def setUpClass(self): super(test_partner_qualified_contact, self).setUpClass() self.partner = self.registry('res.partner') self.qualifier = self.registry('bss.partner.qualifier') self.qualified_contact_rel = \ self.registry('bss.partner.qualified_contact.rel') self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def run_all(self, cr, uid, context=None): _logger = logging.getLogger('bss.webservice_handler')'Started webservice handler') if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _logger.debug('Webservices started at %s', webservice_obj = self.pool.get('bss.webservice') service_ids =, uid, [('active','=',True),('wait_next_minutes','>',0)], order='priority,last_run') _logger.debug('service ids = %s ', str(service_ids)) services = webservice_obj.browse(cr,uid,service_ids,context) for service in services: # _logger.debug('Service is %s', str(service)) if not self._is_init: webservice_obj.write(cr, uid,, {'is_running': False}, context) cr.commit() if service.last_run: _logger.debug('last_run is %s', str(service.last_run)) if service.last_success and service.last_success == service.last_run: next_run = dateparser.parse(service.last_run) + timedelta(minutes=service.wait_next_minutes) else: next_run = dateparser.parse(service.last_run) + timedelta(minutes=service.wait_retry_minutes) else: next_run = datetime(2000,1,1)'Service %s next run at %s',, next_run.strftime(webservice.ISO8601_ALT_DATETIME_FORMAT)) if next_run < _logger.debug('Context is %s', str(context)) webservice_obj.do_run(cr, uid,, context) self._is_init = True if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _logger.debug('Webservices ended at %s','Ended webservice handler')
def setUpClass(self): super(test_partner_multi_phone, self).setUpClass() self.partner = self.registry('res.partner') = self.registry('') self.category = self.registry('') self.phone_category_id = lambda self, cr, uid: \ self.category.get_category_phone_id(cr, uid) self.fax_category_id = lambda self, cr, uid: \ self.category.get_category_fax_id(cr, uid) self.mobile_category_id = lambda self, cr, uid: \ self.category.get_category_mobile_id(cr, uid) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class bss_jira_worklog(osv.osv): _inherit = '' _logger = logging.getLogger('bss_jira_connector.jira_worklog') _columns = { 'jira_id': fields.integer('JIRA id', readonly=True), 'jira_issue_id': fields.integer('JIRA issue id', readonly=True), } def init(self, cr): cr.execute( "SELECT * FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname = 'project_task_work_jira_id_uniq';" ) if len(cr.fetchall()): cr.execute( "ALTER TABLE project_task_work DROP CONSTRAINT project_task_work_jira_id_uniq;" )
class bss_jira_worklog_errors(osv.osv): _name = 'bss_jira_connector.jira_worklog_errors' _logger = logging.getLogger(_name) _columns = { 'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'User'), 'project_id': fields.many2one('project.project', 'Project'), 'jira_issue_id': fields.integer('JIRA issue id'), 'key': fields.char('JIRA key', size=256), 'jira_worklog_id': fields.integer('JIRA worklog id'), 'synchro_date_time': fields.datetime('Error date'), 'update_date': fields.datetime('Update date'), 'error_message': fields.text('Error message'), 'active': fields.boolean('Active'), } _defaults = { 'active': True, } _order = "synchro_date_time desc"
class bss_jira_issue(osv.osv): _inherit = 'project.task' _logger = logging.getLogger('bss_jira_connector.jira_issue') _columns = { 'jira_id': fields.integer('JIRA id', readonly=True), 'key': fields.char('JIRA key', size=256, readonly=True), 'last_update_datetime': fields.datetime('Last update', readonly=True), 'jira_status': fields.selection([('1', 'Open'), ('3', 'In progress'), ('4', 'Reopened'), ('5', 'Resolved'), ('6', 'Closed'), ('10000', 'In test'), ('10001', 'Need info')], 'JIRA status', readonly=True), } def init(self, cr): cr.execute( "SELECT * FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname = 'project_task_jira_id_uniq';" ) if len(cr.fetchall()): cr.execute( "ALTER TABLE project_task DROP CONSTRAINT project_task_jira_id_uniq;" ) cr.execute( "SELECT * FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname = 'project_task_key_uniq';" ) if len(cr.fetchall()): cr.execute( "ALTER TABLE project_task DROP CONSTRAINT project_task_key_uniq;" )
class bss_jira_config_wizard(osv.osv_memory): _name = 'bss_jira_connector.jira_config_wizard' _description = "Jira connector Configuration" _inherit = 'res.config' _logger = logging.getLogger(_name) _columns = { 'protocol': fields.selection(PROTOCOLS, 'Protocol'), 'hostname': fields.char('Hostname', required=True), 'hostport': fields.integer('Port', required=True), 'pathtojira': fields.char('Path to Jira (without leading \'/\')', required=True), 'authtype': fields.selection(HTTP_AUTH_TYPE, 'Authentication type'), 'username': fields.char('Username'), 'password': fields.char('Password'), 'interval': fields.integer('Time between synchronization (minutes)', required=True), 'maxresults': fields.integer('Max number of results', required=True), 'startofday': fields.integer('Number of days to collect logs before now', required=True) } _defaults = { 'protocol': 'http', 'hostport': 80, 'interval': 5, 'maxresults': 1500, 'startofday': 1, 'pathtojira': '/jira', 'authtype': 'BASIC', } def execute(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): config = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)[0] ws = self.pool.get('bss.webservice') values = { 'name': 'Jira webservice', 'active': True, 'wait_next_minutes': config.interval, 'service_type': 'GET', 'ws_protocol': config.protocol, 'ws_host': config.hostname, 'ws_port': config.hostport, 'ws_path': config.pathtojira + "/rest/api/2/search?jql=updated%20%3E%20startOfDay(-" + str(config.startofday) + ")%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC&startAt=0&maxResults=" + str(config.maxresults) + "&fields=assignee,description,summary,created,updated,duedate,priority,status,worklog,key,id,project,timeestimate,timeoriginalestimate", 'http_auth_type': config.authtype, 'http_auth_login': '' if config.authtype == 'NONE' else config.username, 'http_auth_password': '' if config.authtype == 'NONE' else config.password, 'model_name': 'bss_jira_connector.jira_project', 'decode_method_name': 'ws_decode_write_worklog', 'datetime_format': 'ISO8601', 'call_limit_in_error': 0.0 } ws_ids =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Jira webservice')]) if len(ws_ids) == 0: ws.create(cr, uid, values) else: ws.write(cr, uid, ws_ids[0], values) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.netsvc import logging logger = logging.getLogger('deprecated') def deprecated(func): """A deprecated method decorator. This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used. """ def new_func(*args, **kwargs): logger.warning("Call to deprecated function %s.", func.__name__) return func(*args, **kwargs) new_func.__name__ = func.__name__ new_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__
class bss_jira_project(osv.osv): _name = 'bss_jira_connector.jira_project' _logger = logging.getLogger(_name) _columns = { 'jira_id': fields.integer('JIRA id', readonly=True), 'key': fields.char('JIRA key', size=256, readonly=True), 'name': fields.char('JIRA project name', size=256, readonly=True), 'project_id': fields.many2one('project.project', string="Project"), } _sql_constraints = [ ('jira_id_uniq', 'unique (jira_id)', 'The JIRA id must be unique !'), ('key_uniq', 'unique (key)', 'The JIRA key must be unique !'), ] def _save_error(self, cr, uid, worklog, message="Unknown error"): error_obj = self.pool.get('bss_jira_connector.jira_worklog_errors') err_data = {} err_data['user_id'] = worklog.user_id err_data['project_id'] = self.browse( cr, uid,, uid, [('jira_id', '=', worklog.jira_id)]))[0].project_id err_data['jira_issue_id'] = worklog.jira_issue_id err_data['jira_worklog_id'] = worklog.jira_id err_data['synchro_date_time'] = str( err_data['update_date'] = str( err_data['error_message'] = message err_data['key'] = self.browse( cr, uid,, uid, [('jira_id', '=', worklog.jira_id)]))[0].key error_obj.create(cr, uid, err_data) self._logger.error(message) def _check_constraint(self, cr, uid, task_id, data): if data.has_key('name') or data.has_key('project_id'): task = self.pool.get('project.task').browse(cr, uid, task_id)[0] if task and len(task.work_ids): for task_work in task.work_ids: if not task_work.hr_analytic_timesheet_id: continue if task_work.hr_analytic_timesheet_id.line_id.invoice_id: return False return True def ws_decode_write(self, cr, uid, model, content, datetime_format): decoded_list = json.loads(content) field_list = model.fields_get(cr, uid) self._logger.debug("List is : %s, length is %d", str(decoded_list), len(decoded_list)) self._logger.debug("Field list is : %s, length is %d", str(field_list), len(field_list)) if not decoded_list: return True elif len(decoded_list) == 0: self._logger.debug("List is empty") return True for decoded in decoded_list: oid =, uid, [('jira_id', '=', decoded['id'])]) if oid: jira_project = self.browse(cr, uid, oid)[0] if != decoded['name']: self._logger.debug( 'Update name for project %s from %s to %s', decoded['key'],, decoded['name']) self.write(cr, uid,, {'name': decoded['name']}) else: data = { 'jira_id': decoded['id'], 'key': decoded['key'], 'name': decoded['name'] } self._logger.debug('Create project %s', str(data)) oid = model.create(cr, uid, data) return True def decode_jira_time(self, cr, uid, string): with_timezone = self.pool.get('ir.config_parameter').get_param( cr, uid, JIRA_DISABLE_TZ, default=str(False)) == str(False) #"2013-04-16T13:23:42.000+0200" m = d = datetime(int(, int(, int(, int(, int(, int(, int( t = timedelta(hours=int(, minutes=int( if with_timezone: if == '+': return d - t else: return d + t else: return d def ws_decode_write_worklog(self, cr, uid, model, content, datetime_format): decoded_list = json.loads(content) #/jira/rest/api/2/search?jql=updated%20%3E%20startOfDay(-1)%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC&startAt=0&maxResults=500&fields=assignee,description,summary,created,updated,duedate,priority,status,worklog,key,id,project,timeestimate,timeoriginalestimate # field_list = model.fields_get(cr,uid) # self._logger.debug("List is : %s, length is %d",str(decoded_list),len(decoded_list)) # self._logger.debug("Field list is : %s, length is %d",str(field_list),len(field_list)) if not decoded_list: return True elif len(decoded_list) == 0: self._logger.debug("List is empty") return True issue_list = decoded_list['issues'] self._logger.debug('Issue list contains %d issues (len = %d)', decoded_list['total'], len(issue_list)) found_projects = [] active_projects = {} issue_obj = self.pool.get('project.task') worklog_obj = self.pool.get('') user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users') ts_obj = self.pool.get('hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet') error_obj = self.pool.get('bss_jira_connector.jira_worklog_errors') jira_issue_oe_project = {} jira_issue_keys = {} issue_worklogs = {} for issue_fields in issue_list: is_issue_cause_error = False issue = issue_fields['fields'] self._logger.debug('Processing issue %s', issue_fields['key']) project = issue['project'] if project['key'] not in found_projects: self._logger.debug('Processing project %s', project['key']) oid =, uid, [('jira_id', '=', project['id'])]) if oid: jira_project = self.browse(cr, uid, oid)[0] if != project['name']: self._logger.debug( 'Update name for project %s from %s to %s', project['key'],, project['name']) self.write(cr, uid,, {'name': project['name']}) found_projects.append(project['key']) if jira_project.project_id: active_projects[project['key']] = oid else: self._logger.debug('Project %s is not active', project['key']) continue else: data = { 'jira_id': project['id'], 'key': project['key'], 'name': project['name'] } self._logger.debug('Create project %s', str(data)) oid = model.create(cr, uid, data) jira_project = self.browse(cr, uid, [oid])[0] elif project['key'] in active_projects: jira_project = self.browse(cr, uid, active_projects[project['key']])[0] else: self._logger.debug('Project %s is not active', project['key']) continue if jira_project and jira_project.project_id: issue_jira_id = issue_fields['id'] jira_issue_oe_project[ issue_jira_id] = ioid =, uid, [('jira_id', '=', issue_jira_id)]) issue_key = issue_fields['key'] jira_issue_keys[issue_jira_id] = issue_key last_update = self.decode_jira_time(cr, uid, issue['updated']) previous_update = None if ioid: jira_issue = issue_obj.browse(cr, uid, ioid)[0] previous_update = datetime.strptime( jira_issue.last_update_datetime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if last_update <= previous_update: #update already done --> do nothing self._logger.debug( 'issue update already done --> do nothing %s %s', str(last_update), str(previous_update)) continue data = {} if jira_issue.key != issue_key: data['key'] = issue_key summary = issue['summary'] summary = summary.replace('"', '_').replace('\'', '_') if len(summary) > 127: summary = '%s...' % summary[:120] if != summary: data['name'] = summary prio = str(int(issue['priority']['id']) - 1) if jira_issue.priority != prio: data['priority'] = prio if != data['project_id'] = oe_assignee = None if jira_issue.user_id: oe_assignee = jira_issue.user_id.login if issue['assignee'] and issue['assignee'][ 'name'] != oe_assignee: self._logger.debug('assignee = %s user = %s', issue['assignee']['name'], oe_assignee) assignee_id = cr, uid, [('login', '=', issue['assignee']['name'])]) self._logger.debug('assignee_id = %s ', str(assignee_id)) if assignee_id and len(assignee_id): data['user_id'] = assignee_id[0] elif not issue['assignee'] and oe_assignee: data['user_id'] = None if issue[ 'description'] and jira_issue.description and issue[ 'description'] != jira_issue.description: self._logger.debug( 'issue description = %s task description = %s', issue['description'], jira_issue.description) data['description'] = issue['description'] elif not issue['description'] and jira_issue.description: data['description'] = None elif issue['description'] and not jira_issue.description: data['description'] = issue['description'] if issue['timeoriginalestimate']: toe = float(issue['timeoriginalestimate']) / 3600.0 if abs(toe - jira_issue.planned_hours) > 0.01: self._logger.debug( 'timeoriginalestimate %s jira_issue.planned_hours %s', str(toe), str(jira_issue.planned_hours)) data['planned_hours'] = toe if issue['timeestimate']: te = float(issue['timeestimate']) / 3600.0 if abs(te - jira_issue.remaining_hours) > 0.01: self._logger.debug( 'timeestimate %s jira_issue.remaining_hours %s', str(te), str(jira_issue.remaining_hours)) data['remaining_hours'] = te if issue['duedate']: duedate = datetime.strptime(issue['duedate'], '%Y-%m-%d') if duedate != jira_issue.date_deadline: data['date_deadline'] = duedate if issue['status']['id'] != jira_issue.jira_status: if issue['status']['id'] in ['1', '4', '10000']: state = 'pending' elif issue['status']['id'] in ['3']: state = 'open' elif issue['status']['id'] in ['5', '6', '10001']: state = 'done' if state: data['stage_id'] = issue_obj.stage_find( cr, uid, [],, [('state', '=', state)]) data['jira_status'] = issue['status']['id'] if jira_issue.last_update_datetime != str(last_update): self._logger.debug( 'jira_issue.last_update_datetime %s last_update %s', str(jira_issue.last_update_datetime), str(last_update)) data['last_update_datetime'] = str(last_update) if data: # Test if update breaks invoiced line constraint if self._check_constraint(cr, uid, ioid, data): self._logger.debug('Update issue %s with %s', issue_key, str(data)) issue_obj.write(cr, uid, ioid, data) else: self._logger.error( 'Updating issue %s breaks invoiced line constraint', issue_key) self._logger.debug('Data : %s' % str(data)) is_issue_cause_error = True else: summary = issue['summary'] summary = summary.replace('"', '_').replace('\'', '_') if len(summary) > 127: summary = '%s...' % summary[:120] data = { 'jira_id': issue_jira_id, 'key': issue_key, 'name': summary, 'priority': str(int(issue['priority']['id']) - 1), 'project_id':, } if issue['assignee']: assignee_id = cr, uid, [('login', '=', issue['assignee']['name'])]) if assignee_id and len(assignee_id): data['user_id'] = assignee_id[0] if issue['description']: data['description'] = issue['description'] if issue['timeoriginalestimate']: data['planned_hours'] = float( issue['timeoriginalestimate']) / 3600.0 if issue['timeestimate']: data['remaining_hours'] = float( issue['timeestimate']) / 3600.0 if issue['duedate']: data['date_deadline'] = datetime.strptime( issue['duedate'], '%Y-%m-%d') data['jira_status'] = issue['status']['id'] if issue['status']['id'] in ['1', '4', '10001']: state = 'pending' elif issue['status']['id'] in ['3']: state = 'open' elif issue['status']['id'] in ['5', '6', '10000']: state = 'done' if state: data['stage_id'] = issue_obj.stage_find( cr, uid, [],, [('state', '=', state)]) data['last_update_datetime'] = str(last_update) self._logger.debug('Create issue %s', str(data)) ioid = issue_obj.create(cr, uid, data) jira_issue = issue_obj.browse(cr, uid, ioid) issue_worklogs[jira_issue.jira_id] = [] if issue['worklog']: if issue['worklog']['worklogs']: for worklog in issue['worklog']['worklogs']: author_id = cr, uid, [('login', '=', worklog['author']['name'])]) if not author_id: #author not in openerp --> do nothing continue started_date = self.decode_jira_time( cr, uid, worklog['started']) tsid = cr, uid, [('user_id', '=', author_id[0]), ('date_from', '<=', started_date), ('date_to', '>=', started_date), ('state', 'not in', ['new', 'draft'])]) worklog_jira_id = worklog['id'] woid = cr, uid, [('jira_id', '=', worklog_jira_id)]) if is_issue_cause_error: if woid: self._save_error( cr, uid, worklog_obj.browse(cr, uid, woid), 'You cannot modify an invoiced analytic line!' ) continue issue_worklogs[jira_issue.jira_id].append( worklog_jira_id) if woid: work_last_update = self.decode_jira_time( cr, uid, worklog['updated']) jira_worklog = worklog_obj.browse( cr, uid, woid)[0] if previous_update and work_last_update <= previous_update: #update already done --> do nothing self._logger.debug( 'worklog update already done --> do nothing' ) continue #Check if work log is editable data = {} if jira_worklog.jira_issue_id != jira_issue.jira_id: data['jira_issue_id'] = jira_issue.jira_id data['task_id'] = comment = worklog['comment'] or '/' comment = comment.replace('"', '_').replace( '\'', '_') if len(comment) > 127: comment = "%s..." % comment[:120] if comment != data['name'] = comment if != str(started_date): data['date'] = str(started_date) hours = float( worklog['timeSpentSeconds']) / 3600.0 if abs(jira_worklog.hours - hours) > 0.01: self._logger.debug( 'hours %s jira_worklog.hours %s', str(hours), str(jira_worklog.hours)) data['hours'] = hours if data: if tsid: weid = cr, uid, [('jira_worklog_id', '=', worklog_jira_id)]) if not weid: err_data = {} err_data['user_id'] = author_id[0] err_data[ 'project_id'] = err_data[ 'jira_issue_id'] = err_data[ 'jira_worklog_id'] = worklog_jira_id err_data[ 'synchro_date_time'] = str( err_data['update_date'] = str( work_last_update) err_data['key'] = issue_fields[ 'key'] err_data[ 'error_message'] = u'timesheet has been submitted : cannot change worklog !' error_obj.create(cr, uid, err_data) self._logger.error( 'timesheet has been submitted : cannot change worklog !' ) continue self._logger.debug( 'Update worklog %s with %s',, str(data)) worklog_obj.write(cr, uid, woid, data) else: if tsid: weid = cr, uid, [('jira_worklog_id', '=', worklog_jira_id)]) if not weid: err_data = {} err_data['user_id'] = author_id[0] err_data[ 'project_id'] = err_data[ 'jira_issue_id'] = err_data[ 'jira_worklog_id'] = worklog_jira_id err_data['synchro_date_time'] = str( err_data['update_date'] = str( work_last_update) err_data['key'] = issue_fields['key'] err_data[ 'error_message'] = u'timesheet has been submitted : cannot insert worklog !' error_obj.create(cr, uid, err_data) self._logger.error( 'timesheet has been submitted : cannot insert worklog !' ) continue if started_date < datetime.strptime( jira_project.project_id.date_start, '%Y-%m-%d'): #Do not log work before start of project continue data = {} data['jira_id'] = worklog_jira_id data['jira_issue_id'] = jira_issue.jira_id comment = worklog['comment'] or '/' comment = comment.replace('"', '_').replace( '\'', '_') if len(comment) > 127: comment = "%s..." % comment[:120] data['name'] = comment data['user_id'] = author_id[0] data['task_id'] = data['date'] = str(started_date) data['hours'] = float( worklog['timeSpentSeconds']) / 3600.0 self._logger.debug('Create worklog %s', str(data)) woid = worklog_obj.create(cr, uid, data) worklog_to_delete = [] for issue_id in issue_worklogs: wids = cr, uid, [('jira_issue_id', '=', issue_id), ('jira_id', 'not in', issue_worklogs[issue_id])]) if wids: for worklog in worklog_obj.browse(cr, uid, wids): tsid = cr, uid, [('user_id', '=',, ('date_from', '<=',, ('date_to', '>=',, ('state', 'not in', ['new', 'draft'])]) if tsid: weid = cr, uid, [('jira_worklog_id', '=', worklog.jira_id)]) if not weid: self._save_error( cr, uid, worklog, u'timesheet has been submitted : delete refused !' ) else: worklog_to_delete.append( self._logger.debug('Delete worklogs for %s : %s', issue_id, str( if worklog_to_delete: worklog_obj.unlink(cr, uid, worklog_to_delete) self._logger.debug('Synchronization finished') return True
def setUpClass(self): super(test_partner_name, self).setUpClass() self.partner = self.registry('res.partner') self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)