace', "views") env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, autoescape=True) return env.get_template("database_selector.html").render({ 'databases': dbs, 'debug': request.debug, })
def selector(self, **kw): abc = get_my_conf() try: dbs = http.db_list() if not dbs: return http.local_redirect('/web/database/manager') except openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied: dbs = False return env.get_template("gts_database_selector.html").render({ 'databases': dbs, 'debug': request.debug, 'error': kw.get('error'), 'power_by': abc.get('power_by'), 'title': abc.get('title') })
def selector(self, **kw): try: dbs = http.db_list() if not dbs: return http.local_redirect('/web/database/manager') except openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied: dbs = False return env.get_template("database_selector_backend.html").render({ 'databases': dbs, 'debug': request.debug, 'error': kw.get('error') })
def getlogin(self, db, redirecturl, **kwargs): """Coming from database selector will show authentication form. :param db string: database name :param redirecturl path: redirection url :return: html for selector """ if not db: return http.local_redirect('/mobile/database/selector') return http.request.render('mobile.login', { 'root': '/mobile/', 'd_db': db, 'redirect_url': redirecturl })
def redirect_auto(self, path=None, code=301, website=None, rerouting=None): """Return a redirection for the SEO path or fail. :param str path: Path that will be searched among the SEO redirections. :param int code: HTTP redirection code. :param website openerp.models.Model: Current website object. Default: ````. :param list rerouting: List of reroutings performed. It defaults to ``request.rerouting``. :raise NoRedirectionError: If no redirection target is found. This allows you to continue the normal behavior in your controller. :return werkzeug.wrappers.Response: Redirection to the SEO version of the URL. """ # Default values path = path or request.httprequest.path rerouting = rerouting or getattr(request, "rerouting", list()) website = website or getattr(request, "website", self.env["website"].get_current_website()) # Search for a SEO destination match =[("origin", "=", path)]) destination = match.destination # Fail when needed if not destination: raise NoRedirectionError(_("No redirection target found.")) if destination in rerouting: raise NoRedirectionError(_("Duplicated redirection.")) # Add language prefix to URL if (website.default_lang_code != request.lang and request.lang in website.language_ids.mapped("code")): destination = u"/{}{}".format(request.lang, destination) # Redirect to the SEO URL return local_redirect(destination, dict(request.httprequest.args), True, code=code)
def redirect_auto(self, path=None, code=301, website=None, rerouting=None): """Return a redirection for the SEO path or fail. :param str path: Path that will be searched among the SEO redirections. :param int code: HTTP redirection code. :param website openerp.models.Model: Current website object. Default: ````. :param list rerouting: List of reroutings performed. It defaults to ``request.rerouting``. :raise NoRedirectionError: If no redirection target is found. This allows you to continue the normal behavior in your controller. :return werkzeug.wrappers.Response: Redirection to the SEO version of the URL. """ # Default values path = path or request.httprequest.path rerouting = rerouting or getattr(request, "rerouting", list()) website = website or getattr( request, "website", self.env["website"].get_current_website()) # Search for a SEO destination match =[("origin", "=", path)]) destination = match.destination # Fail when needed if not destination: raise NoRedirectionError(_("No redirection target found.")) if destination in rerouting: raise NoRedirectionError(_("Duplicated redirection.")) # Add language prefix to URL if (website.default_lang_code != request.lang and request.lang in website.language_ids.mapped("code")): destination = u"/{}{}".format(request.lang, destination) # Redirect to the SEO URL return local_redirect( destination, dict(request.httprequest.args), code=code)
def a(self, debug=False, **k): if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/web/login?redirect=/barcode/web') r = html_template % { 'modules': simplejson.dumps(module_boot(request.db)), 'init': """ var wc = new s.web.WebClient(); wc.show_application = function(){ wc.action_manager.do_action("stock.ui", {}); }; wc.do_push_state = function(state){}; wc.appendTo($(document.body)); """ } return r
def web_login(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add MFA logic to the web_login action in Home Overview: * Call web_login in Home * Return the result of that call if the user has not logged in yet using a password, does not have MFA enabled, or has a valid trusted device cookie * If none of these is true, generate a new MFA login token for the user, log the user out, and redirect to the MFA login form """ # sudo() is required because there may be no request.env.uid (likely # since there may be no user logged in at the start of the request) user_model_sudo = request.env['res.users'].sudo() config_model_sudo = user_model_sudo.env['ir.config_parameter'] response = super(AuthTotp, self).web_login(*args, **kwargs) if not request.params.get('login_success'): return response user = user_model_sudo.browse(request.uid) if not user.mfa_enabled: return response cookie_key = 'trusted_devices_%d' % device_cookie = request.httprequest.cookies.get(cookie_key) if device_cookie: secret = config_model_sudo.get_param('database.secret') device_cookie = JsonSecureCookie.unserialize(device_cookie, secret) if device_cookie.get('device_id') in user.trusted_device_ids.ids: return response user.generate_mfa_login_token() request.session.logout(keep_db=True) request.params['login_success'] = False return http.local_redirect( '/auth_totp/login', query={ 'mfa_login_token': user.mfa_login_token, 'redirect': request.params.get('redirect'), }, keep_hash=True, )
def selector(self, redirecturl='mobile/sample', **kw): """Returns the database selector using jinja template moving to login form for authentication. :param redirecturl path: redirection url :return: html for selector """ try: dbs = http.db_list() if not dbs: return http.local_redirect('/web/database/manager') except openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied: dbs = False return env.get_template("database_selector.html").render({ 'databases': dbs, 'debug': request.debug, 'redirect_url': redirecturl })
def a(self, debug=False, **k): if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/web/login?redirect=/pos/web') js_list = manifest_list('js',db=request.db, debug=debug) css_list = manifest_list('css',db=request.db, debug=debug) js = "\n".join('<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>' % i for i in js_list) #css = "\n".join('<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s">' % i for i in css_list) r = html_template % { 'js': js, # 'css': css, 'modules': simplejson.dumps(module_boot(request.db)), 'init': """ var wc = new s.web.WebClient(); wc.show_application = function(){ wc.action_manager.do_action("pos.ui"); }; wc.appendTo($(document.body)); """ } return r
def popup_cancel(self, redirect="/"): """Hide/Cancel the PopUp Box for this Session""" request.session["website_popup_cancel"] = True return http.local_redirect(redirect)
def abc_interface(self, debug=False, **k): if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/web/login?redirect=/barcode2/web') return request.render('stock_barcode_alternative.barcode_index')
def manager(self, **kw): request.session.logout() return http.local_redirect('/web/password')
def popup_enable(self, redirect="/"): """Enable the PopUp Box""" request.session["website_popup_cancel"] = False return http.local_redirect(redirect)
def a(self, debug=False, **kw): if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/web/login?redirect=/barcode/web') return request.render('stock_picking_barcode.barcode_index')
def int_transfer(self, debug=False, **k): if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/web/login?redirect=/transfer') return request.render('marcos_rim.locationmovewidget')
def accept_legal_age(self): http.request.httpsession['accepted_legal_age'] = True return http.local_redirect('/')
def a(self, debug=False, **k): return http.local_redirect( '/production_app/static/productionApp/www/index.html')
def login_redirect(redirecturl): db = request.session.db return http.local_redirect('/mobile/login/%s/%s' % (db, redirecturl[1:]))
def mailing(self, mailing_id, email=None, res_id=None, **post): """Display a confirmation form to get the unsubscription reason.""" mailing = request.env["mail.mass_mailing"] path = "/page/mass_mailing_custom_unsubscribe.%s" good_token = mailing.hash_create(mailing_id, res_id, email) # Trying to unsubscribe with fake hash? Bad boy... if good_token and post.get("token") != good_token: return local_redirect(path % "failure") mailing = mailing.sudo().browse(mailing_id) contact = request.env[""].sudo() unsubscription = request.env["mail.unsubscription"].sudo() if not post.get("reason_id"): # We need to know why you leave, get to the form return self.unsubscription_reason(mailing, email, res_id, post.get("token")) # Save reason and details try: with records = unsubscription.create({ "email": email, "unsubscriber_id": ",".join((mailing.mailing_model, res_id)), "reason_id": int(post["reason_id"]), "details": post.get("details", False), "mass_mailing_id": mailing_id, }) # Should provide details, go back to form except _ex.DetailsRequiredError: return self.unsubscription_reason(mailing, email, res_id, post.get("token"), {"error_details_required": True}) # Unsubscribe from additional lists for key, value in post.iteritems(): try: label, list_id = key.split(",") if label != "list_id": raise ValueError list_id = int(list_id) except ValueError: pass else: contact_id = contact.browse(int(value)) if == list_id: contact_id.opt_out = True records += unsubscription.create({ "email": email, "unsubscriber_id": ",".join((contact._name, value)), "reason_id": int(post["reason_id"]), "details": post.get("details", False), "mass_mailing_id": mailing_id, }) # All is OK, unsubscribe result = super(CustomUnsubscribe, self).mailing(mailing_id, email, res_id, **post) records.write({"success": == "OK"}) # Redirect to the result return local_redirect( path % ("success" if == "OK" else "failure"))
def index(self, **kw): return http.local_redirect('/web', query=request.params, keep_hash=True)
def qc(self, debug=False, **k): if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/web/login?redirect=/qc') return request.render('marcos_rim.rimqc')
def accept_cookies(self): """Stop spamming with cookie banner.""" http.request.httpsession["accepted_cookies"] = True return http.local_redirect("/")
def sale_picking(self, debug=False, **k): if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/web/login?redirect=/salepicking') return request.render('marcos_rim.salepickingwidget')
def index(self, s_action=None, db=None, **kw): return http.local_redirect(get_base_url() + '/auth_cas', query=request.params, keep_hash=True)
def apply(self, offer): http.request.env['offers.application'].create({ 'user':, 'offer':, }) return http.local_redirect('/offer/{}/thankyou'.format(slug(offer)))
def wiki(self, *args, **kwargs): return http.local_redirect('/wiki/home')
def a(self, debug=False, **k): if not request.session.uid: return http.local_redirect('/web/login?redirect=/barcode/web') return request.render('stock.barcode_index')
def liuhao(self, **post): cr, uid, context, pool =, request.uid, request.context, request.registry return http.local_redirect('/angulaJS/static/src/index.html')
def a(self, debug=False, **k): return http.local_redirect('/stock_move_apk/static/www_apk/index.html')
def mfa_login_post(self, *args, **kwargs): """Process MFA login attempt Overview: * Try to find a user based on the MFA login token. If this doesn't work, redirect to the password login page with an error message * Validate the confirmation code provided by the user. If it's not valid, redirect to the previous login step with an error message * Generate a long-term MFA login token for the user and log the user in using the token * Build a trusted device cookie and add it to the response if the trusted device option was checked * Redirect to the provided URL or to '/web' if one was not given """ # sudo() is required because there is no request.env.uid (likely since # there is no user logged in at the start of the request) user_model_sudo = request.env['res.users'].sudo() device_model_sudo = user_model_sudo.env['res.users.device'] config_model_sudo = user_model_sudo.env['ir.config_parameter'] token = request.params.get('mfa_login_token') try: user = user_model_sudo.user_from_mfa_login_token(token) except (MfaTokenInvalidError, MfaTokenExpiredError) as exception: return http.local_redirect( '/web/login', query={ 'redirect': request.params.get('redirect'), 'error': exception.message, }, keep_hash=True, ) confirmation_code = request.params.get('confirmation_code') if not user.validate_mfa_confirmation_code(confirmation_code): return http.local_redirect( '/auth_totp/login', query={ 'redirect': request.params.get('redirect'), 'error': _('Your confirmation code is not correct. Please try' ' again.'), 'mfa_login_token': token, }, keep_hash=True, ) # These context managers trigger a safe commit, which persists the # changes right away and is needed for the auth call with Environment.manage(): with registry(request.db).cursor() as temp_cr: temp_env = Environment(temp_cr, SUPERUSER_ID, request.context) temp_user = temp_env['res.users'].browse( temp_user.generate_mfa_login_token(60 * 24 * 30) token = temp_user.mfa_login_token request.session.authenticate(request.db, user.login, token, redirect = request.params.get('redirect') if not redirect: redirect = '/web' response = Response(http.redirect_with_hash(redirect)) if request.params.get('remember_device'): device = device_model_sudo.create({'user_id':}) secret = config_model_sudo.get_param('database.secret') device_cookie = JsonSecureCookie({'device_id':}, secret) cookie_lifetime = timedelta(days=30) cookie_exp = datetime.utcnow() + cookie_lifetime device_cookie = device_cookie.serialize(cookie_exp) cookie_key = 'trusted_devices_%d' % sec_config = config_model_sudo.get_param('auth_totp.secure_cookie') security_flag = sec_config != '0' response.set_cookie( cookie_key, device_cookie, max_age=cookie_lifetime.total_seconds(), expires=cookie_exp, httponly=True, secure=security_flag, ) return response
def getlogout(self, db, redirecturl, **kwargs): request.session.logout(keep_db = True) return http.local_redirect('/mobile/login/%s/%s' % (db, redirecturl))