def _trunc_label(self, text, period_size):
        """ trunc a period's label depending on the size of the period 
            "period_size" is an integer: the number of scale items between period's start and period's end dates
        if text == None :
            return ""
        if len(text) <= 1:
            return text
        # find the width of a column
        columns_width = self._compute_columns_widths(self.table)
        column_width = columns_width[1]
        period_width = column_width * period_size

        string_width = stringWidth(text, self.DEFAULT_FONT, self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)
        margin_width = stringWidth(" .", self.DEFAULT_FONT, self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)

        cpt = len(text)
        #if the width of the text is greater than the width of the period, try to remove a char at the end and start again.
        #TOOD: could be improved to do less loops (dichotomic tests...)
        tmp_text = text
        while cpt > 1 and string_width + margin_width > period_width:
            cpt -= 1
            #string from db are encoded in utf8....
            tmp_text = text.decode('utf-8')
            #...  but text operation are ascii... 
            tmp_text= tmp_text[0:cpt]
            # ... and reportlab work in utf8 too.... 
            tmp_text = tmp_text.encode('utf-8')

            string_width = stringWidth(tmp_text, self.DEFAULT_FONT, self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)     
        result = tmp_text
        #add a final . to truncated texts
        if cpt < len(text):
            result += "."
        return result
 def _compute_columns_widths(self):
     """construct the list of column widths. """
     columns_width = []
     if self.title != None:
         title_length = stringWidth(self.title, self.DEFAULT_FONT, self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)+10 #add 10 to include margins
     total_width = self.width-title_length
     if len(self.items_order):
         columns_width += len(self.items_order) * [total_width / len(self.items_order)]
         columns_width = total_width
     return columns_width