Example #1
 def translate_view(self, cr, node, state, lang):
     if node.get('string'):
         trans = translate(cr, self.wiz_name+','+state, 'wizard_view', lang, node.get('string').encode('utf8'))
         if trans:
             node.set('string', trans)
     for n in node:
         self.translate_view(cr, n, state, lang)
Example #2
        def tr(src, ttype):
            # We try to do the same as the _(), but without the frame
            # inspection, since we aready are wrapping an osv function
            # trans_obj = self.get('ir.translation') cannot work yet :(
            ctx = {}
            if not kwargs:
                if args and isinstance(args[-1], dict):
                    ctx = args[-1]
            elif isinstance(kwargs, dict):
                # kwargception because call_kw set its context in kwargs['kwargs']
                ctx = kwargs.get('context', kwargs.get('kwargs', {}).get('context', {}))

            uid = 1
            if args and isinstance(args[0], (long, int)):
                uid = args[0]

            lang = ctx and ctx.get('lang')
            if not (lang or hasattr(src, '__call__')):
                return src

            # We open a *new* cursor here, one reason is that failed SQL
            # queries (as in IntegrityError) will invalidate the current one.
            cr = False

            if hasattr(src, '__call__'):
                # callable. We need to find the right parameters to call
                # the  orm._sql_message(self, cr, uid, ids, context) function,
                # or we skip..
                # our signature is f(registry, dbname [,uid, obj, method, args])
                    if args and len(args) > 1:
                        # TODO self doesn't exist, but was already wrong before (it was not a registry but just the object_service.
                        obj = self.get(args[1])
                        if len(args) > 3 and isinstance(args[3], (long, int, list)):
                            ids = args[3]
                            ids = []
                    cr = openerp.sql_db.db_connect(dbname).cursor()
                    return src(obj, cr, uid, ids, context=(ctx or {}))
                except Exception:
                    if cr: cr.close()

                return False # so that the original SQL error will
                             # be returned, it is the best we have.

                cr = openerp.sql_db.db_connect(dbname).cursor()
                res = translate(cr, name=False, source_type=ttype,
                                lang=lang, source=src)
                if res:
                    return res
                    return src
                if cr: cr.close()
Example #3
 def _(self, src):
     lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US')
     return translate(self.cr, _ir_translation_name, 'report', lang, src) \
         or src
 def translate_view(source):
     """Return a translation of type view of source."""
     return translate(
         cr, None, 'view', context.get('lang'), source
     ) or source
 def _(self, src):
     lang = self.context.get("lang", "en_US")
     res = translate(self.cr, _ir_translation_name, "report", lang, src)
     return res or src
 def _(self, src):
     lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US')
     return translate(self.cr, 'report.smove', 'report', lang, src) or src
    def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context):
        _divide_columns_for_matrix = 0.7
        _display_ans_in_rows = 5
        _pageSize = ('29.7cm','21.1cm')
        if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].get('orientation','') == 'vertical':
            if datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'letter':
                _pageSize = ('21.6cm','27.9cm')
            elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'legal':
                _pageSize = ('21.6cm','35.6cm')
            elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'a4':
                _pageSize = ('21.1cm','29.7cm')
        elif datas.has_key('form') and datas['form'].get('orientation','') == 'horizontal':
            if datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'letter':
                _pageSize = ('27.9cm','21.6cm')/style
            elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'legal':
                _pageSize = ('35.6cm','21.6cm')
            elif datas['form'].get('paper_size','') == 'a4':
                _pageSize = ('29.7cm','21.1cm')

        _frame_width = tools.ustr(_pageSize[0])
        _frame_height = tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.90))+'cm'
        _tbl_widths = tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(2.10))+'cm'

        rml="""<document filename="Survey Form.pdf">
            <template pageSize="("""+_pageSize[0]+""","""+_pageSize[1]+""")" title='Survey Form' author="OpenERP S.A.([email protected])" allowSplitting="20" >
                <pageTemplate id="first">
                    <frame id="first" x1="0.0cm" y1="1.0cm" width='"""+_frame_width+"""' height='"""+_frame_height+"""'/>
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                        <lines>1.0cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """ """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" """+tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00)) + 'cm' + """</lines>
                        <lines>1.0cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[1].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00)) +'cm'+ """ 1.0cm 1.00cm</lines>
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                        <lines>1.0cm 1.00cm """ + tools.ustr(float(_pageSize[0].replace('cm','')) - float(1.00))+'cm'+""" 1.00cm</lines>"""

        if datas.has_key('form') and datas['form']['page_number']:
            rml +="""
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        rml +="""</pageGraphics>
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              <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#e6e6e6" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/>
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              <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/>
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              <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#000000" start="0,-1" stop="1,-1"/>
              <blockBackground colorName="black" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/>
              <blockTextColor colorName="white" start="0,0" stop="0,0"/>
            <blockTableStyle id="question_tbl">
              <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/>
              <blockValign value="TOP"/>
              <lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="#8f8f8f" start="0,-1" stop="1,-1"/>
            <blockTableStyle id="note_table">
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              <blockValign value="TOP"/>
            <blockTableStyle id="tbl">
              <blockAlignment value="LEFT"/>
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              <lineStyle kind="LINEAFTER" colorName="#777777" start="0,0" stop="-1,-1"/>
              <paraStyle name="all" alignment="justify"/>
            <paraStyle name="response" fontName="Helvetica-oblique" fontSize="9.5"/>
            <paraStyle name="page" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="15.0" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/>
            <paraStyle name="title" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="18.0" leading="15" leftIndent="0.0" textColor="white"/>
            <paraStyle name="question" fontName="helvetica-boldoblique" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="3.0"/>
            <paraStyle name="answer" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="09.0" leftIndent="0.0"/>
            <paraStyle name="descriptive_text" fontName="helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leftIndent="0.0"/>
            <paraStyle name="answer_left" alignment="LEFT" fontName="helvetica-bold" fontSize="8.0" leftIndent="0.0"/>
            <paraStyle name="P2" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="15" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/>
            <paraStyle name="comment" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="14.0" leading="50" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/>
            <paraStyle name="P1" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="12" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="1.0"/>
            <paraStyle name="terp_tblheader_Details" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="6.0" spaceAfter="6.0"/>
            <paraStyle name="terp_default_9" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9.0" leading="11" alignment="LEFT" spaceBefore="0.0" spaceAfter="0.0"/>
        surv_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('survey.survey')
        for survey in surv_obj.browse(cr,uid,ids):
            rml += """
            if survey.lang:
                context['lang'] = survey.lang

            <blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="title_tbl">
                <tr><td><para style="title">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(translate(cr, 'survey,title','model',survey.lang or 'en_EN') or survey.title)) + """</para></td></tr>
                <tr><td><para style="title">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.title)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr>
            if survey.note:
                rml += """
                <para style="P2"></para>
                    <blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="note_table">
                        <tr><td><para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(survey.note)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr>

            seq = 0
            for page in survey.page_ids:
                seq += 1
                rml += """
                <blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="page_tbl">
                    <tr><td><para style="page">"""+ tools.ustr(seq) + """. """ + to_xml(tools.ustr(translate(cr, 'survey.page,title','model',survey.lang or 'en_EN',page.title) or page.title)) + """</para></td></tr>
                    <tr><td><para style="page">"""+ tools.ustr(seq) + """. """ + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.title)) + """</para><para style="P2"><font></font></para></td></tr>
                if page.note:
                    rml += """<para style="P2"></para><blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="note_table">
                                <tr><td><para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(translate(cr, 'survey.page,note','model',survey.lang or 'en_EN',page.note) or page.note)) + """</para></td></tr>
                                <tr><td><para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(page.note or '')) + """</para></td></tr>

                for que in page.question_ids:
                    cols_widhts = []
                    rml += """
                    <para style="P2"><font></font></para>
                    <blockTable colWidths='"""+_tbl_widths+"""' style="question_tbl">
                        <tr><td><para style="question">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(translate(cr, 'survey.question,question','model',survey.lang or 'en_EN',que.question) or que.question)) + """</para></td></tr>
                        <tr><td><para style="question">"""  + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.question)) + """</para></td></tr>
                    <para style="P2"><font></font></para>"""
                    if que.type in ['descriptive_text']:
                        colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts))
                        colWidths = colWidths + 'cm'
                        rml += """
                        <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl">
                            <tr><td><para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(translate(cr, 'survey.question,descriptive_text','model',survey.lang or 'en_EN',que.descriptive_text) or que.descriptive_text)) + """</para></td></tr>
                                <para style="descriptive_text">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.descriptive_text)) + """</para>

                    elif que.type in ['multiple_choice_multiple_ans','multiple_choice_only_one_ans']:
                        answer = []
                        for ans in que.answer_choice_ids:
                            a= ' - ' + ans.answer or '' 
                            answer.append(to_xml(tools.ustr(translate(cr, 'survey.answer,answer','model',survey.lang or 'en_EN',ans.answer or '') or ans.answer  or '') +a )) 

                        def divide_list(lst, n):
                            return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)]

                        divide_list = divide_list(answer,_display_ans_in_rows)
                        for lst in divide_list:
                            if que.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans':
                                if len(lst)<>0 and len(lst)<>int(round(float(len(answer))/_display_ans_in_rows,0)):
                            if not lst:
                               del divide_list[divide_list.index(lst):]
                        for divide in divide_list:
                            a = _divide_columns_for_matrix*len(divide)
                            b = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm','')) - float(a)
                            cols_widhts = []

                            for div in range(0,len(divide)):
                            colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts))
                            colWidths = colWidths +'cm'
                            rml+="""<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl">
                            for div in range(0,len(divide)):
                               if divide[div] != '':
                                   if que.type == 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans':
                                           rml += """
                                                   <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.4cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/>
                                           <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>"""
                                       rml += """
                                               <circle x="0.3cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.23 cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/>
                                       <td><para style="answer">""" + divide[div] + """</para></td>"""
                                   rml += """
                            rml += """

                    elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','rating_scale','matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans','matrix_of_drop_down_menus']:
                        if len(que.column_heading_ids):
                            for col in que.column_heading_ids:

                        tmp = 0.0
                        sum = 0.0
                        i = 0
                        if que.comment_column:
                            for col in cols_widhts:
                                if i == 0:
                                    cols_widhts[i] = cols_widhts[i]/2.0
                                    tmp = cols_widhts[i]
                                sum += col
                                i += 1
                        colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts))
                        colWidths = colWidths+'cm'
                        matrix_ans = ['',]

                        for col in que.column_heading_ids:
                            if col.title not in matrix_ans:
                        if que.comment_column:
                        rml+="""<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl"><tr>"""

                        for mat_col in matrix_ans:
                            rml += """<td><para style="response">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(mat_col)) + """</para></td>"""
                        rml += """</tr></blockTable>"""
                        i = 0
                        for ans in que.answer_choice_ids:
                            if i%2 != 0:
                            i += 1
                            rml += """
                            <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style='"""+style+"""'>
                            <tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(ans.answer)) + """</para></td>"""
                            rec_width = float((sum-tmp)*10+100)
                            value = ""

                            if que.type in ['matrix_of_drop_down_menus']:
                                value = """ <fill color="white"/>
                                    <rect x="-0.1cm" y="-0.45cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(cols_widhts[-1] - 0.5) +"cm" + """' height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/>"""
                            elif que.type in ['matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans','rating_scale']:
                                value = """ <fill color="white"/>
                                    <circle x="0.35cm" y="-0.18cm" radius="0.25 cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes"/>"""
                                value = """ <fill color="white"/>
                                    <rect x="0.1cm" y="-0.4cm" width="0.5 cm" height="0.5cm" fill="yes" stroke="yes" round="0.1cm"/>"""
                            for mat_col in range(1,len(matrix_ans)):
                                if matrix_ans[mat_col] == que.column_name:
                                    if mat_col == 1:
                                        rml += """
                                            <td><para style="answer_left">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(que.column_name)) + """</para></td>"""
                                      rml += """<td></td>"""
                                    rml += """<td><illustration>""" + value + """</illustration></td>"""
                            rml += """</tr></blockTable>"""

                    elif que.type in ['multiple_textboxes', 'numerical_textboxes', 'date_and_time','date','multiple_textboxes_diff_type']:
                        colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts))
                        colWidths = tools.ustr(colWidths) + 'cm'
                        for ans in que.answer_choice_ids:
                            a = ' - ' + ans.answer or '' 
                            rml += """<para style="P1"></para>
                            <blockTable colWidths=" """+ colWidths + """ " style="ans_tbl">
                                <tr><td><para style="answer">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(translate(cr, 'survey.answer,answer','model',survey.lang or 'en_EN',ans.answer) or ans.answer + a)) + """</para></td>
                                        <rect x="0.0cm" y="-0.5cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(str(cols_widhts[0] - 0.3) + "cm") + """' height="0.6cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/>

                    elif que.type in ['comment']:
                        colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts))
                        rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """cm " style="ans_tbl">
                                <td><para style="comment"><font color="white"> </font></para>
                                        <rect x="0.1cm" y="0.3cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(str(float(colWidths) - 0.6) +'cm') + """' height="1.5cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/>

                    elif que.type in ['single_textbox']:
                        colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts))
                        rml += """<para style="P2"><font color="white"> </font></para>
                        <blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """cm " style="ans_tbl">
                                        <rect x="0.2cm" y="0.3cm" width='""" + tools.ustr(str(float(colWidths) - 0.7) +'cm') + """' height="0.6cm" fill="no" stroke="yes"/>

                    elif que.type in ['table']:
                        tbl_width = float(_tbl_widths.replace('cm',''))
                        for i in range(0,len(que.column_heading_ids)):
                        colWidths = "cm,".join(map(tools.ustr, cols_widhts))
                        colWidths = colWidths+'cm'
                        rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """ + colWidths + """ " style="tbl"><tr>"""
                        for col in que.column_heading_ids:
                            rml+="""<td><para style="terp_tblheader_Details">""" + to_xml(tools.ustr(col.title)) + """</para></td>"""
                        rml += """</tr></blockTable>"""
                        i = 0
                        for r in range(0,que.no_of_rows):
                            if i%2 != 0:
                                style = 'tbl_white'
                                style = 'tbl_gainsboro'
                            i += 1
                            rml += """<blockTable colWidths=" """  + colWidths + """ " style='"""+style+"""'><tr>"""
                            for c in que.column_heading_ids:
                               rml += """
                                <td><para style="terp_default_9"><font color="white"> </font></para></td>"""
                            rml += """</tr></blockTable>"""

            if datas.has_key('form') and not datas['form']['without_pagebreak']:
                rml += """<pageBreak/>"""
            elif not datas.has_key('form'):
                rml += """<pageBreak/>"""
                rml += """<para style="P2"><font></font></para>"""

        rml += """</story></document>"""
        report_type = datas.get('report_type', 'pdf')
        create_doc = self.generators[report_type]
        pdf = create_doc(rml, title=self.title)
        return (pdf, report_type)
Example #8
    def execute_cr(self, cr, uid, data, state='init', context=None):
        if not context:
        res = {}
            state_def = self.states[state]

            result_def = state_def.get('result', {})
            actions_res = {}
            # iterate through the list of actions defined for this state
            for action in state_def.get('actions', []):
                # execute them
                action_res = action(self, cr, uid, data, context)
                assert isinstance(action_res, dict), 'The return value of wizard actions should be a dictionary'
            res = copy.copy(result_def)
            res['datas'] = actions_res
            lang = context.get('lang', False)
            if result_def['type'] == 'action':
                res['action'] = result_def['action'](self, cr, uid, data, context)
            elif result_def['type'] == 'form':
                fields = copy.deepcopy(result_def['fields'])
                arch = copy.copy(result_def['arch'])
                button_list = copy.copy(result_def['state'])

                if isinstance(fields, UpdateableDict):
                    fields = fields.dict
                if isinstance(arch, UpdateableStr):
                    arch = arch.string

                # fetch user-set defaut values for the field... shouldn't we pass it the uid?
                ir_values_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.values')
                defaults = ir_values_obj.get(cr, uid, 'default', False, [('wizard.'+self.wiz_name, False)])
                default_values = dict([(x[1], x[2]) for x in defaults])
                for val in fields.keys():
                    if 'default' in fields[val]:
                        # execute default method for this field
                        if callable(fields[val]['default']):
                            fields[val]['value'] = fields[val]['default'](uid, data, state)
                            fields[val]['value'] = fields[val]['default']
                        del fields[val]['default']
                        # if user has set a default value for the field, use it
                        if val in default_values:
                            fields[val]['value'] = default_values[val]
                    if 'selection' in fields[val]:
                        if not isinstance(fields[val]['selection'], (tuple, list)):
                            fields[val] = copy.copy(fields[val])
                            fields[val]['selection'] = fields[val]['selection'](self, cr, uid, context)
                        elif lang:
                            res_name = "%s,%s,%s" % (self.wiz_name, state, val)
                            trans = lambda x: translate(cr, res_name, 'selection', lang, x) or x
                            for idx, (key, val2) in enumerate(fields[val]['selection']):
                                fields[val]['selection'][idx] = (key, trans(val2))

                if lang:
                    # translate fields
                    for field in fields:
                        res_name = "%s,%s,%s" % (self.wiz_name, state, field)

                        trans = translate(cr, res_name, 'wizard_field', lang)
                        if trans:
                            fields[field]['string'] = trans

                        if 'help' in fields[field]:
                            t = translate(cr, res_name, 'help', lang, fields[field]['help']) 
                            if t:
                                fields[field]['help'] = t

                    # translate arch
                    if not isinstance(arch, UpdateableStr):
                        doc = etree.XML(arch)
                        self.translate_view(cr, doc, state, lang)
                        arch = etree.tostring(doc)

                    # translate buttons
                    button_list = list(button_list)
                    for i, aa  in enumerate(button_list):
                        button_name = aa[0]
                        trans = translate(cr, self.wiz_name+','+state+','+button_name, 'wizard_button', lang)
                        if trans:
                            aa = list(aa)
                            aa[1] = trans
                            button_list[i] = aa
                res['fields'] = fields
                res['arch'] = arch
                res['state'] = button_list

            elif result_def['type'] == 'choice':
                next_state = result_def['next_state'](self, cr, uid, data, context)
                return self.execute_cr(cr, uid, data, next_state, context)
        except Exception, e:
            if isinstance(e, except_wizard) \
                or isinstance(e, except_osv) \
                or isinstance(e, except_orm):
                self.abortResponse(2, e.name, 'warning', e.value)
                import traceback
                tb_s = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(
                    sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback))
                logger = Logger()
                logger.notifyChannel("web-services", LOG_ERROR,
                        'Exception in call: ' + tb_s)
Example #9
 def _(self, src):
     lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US')
     return translate(
         self.cr, _ir_translation_name, 'report', lang, src) or src
Example #10
        def tr(src, ttype):
            # We try to do the same as the _(), but without the frame
            # inspection, since we aready are wrapping an osv function
            # trans_obj = self.get('ir.translation') cannot work yet :(
            ctx = {}
            if not kwargs:
                if args and isinstance(args[-1], dict):
                    ctx = args[-1]
            elif isinstance(kwargs, dict):
                if 'context' in kwargs:
                    ctx = kwargs['context']
                elif 'kwargs' in kwargs:
                    # http entry points such as call_kw()
                    ctx = kwargs['kwargs'].get('context')

            uid = 1
            if args and isinstance(args[0], (long, int)):
                uid = args[0]

            lang = ctx and ctx.get('lang')
            if not (lang or hasattr(src, '__call__')):
                return src

            # We open a *new* cursor here, one reason is that failed SQL
            # queries (as in IntegrityError) will invalidate the current one.
            cr = False

            if hasattr(src, '__call__'):
                # callable. We need to find the right parameters to call
                # the  orm._sql_message(self, cr, uid, ids, context) function,
                # or we skip..
                # our signature is f(registry, dbname [,uid, obj, method, args])
                    if args and len(args) > 1:
                        # TODO self doesn't exist, but was already wrong before (it was not a registry but just the object_service.
                        obj = self.get(args[1])
                        if len(args) > 3 and isinstance(
                                args[3], (long, int, list)):
                            ids = args[3]
                            ids = []
                    cr = openerp.sql_db.db_connect(dbname).cursor()
                    return src(obj, cr, uid, ids, context=(ctx or {}))
                except Exception:
                    if cr: cr.close()

                return False  # so that the original SQL error will
                # be returned, it is the best we have.

                cr = openerp.sql_db.db_connect(dbname).cursor()
                res = translate(cr,
                if res:
                    return res
                    return src
                if cr: cr.close()
Example #11
 def _(self, src):
     lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US')
     return translate(self.cr, '', 'code', lang, src) or src