def test_tapering_qubits_manual_input(self):
        Test taper_off_qubits function using LiH Hamiltonian.

        Checks different qubits inputs to remove manually.

        Test the lowest eigenvalue against the full Hamiltonian,
        and the full spectrum between them.
        hamiltonian, spectrum = lih_hamiltonian()
        qubit_hamiltonian = jordan_wigner(hamiltonian)
        stab1 = QubitOperator('Z0 Z2', -1.0)
        stab2 = QubitOperator('Z1 Z3', -1.0)

        tapered_ham_0_3 = taper_off_qubits(qubit_hamiltonian, [stab1, stab2],
                                           fixed_positions=[0, 3])
        tapered_ham_2_1 = taper_off_qubits(qubit_hamiltonian, [stab1, stab2],
                                           fixed_positions=[2, 1])

        tapered_spectrum_0_3 = eigenspectrum(tapered_ham_0_3)
        tapered_spectrum_2_1 = eigenspectrum(tapered_ham_2_1)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(spectrum[0], tapered_spectrum_0_3[0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(spectrum[0], tapered_spectrum_2_1[0])
            numpy.allclose(tapered_spectrum_0_3, tapered_spectrum_2_1))
Example #2
def vacuum_operator(edge_matrix_indices):
    """Use the stabilizers to find the vacuum state in bravyi_kitaev_fast.

        edge_matrix_indices(numpy array): specifying the edges

        An instance of QubitOperator

    # Initialize qubit operator.
    g = networkx.Graph()
    stabs = numpy.array(networkx.cycle_basis(g))
    vac_operator = QubitOperator(())
    for stab in stabs:

        A = QubitOperator(())
        stab = numpy.array(stab)
        for i in range(numpy.size(stab)):
            if i == (numpy.size(stab) - 1):
                A = (1j) * A * edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, stab[i],
                A = (1j) * A * edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, stab[i],
                                                 stab[i + 1])
        vac_operator = vac_operator * (QubitOperator(()) + A) / numpy.sqrt(2)

    return vac_operator
Example #3
def edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, i, j):
    """Calculate the edge operator A_ij. The definitions used here are
    consistent with arXiv:quant-ph/0003137

        edge_matrix_indices(numpy array): specifying the edges
        i,j (int): specifying the edge operator A

        An instance of QubitOperator
    a_ij = QubitOperator()
    operator = tuple()
    position_ij = -1
    qubit_position_i = numpy.array(numpy.where(edge_matrix_indices == i))
    for edge_index in range(numpy.size(edge_matrix_indices[0, :])):
        if set((i, j)) == set(edge_matrix_indices[:, edge_index]):
            position_ij = edge_index
    operator += ((int(position_ij), 'X'),)

    for edge_index in range(numpy.size(qubit_position_i[0, :])):
        if edge_matrix_indices[int(not (qubit_position_i[0, edge_index]))][
                qubit_position_i[1, edge_index]] < j:
            operator += ((int(qubit_position_i[1, edge_index]), 'Z'),)
    qubit_position_j = numpy.array(numpy.where(edge_matrix_indices == j))
    for edge_index in range(numpy.size(qubit_position_j[0, :])):
        if edge_matrix_indices[int(not (qubit_position_j[0, edge_index]))][
                qubit_position_j[1, edge_index]] < i:
            operator += ((int(qubit_position_j[1, edge_index]), 'Z'),)
    a_ij += QubitOperator(operator, 1)
    if j < i:
        a_ij = -1 * a_ij
    return a_ij
Example #4
def _transform_ladder_operator(ladder_operator, n_qubits):
        ladder_operator (tuple[int, int]): the ladder operator
        n_qubits (int): the number of qubits
    index, action = ladder_operator

    update_set = _update_set(index, n_qubits)
    occupation_set = _occupation_set(index)
    parity_set = _parity_set(index - 1)

    # Initialize the transformed majorana operator (a_p^\dagger + a_p) / 2
    transformed_operator = QubitOperator([(i, 'X') for i in update_set] +
                                         [(i, 'Z') for i in parity_set], .5)
    # Get the transformed (a_p^\dagger - a_p) / 2
    # Below is equivalent to X(update_set) * Z(parity_set ^ occupation_set)
    transformed_majorana_difference = QubitOperator(
        [(index, 'Y')] + [(i, 'X') for i in update_set - {index}] +
        [(i, 'Z') for i in (parity_set ^ occupation_set) - {index}], -.5j)

    # Raising
    if action == 1:
        transformed_operator += transformed_majorana_difference
    # Lowering
        transformed_operator -= transformed_majorana_difference

    return transformed_operator
Example #5
def number_operator(iop, mode_number=None):
    """Find the qubit operator for the number operator in bravyi_kitaev_fast

        iop (InteractionOperator):
        mode_number: index mode_number corresponding to the mode
            for which number operator is required.

        A QubitOperator

    n_qubit = iop.n_qubits
    num_operator = QubitOperator()
    edge_matrix = bravyi_kitaev_fast_edge_matrix(iop)
    edge_matrix_indices = numpy.array(
            numpy.triu(edge_matrix) - numpy.diag(numpy.diag(edge_matrix))))
    if mode_number is None:
        for i in range(n_qubit):
            num_operator += (QubitOperator(
                ()) - edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, i)) / 2.

        num_operator += (QubitOperator(
            ()) - edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, mode_number)) / 2.

    return num_operator
Example #6
def jordan_wigner_one_body(p, q, coefficient=1.):
    r"""Map the term a^\dagger_p a_q + h.c. to QubitOperator.

    Note that the diagonal terms are divided by a factor of 2
    because they are equal to their own Hermitian conjugate.
    # Handle off-diagonal terms.
    qubit_operator = QubitOperator()
    if p != q:
        if p > q:
            p, q = q, p
            coefficient = coefficient.conjugate()
        parity_string = tuple((z, 'Z') for z in range(p + 1, q))
        for c, (op_a, op_b) in [(coefficient.real, 'XX'),
                                (coefficient.real, 'YY'),
                                (coefficient.imag, 'YX'),
                                (-coefficient.imag, 'XY')]:
            operators = ((p, op_a),) + parity_string + ((q, op_b),)
            qubit_operator += QubitOperator(operators, .5 * c)

    # Handle diagonal terms.
        qubit_operator += QubitOperator((), .5 * coefficient)
        qubit_operator += QubitOperator(((p, 'Z'),), -.5 * coefficient)

    return qubit_operator
    def test_3rd_order_helper_3ops(self):
        # Test 3rd-order helper, H=A+B+C
        op_a = QubitOperator('X0', 1.)
        op_b = QubitOperator('Z2', 1.)
        op_c = QubitOperator('Z3', 1.)

        gold = []
        gold.append(op_a * 7. / 24)
        gold.append(op_b * 7. / 36)
        gold.append(op_c * 4. / 9)
        gold.append(op_b * 1. / 2)
        gold.append(op_c * -4. / 9)
        gold.append(op_b * -1. / 36)
        gold.append(op_c * 2. / 3)
        gold.append(op_a * 3. / 4)
        gold.append(op_b * -7. / 36)
        gold.append(op_c * -4. / 9)
        gold.append(op_b * -1. / 2)
        gold.append(op_c * 4. / 9)
        gold.append(op_b * 1. / 36)
        gold.append(op_c * -2. / 3)
        gold.append(op_a * -1. / 24)
        gold.append(op_b * 7. / 24)
        gold.append(op_c * 2. / 3)
        gold.append(op_b * 3. / 4)
        gold.append(op_c * -2. / 3)
        gold.append(op_b * -1. / 24)
        gold.append(op_c * 1.0)

        # Second arg must be in list form
        res = _third_order_trotter_helper([op_a, op_b, op_c])

        # Assert each term in list of QubitOperators is correct
        self.compare_qubop_lists(gold, res)
    def test_trott_ordering_3rd_ord(self):
        # Test 3rd-order Trotterization, H=A+B+C
        op_a = QubitOperator('X0', 1.)
        op_b = QubitOperator('Z2', 1.)
        op_c = QubitOperator('Z3', 1.)
        ham = op_a + op_b + op_c

        # Result from code
        res = [op for op in trotter_operator_grouping(ham, trotter_order=3)]

        gold = []
        gold.append(op_a * 7. / 24)
        gold.append(op_b * 7. / 36)
        gold.append(op_c * 4. / 9)
        gold.append(op_b * 1. / 2)
        gold.append(op_c * -4. / 9)
        gold.append(op_b * -1. / 36)
        gold.append(op_c * 2. / 3)
        gold.append(op_a * 3. / 4)
        gold.append(op_b * -7. / 36)
        gold.append(op_c * -4. / 9)
        gold.append(op_b * -1. / 2)
        gold.append(op_c * 4. / 9)
        gold.append(op_b * 1. / 36)
        gold.append(op_c * -2. / 3)
        gold.append(op_a * -1. / 24)
        gold.append(op_b * 7. / 24)
        gold.append(op_c * 2. / 3)
        gold.append(op_b * 3. / 4)
        gold.append(op_c * -2. / 3)
        gold.append(op_b * -1. / 24)
        gold.append(op_c * 1.0)

        # Assert each term in list of QubitOperators is correct
        self.compare_qubop_lists(gold, res)
Example #9
def one_body(edge_matrix_indices, p, q):
    Map the term a^\dagger_p a_q + a^\dagger_q a_p to QubitOperator.

    The definitions for various operators will be presented in a paper soon.

        edge_matrix_indices(numpy array): Specifying the edges
        p and q (int): specifying the one body term.

        An instance of QubitOperator()
    # Handle off-diagonal terms.
    qubit_operator = QubitOperator()
    if p != q:
        a, b = sorted([p, q])
        B_a = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, a)
        B_b = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, b)
        A_ab = edge_operator_aij(edge_matrix_indices, a, b)
        qubit_operator += -1j / 2. * (A_ab * B_b + B_a * A_ab)

    # Handle diagonal terms.
        B_p = edge_operator_b(edge_matrix_indices, p)
        qubit_operator += (QubitOperator((), 1) - B_p) / 2.

    return qubit_operator
Example #10
def load_operator(file_name=None, data_directory=None, plain_text=False):
    """Load FermionOperator or QubitOperator from file.

        file_name: The name of the saved file.
        data_directory: Optional data directory to change from default data
                        directory specified in config file.
        plain_text: Whether the input file is plain text

        operator: The stored FermionOperator, BosonOperator,
            QuadOperator, or QubitOperator

        TypeError: Operator of invalid type.
    file_path = get_file_path(file_name, data_directory)

    if plain_text:
        with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
            data =
            operator_type, operator_terms = data.split(":\n")

        if operator_type == 'FermionOperator':
            operator = FermionOperator(operator_terms)
        elif operator_type == 'BosonOperator':
            operator = BosonOperator(operator_terms)
        elif operator_type == 'QubitOperator':
            operator = QubitOperator(operator_terms)
        elif operator_type == 'QuadOperator':
            operator = QuadOperator(operator_terms)
            raise TypeError('Operator of invalid type.')
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            data = marshal.load(f)
            operator_type = data[0]
            operator_terms = data[1]

        if operator_type == 'FermionOperator':
            operator = FermionOperator()
            for term in operator_terms:
                operator += FermionOperator(term, operator_terms[term])
        elif operator_type == 'BosonOperator':
            operator = BosonOperator()
            for term in operator_terms:
                operator += BosonOperator(term, operator_terms[term])
        elif operator_type == 'QubitOperator':
            operator = QubitOperator()
            for term in operator_terms:
                operator += QubitOperator(term, operator_terms[term])
        elif operator_type == 'QuadOperator':
            operator = QuadOperator()
            for term in operator_terms:
                operator += QuadOperator(term, operator_terms[term])
            raise TypeError('Operator of invalid type.')

    return operator
Example #11
    def test_rotation(self):
        qop = QubitOperator('X0 X1', 1)
        qop += QubitOperator('Z0 Z1', 1)
        rot_op = QubitOperator('Z1', 1)

        rotated_qop = rotate_qubit_by_pauli(qop, rot_op, numpy.pi / 4)
        comp_op = QubitOperator('Z0 Z1', 1)
        comp_op += QubitOperator('X0 Y1', 1)
        self.assertEqual(comp_op, rotated_qop)
Example #12
 def test_error_operator_all_diagonal(self):
     terms = [
         QubitOperator('Z0 Z1 Z2'),
         QubitOperator('Z0 Z3'),
         QubitOperator('Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3')
     zero = QubitOperator()
     self.assertTrue(zero == error_operator(terms))
Example #13
    def test_zero(self):
        n_qubits = 5
        transmed_i = reverse_jordan_wigner(QubitOperator(), n_qubits)
        expected_i = FermionOperator()
        self.assertTrue(transmed_i == expected_i)

        retransmed_i = jordan_wigner(transmed_i)
        expected_i = QubitOperator()
        self.assertTrue(expected_i == retransmed_i)
    def test_fix_single_term(self):
        """Test fix_single_term function."""
        stab2 = QubitOperator('Z1 Z3', -1.0)
        test_term = QubitOperator('Z1 Z2')

        fix1 = fix_single_term(test_term, 1, 'Z', 'X', stab2)
        fix2 = fix_single_term(test_term, 0, 'X', 'X', stab2)

        self.assertTrue(fix1 == (test_term * stab2))
        self.assertTrue(fix2 == test_term)
Example #15
 def test_error_operator_xyz(self):
     terms = [QubitOperator('X1'), QubitOperator('Y1'), QubitOperator('Z1')]
     expected = numpy.array([[-2. / 3, 1. / 3 + 1.j / 6, 0., 0.],
                             [1. / 3 - 1.j / 6, 2. / 3, 0., 0.],
                             [0., 0., -2. / 3, 1. / 3 + 1.j / 6],
                             [0., 0., 1. / 3 - 1.j / 6, 2. / 3]])
     sparse_op = get_sparse_operator(error_operator(terms))
     matrix = sparse_op.todense()
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(matrix, expected),
                     ("Got " + str(matrix)))
Example #16
def _qubit_operator_creation(operators, coefficents):
    """ Takes a list of tuples for operators/indices, and another for

    qubit_operator = QubitOperator()

    for index in zip(operators, coefficents):
        qubit_operator += QubitOperator(index[0], index[1])

    return qubit_operator
    def test_reduce_terms(self):
        """Test reduce_terms function using LiH Hamiltonian."""
        hamiltonian, spectrum = lih_hamiltonian()
        qubit_hamiltonian = jordan_wigner(hamiltonian)
        stab1 = QubitOperator('Z0 Z2', -1.0)
        stab2 = QubitOperator('Z1 Z3', -1.0)

        red_eigenspectrum = eigenspectrum(
            reduce_number_of_terms(qubit_hamiltonian, stab1 + stab2))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(spectrum[0], red_eigenspectrum[0])
Example #18
    def test_transm_raise1(self):
        raising = jordan_wigner(FermionOperator(((1, 1), )))

        correct_operators_x = ((0, 'Z'), (1, 'X'))
        correct_operators_y = ((0, 'Z'), (1, 'Y'))
        qtermx = QubitOperator(correct_operators_x, 0.5)
        qtermy = QubitOperator(correct_operators_y, -0.5j)

        self.assertEqual(raising.terms[correct_operators_x], 0.5)
        self.assertEqual(raising.terms[correct_operators_y], -0.5j)
        self.assertTrue(raising == qtermx + qtermy)
Example #19
    def test_transm_lower0(self):
        lowering = jordan_wigner(FermionOperator(((0, 0), )))

        correct_operators_x = ((0, 'X'), )
        correct_operators_y = ((0, 'Y'), )
        qtermx = QubitOperator(correct_operators_x, 0.5)
        qtermy = QubitOperator(correct_operators_y, 0.5j)

        self.assertEqual(lowering.terms[correct_operators_x], 0.5)
        self.assertEqual(lowering.terms[correct_operators_y], 0.5j)
        self.assertTrue(lowering == qtermx + qtermy)
Example #20
def _jordan_wigner_majorana_operator(operator):
    transformed_operator = QubitOperator()
    for term, coeff in operator.terms.items():
        transformed_term = QubitOperator((), coeff)
        for majorana_index in term:
            q, b = divmod(majorana_index, 2)
            z_string = tuple((i, 'Z') for i in range(q))
            bit_flip_op = 'Y' if b else 'X'
            transformed_term *= QubitOperator(z_string + ((q, bit_flip_op),))
        transformed_operator += transformed_term
    return transformed_operator
def project_onto_sector(operator, qubits, sectors):
    Remove qubit by projecting onto sector.

    Takes a QubitOperator, and projects out a list
    of qubits, into either the +1 or -1 sector.
    Note - this requires knowledge of which sector
    we wish to project into.

        operator: the QubitOperator to work on
        qubits: a list of indices of qubits in
           operator to remove
        sectors: for each qubit, whether to project
            into the 0 subspace (<Z>=1) or the
            1 subspace (<Z>=-1).

        projected_operator: the resultant operator

        TypeError: operator must be a QubitOperator.
        TypeError: qubits and sector must be an array-like.
        ValueError: If qubits and sectors have different length.
        ValueError: If sector are not specified as 0 or 1.
    if not isinstance(operator, QubitOperator):
        raise TypeError('Input operator must be a QubitOperator.')
    if not isinstance(qubits, (list, numpy.ndarray)):
        raise TypeError('Qubit input must be an array-like.')
    if not isinstance(sectors, (list, numpy.ndarray)):
        raise TypeError('Sector input must be an array-like.')
    if len(qubits) != len(sectors):
        raise ValueError('Number of qubits and sectors must be equal.')
    for i in sectors:
        if i not in [0, 1]:
            raise ValueError('Sectors must be 0 or 1.')

    projected_operator = QubitOperator()
    for term, factor in operator.terms.items():

        # Any term containing X or Y on the removed
        # qubits has an expectation value of zero
        if [t for t in term if t[0] in qubits and t[1] in ['X', 'Y']]:

        new_term = tuple((t[0] - len([q for q in qubits if q < t[0]]), t[1])
                         for t in term if t[0] not in qubits)
        new_factor =\
            factor * (-1)**(sum([sectors[qubits.index(t[0])]
                                 for t in term if t[0] in qubits]))
        projected_operator += QubitOperator(new_term, new_factor)

    return projected_operator
Example #22
 def test_exception_Pauli(self):
     qop = QubitOperator('X0 X1', 1)
     qop += QubitOperator('Z0 Z1', 1)
     rot_op = QubitOperator('Z1', 1)
     rot_op += QubitOperator('Z0', 1)
     rot_op2 = QubitOperator('Z1', 1)
     ferm_op = FermionOperator('1^ 2', 1)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         rotate_qubit_by_pauli(qop, rot_op, numpy.pi / 4)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         rotate_qubit_by_pauli(ferm_op, rot_op2, numpy.pi / 4)
    def test_transform(self):
        code = BinaryCode([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], ['W0', 'W1', '1 + W0 + W1'])
        hamiltonian = FermionOperator('0^ 2', 0.5) + FermionOperator(
            '2^ 0', 0.5)
        transform = binary_code_transform(hamiltonian, code)
        correct_op = QubitOperator('X0 Z1', 0.25) + QubitOperator('X0', 0.25)
        self.assertTrue(transform == correct_op)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            binary_code_transform('0^ 2', code)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            binary_code_transform(hamiltonian, ([[1, 0], [0, 1]], ['w0', 'w1']))
    def test_lookup_term(self):
        """Test for the auxiliar function _lookup_term."""
        # Dummy test where the initial Pauli string is larger than the
        # updated one.
        start_op = list(QubitOperator('Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3').terms.keys())[0]
        updateop1 = QubitOperator('Z0 Z2', -1.0)
        updateop2 = list(QubitOperator('Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3').terms.keys())

        qop = _lookup_term(start_op, [updateop1], updateop2)
        final_op = list(qop.terms.keys())[0]

        self.assertLess(len(final_op), len(start_op))
Example #25
 def test_projection_error(self):
     coefficient = 0.5
     opstring = ((0, 'X'), (1, 'X'), (2, 'Z'))
     opstring2 = ((0, 'X'), (2, 'Z'), (3, 'Z'))
     operator = QubitOperator(opstring, coefficient)
     operator += QubitOperator(opstring2, coefficient)
     new_operator = project_onto_sector(operator, qubits=[1], sectors=[0])
     error = projection_error(operator, qubits=[1], sectors=[0])
     self.assertEqual(count_qubits(new_operator), 3)
     self.assertTrue(((0, 'X'), (1, 'Z'), (2, 'Z')) in new_operator.terms)
     self.assertEqual(new_operator.terms[((0, 'X'), (1, 'Z'), (2, 'Z'))],
     self.assertEqual(error, 0.5)
Example #26
    def test_transm_raise3_sympy(self):
        coeff = sympy.Symbol('x')
        raising = jordan_wigner(coeff * FermionOperator(((3, 1), )))
        self.assertEqual(len(raising.terms), 2)

        correct_operators_x = ((0, 'Z'), (1, 'Z'), (2, 'Z'), (3, 'X'))
        correct_operators_y = ((0, 'Z'), (1, 'Z'), (2, 'Z'), (3, 'Y'))
        qtermx = QubitOperator(correct_operators_x, 0.5 * coeff)
        qtermy = QubitOperator(correct_operators_y, -0.5j * coeff)

        self.assertEqual(raising.terms[correct_operators_x], 0.5 * coeff)
        self.assertEqual(raising.terms[correct_operators_y], -0.5j * coeff)
        self.assertTrue(raising == qtermx + qtermy)
 def test_trott_ordering_2nd_ord(self):
     # Test 2nd-order Trotter ordering
     op_a = QubitOperator('X0', 1.)
     op_b = QubitOperator('Z2', 1.)
     op_c = QubitOperator('Z3', 1.)
     ham = op_a + op_b + op_c
     _ = [op for op in trotter_operator_grouping(ham, trotter_order=2)]
     gold = []
     gold.append(op_a * 0.5)
     gold.append(op_b * 0.5)
     gold.append(op_c * 1.0)
     gold.append(op_b * 0.5)
     gold.append(op_a * 0.5)
Example #28
    def test_matvec_multiple_terms(self):
        """Testing with multiple terms."""
        qubit_operator = (QubitOperator.identity() + 2 * QubitOperator('Y2') +
                          QubitOperator(((0, 'Z'), (1, 'X')), 10.0))

        vec = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
        matvec_expected = (10 * numpy.array([3, 4, 1, 2, -7, -8, -5, -6]) +
                           2j * numpy.array([-2, 1, -4, 3, -6, 5, -8, 7]) +

                LinearQubitOperator(qubit_operator) * vec, matvec_expected))
    def test_reduce_terms_manual_input(self):
        """Test reduce_terms function using LiH Hamiltonian."""
        hamiltonian, spectrum = lih_hamiltonian()
        qubit_hamiltonian = jordan_wigner(hamiltonian)
        stab1 = QubitOperator('Z0 Z2', -1.0)
        stab2 = QubitOperator('Z1 Z3', -1.0)

        red_eigenspectrum = eigenspectrum(
            reduce_number_of_terms(qubit_hamiltonian, [stab1, stab2],
                                   fixed_positions=[0, 1]))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(spectrum[0], red_eigenspectrum[0])
    def test_exceptions(self):
        # Test exceptions in trotter_operator_grouping()

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = [
                i for i in pauli_exp_to_qasm([QubitOperator()],

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = [
                i for i in pauli_exp_to_qasm([QubitOperator('X1 Y2')],

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = [
                i for i in trotter_operator_grouping(self.qo1, trotter_order=0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = [
                i for i in trotter_operator_grouping(self.qo1, trotter_order=4)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = [i for i in trotter_operator_grouping(42)]

        emptyQO = QubitOperator()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = [i for i in trotter_operator_grouping(emptyQO)]

        emptyTO = []
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = [
                i for i in trotter_operator_grouping(self.qo1,

        # Too few ops for 2nd-order
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = [
                i for i in trotter_operator_grouping(self.opA, trotter_order=2)

        # Too few ops for 3rd-order
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = [
                i for i in trotter_operator_grouping(self.opA, trotter_order=3)