def create_final(year=None):
    if year is None:
        raise Exception("A year is needed")
    print 'création de final'
    foy_ind = load_temp(name = 'foy_ind', year=year)
    tot3 = load_temp(name='tot3', year=year)

    foy_ind.set_index(['idfoy', 'quifoy'], inplace=True)
    tot3.set_index(['idfoy', 'quifoy'], inplace=True)
    final = concat([tot3, foy_ind], join_axes=[tot3.index], axis=1)

#     tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols=['idfam', 'quifam'])
    final = final[final.idmen.notnull()]

    control(final, verbose=True)
    del tot3, foy_ind

#final <- merge(final, sif, by = c('noindiv'), all.x = TRUE)
    print "    loading fip"
    sif = load_temp(name = 'sif', year=year)

    print sif.columns
    print "    update final using fip"
    final = final.merge(sif, on=["noindiv"], how="left")

    print final.columns
    control(final, debug=True)

    final['caseP'] = final.caseP.fillna(False)
    final['caseF'] = final.caseF.fillna(False)

    save_temp(final, name='final', year=year)
    print 'final sauvegardé'
    del sif, final
def create_final(year=None):
    if year is None:
        raise Exception("A year is needed")
    print 'création de final'
    foy_ind = load_temp(name='foy_ind', year=year)
    tot3 = load_temp(name='tot3', year=year)

    foy_ind.set_index(['idfoy', 'quifoy'], inplace=True)
    tot3.set_index(['idfoy', 'quifoy'], inplace=True)
    final = concat([tot3, foy_ind], join_axes=[tot3.index], axis=1)

    #     tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols=['idfam', 'quifam'])
    final = final[final.idmen.notnull()]

    control(final, verbose=True)
    del tot3, foy_ind

    #final <- merge(final, sif, by = c('noindiv'), all.x = TRUE)
    print "    loading fip"
    sif = load_temp(name='sif', year=year)

    print sif.columns
    print "    update final using fip"
    final = final.merge(sif, on=["noindiv"], how="left")

    print final.columns
    control(final, debug=True)

    final['caseP'] = final.caseP.fillna(False)
    final['caseF'] = final.caseF.fillna(False)

    save_temp(final, name='final', year=year)
    print 'final sauvegardé'
    del sif, final
def famille(year=2006):
### On suit la méthode décrite dans le Guide ERF_2002_rétropolée page 135
    #TODO: appeler un fichier de paramètres de législation
    if year == 2006:
        smic = 1254
    elif year == 2007:
        smic = 1280
    elif year == 2008:
        smic = 1308
    elif year==2009:
        smic = 1337
        print("smic non défini")

## TODO check if we can remove acteu forter etc since dealt with in 01_pre_proc
#indivi <- LoadIn(indm,indVar)

#    indivi = erf_indivi.merge(eec_indivi)
    print 'Etape 1 : préparation de base'
    print '    1.1 : récupération de indivi'
    indivi = load_temp(name="indivim", year=year)

    indivi['year'] = year
    indivi["noidec"] =   indivi["declar1"].apply(lambda x: str(x)[0:2])
    indivi["agepf"] = where(indivi['naim'] < 7, indivi['year'] - indivi['naia'] ,
                            indivi['year'] - indivi['naia'] - 1)

    indivi = indivi[ ~((indivi['lien']==6) & (indivi['agepf']<16) & ("quelfic"=="EE"))]

    print '    1.2 : récupération des enfants à naître'
    indVar = ['noi','noicon','noindiv','noiper','noimer','ident','declar1','naia','naim','lien','quelfic','acteu','stc','contra','titc','mrec',

    enfnn = load_temp(name='enfnn', year=year)
    enfnn = enfnn[indVar] #NOTE: la moitié des colonnes est remplie avec des NaN

    enfnn = enfnn.drop_duplicates('noindiv')
    print 'nb enfants à naitre', len(enfnn.index)
    print 'On enlève les enfants à naitre qui ne sont pas les enfants de la personne de référence'
    enfnn = enfnn[enfnn['lpr']==3]
    enfnn = enfnn[~(enfnn.noindiv.isin(indivi.noindiv.values))]
    print len(enfnn.index)

# # # PB with vars "agepf"  "noidec" "year"  NOTE: quels problèmes ? JS
# # base <- rbind(indivi,enfnn)
# # setdiff(names(indivi),names(enfnn))
# #

    print '    1.3 : création de base'
    base = concat([indivi, enfnn])
    print 'length of base', len(base.index)

    base['noindiv'] = 100*base['ident'] + base['noi']
    base['m15'] = (base['agepf']<16)
    base['p16m20'] = ((base['agepf']>=16) & (base['agepf']<=20))
    base['p21'] = (base['agepf']>=21)
    base['ztsai'] = where(base['ztsai'] is None, 0, base['ztsai'])
    base['smic55'] = (base['ztsai'] >= smic*12*0.55) ##55% du smic mensuel brut
    base['famille'] = 0
    base['kid'] = False
    print base.smic55.describe()

    def control_04(dataframe):
        print 'longueur de la dataframe après opération =', len(dataframe.index)
        dup = dataframe.duplicated(cols='noindiv')
        print 'contrôle des doublons =>', any(dup==True) #dup.describe()
        print 'contrôle des colonnes ->', len(dataframe.columns)
        print 'nombre de familles différentes', len(set(famille.noifam.values))
        print 'contrôle noifam is null:', len(dataframe[dataframe['noifam'].isnull()])
        if len(dataframe.index) > len(base.index): raise Exception('too many rows compared to base')

# # message('Etape 1: On cherche les enfants ayant père et/ou mère')
# # pr <- subset(base,lpr==1,c('ident','noi'))
# # pr$noifam <- 100*pr$ident + pr$noi
# # pr <- pr[c('ident','noifam')]
# #
# # nof01 <- subset(base,(lpr %in% c(1,2) )|(lpr==3 & m15) | (lpr==3 & (p16m20 & !smic55) ))
# # nof01 <- merge(pr,nof01,by ='ident')
# # nof01 <- within(nof01,{
# #   famille <- 10
# #   kid <-(lpr==3 & m15) | (lpr==3 & (p16m20 & !smic55 ) )
# #   })
# # famille <- nof01

    print ''
    print 'Etape 2 : On cherche les enfants ayant père et/ou mère'

    pr = base[base['lpr']==1].loc[:, ['ident', 'noi']]
    pr['noifam'] = 100*pr['ident'] + pr['noi']
    pr = pr.loc[:, ['ident', 'noifam']]
    print 'length pr', len(pr.index)

    nof01 = base[(base.lpr.isin([1,2])) | ((base['lpr'] == 3) & (base['m15'])) |
                 ((base['lpr'] == 3) & (base['p16m20']) & (~base['smic55']))]
    print 'longueur de nof01 avant merge', len(nof01.index)
    nof01 = nof01.merge(pr, on='ident', how='outer')
    nof01['famille'] = 10
    nof01['kid'] = ((nof01['lpr']==3) & (nof01['m15'])) | ((nof01['lpr']==3) & (nof01['p16m20']) & ~(nof01['smic55']))
    famille = nof01
    print nof01['kid'].value_counts()
    print nof01.lpr.value_counts()

    del nof01

    print '    2.1 : identification des couples'
    # l'ID est le noi de l'homme
    hcouple = subset_base(base,famille)
    hcouple = hcouple[(hcouple['cohab']==1) & (hcouple['lpr']>=3) & (hcouple['sexe']==1)]
    hcouple['noifam'] = 100*hcouple['ident'] + hcouple['noi']
    hcouple['famille'] = 21
    print 'longueur hcouple', len(hcouple.index)

# # message('Etape 2b')
# # fcouple<- base[!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv,]
# # fcouple <- subset(fcouple,(cohab==1) & (lpr>=3) & (sexe==2))
# # fcouple <- within(fcouple,{
# #     noifam <- 100*ident + noicon ## l'identifiant est le conjoint du ménage  */
# #     famille <- 22 })
# #
# # famcom<- merge(fcouple['noifam'],hcouple['noifam'])
# # fcouple <- merge(famcom,fcouple)
# #
# # famille <- rbind(famille,hcouple,fcouple)

    print '    2.2 : attributing the noifam to the wives'
    fcouple = base[~(base.noindiv.isin(famille.noindiv.values))]
    fcouple = fcouple[(fcouple['cohab']==1) & (fcouple['lpr']>=3) & (fcouple['sexe']==2)]
    fcouple['noifam'] = 100*fcouple['ident'] + fcouple['noi']
    fcouple['famille'] = 22
    print 'longueur fcouple', len(fcouple.index)

    famcom = fcouple.merge(hcouple, on='noifam', how='outer')
    print 'longueur fancom après fusion', len(famcom.index)
    fcouple = fcouple.merge(famcom) #NOTE : faire un inner merge sinon présence de doublons
    print 'longueur fcouple après fusion', len(fcouple.index)

    famille = concat([famille, hcouple, fcouple], join='inner')

    print ''
    print 'Etape 3: Récupération des personnes seules'
    print '    3.1 : personnes seules de catégorie 1'
    seul1 = base[~(base.noindiv.isin(famille.noindiv.values))]
    seul1 = seul1[(seul1.lpr.isin([3,4])) & ((seul1['p16m20'] & seul1['smic55'])|seul1['p21']) & (seul1['cohab']==1) &
    if len(seul1.index)>0:
        seul1['noifam'] = 100*seul1['ident'] + seul1['noi']
        seul1['famille'] = 31
        famille = concat([famille, seul1])
    print len(seul1.index)

# # message('  3.2 personnes seules 2')
# # seul2 <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv),]
# # seul2 <- subset(seul2,(lpr %in% c(3,4)) & p16m20 & smic55 & (cohab!=1))
# # seul2 <- within(seul2,{noifam <- 100*ident+noi
# #                      famille <- 32})
# # famille <- rbind(famille,seul2)
    print '    3.1 personnes seules de catégorie 2'
    seul2 = base[~(base.noindiv.isin(famille.noindiv.values))]
    seul2 = seul2[(seul2.lpr.isin([3,4])) & seul2['p16m20'] & seul2['smic55'] & (seul2['cohab'] != 1)]
    seul2['noifam'] = 100*seul2['ident'] + seul2['noi']
    seul2['famille'] = 32
    famille = concat([famille, seul2])

# # message(' 3.3 personnes seules 3')
# # seul3 <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv),]
# # seul3 <- subset(seul3,(lpr %in% c(3,4)) & p21 & cohab!=1)
# #     ## TODO CHECK erreur dans le guide méthodologique ERF 2002 lpr 3,4 au lieu de 3 seulement */
# # seul3 <- within(seul3,{noifam=100*ident+noi
# #                          famille = 33})
# # famille <- rbind(famille,seul3)

    print '    3.3 personnes seules de catégorie 3'
    seul3 = subset_base(base,famille)
    seul3 = seul3[(seul3.lpr.isin([3,4])) & seul3['p21'] & (seul3['cohab'] != 1)]
    seul3['noifam'] = 100*seul3['ident'] + seul3['noi']
    seul3['famille'] = 33
    famille = concat([famille, seul3])

# # message(' 3.4 personnes seules 4')
# # seul4 <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv),]
# # seul4 <- subset(seul4,(lpr==4) & p16m20 & !smic55 & noimer==0 & noiper==0 & persfip=="vous")
# #
# # if (nrow(seul4) >0 ) {  # 2006, 2009 pas de personne seule (sans enfant fip)
# #   seul4 <- within(seul4,{noifam = 100*ident + noi
# #                          famille = 34})
# # }
# #
# # famille <- rbind(famille,seul4)

    print '    3.4 : personnes seules de catégorie 4'
    seul4 = subset_base(base,famille)
    seul4 = seul4[(seul4['lpr']==4) & seul4['p16m20'] & ~(seul4['smic55']) & (seul4['noimer']==0) &

    if len(seul4.index)>0:
        seul4['noifam'] = 100*seul4['ident'] + seul4['noi']
        seul4['famille'] = 34
        famille = concat([famille, seul4])

# # message('Etape 4')
# # message(' 4.1 enfant avec mère')
# # avec_mere <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv),]
# # avec_mere <- subset(avec_mere,((lpr=4) & ( (p16m20=1) | (m15=1))) & noimer!=0)
# #
# # avec_mere <- within(avec_mere,{noifam=100*ident + noimer
# #              famille=41
# #              kid=TRUE})
# #
# # ## on récupère les mères */
# # mereid <- upData(avec_mere['noifam'], rename = c(noifam = 'noindiv'));
# # mereid <- unique(mereid)
# #
# # mere <- merge(mereid,base)
# # mere <- within(mere,{noifam=100*ident + noi
# #                      famille=42})
# # # TODO il y a deux mères qui ne sont pas dans les individus (problème des conjoints fip ? MBJ ne comprends pas) :
# # dim(mereid)
# # dim(mere)
# # # TODO on préfère  donc enlever leurs enfants
# # avec_mere <- avec_mere[avec_mere$noifam %in% mere$noifam,]
# #
    print ''
    print 'Etape 4 : traitement des enfants'
    print '    4.1 : enfant avec mère'
    avec_mere = subset_base(base,famille)
    avec_mere =  avec_mere[((avec_mere['lpr']==4) & ((avec_mere['p16m20']==1) | (avec_mere['m15']==1)) &
                           (avec_mere['noimer'] != 0))]
    avec_mere['noifam'] = 100*avec_mere['ident'] + avec_mere['noimer']
    avec_mere['famille'] = 41
    avec_mere['kid'] = True

    #On récupère les mères des enfants
    mereid = DataFrame(avec_mere['noifam'])
    mereid.columns = ['noindiv']
    mereid = mereid.drop_duplicates()

    mere = mereid.merge(base)
    mere['noifam'] = 100*mere['ident'] + mere['noi']
    mere['famille'] = 42 #H2G2 nous voilà
    avec_mere = avec_mere[avec_mere.noifam.isin(mere.noifam.values)]
    print 'contrôle df mère'

# # conj_mere <- merge(conj_mereid,base)
# # conj_mere$famille <- 43
# #
# # famille <- famille[(!famille$noindiv %in% mere$noindiv),]
# #
# # ## on récupère les conjoints des mères */
# # conj_mereid <- mere[mere$noicon!=0,c('ident','noicon','noifam')]
# #
# # conj_mereid$noindiv = 100*conj_mereid$ident + conj_mereid$noicon
# # conj_mereid <- conj_mereid[c('noindiv','noifam')]
# #
# # conj_mere <- merge(conj_mereid,base)
# # conj_mere$famille <- 43
# #
# # famille <- famille[(!famille$noindiv %in% conj_mere$noindiv),]
# # famille <- rbind(famille,avec_mere,mere,conj_mere)
# #

    famille = famille[~(famille.noindiv.isin(mere.noindiv.values))]

    #on retrouve les conjoints des mères
    conj_mereid = mere[mere['noicon']!=0].loc[:, ['ident', 'noicon', 'noifam']]
    conj_mereid['noindiv'] = 100*conj_mereid['ident'] + conj_mereid['noicon']
    conj_mereid = conj_mereid.loc[:, ['noindiv', 'noifam']]
    conj_mereid = conj_mereid.merge(base)

    conj_mere = conj_mereid.merge(base)
    conj_mere['famille'] = 43

    famille = famille[~(famille.noindiv.isin(conj_mere.noindiv.values))]
    famille = concat([famille, avec_mere, mere, conj_mere])
    del avec_mere, mere, conj_mere, mereid, conj_mereid

# # message(' 4.2 enfants avec père')
# # avec_pere <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv),]
# # avec_pere <- subset(avec_pere,((lpr=4) & ( (p16m20=1) | (m15=1))) & noiper!=0)
# # avec_pere <- within(avec_pere,{noifam=100*ident + noiper
# #              famille=44
# #              kid=TRUE})
# #
# # ## on récupère les pères  pour leur attribuer une famille propre */
# # pereid <- upData(avec_pere['noifam'], rename = c(noifam = 'noindiv'));
# # pereid <- unique(pereid)
# # pere <- merge(pereid,base)
# # pere <- within(pere,{noifam=100*ident + noi
# #                        famille=45})
# #
# # famille <- famille[(!famille$noindiv %in% pere$noindiv),]
# #
# # ## on récupère les conjoints des pères */
# # conj_pereid <- pere[pere$noicon!=0,c('ident','noicon','noifam')]
# # conj_pereid$noindiv = 100*conj_pereid$ident + conj_pereid$noicon
# # conj_pereid <- conj_pereid[c('noindiv','noifam')]
# #
# # conj_pere <- merge(conj_pereid,base)
# # if (nrow(conj_pere) >0) conj_pere$famille <- 46
# # # 2006: erreur pas de conjoint de père ?
# #
# # famille <- famille[(!famille$noindiv %in% conj_pere$noindiv),]
# # famille <- rbind(famille,avec_pere,pere,conj_pere)

    print '    4.2 : enfants avec père'
    avec_pere = subset_base(base,famille)
    avec_pere = avec_pere[(avec_pere['lpr']==4) &
                          ((avec_pere['p16m20']==1) | (avec_pere['m15']==1)) &
    avec_pere['noifam'] = 100*avec_pere['ident'] + avec_pere['noiper']
    avec_pere['famille'] = 44
    avec_pere['kid'] = True
    print 'presence of NaN in avec_pere ?', avec_pere['noifam'].isnull().any()

    pereid = DataFrame(avec_pere['noifam']); pereid.columns = ['noindiv']
    pereid = pereid.drop_duplicates()
    pere = base.merge(pereid, on='noindiv', how='inner')

    pere['noifam'] = 100*pere['ident'] + pere['noi']
    pere['famille'] = 45
    famille = famille[~(famille.noindiv.isin(pere.noindiv.values))]

    #On récupère les conjoints des pères
    conj_pereid = pere.loc[array(pere['noicon']!=0), ['ident','noicon','noifam']]
    conj_pereid['noindiv'] = 100*conj_pereid['ident'] + conj_pereid['noicon']
    conj_pereid = conj_pereid.loc[:, ['noindiv','noifam']]

    conj_pere = base.merge(conj_pereid, on=['noindiv'] ,how='inner')
    if len(conj_pere.index)>0 : conj_pere['famille'] = 46

    famille = famille[~(famille.noindiv.isin(conj_pere.noindiv.values))]
    famille = concat([famille, avec_pere, pere, conj_pere])
    print 'contrôle de famille après ajout des pères'
    del avec_pere,pere,pereid,conj_pere,conj_pereid

# # ##* 42. enfants avec déclarant */
# # avec_dec <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv),]
# # avec_dec <- subset(avec_dec,(persfip=="pac") & (lpr=4) &  ( (p16m20&!smic55) | (m15=1 )))
# # avec_dec <- within(avec_dec,{noifam = 100*ident + noidec
# #             famille=47
# #             kid=TRUE})
# #
# # ## on récupère les déclarants pour leur attribuer une famille propre */
# # decid <- upData(avec_dec['noifam'], rename = c(noifam = 'noindiv'));
# # decid <- unique(decid)
# #
# # dec <- merge(decid,base)
# # dec <- within(dec,{noifam=100*ident + noi
# #                    famille=48})
# #
# # famille <- famille[(!famille$noindiv %in% dec$noindiv),]
# # famille <- rbind(famille,avec_dec,dec)

    print '    4.3 : enfants avec déclarant'
    avec_dec = subset_base(base,famille)
    avec_dec = avec_dec[(avec_dec['persfip']=="pac") & (avec_dec['lpr']==4) &
                    ( (avec_dec['p16m20'] & ~(avec_dec['smic55'])) | (avec_dec['m15']==1 ))]
    avec_dec['noifam'] = 100*avec_dec['ident'] + avec_dec['noidec'].astype('float')
    avec_dec['famille'] = 47
    avec_dec['kid'] = True

    #on récupère les déclarants pour leur attribuer une famille propre
    decid = DataFrame(avec_dec['noifam']) ; decid.columns = ['noindiv']
    decid = decid.drop_duplicates()
    dec = base.merge(decid, how='inner')
    dec['noifam'] = 100*dec['ident'] + dec['noi']
    dec['famille'] = 48

    famille = famille[~(famille.noindiv.isin(dec.noindiv.values))]
    famille = concat([famille, avec_dec, dec])
    del dec, decid, avec_dec

# # ## famille etape 5 : enfants fip */
# # message('Etape 5 : enfants fip')
# # # On rajoute les enfants fip
# # # (on le fait ici pour que cela n'interfère pas avec les recherches précédentes)
# # fip <- LoadIn(fipDat)
# #
# # indVar = c('noi','noicon','noindiv','noiper','noimer','ident','declar1','naia','naim','lien','quelfic','acteu','stc','contra','titc','mrec',
# #             'forter','rstg','retrai','lpr','cohab','ztsai','sexe','persfip','agepr','rga')
# #
# # fip <- fip[c(indVar,'actrec','agepf','noidec','year')]
# #
# # table(duplicated(fip$noindiv))
# #
# # ## Variables auxilaires présentes dans base qu'il faut rajouter aux fip'
# # ## WARNING les noindiv des fip sont construits sur les ident des déclarants
# # ## pas d'orvelap possible avec les autres noindiv car on a des noi =99, 98, 97 ,...'
# # names(fip)
# #
# # fip <- within(fip,{
# #   m15 <- (agepf<16)
# #   p16m20 <- ((agepf>=16) & (agepf<=20))
# #   p21 <- (agepf>=21)
# #   ztsai[] <- 0
# #   smic55 <- (ztsai >= smic*12*0.55)   ## 55% du smic mensuel brut */
# #   famille <- 0
# #   kid <- FALSE
# # })

    print ''
    print 'Etape 5 : récupération des enfants fip-----------'
    print '    5.1 : création de la df fip'
    fip = load_temp(name='fipDat', year=year)
    indVar_fip = ['noi','noicon','noindiv','noiper','noimer','ident','declar1','naia','naim','lien','quelfic','acteu','stc','contra','titc','mrec',
    fip = fip.loc[:, indVar_fip]

    # Variables auxilaires présentes dans base qu'il faut rajouter aux fip'
    # WARNING les noindiv des fip sont construits sur les ident des déclarants
    # pas d'orvelap possible avec les autres noindiv car on a des noi =99, 98, 97 ,...'
    fip['m15'] = (fip['agepf']<16)
    fip['p16m20'] = ((fip['agepf']>=16) & (fip['agepf']<=20))
    fip['p21'] = (fip['agepf']>=21)
#     fip['ztsai'][fip['ztsai'] is None] = 0 #there are alrdy zeros
    fip['smic55'] = (fip['ztsai'] >= smic*12*0.55)
    fip['famille'] = 0
    fip['kid'] = False
    print fip['ztsai'].isnull().describe()

# # base <- rbind(base,fip)
# # table(base$quelfic)

# # enfant_fip <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv),]
# # enfant_fip <- subset(enfant_fip, (quelfic=="FIP") & (( (agepf %in% c(19,20)) & !smic55 ) | (naia==year & rga=='6')) )  # TODO check year ou year-1 !
# # enfant_fip <- within(enfant_fip,{
# #                      noifam=100*ident+noidec
# #                      famille=50
# #                      kid=TRUE})
# # #                     ident=NA}) # TODO : je ne sais pas quoi mettre un NA fausse les manips suivantes
# # famille <- rbind(famille,enfant_fip)
# #
# # # TODO: En 2006 on peut faire ce qui suit car tous les parents fip sont déjà dans une famille
# # parent_fip <- famille[famille$noindiv %in% enfant_fip$noifam,]
# # any(enfant_fip$noifam %in% parent_fip$noindiv)
# # parent_fip <- within(parent_fip,{
# #                      noifam <- noindiv
# #                      famille <- 51
# #                      kid <- FALSE})
# # famille[famille$noindiv %in% enfant_fip$noifam,] <- parent_fip
# # # TODO quid du conjoint ?

    print "    5.2 : extension de base avec les fip"
    print fip[['noindiv', 'noidec', 'ztsai']].describe()
    base_ = concat([base, fip])
    print len(base.index)

    enfant_fip = subset_base(base_, famille)
    print enfant_fip.ix[enfant_fip['quelfic']=="FIP","agepf"].describe()

    enfant_fip = enfant_fip[(enfant_fip['quelfic']=="FIP") &
                            ((enfant_fip.agepf.isin([19,20]) & ~(enfant_fip['smic55'])) |
                            ((enfant_fip['naia']==enfant_fip['year']-1) & (enfant_fip['rga'].astype('int')==6)))]

    enfant_fip['noifam'] = 100*enfant_fip['ident'] + enfant_fip['noidec']
    enfant_fip['famille'] = 50
    enfant_fip['kid'] = True
    enfant_fip['ident'] = None

    famille = concat([famille, enfant_fip])
    base = concat([base, enfant_fip])
    parent_fip = famille[famille.noindiv.isin(enfant_fip.noifam.values)]

    if any(enfant_fip.noifam.isin(parent_fip.noindiv.values)): print "Doublons entre enfant_fip et parent fip !"
    parent_fip['noifam'] = parent_fip['noindiv']
    parent_fip['famille'] = 51
    parent_fip['kid'] = False
    print 'contrôle de parent_fip'

    print 'famille defore merge and clearing'

    famille = famille.merge(parent_fip, how='outer'); famille['famille'] = famille['famille'].astype('int')
    famille = famille.drop_duplicates(cols='noindiv', take_last=True)

    print 'famille after merge and clearing'
    print set(famille.famille.values)
    print famille.loc[famille.noindiv.isin(enfant_fip.noifam), 'famille'].describe()
    del enfant_fip, fip, parent_fip

# # message('Etape 6 : non attribué')
# # non_attribue1 <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv),]
# # non_attribue1 <- subset(non_attribue1,
# #                         (quelfic!="FIP") & (m15 | (p16m20&(lien %in% c(1,2,3,4) & agepr>=35)))
# #                         )
# # # On rattache les moins de 15 ans avec la PR (on a déjà éliminé les enfants en nourrice)
# # non_attribue1 <- merge(pr,non_attribue1)
# # non_attribue1 <- within(non_attribue1,{
# #   famille <- ifelse(m15,61,62)
# #     kid <- TRUE })
# #
# # rm(pr)
# # famille <- rbind(famille,non_attribue1)
# # dup <- duplicated(famille$noindiv)
# # table(dup)
# # rm(non_attribue1)
# # table(famille$famille, useNA="ifany")
# #
# # non_attribue2 <- base[(!base$noindiv %in% famille$noindiv) & (base$quelfic!="FIP"),]
# # non_attribue2 <- within(non_attribue2,{
# #   noifam <- 100*ident+noi # l'identifiant est celui du jeune */
# #     kid<-FALSE
# #     famille<-63})
# #
# # famille <- rbind(famille,non_attribue2)
    print ''
    print 'Etape 6 : gestion des non attribués'
    print '    6.1 : non attribués type 1'
    non_attribue1 = subset_base(base,famille)
    non_attribue1 = non_attribue1[~(non_attribue1['quelfic'] != 'FIP') & (non_attribue1['m15'] |
                                    (non_attribue1['p16m20'] & (non_attribue1.lien.isin(range(1,5))) &
    # On rattache les moins de 15 ans avec la PR (on a déjà éliminé les enfants en nourrice)
    non_attribue1 = pr.merge(non_attribue1)
    non_attribue1['famille'] = where(non_attribue1['m15'], 61, 62)
    non_attribue1['kid'] = True

    famille = concat([famille, non_attribue1])
    del pr, non_attribue1

    print '    6.2 : non attribué type 2'
    non_attribue2 = base[(~(base.noindiv.isin(famille.noindiv.values)) & (base['quelfic']!="FIP"))]
    non_attribue2['noifam'] = 100*non_attribue2['ident'] + non_attribue2['noi']
    non_attribue2['noifam'] = non_attribue2['noifam'].astype('int')
    non_attribue2['kid'] = False
    non_attribue2['famille'] = 63

    famille = concat([famille, non_attribue2], join='inner')
    del non_attribue2

# # ## Sauvegarde de la table famille */
# #
# # # TODO nettoyer les champs qui ne servent plus à rien
# #
    print ''
    print 'Etape 7 : Sauvegarde de la table famille'
    print '    7.1 : Mise en forme finale'
    famille['idec'] = famille['declar1'].str[3:11]
    print famille['declar1'].notnull().describe()
    famille['idec'].apply(lambda x: str(x)+'-')
    famille['idec'] += famille['declar1'].str[0:2]
    famille['chef'] = (famille['noifam'] == famille['ident']*100+famille['noi'])

    print famille['idec'].isnull().describe()


    print '    7.2 : création de la colonne rang'
    famille['rang'] = famille['kid'].astype('int')

    while any(famille[(famille['rang']!=0)].duplicated(cols=['rang', 'noifam'])):
        famille["rang"][famille['rang']!=0] = where(
                                    famille[famille['rang']!=0].duplicated(cols=["rang", 'noifam']),
                                    famille["rang"][famille['rang']!=0] + 1,
        print "nb de rangs différents", len(set(famille.rang.values))

    print '    7.3 : création de la colonne quifam et troncature'

    print 'value_counts chef',famille['chef'].value_counts()
    print 'value_counts kid', famille['kid'].value_counts()

    famille['quifam'] = -1
    print 'controle initial', len(famille[famille['quifam']==-1])
    famille['quifam'] = where(famille['chef'], 0, famille['quifam'])
    famille['quifam'] = where(famille['kid'], 1 + famille['rang'], famille['quifam'])
    famille['quifam'] = where(~(famille['chef']) & ~(famille['kid']), 1, famille['quifam'])

    famille['noifam'] = famille['noifam'].astype('int')
    print famille['quifam'].value_counts()

    famille_check = famille
    famille = famille.loc[:, ['noindiv', 'quifam', 'noifam']]
    famille.columns = ['noindiv', 'quifam', 'idfam']

    print 'Vérifications sur famille'
    assert len(famille_check.loc[famille_check['chef'], :]) == len(set(famille.idfam.values)), 'the number of family chiefs is different from the number of families'
    assert not(any(famille.duplicated(cols=['idfam', 'quifam']))), 'there are duplicates of quifam inside a family'
    assert famille['quifam'].notnull().all(), 'there are missing values in quifam'
    assert famille['idfam'].notnull().all(), 'there are missing values in idfam'
#    control(famille, debug=True, verbose=True, verbose_columns=['idfam', 'quifam'])

    print '    Sauvegarde de famille'
    save_temp(famille, name="famc", year=year)
    del famille_check, indivi, enfnn
def create_totals(year=2006):

    print "Creating Totals"
    print "Etape 1 : Chargement des données"

    data = DataCollection(year=year)
    indivim = load_temp(name="indivim", year=year)

    assert indivim.duplicated(['noindiv']).any() == False, "Présence de doublons"

    # Deals individuals with imputed income : some individuals are in 'erf individu table' but
    # not in the 'foyer' table. We need to create a foyer for them.

    selection = Series()
    for var in ["zsali", "zchoi", "zrsti", "zalri", "zrtoi", "zragi", "zrici", "zrnci"]:
        varo = var[:-1]+"o"
        test = indivim[var] != indivim[varo]
        if len(selection) == 0:
            selection = test
            selection = (test) | (selection)

    indivi_i = indivim[selection]
    indivi_i.rename(columns={"ident" : "idmen",
                     "zsali" : "sali2", # Inclu les salaires non imposables des agents d'assurance
                     "zchoi" : "choi2",
                     "zrsti" : "rsti2",
                     "zalri" : "alr2"}, inplace=True)

    indivi_i["quifoy"] = where(indivi_i["quifoy"].isnull(), "vous", indivi_i["quifoy"])
    indivi_i["quelfic"] = "FIP_IMP"

## We merge them with the other individuals
#indivim <- rename(indivim, c(ident = "idmen",
#                             persfip = "quifoy",
#                             zsali = "sali2", # Inclu les salaires non imposables des agents d'assurance
#                             zchoi = "choi2",
#                             zrsti = "rsti2",
#                             zalri = "alr2"))
#indivi <- rbind(indivim[!(indivim$noindiv %in% indivi_i$noindiv),], indivi_i)
#rm(indivim, indivi_i)

    indivim.rename( columns= dict(ident = "idmen",
                             persfip = "quifoy",
                             zsali = "sali2", # Inclu les salaires non imposables des agents d'assurance
                             zchoi = "choi2",
                             zrsti = "rsti2",
                             zalri = "alr2"), inplace=True)

    if not (set(list(indivim.noindiv)) >  set(list(indivi_i.noindiv)) ):
        raise Exception("Individual ")
    indivim.set_index("noindiv", inplace=True)
    indivi_i.set_index("noindiv", inplace=True)
    indivi = indivim
    del indivim

    indivi.reset_index( inplace=True)

    print ''
    print "Etape 2 : isolation des FIP"
    fip_imp = indivi.quelfic=="FIP_IMP"
    indivi["idfoy"] = (indivi["idmen"].astype("int64")*100 +

    indivi.loc[fip_imp,"idfoy"] = nan

## Certains FIP (ou du moins avec revenus imputés) ont un num?ro de déclaration d'impôt ( pourquoi ?)

    fip_has_declar = (fip_imp) & (indivi.declar1.notnull())

#    indivi.ix[fip_has_declar, "idfoy"] = ( indivi.ix[fip_has_declar, "idmen"]*100
#                                        + (indivi.ix[fip_has_declar, "declar1"].str[0:1]).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) )
    indivi["idfoy"] = where(fip_has_declar,
                            indivi["idmen"]*100 + indivi["declar1"].str[0:2].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True),

    del fip_has_declar

    fip_no_declar = (fip_imp) & (indivi.declar1.isnull())
    del fip_imp
    indivi["idfoy"] = where(fip_no_declar,
                            indivi["idmen"]*100 + 50,

    indivi_fnd = indivi.loc[fip_no_declar, ["idfoy","noindiv"]]

    while any(indivi_fnd.duplicated(cols=["idfoy"])):
        indivi_fnd["idfoy"] = where(indivi_fnd.duplicated(cols=["idfoy"]),
                                    indivi_fnd["idfoy"] + 1,

    assert indivi_fnd["idfoy"].duplicated().value_counts()[False] == len(indivi_fnd["idfoy"]), "Duplicates remaining"
    assert len(indivi[indivi.duplicated(['noindiv'])]) == 0, "Doublons"

    indivi.loc[fip_no_declar, ["idfoy"]] = indivi_fnd
    del indivi_fnd, fip_no_declar

    print ''
    print 'Etape 3 : Récupération des EE_NRT'

    nrt = indivi.quelfic=="EE_NRT"
    indivi.idfoy = where(nrt, indivi.idmen*100 + indivi.noi, indivi.idfoy)
    indivi.loc[nrt,"quifoy"] = "vous"
    del nrt

    pref_or_cref = indivi['lpr'].isin([1,2])
    adults = (indivi.quelfic.isin(["EE","EE_CAF"])) & (pref_or_cref)
    indivi.idfoy = where(adults, indivi.idmen*100 + indivi.noi, indivi.idfoy)
    indivi.loc[adults, "quifoy"] = "vous"
    del adults
    assert indivi.loc[indivi['lpr'].isin([1,2]),"idfoy"].notnull().all()

    print ''
    print 'Etape 4 : Rattachement des enfants aux déclarations'

    assert indivi["noindiv"].duplicated().any() == False, "Some noindiv appear twice"
    lpr3_or_lpr4 = indivi['lpr'].isin([3,4])
    enf_ee = (lpr3_or_lpr4) & (indivi.quelfic.isin(["EE","EE_CAF"]))
    assert indivi.loc[enf_ee, "noindiv"].notnull().all(), " Some noindiv are not set, which will ruin next stage"
    assert indivi.loc[enf_ee, "noindiv"].duplicated().any() == False, "Some noindiv appear twice"

    pere = DataFrame( {"noindiv_enf" : indivi.noindiv.loc[enf_ee], "noindiv" : 100*indivi.idmen.loc[enf_ee] + indivi.noiper.loc[enf_ee] })
    mere = DataFrame( {"noindiv_enf" : indivi.noindiv.loc[enf_ee], "noindiv" : 100*indivi.idmen.loc[enf_ee] + indivi.noimer.loc[enf_ee] })

    foyer = data.get_values(variables=["noindiv","zimpof"], table="foyer" )
    pere  = pere.merge(foyer, how="inner", on="noindiv")
    mere  = mere.merge(foyer, how="inner", on="noindiv")

#     print "Some pere et mere are duplicated because people have two foyers"
#     print pere[pere.duplicated()]
#     print mere[mere.duplicated()]

    df = pere.merge(mere, how="outer", on="noindiv_enf",  suffixes=('_p', '_m'))

#     print len(pere)
#     print len(mere)
#     print len(df)
#     ll = df.loc[df["noindiv_enf"].duplicated(), "noindiv_enf"]
#     print df.loc[df["noindiv_enf"].isin(ll)]
#     print df[df.duplicated()]

    print '    4.1 : gestion des personnes dans 2 foyers'
    for col in ["noindiv_p","noindiv_m","noindiv_enf"]:
        df[col] = df[col].fillna(0,inplace=True) # beacause groupby drop groups with NA in index
    df = df.groupby(by=["noindiv_p","noindiv_m","noindiv_enf"]).sum()

    df["which"] = ""
    df["which"] = where((df.zimpof_m.notnull()) & (df.zimpof_p.isnull()), "mere", "")
    df["which"] = where((df.zimpof_p.notnull()) & (df.zimpof_m.isnull()), "pere", "")
    both = (df.zimpof_p.notnull()) & (df.zimpof_m.notnull())
    df["which"] = where(both & (df.zimpof_p  > df.zimpof_m), "pere", "mere")
    df["which"] = where(both & (df.zimpof_m >= df.zimpof_p), "mere", "pere")

    assert df["which"].notnull().all(), "Some enf_ee individuals are not matched with any pere or mere"
    del lpr3_or_lpr4, pere, mere

    df.rename(columns={"noindiv_enf" : "noindiv"}, inplace=True)
    df["idfoy"] = where( df.which=="pere", df.noindiv_p, df.noindiv_m)
    df["idfoy"] = where( df.which=="mere", df.noindiv_m, df.noindiv_p)

    assert df["idfoy"].notnull().all()

    for col in df.columns:
        if col not in ["idfoy", "noindiv"]:
            del df[col]

#     assert indivi.loc[enf_ee,"idfoy"].notnull().all()
    assert df.duplicated().any() == False

    df.set_index("noindiv",inplace=True, verify_integrity=True)
    indivi.set_index("noindiv", inplace=True, verify_integrity=True)

    ind_notnull = indivi["idfoy"].notnull().sum()
    ind_isnull = indivi["idfoy"].isnull().sum()
    indivi = indivi.combine_first(df)
    assert ind_notnull + ind_isnull == (indivi["idfoy"].notnull().sum() +

    assert indivi.duplicated().any() == False

# MBJ: issue delt with when moving from R code to python
## TODO il faut rajouterles enfants_fip et créer un ménage pour les majeurs
## On suit guide méthodo erf 2003 page 135
## On supprime les conjoints FIP et les FIP de 25 ans et plus;
## On conserve les enfants FIP de 19 à 24 ans;
## On supprime les FIP de 18 ans et moins, exceptés les FIP nés en 2002 dans un
## ménage en 6ème interrogation car ce sont des enfants nés aprés la date d'enquète
## EEC que l'on ne retrouvera pas dans les EEC suivantes.
    print '    4.2 : On enlève les individus pour lesquels il manque le déclarant'
    fip = load_temp(name="fipDat", year=year)
    fip["declar"] = nan
    fip["agepf"] = nan

    fip.drop(["actrec", "year", "noidec"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    fip.naia = fip.naia.astype("int32")
    fip.rename( columns=dict(ident="idmen",
                     zsali="sali2", # Inclu les salaires non imposables des agents d'assurance

    is_fip_19_25 = ((year-fip.naia-1)>=19) & ((year-fip.naia-1)<25)

## TODO: BUT for the time being we keep them in thier vous menage so the following lines are commented
## The idmen are of the form 60XXXX we use idmen 61XXXX, 62XXXX for the idmen of the kids over 18 and less than 25
##fip[is_fip_19_25 ,"idmen"] <- (99-fip[is_fip_19_25,"noi"]+1)*100000 + fip[is_fip_19_25,"idmen"]
##fip[is_fip_19_25 ,"lpr"]  <- 1
#indivi <- rbind.fill(indivi,fip[is_fip_19_25,])

    indivi = concat([indivi, fip.loc[is_fip_19_25]])
    del is_fip_19_25
    indivi['age'] = year - indivi.naia - 1
    indivi['agem'] = 12*indivi.age  + 12-indivi.naim

    indivi["quimen"] = 0
    indivi.quimen[indivi.lpr == 1] = 0
    indivi.quimen[indivi.lpr == 2] = 1
    indivi.quimen[indivi.lpr == 3] = 2
    indivi.quimen[indivi.lpr == 4] = 3
    indivi['not_pr_cpr'] = nan
    indivi['not_pr_cpr'][indivi['lpr']<=2] = False
    indivi['not_pr_cpr'][indivi['lpr']>2] = True

    print "    4.3 : Creating non pr=0 and cpr=1 idmen's"
    test1 = indivi.ix[indivi['not_pr_cpr']==True,['quimen', 'idmen']]
    test1['quimen'] = 2

    while any(test1.duplicated(['quimen', 'idmen'])):
        test1.loc[test1.duplicated(['quimen', 'idmen']), 'quimen'] = j+1
        j += 1



#     indivi.set_index(['quiment']) #TODO: check relevance
#     TODO problème avec certains idfoy qui n'ont pas de vous
    print ''
    print "Etape 5 : Gestion des idfoy qui n'ont pas de vous"
    all = indivi.drop_duplicates('idfoy')
    with_ = indivi.loc[indivi['quifoy']=='vous', 'idfoy']
    without = all[~(all.idfoy.isin(with_.values))]

    print 'On cherche si le déclarant donné par la deuxième déclaration est bien un vous'
    has_declar2 = (indivi.idfoy.isin(without.idfoy.values)) & (indivi.declar2.notnull())
    decl2_idfoy = (indivi.loc[has_declar2, 'idmen'].astype('int')*100 +
                    indivi.loc[has_declar2, "declar2"].str[0:2].astype('int'))
    indivi.loc[has_declar2, 'idfoy'] = where(decl2_idfoy.isin(with_.values), decl2_idfoy, None)
    del all,with_,without, has_declar2

    print '    5.1 : Elimination idfoy restant'
    idfoyList = indivi.loc[indivi['quifoy']=="vous", 'idfoy'].drop_duplicates()
    indivi = indivi[indivi.idfoy.isin(idfoyList.values)]
    del idfoyList

    myvars = ["noindiv", "noi", "idmen", "idfoy", "quifoy", "wprm",
                            "age","agem","quelfic","actrec", "quimen",

    if not(len(set(myvars).difference(set(indivi.columns))) == 0):
        print set(myvars).difference(set(indivi.columns))

    assert len(set(myvars).difference(set(indivi.columns))) == 0

    indivi = indivi.loc[:, myvars]

## TODO les actrec des fip ne sont pas codées (on le fera à la fin quand on aura rassemblé
## les infos provenant des déclarations)

    print ''
    print 'Etape 6 : Création des variables descriptives'
    print '    6.1 : variable activité'
    indivi['activite'] = None
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec']<=3] = 0
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec']==4] = 1
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec']==5] = 2
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec']==7] = 3
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec']==8] = 4
    indivi['activite'][indivi['age']<=13] = 2 # ce sont en fait les actrec=9
    print indivi['activite'].value_counts()
    # TODO: MBJ problem avec les actrec

    indivi['titc'][indivi['titc'].isnull()] = 0
    assert indivi['titc'].notnull().all() , Exception("Problème avec les titc")

    print '    6.2 : variable statut'
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'].isnull()] = 0
    indivi['statut'] = indivi['statut'].astype('int')
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==11] = 1
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==12] = 2
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==13] = 3
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==21] = 4
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==22] = 5
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==33] = 6
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==34] = 7
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==35] = 8
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==43] = 9
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==44] = 10
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut']==45] = 11
    assert indivi['statut'].isin(range(12)).all(), Exception("statut value over range")

#indivi$nbsala <- as.numeric(indivi$nbsala)
#indivi <- within(indivi,{
#  nbsala[ ]    <- 0
#  nbsala[nbsala==99 ] <- 10  # TODO  418 fip à retracer qui sont NA

    print '    6.3 : variable txtppb'
    indivi['txtppb'] = indivi['txtppb'].fillna(0)
    assert indivi['txtppb'].notnull().all()

    indivi['nbsala'] = indivi['nbsala'].fillna(0)
    indivi['nbsala'] = indivi['nbsala'].astype('int')
    indivi['nbsala'][indivi['nbsala']==99] = 10
    assert indivi['nbsala'].isin(range(11)).all()

    print '    6.4 : variable chpub et CSP'
    indivi['chpub'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    indivi['chpub'] = indivi['chpub'].astype('int')
    indivi['chpub'][indivi['chpub'].isnull()] = 0
    print indivi['chpub'].value_counts()
    assert indivi['chpub'].isin(range(11)).all()

    indivi['cadre'] = 0
    indivi['prosa'][indivi['prosa'].isnull()] = 0
    assert indivi['prosa'].notnull().all()
    print indivi['encadr'].value_counts()

    # encadr : 1=oui, 2=non
    indivi['encadr'].fillna(2, inplace=True)
    assert indivi['encadr'].notnull().all()
    indivi['cadre'][indivi['prosa'].isin([7,8])] = 1
    indivi['cadre'][(indivi['prosa']==9) & (indivi['encadr']==1)] = 1
    print "cadre"
    print indivi['cadre'].value_counts()
    assert indivi['cadre'].isin(range(2)).all()

    print ''
    print "Etape 7 : on vérifie qu'il ne manque pas d'info sur les liens avec la personne de référence"

    print 'nb de doublons idfam/quifam', len(indivi[indivi.duplicated(cols=['idfoy', 'quifoy'])])

    print 'On crée les n° de personnes à charge'
    assert indivi['idfoy'].notnull().all()
    indivi['quifoy2'] = 2
    indivi['quifoy2'][indivi['quifoy']=='vous'] = 0
    indivi['quifoy2'][indivi['quifoy']=='conj'] = 1
    indivi['quifoy2'][indivi['quifoy']=='pac'] = 2

    del indivi['quifoy']
    indivi['quifoy'] = indivi['quifoy2']
    del indivi['quifoy2']

    test2 = indivi.loc[indivi['quifoy']==2, ['quifoy', 'idfoy','noindiv']]

    while test2.duplicated(['quifoy', 'idfoy']).any():
        test2.loc[test2.duplicated(['quifoy', 'idfoy']), 'quifoy'] = j
        j += 1

    indivi = indivi.merge(test2, on=['noindiv','idfoy'], how="left")
    indivi['quifoy'] = indivi['quifoy_x']
    indivi['quifoy'] = where(indivi['quifoy_x']==2, indivi['quifoy_y'], indivi['quifoy_x'])
    del indivi['quifoy_x'], indivi['quifoy_y']

    del test2, fip
    print 'nb de doublons idfam/quifam', len(indivi[indivi.duplicated(cols=['idfoy', 'quifoy'])])

## On ajoute les idfam et quifam
#tot2 <- merge(indivi, famille, by = c('noindiv'), all.x = TRUE)
### Les idfam des enfants FIP qui ne font plus partie des familles forment des famille seuls
#tot2[$quifam), "idfam"] <- tot2[$quifam), "noindiv"]
#tot2[$quifam), "quifam"] <- 0
#saveTmp(tot2, file = "tot2.Rdata")
## on merge les variables de revenus (foyer_aggr) avec les identifiants précédents
## load foyer
#loadTmp(file = "tot2.Rdata")
#loadTmp(file= "foyer_aggr.Rdata")
#tot3 <- merge(tot2, foyer, all.x = TRUE)
#print_id(tot3) # OK
#saveTmp(tot3, file= "tot3.Rdata")
    print ''
    print 'Etape 8 : création des fichiers totaux'
    famille = load_temp(name='famc', year=year)

    print '    8.1 : création de tot2 & tot3'
    tot2 = indivi.merge(famille, on='noindiv', how='inner')
#     del famille # TODO: MBJ increase in number of menage/foyer when merging with family ...
    del famille

    control(tot2, debug=True, verbose=True)
    assert tot2['quifam'].notnull().all()

    save_temp(tot2, name='tot2', year=year)
    del indivi
    print '    tot2 saved'

#     #On combine les variables de revenu
#     foyer = load_temp(name='foy_ind', year=year)
#     tot2["idfoy"] = tot2["idfoy"][tot2["idfoy"].notnull()] +1
#     print "pingas"
#     print sorted(tot2.loc[tot2.idfoy.notnull(),"idfoy"].astype('int').unique())[0:10]
#     print "pocchay"
#     print sorted(foyer["idfoy"].unique())[0:10]
#     print "final flash"
#     print 602062550.0 in foyer["idfoy"].values
#     print len(list(set(tot2["idfoy"].unique()) & set(foyer["idfoy"].unique())))
#     print tot2.quifoy.value_counts()
    tot2.merge(foyer, how = 'left')

    tot2 = tot2[tot2.idmen.notnull()]
#     tot2['idfoy'] += 1


    tot3 = tot2
    # TODO: check where they come from
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols='noindiv')
    print len(tot3)

    #Block to remove any unwanted duplicated pair
    print "    check tot3"
    control(tot3, debug=True, verbose=True)
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols=['idfoy', 'quifoy'])
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols=['idfam', 'quifam'])
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols=['idmen', 'quimen'])
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols='noindiv')

## On ajoute les variables individualisables
#loadTmp("foyer_individualise.Rdata") # foy_ind
#vars2 <- setdiff(names(tot3),  allvars)
#tot3 <- tot3[,vars2]
#final <- merge(tot3, foy_ind, by = c('idfoy', 'quifoy'), all.x = TRUE)
    print '    8.2 : On ajoute les variables individualisables'

    allvars = load_temp(name = 'ind_vars_to_remove', year=year)
    vars2 = set(tot3.columns).difference(set(allvars))
    tot3 = tot3[list(vars2)]
    print len(tot3)

    assert not(tot3.duplicated(cols=['noindiv']).any()), "doublon dans tot3['noindiv']"
    lg_dup = len(tot3[tot3.duplicated(['idfoy', 'quifoy'])])
    assert lg_dup == 0, "%i pairs of idfoy/quifoy in tot3 are duplicated" %(lg_dup)

    save_temp(tot3, name='tot3', year=year)

    del tot2, allvars, tot3, vars2
    print 'tot3 sauvegardé'
def final(year=2006, filename="test", check=True):

    print('08_final: derniers réglages')
    # loadTmp("final.Rdata")
    # # On définit comme célibataires les individus dont on n'a pas retrouvé la déclaration
    # final$statmarit[$statmarit)] <- 2
    # table(final$statmarit, useNA='ifany')
    import gc
    final = load_temp("final", year=year)
    print 'check doublons', len(final[final.duplicated(['noindiv'])])
    final.statmarit = where(final.statmarit.isnull(), 2, final.statmarit)

    # # activite des fip
    # table(final[final$quelfic=="FIP","activite"],useNA="ifany")
    # summary(final[final$quelfic=="FIP",c("activite","choi","sali","alr","rsti","age")] )
    # # activite      # actif occup? 0, ch?meur 1, ?tudiant/?l?ve 2, retrait? 3, autre inactif 4
    # final_fip <- final[final$quelfic=="FIP",]
    # final_fip <- within(final_fip,{
    #   choi <- ifelse(,0,choi)
    #   sali <- ifelse(,0,sali)
    #   alr <- ifelse(,0,alr)
    #   rsti <- ifelse(,0,rsti)
    #   activite <- 2 # TODO comment choisr la valeur par d?faut ?
    #   activite <- ifelse(choi > 0,1,activite)
    #   activite <- ifelse(sali > 0,0,activite)
    #   activite <- ifelse(age  >= 21, 2,activite) # ne peuvent être rattach?s que les ?tudiants
    # })
    # final[final$quelfic=="FIP",]<- final_fip
    # table(final_fip[,c("age","activite")])
    # rm(final_fip)
    # print_id(final)
    # saveTmp(final, file= "final.Rdata")
    print '    gestion des FIP de final'
    final_fip = final.loc[final.quelfic == "FIP",
                          ["choi", "sali", "alr", "rsti", "age"]]

    print set(["choi", "sali", "alr",
    for var in ["choi", "sali", "alr", "rsti"]:
        final_fip[var].fillna(0, inplace=True)
        assert final_fip[var].notnull().all(
        ), "some NaN are remaining in column %s" % (var)

    final_fip["activite"] = 2  # TODO comment choisr la valeur par défaut ?
    final_fip.activite = where(final_fip.choi > 0, 1, final_fip.activite)
    final_fip.activite = where(final_fip.sali > 0, 0, final_fip.activite)
    final_fip.activite = where(
        final_fip.age > 21, 2,
        final_fip.activite)  # ne peuvent être rattach?s que les ?tudiants

    save_temp(final, name="final", year=year)
    print '    final has been updated with fip'

    # loadTmp("final.Rdata")
    # load(menm)
    # menagem <- rename(menagem, c("ident"="idmen","loym"="loyer"))
    # menagem$cstotpragr <- floor(menagem$cstotpr/10)
    from math import floor

    menagem = load_temp(name="menagem", year=year)
    menagem.rename(columns=dict(ident="idmen", loym="loyer"), inplace=True)
    menagem["cstotpragr"] = menagem["cstotpr"].apply(lambda x: floor(x / 10))
    # # 2008 tau99 removed TODO: check ! and check incidence
    # if (year == "2008") {
    #  vars <- c("loyer", "tu99", "pol99", "reg","idmen", "so", "wprm", "typmen15", "nbinde","ddipl","cstotpragr","champm","zthabm")
    # } else {
    #   vars <- c("loyer", "tu99", "pol99", "tau99", "reg","idmen", "so", "wprm", "typmen15", "nbinde","ddipl","cstotpragr","champm","zthabm")
    # }
    # famille_vars <- c("m_afeamam", "m_agedm","m_clcam", "m_colcam", 'm_mgamm', 'm_mgdomm')

    if year == 2008:
        vars = [
            "loyer", "tu99", "pol99", "reg", "idmen", "so", "wprm", "typmen15",
            "nbinde", "ddipl", "cstotpragr", "champm", "zthabm"
        vars = [
            "loyer", "tu99", "pol99", "tau99", "reg", "idmen", "so", "wprm",
            "typmen15", "nbinde", "ddipl", "cstotpragr", "champm", "zthabm"
    famille_vars = [
        "m_afeamam", "m_agedm", "m_clcam", "m_colcam", 'm_mgamm', 'm_mgdomm'

    # if ("naf16pr" %in% names(menagem)) {
    #   naf16pr <- factor(menagem$naf16pr)
    #   levels(naf16pr) <-  0:16
    #   menagem$naf16pr <- as.character(naf16pr)
    #   menagem[$naf16pr), "naf16pr" ] <- "-1"  # Sans objet
    #   vars <- c(vars,"naf16pr")
    # } else if ("nafg17npr" %in% names(menagem)) {
    #   # TODO: pb in 2008 with xx
    #   if (year == "2008"){
    #     menagem[ menagem$nafg17npr == "xx" & !$nafg17npr), "nafg17npr"] <- "00"
    #   }
    #   nafg17npr <- factor(menagem$nafg17npr)
    #   levels(nafg17npr) <-  0:17
    #   menagem$nafg17npr <- as.character(nafg17npr)
    #   menagem[$nafg17npr), "nafg17npr" ] <- "-1"  # Sans objet
    # }

    #TODO: TODO: pytohn translation needed
    #    if "naf16pr" in menagem.columns:
    #        naf16pr <- factor(menagem$naf16pr)
    #   levels(naf16pr) <-  0:16
    #   menagem$naf16pr <- as.character(naf16pr)
    #   menagem[$naf16pr), "naf16pr" ] <- "-1"  # Sans objet
    #   vars <- c(vars,"naf16pr")
    # } else if ("nafg17npr" %in% names(menagem)) {
    #   # TODO: pb in 2008 with xx
    #   if (year == "2008"){
    #     menagem[ menagem$nafg17npr == "xx" & !$nafg17npr), "nafg17npr"] <- "00"
    #   }
    #   nafg17npr <- factor(menagem$nafg17npr)
    #   levels(nafg17npr) <-  0:17
    #   menagem$nafg17npr <- as.character(nafg17npr)
    #   menagem[$nafg17npr), "nafg17npr" ] <- "-1"  # Sans objet
    # }

    # # TODO: 2008tau99 is not present should be provided by 02_loy.... is it really needed
    # all_vars <- union(vars,famille_vars)
    # available_vars <- all_vars[union(vars,famille_vars) %in% names(menagem)]
    # loyersMenages <- menagem[,available_vars]
    all_vars = vars + famille_vars

    print all_vars
    print set(menagem.columns)
    available_vars = list(set(all_vars).intersection(set(menagem.columns)))

    loyersMenages = menagem.xs(available_vars, axis=1)

    # # Recodage de typmen15: modalités de 1:15
    # table(loyersMenages$typmen15, useNA="ifany")
    # loyersMenages <- within(loyersMenages, {
    #   typmen15[typmen15==10 ] <- 1
    #   typmen15[typmen15==11 ] <- 2
    #   typmen15[typmen15==21 ] <- 3
    #   typmen15[typmen15==22 ] <- 4
    #   typmen15[typmen15==23 ] <- 5
    #   typmen15[typmen15==31 ] <- 6
    #   typmen15[typmen15==32 ] <- 7
    #   typmen15[typmen15==33 ] <- 8
    #   typmen15[typmen15==41 ] <- 9
    #   typmen15[typmen15==42 ] <- 10
    #   typmen15[typmen15==43 ] <- 11
    #   typmen15[typmen15==44 ] <- 12
    #   typmen15[typmen15==51 ] <- 13
    #   typmen15[typmen15==52 ] <- 14
    #   typmen15[typmen15==53 ] <- 15
    # })

    # # Pb avec ddipl, pas de modalités 2: on décale les chaps >=3
    # # Cependant on fait cela après avoir fait les traitement suivants
    # table(loyersMenages$ddipl, useNA="ifany")
    # # On convertit les ddipl en numeric
    # loyersMenages$ddipl <- as.numeric(loyersMenages$ddipl)
    # table(loyersMenages$ddipl, useNA="ifany")
    # #   On met les non renseignés ie, NA et "" à sans diplome (modalité 7)
    # loyersMenages[$ddipl), "ddipl"] <- 7
    # loyersMenages[loyersMenages$ddipl>1, "ddipl"] <- loyersMenages$ddipl[loyersMenages$ddipl>1]-1

    loyersMenages.ddipl = where(loyersMenages.ddipl.isnull(), 7,
    loyersMenages.ddipl = where(loyersMenages.ddipl > 1,
                                loyersMenages.ddipl - 1, loyersMenages.ddipl)
    # table(final$actrec,useNA="ifany")
    # final$act5 <- NA
    # final <- within(final, {
    #   act5[which(actrec==1) ] <- 2 # ind?pendants
    #   act5[which(actrec==2) ] <- 1 # salari?s
    #   act5[which(actrec==3) ] <- 1 # salari?s
    #   act5[which(actrec==4) ] <- 3 # ch?meur
    #   act5[which(actrec==7) ] <- 4 # retrait?
    #   act5[which(actrec==8) ] <- 5 # autres inactifs
    # })
    # table(final$act5,useNA="ifany")

    final.act5 = NaN

    final.act5 = where(final.actrec == 1, 2, final.act5)  # indépendants
    final.act5 = where(final.actrec.isin([2, 3]), 1, final.act5)  # salariés

    final.act5 = where(final.actrec == 4, 3, final.act5)  # chômeur
    final.act5 = where(final.actrec == 7, 4, final.act5)  # retraité
    final.act5 = where(final.actrec == 8, 5, final.act5)  # autres inactifs
    print final.act5.value_counts()  # TODO : 29 retraités ?

    #     assert final.act5.notnull().all(), 'there are NaN inside final.act5'

    # final$wprm <- NULL # with the intention to extract wprm from menage to deal with FIPs
    # final$tax_hab <- final$zthabm # rename zthabm to tax_hab
    # final$zthabm <- NULL
    # final2 <- merge(final, loyersMenages, by="idmen", all.x=TRUE)
    print '    création de final2'
    del final["wprm"]
                 inplace=True)  # rename zthabm to tax_hab
    final2 = final.merge(loyersMenages, on="idmen", how="left")  # TODO: Check
    print loyersMenages.head()

    # # TODO: merging with patrimoine
    # rm(menagem,final)
    # # table(final2$activite,useNA="ifany")
    # # table(final2$alt,useNA="ifany")
    # saveTmp(final2, file= "final2.Rdata")
    # loadTmp("final2.Rdata")
    # names(final2)
    # print_id(final2)
    # # set zone_apl using zone_apl_imputation_data
    # apl_imp <- read.csv("./zone_apl/zone_apl_imputation_data.csv")
    # if (year == "2008") {
    #   zone_apl <- final2[, c("tu99", "pol99", "reg")]
    # } else {
    #   zone_apl <- final2[, c("tu99", "pol99", "tau99", "reg")]
    # }
    # for (i in 1:length(apl_imp[,"TU99"])) {
    #   tu <- apl_imp[i,"TU99"]
    #   pol <- apl_imp[i,"POL99"]
    #   tau <- apl_imp[i,"TAU99"]
    #   reg <- apl_imp[i,"REG"]
    #   #  print(c(tu,pol,tau,reg))
    #   if (year == "2008") {
    #     indices <- (final2["tu99"] == tu & final2["pol99"] == pol  & final2["reg"] == reg)
    #     selection <-  (apl_imp["TU99"] == tu & apl_imp["POL99"] == pol & apl_imp["REG"] == reg)
    #   } else {
    #     indices <- (final2["tu99"] == tu & final2["pol99"] == pol & final2["tau99"] == tau & final2["reg"] == reg)
    #     selection <-  (apl_imp["TU99"] == tu & apl_imp["POL99"] == pol & apl_imp["TAU99"] == tau & apl_imp["REG"] == reg)
    #   }
    #   z <- runif(sum(indices))
    #   probs <- apl_imp[selection , c("proba_zone1", "proba_zone2")]
    #   #  print(probs)
    #   final2[indices,"zone_apl"] <- 1 + (z>probs[,'proba_zone1']) + (z>(probs[,'proba_zone1']+probs[,'proba_zone2']))
    #   rm(indices, probs)
    # }

    print '    traitement des zones apl'
    apl_imp = read_csv("../../zone_apl/zone_apl_imputation_data.csv")

    print apl_imp.head(10)
    if year == 2008:
        zone_apl = final2.xs(["tu99", "pol99", "reg"], axis=1)
        zone_apl = final2.xs(["tu99", "pol99", "tau99", "reg"], axis=1)

    for i in range(len(apl_imp["TU99"])):
        tu = apl_imp["TU99"][i]
        pol = apl_imp["POL99"][i]
        tau = apl_imp["TAU99"][i]
        reg = apl_imp["REG"][i]

    if year == 2008:
        indices = (final2["tu99"] == tu) & (final2["pol99"]
                                            == pol) & (final2["reg"] == reg)
        selection = (apl_imp["TU99"] == tu) & (apl_imp["POL99"] == pol) & (
            apl_imp["REG"] == reg)
        indices = (final2["tu99"] == tu) & (final2["pol99"] == pol) & (
            final2["tau99"] == tau) & (final2["reg"] == reg)
        selection = (apl_imp["TU99"] == tu) & (apl_imp["POL99"] == pol) & (
            apl_imp["TAU99"] == tau) & (apl_imp["REG"] == reg)

    z = random.uniform(size=indices.sum())
    print len(z)
    print len(indices)

    print len(indices) / len(z)
    probs = apl_imp.loc[selection, ["proba_zone1", "proba_zone2"]]
    print probs
    print probs['proba_zone1'].values

    proba_zone_1 = probs['proba_zone1'].values[0]
    proba_zone_2 = probs['proba_zone2'].values[0]

    final2["zone_apl"] = 3
    final2["zone_apl"][indices] = (1 + (z > proba_zone_1) +
                                   (z > (proba_zone_1 + proba_zone_2)))
    del indices, probs

    #     control(final2, verbose=True, debug=True, verbose_length=15)

    print '    performing cleaning on final2'
    print 'nombre de sali nuls', len(final2[final2['sali'].isnull()])
    print "nombre d'âges nuls", len(final2[final2.age.isnull()])
    print "longueur de final2 avant purge", len(final2)
    #     columns_w_nan = []
    #     for col in final2.columns:
    #         if final2[final2['idfoy'].notnull()][col].isnull().any() and not final2[col].isnull().all():
    #             columns_w_nan.append(col)
    #     print columns_w_nan
    print 'check doublons', len(final2[final2.duplicated(['noindiv'])])
    print final2.age.isnull().sum()

    #     print final2.loc[final2.duplicated('noindiv'), ['noindiv', 'quifam']].to_string()
    #TODO: JS: des chefs de famille et conjoints en double il faut trouver la source des ces doublons !
    #     final2 = final2.drop_duplicates(['noindiv'])

    final2 = final2[~(final2.age.isnull())]
    print "longueur de final2 après purge", len(final2)

    # # var <- names(foyer)
    # #a1 <- c('f7rb', 'f7ra', 'f7gx', 'f2aa', 'f7gt', 'f2an', 'f2am', 'f7gw', 'f7gs', 'f8td', 'f7nz', 'f1br', 'f7jy', 'f7cu', 'f7xi', 'f7xo', 'f7xn', 'f7xw', 'f7xy', 'f6hj', 'f7qt', 'f7ql', 'f7qm', 'f7qd', 'f7qb', 'f7qc', 'f1ar', 'f7my', 'f3vv', 'f3vu', 'f3vt', 'f7gu', 'f3vd', 'f2al', 'f2bh', 'f7fm', 'f8uy', 'f7td', 'f7gv', 'f7is', 'f7iy', 'f7il', 'f7im', 'f7ij', 'f7ik', 'f1er', 'f7wl', 'f7wk', 'f7we', 'f6eh', 'f7la', 'f7uh', 'f7ly', 'f8wy', 'f8wx', 'f8wv', 'f7sb', 'f7sc', 'f7sd', 'f7se', 'f7sf', 'f7sh', 'f7si',  'f1dr', 'f7hs', 'f7hr', 'f7hy', 'f7hk', 'f7hj', 'f7hm', 'f7hl', 'f7ho', 'f7hn', 'f4gc', 'f4gb', 'f4ga', 'f4gg', 'f4gf', 'f4ge', 'f7vz', 'f7vy', 'f7vx', 'f7vw', 'f7xe', 'f6aa', 'f1cr', 'f7ka', 'f7ky', 'f7db', 'f7dq', 'f2da')
    # #a2 <- setdiff(a1,names(foyer))
    # #b1 <- c('pondfin', 'alt', 'hsup', 'ass_mat', 'zone_apl', 'inactif', 'ass', 'aer', 'code_postal', 'activite', 'type_sal', 'jour_xyz', 'boursier', 'etr', 'partiel1', 'partiel2', 'empl_dir', 'gar_dom', 'categ_inv', 'opt_colca', 'csg_taux_plein','coloc')
    # # hsup feuille d'impot
    # # boursier pas dispo
    # # inactif etc : extraire cela des donn?es clca etc
    # # tester activit? car 0 vaut actif
    # table($activite),useNA="ifany")
    # saveTmp(final2, file= "final2.Rdata")

    control(final2, debug=True)
    print final2.age.isnull().sum()
    final2 = final2.drop_duplicates(cols='noindiv')

    print '    Filter to manage the new 3-tables structures:'
    # On récupère les foyer, famille, ménages qui ont un chef :
    liste_men = unique(final2.loc[final2['quimen'] == 0, 'idmen'].values)
    liste_fam = unique(final2.loc[final2['quifam'] == 0, 'idfam'].values)
    liste_foy = unique(final2.loc[final2['quifoy'] == 0, 'idfoy'].values)

    #On ne conserve dans final2 que ces foyers là :
    print 'final2 avant le filtrage', len(final2)
    final2 = final2.loc[final2.idmen.isin(liste_men), :]
    final2 = final2.loc[final2.idfam.isin(liste_fam), :]
    final2 = final2.loc[final2.idfoy.isin(liste_foy), :]
    print 'final2 après le filtrage', len(final2)

    if check:

    from openfisca_france import DATA_SOURCES_DIR
    test_filename = os.path.join(DATA_SOURCES_DIR, filename + ".h5")
    if os.path.exists(test_filename):
        import warnings
        import datetime
        time_stamp ='%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M')
        renamed_file = os.path.join(DATA_SOURCES_DIR,
                                    filename + "_" + time_stamp + ".h5")
            "A file with the same name already exists \n Renaming current output and saving to "
            + renamed_file)
        test_filename = renamed_file

    store = HDFStore(test_filename)
    store['survey_' + str(year)] = final2
Example #6
def final(year=2006, filename="test", check=True):

    print('08_final: derniers réglages')
# loadTmp("final.Rdata")
# # On définit comme célibataires les individus dont on n'a pas retrouvé la déclaration
# final$statmarit[$statmarit)] <- 2
# table(final$statmarit, useNA='ifany')
    import gc
    final = load_temp("final", year=year)
    print 'check doublons', len(final[final.duplicated(['noindiv'])])
    final.statmarit = where(final.statmarit.isnull(), 2, final.statmarit)

# # activite des fip
# table(final[final$quelfic=="FIP","activite"],useNA="ifany")
# summary(final[final$quelfic=="FIP",c("activite","choi","sali","alr","rsti","age")] )
# # activite      # actif occup? 0, ch?meur 1, ?tudiant/?l?ve 2, retrait? 3, autre inactif 4
# final_fip <- final[final$quelfic=="FIP",]
# final_fip <- within(final_fip,{
#   choi <- ifelse(,0,choi)
#   sali <- ifelse(,0,sali)
#   alr <- ifelse(,0,alr)
#   rsti <- ifelse(,0,rsti)
#   activite <- 2 # TODO comment choisr la valeur par d?faut ?
#   activite <- ifelse(choi > 0,1,activite)
#   activite <- ifelse(sali > 0,0,activite)
#   activite <- ifelse(age  >= 21, 2,activite) # ne peuvent être rattach?s que les ?tudiants
# })
# final[final$quelfic=="FIP",]<- final_fip
# table(final_fip[,c("age","activite")])
# rm(final_fip)
# print_id(final)
# saveTmp(final, file= "final.Rdata")
    print '    gestion des FIP de final'
    final_fip = final.loc[final.quelfic=="FIP", ["choi", "sali", "alr", "rsti","age"]]

    print set(["choi", "sali", "alr", "rsti"]).difference(set(final_fip.columns))
    for var in  ["choi", "sali", "alr", "rsti"]:
        final_fip[var].fillna(0, inplace=True)
        assert final_fip[var].notnull().all(), "some NaN are remaining in column %s" %(var)

    final_fip["activite"] = 2 # TODO comment choisr la valeur par défaut ?
    final_fip.activite = where(final_fip.choi > 0, 1, final_fip.activite)
    final_fip.activite = where(final_fip.sali > 0, 0, final_fip.activite)
    final_fip.activite = where(final_fip.age > 21, 2, final_fip.activite)  # ne peuvent être rattach?s que les ?tudiants

    save_temp(final, name="final", year=year)
    print '    final has been updated with fip'

# loadTmp("final.Rdata")
# load(menm)
# menagem <- rename(menagem, c("ident"="idmen","loym"="loyer"))
# menagem$cstotpragr <- floor(menagem$cstotpr/10)
    from math import floor

    menagem = load_temp(name="menagem", year=year)
    menagem.rename(columns=dict(ident="idmen",loym="loyer"), inplace=True)
    menagem["cstotpragr"] = menagem["cstotpr"].apply(lambda x: floor(x/10))
# # 2008 tau99 removed TODO: check ! and check incidence
# if (year == "2008") {
#  vars <- c("loyer", "tu99", "pol99", "reg","idmen", "so", "wprm", "typmen15", "nbinde","ddipl","cstotpragr","champm","zthabm")
# } else {
#   vars <- c("loyer", "tu99", "pol99", "tau99", "reg","idmen", "so", "wprm", "typmen15", "nbinde","ddipl","cstotpragr","champm","zthabm")
# }
# famille_vars <- c("m_afeamam", "m_agedm","m_clcam", "m_colcam", 'm_mgamm', 'm_mgdomm')

    if year == 2008:
        vars = ["loyer", "tu99", "pol99", "reg","idmen", "so", "wprm", "typmen15",
        vars = ["loyer", "tu99", "pol99", "tau99", "reg","idmen", "so", "wprm",
                "typmen15", "nbinde","ddipl","cstotpragr","champm","zthabm"]
    famille_vars = ["m_afeamam", "m_agedm","m_clcam", "m_colcam", 'm_mgamm', 'm_mgdomm']

# if ("naf16pr" %in% names(menagem)) {
#   naf16pr <- factor(menagem$naf16pr)
#   levels(naf16pr) <-  0:16
#   menagem$naf16pr <- as.character(naf16pr)
#   menagem[$naf16pr), "naf16pr" ] <- "-1"  # Sans objet
#   vars <- c(vars,"naf16pr")
# } else if ("nafg17npr" %in% names(menagem)) {
#   # TODO: pb in 2008 with xx
#   if (year == "2008"){
#     menagem[ menagem$nafg17npr == "xx" & !$nafg17npr), "nafg17npr"] <- "00"
#   }
#   nafg17npr <- factor(menagem$nafg17npr)
#   levels(nafg17npr) <-  0:17
#   menagem$nafg17npr <- as.character(nafg17npr)
#   menagem[$nafg17npr), "nafg17npr" ] <- "-1"  # Sans objet
# }

#TODO: TODO: pytohn translation needed
#    if "naf16pr" in menagem.columns:
#        naf16pr <- factor(menagem$naf16pr)
#   levels(naf16pr) <-  0:16
#   menagem$naf16pr <- as.character(naf16pr)
#   menagem[$naf16pr), "naf16pr" ] <- "-1"  # Sans objet
#   vars <- c(vars,"naf16pr")
# } else if ("nafg17npr" %in% names(menagem)) {
#   # TODO: pb in 2008 with xx
#   if (year == "2008"){
#     menagem[ menagem$nafg17npr == "xx" & !$nafg17npr), "nafg17npr"] <- "00"
#   }
#   nafg17npr <- factor(menagem$nafg17npr)
#   levels(nafg17npr) <-  0:17
#   menagem$nafg17npr <- as.character(nafg17npr)
#   menagem[$nafg17npr), "nafg17npr" ] <- "-1"  # Sans objet
# }

# # TODO: 2008tau99 is not present should be provided by 02_loy.... is it really needed
# all_vars <- union(vars,famille_vars)
# available_vars <- all_vars[union(vars,famille_vars) %in% names(menagem)]
# loyersMenages <- menagem[,available_vars]
    all_vars = vars + famille_vars

    print all_vars
    print  set(menagem.columns)
    available_vars = list( set(all_vars).intersection(set(menagem.columns)))

    loyersMenages = menagem.xs(available_vars,axis=1)

# # Recodage de typmen15: modalités de 1:15
# table(loyersMenages$typmen15, useNA="ifany")
# loyersMenages <- within(loyersMenages, {
#   typmen15[typmen15==10 ] <- 1
#   typmen15[typmen15==11 ] <- 2
#   typmen15[typmen15==21 ] <- 3
#   typmen15[typmen15==22 ] <- 4
#   typmen15[typmen15==23 ] <- 5
#   typmen15[typmen15==31 ] <- 6
#   typmen15[typmen15==32 ] <- 7
#   typmen15[typmen15==33 ] <- 8
#   typmen15[typmen15==41 ] <- 9
#   typmen15[typmen15==42 ] <- 10
#   typmen15[typmen15==43 ] <- 11
#   typmen15[typmen15==44 ] <- 12
#   typmen15[typmen15==51 ] <- 13
#   typmen15[typmen15==52 ] <- 14
#   typmen15[typmen15==53 ] <- 15
# })

# # Pb avec ddipl, pas de modalités 2: on décale les chaps >=3
# # Cependant on fait cela après avoir fait les traitement suivants
# table(loyersMenages$ddipl, useNA="ifany")
# # On convertit les ddipl en numeric
# loyersMenages$ddipl <- as.numeric(loyersMenages$ddipl)
# table(loyersMenages$ddipl, useNA="ifany")
# #   On met les non renseignés ie, NA et "" à sans diplome (modalité 7)
# loyersMenages[$ddipl), "ddipl"] <- 7
# loyersMenages[loyersMenages$ddipl>1, "ddipl"] <- loyersMenages$ddipl[loyersMenages$ddipl>1]-1

    loyersMenages.ddipl = where(loyersMenages.ddipl.isnull(), 7, loyersMenages.ddipl)
    loyersMenages.ddipl = where(loyersMenages.ddipl>1,
# table(final$actrec,useNA="ifany")
# final$act5 <- NA
# final <- within(final, {
#   act5[which(actrec==1) ] <- 2 # ind?pendants
#   act5[which(actrec==2) ] <- 1 # salari?s
#   act5[which(actrec==3) ] <- 1 # salari?s
#   act5[which(actrec==4) ] <- 3 # ch?meur
#   act5[which(actrec==7) ] <- 4 # retrait?
#   act5[which(actrec==8) ] <- 5 # autres inactifs
# })
# table(final$act5,useNA="ifany")

    final.act5 = NaN

    final.act5 = where(final.actrec==1, 2, final.act5) # indépendants
    final.act5 = where(final.actrec.isin([2,3]), 1, final.act5)  # salariés

    final.act5 = where(final.actrec==4, 3, final.act5) # chômeur
    final.act5 = where(final.actrec==7, 4, final.act5) # retraité
    final.act5 = where(final.actrec==8, 5, final.act5) # autres inactifs
    print final.act5.value_counts() # TODO : 29 retraités ?

#     assert final.act5.notnull().all(), 'there are NaN inside final.act5'

# final$wprm <- NULL # with the intention to extract wprm from menage to deal with FIPs
# final$tax_hab <- final$zthabm # rename zthabm to tax_hab
# final$zthabm <- NULL
# final2 <- merge(final, loyersMenages, by="idmen", all.x=TRUE)
    print '    création de final2'
    del final["wprm"]
    final.rename(columns=dict(zthabm="tax_hab"), inplace=True) # rename zthabm to tax_hab
    final2 = final.merge(loyersMenages, on="idmen", how="left") # TODO: Check
    print loyersMenages.head()

# # TODO: merging with patrimoine
# rm(menagem,final)
# # table(final2$activite,useNA="ifany")
# # table(final2$alt,useNA="ifany")
# saveTmp(final2, file= "final2.Rdata")
# loadTmp("final2.Rdata")
# names(final2)
# print_id(final2)
# # set zone_apl using zone_apl_imputation_data
# apl_imp <- read.csv("./zone_apl/zone_apl_imputation_data.csv")
# if (year == "2008") {
#   zone_apl <- final2[, c("tu99", "pol99", "reg")]
# } else {
#   zone_apl <- final2[, c("tu99", "pol99", "tau99", "reg")]
# }
# for (i in 1:length(apl_imp[,"TU99"])) {
#   tu <- apl_imp[i,"TU99"]
#   pol <- apl_imp[i,"POL99"]
#   tau <- apl_imp[i,"TAU99"]
#   reg <- apl_imp[i,"REG"]
#   #  print(c(tu,pol,tau,reg))
#   if (year == "2008") {
#     indices <- (final2["tu99"] == tu & final2["pol99"] == pol  & final2["reg"] == reg)
#     selection <-  (apl_imp["TU99"] == tu & apl_imp["POL99"] == pol & apl_imp["REG"] == reg)
#   } else {
#     indices <- (final2["tu99"] == tu & final2["pol99"] == pol & final2["tau99"] == tau & final2["reg"] == reg)
#     selection <-  (apl_imp["TU99"] == tu & apl_imp["POL99"] == pol & apl_imp["TAU99"] == tau & apl_imp["REG"] == reg)
#   }
#   z <- runif(sum(indices))
#   probs <- apl_imp[selection , c("proba_zone1", "proba_zone2")]
#   #  print(probs)
#   final2[indices,"zone_apl"] <- 1 + (z>probs[,'proba_zone1']) + (z>(probs[,'proba_zone1']+probs[,'proba_zone2']))
#   rm(indices, probs)
# }

    print '    traitement des zones apl'
    apl_imp = read_csv("../../zone_apl/zone_apl_imputation_data.csv")

    print apl_imp.head(10)
    if year == 2008:
        zone_apl = final2.xs(["tu99", "pol99", "reg"], axis=1)
        zone_apl = final2.xs(["tu99", "pol99", "tau99", "reg"], axis=1)

    for i in range(len(apl_imp["TU99"])):
        tu = apl_imp["TU99"][i]
        pol = apl_imp["POL99"][i]
        tau = apl_imp["TAU99"][i]
        reg = apl_imp["REG"][i]

    if year == 2008:
        indices = (final2["tu99"] == tu) & (final2["pol99"] == pol) & (final2["reg"] == reg)
        selection = (apl_imp["TU99"] == tu) & (apl_imp["POL99"] == pol) & (apl_imp["REG"] == reg)
        indices = (final2["tu99"] == tu) & (final2["pol99"] == pol) & (final2["tau99"] == tau) & (final2["reg"] == reg)
        selection = (apl_imp["TU99"] == tu) & (apl_imp["POL99"] == pol) & (apl_imp["TAU99"] == tau) & (apl_imp["REG"] == reg)

    z = random.uniform(size=indices.sum())
    print len(z)
    print len(indices)

    print len(indices)/len(z)
    probs = apl_imp.loc[selection , ["proba_zone1", "proba_zone2"]]
    print probs
    print probs['proba_zone1'].values

    proba_zone_1 =  probs['proba_zone1'].values[0]
    proba_zone_2 =  probs['proba_zone2'].values[0]

    final2["zone_apl"] = 3
    final2["zone_apl"][indices] = ( 1 + (z>proba_zone_1) +
                                       (z>(proba_zone_1 + proba_zone_2)))
    del indices, probs

#     control(final2, verbose=True, debug=True, verbose_length=15)

    print '    performing cleaning on final2'
    print 'nombre de sali nuls', len(final2[final2['sali'].isnull()])
    print "nombre d'âges nuls", len(final2[final2.age.isnull()])
    print "longueur de final2 avant purge", len(final2)
#     columns_w_nan = []
#     for col in final2.columns:
#         if final2[final2['idfoy'].notnull()][col].isnull().any() and not final2[col].isnull().all():
#             columns_w_nan.append(col)
#     print columns_w_nan
    print 'check doublons', len(final2[final2.duplicated(['noindiv'])])
    print final2.age.isnull().sum()

#     print final2.loc[final2.duplicated('noindiv'), ['noindiv', 'quifam']].to_string()
    #TODO: JS: des chefs de famille et conjoints en double il faut trouver la source des ces doublons !
#     final2 = final2.drop_duplicates(['noindiv'])

    final2 = final2[~(final2.age.isnull())]
    print "longueur de final2 après purge", len(final2)

# # var <- names(foyer)
# #a1 <- c('f7rb', 'f7ra', 'f7gx', 'f2aa', 'f7gt', 'f2an', 'f2am', 'f7gw', 'f7gs', 'f8td', 'f7nz', 'f1br', 'f7jy', 'f7cu', 'f7xi', 'f7xo', 'f7xn', 'f7xw', 'f7xy', 'f6hj', 'f7qt', 'f7ql', 'f7qm', 'f7qd', 'f7qb', 'f7qc', 'f1ar', 'f7my', 'f3vv', 'f3vu', 'f3vt', 'f7gu', 'f3vd', 'f2al', 'f2bh', 'f7fm', 'f8uy', 'f7td', 'f7gv', 'f7is', 'f7iy', 'f7il', 'f7im', 'f7ij', 'f7ik', 'f1er', 'f7wl', 'f7wk', 'f7we', 'f6eh', 'f7la', 'f7uh', 'f7ly', 'f8wy', 'f8wx', 'f8wv', 'f7sb', 'f7sc', 'f7sd', 'f7se', 'f7sf', 'f7sh', 'f7si',  'f1dr', 'f7hs', 'f7hr', 'f7hy', 'f7hk', 'f7hj', 'f7hm', 'f7hl', 'f7ho', 'f7hn', 'f4gc', 'f4gb', 'f4ga', 'f4gg', 'f4gf', 'f4ge', 'f7vz', 'f7vy', 'f7vx', 'f7vw', 'f7xe', 'f6aa', 'f1cr', 'f7ka', 'f7ky', 'f7db', 'f7dq', 'f2da')
# #a2 <- setdiff(a1,names(foyer))
# #b1 <- c('pondfin', 'alt', 'hsup', 'ass_mat', 'zone_apl', 'inactif', 'ass', 'aer', 'code_postal', 'activite', 'type_sal', 'jour_xyz', 'boursier', 'etr', 'partiel1', 'partiel2', 'empl_dir', 'gar_dom', 'categ_inv', 'opt_colca', 'csg_taux_plein','coloc')
# # hsup feuille d'impot
# # boursier pas dispo
# # inactif etc : extraire cela des donn?es clca etc
# # tester activit? car 0 vaut actif
# table($activite),useNA="ifany")
# saveTmp(final2, file= "final2.Rdata")

    control(final2, debug=True)
    print final2.age.isnull().sum()
    final2 = final2.drop_duplicates(cols='noindiv')

    print '    Filter to manage the new 3-tables structures:'
    # On récupère les foyer, famille, ménages qui ont un chef :
    liste_men = unique(final2.loc[final2['quimen']==0,'idmen'].values)
    liste_fam = unique(final2.loc[final2['quifam']==0,'idfam'].values)
    liste_foy = unique(final2.loc[final2['quifoy']==0,'idfoy'].values)

    #On ne conserve dans final2 que ces foyers là :
    print 'final2 avant le filtrage' ,len(final2)
    final2 = final2.loc[final2.idmen.isin(liste_men), :]
    final2 = final2.loc[final2.idfam.isin(liste_fam), :]
    final2 = final2.loc[final2.idfoy.isin(liste_foy), :]
    print 'final2 après le filtrage', len(final2)

    if check:

    from openfisca_france import DATA_SOURCES_DIR
    test_filename = os.path.join(DATA_SOURCES_DIR, filename + ".h5")
    if os.path.exists(test_filename):
        import warnings
        import datetime
        time_stamp ='%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M')
        renamed_file = os.path.join(DATA_SOURCES_DIR, filename + "_" + time_stamp + ".h5")
        warnings.warn("A file with the same name already exists \n Renaming current output and saving to " + renamed_file)
        test_filename = renamed_file

    store = HDFStore(test_filename)
    store['survey_'+ str(year)] = final2
Example #7
def create_fip(year = 2006): # message('03_fip')
    Creates a 'fipDat' table containing all these 'fip individuals'

    df = DataCollection(year=year)

    print 'Démarrer 03_fip'
# # anaisenf: année de naissance des PAC
# erfFoyVar <- c('anaisenf','declar')
# foyer <- LoadIn(erfFoyFil)
# foyer <- LoadIn(erfFoyFil,erfFoyVar)

    # anaisenf is a string containing letter code of pac (F,G,H,I,J,N,R) and year of birth (example: 'F1990H1992')
    # when a child is invalid, he appears twice in anaisenf (example: F1900G1900 is a single invalid child born in 1990)
    erfFoyVar = ['declar', 'anaisenf']
    foyer = df.get_values(table="foyer", variables=erfFoyVar)
#    control(foyer, verbose=True, verbose_length=10, debug=True)

# #***********************************************************************************************************
# # print "Step 1 : on recupere les personnes à charge des foyers"
# #**********************************************************************************************************
# # On traite les cas de declarations multiples pour ne pas créer de doublon de pac
# # On récupère toutes les pac des foyers
# L <- max(nchar(foyer$anaisenf))/5 # nombre de pac maximal
# fip <-data.frame(declar = foyer$declar)
# for (i in c(1:L)){
#   eval(parse(text = paste('fip$typ.',as.character(i),'<- substr(foyer$anaisenf,5*(i-1)+1,5*(i-1)+1)',sep = '')))
#   eval(parse(text = paste('fip$naia.',as.character(i),'<- as.numeric(substr(foyer$anaisenf,5*(i-1)+2,5*(i-1)+5))',sep = '')))
# }
# fip <- fip[!$typ.1),]
# fip <- reshape(fip,direction ='long', varying=2:17, sep=".")
# fip <- fip[!$naia),]
# fip <- fip[order(fip$declar,-rank(fip$typ),fip$naia),c('declar','naia','typ')]
# fip$N <- row(fip)[,1]
# str(fip$N)

    print "Etape 1 : on recupere les personnes à charge des foyers"
    print "    1.1 : Création des codes des enfants"
    foyer['anaisenf'] = foyer['anaisenf'].astype('string')
    nb_pac_max = len(max(foyer['anaisenf'], key=len))/5
    print "il ya a au maximum %s pac par foyer" %nb_pac_max

# Separating the string coding the pac of each "déclaration".
# Creating a list containing the new variables.

    # Creating the multi_index for the columns
    multi_index_columns = []
    for i in range(1, nb_pac_max + 1):
        pac_tuples_list = [(i, 'declaration'), (i, 'type_pac'), (i, 'naia')]
        multi_index_columns += pac_tuples_list

    columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(multi_index_columns, names=['pac_number', 'variable'])
    fip = DataFrame(randn(len(foyer), 3*nb_pac_max), columns=columns)
    fip.fillna(NaN, inplace=True) # inutile a cause de la ligne précédente, to remove
    for i in range(1,nb_pac_max+1):
        fip[(i, 'declaration')] = foyer['declar'].values
        fip[(i,'type_pac')] = foyer['anaisenf'].str[5*(i-1)]
        fip[(i,'naia')] = foyer['anaisenf'].str[5*(i-1)+1:5*(i)]

    fip = fip.stack("pac_number")
    del fip["level_0"]

#     print fip.describe()
#     print fip.head().to_string()
    print "    1.2 : elimination des foyers fiscaux sans pac"
    #Clearing missing values and changing data format
    fip = fip[(fip['type_pac'].notnull()) & (fip['naia'] != 'an')  & (fip['naia'] != '')]
    fip = fip.sort(columns=['declaration','naia','type_pac'])
    # TODO: check if useful
    fip.set_index(["declaration","pac_number"], inplace=True)
    fip = fip.reset_index()

    del fip['pac_number']
#    control(fip, debug=True, verbose=True, verbose_columns=['naia'])

    print "    1.3 : on enlève les individus F pour lesquels il existe un individu G"
    tyFG = fip[fip.type_pac.isin(['F', 'G'])] #Filtre pour ne travailler que sur F & G

    tyFG['same_pair'] = tyFG.duplicated(cols=['declaration', 'naia'], take_last=True)
    tyFG['is_twin'] = tyFG.duplicated(cols=['declaration', 'naia', 'type_pac'])
    tyFG['to_keep'] = (~(tyFG['same_pair']) | (tyFG['is_twin']))
    #Note : On conserve ceux qui ont des couples déclar/naia différents et les jumeaux
    #puis on retire les autres (à la fois F et G)
    print len(tyFG),'/', len(tyFG[tyFG['to_keep']])
    print 'longueur fip', len(fip)

    fip['to_keep'] = NaN
    print 'enfants F & G traités'

    print "    1.4 : on enlève les H pour lesquels il y a un I"
    tyHI = fip[fip.type_pac.isin(['H', 'I'])]
    tyHI['same_pair'] = tyHI.duplicated(cols=['declaration', 'naia'], take_last=True)
    tyHI['is_twin'] = tyHI.duplicated(cols=['declaration', 'naia', 'type_pac'])
    tyHI['to_keep'] = ~(tyHI['same_pair']) | (tyHI['is_twin'])

    fip['to_keep'] = fip['to_keep'].fillna(True)
    print 'nb lines to keep/nb initial lines'
    print len(fip[fip['to_keep']]), '/', len(fip)

    indivifip = fip[fip['to_keep']]; del indivifip['to_keep'], fip, tyFG, tyHI

#    control(indivifip, debug=True)

# #************************************************************************************************************/
    print ''
    print 'Step 2 : matching indivifip with eec file'
# #************************************************************************************************************/

    indivi = load_temp(name="indivim", year=year) #TODO: USE THIS INSTEAD OF PREVIOUS LINES

# pac <- indivi[!$persfip) & indivi$persfip == 'pac',]
# pac$key1 <- paste(pac$naia,pac$declar1)
# pac$key2 <- paste(pac$naia,pac$declar2)
# indivifip$key <- paste(indivifip$naia,indivifip$declar)

    #TODO: replace Indivi['persfip'] is not NaN by indivi['persfip'].notnull()
    import pdb
    pac = indivi[(indivi['persfip'] is not NaN) & (indivi['persfip']=='pac')]

    pac['naia'] = pac['naia'].astype('int32') # TODO: was float in pac fix upstream
    indivifip['naia'] = indivifip['naia'].astype('int32')
    pac['key1'] = zip(pac['naia'], pac['declar1'].str[:29])
    pac['key2'] = zip(pac['naia'], pac['declar2'].str[:29])
    indivifip['key'] = zip(indivifip['naia'], indivifip['declaration'].str[:29])
    assert pac.naia.dtype == indivifip.naia.dtype, 'types %s , %s are different' %(pac.naia.dtype, indivifip.naia.dtype)

# fip <- indivifip[!indivifip$key %in% pac$key1,]
# fip <- fip[!fip$key %in% pac$key2,]
    fip = indivifip[~(indivifip.key.isin(pac.key1.values))]
    fip = fip[~(fip.key.isin(pac.key2.values))]

    print "    2.1 new fip created"
# We build a dataframe to link the pac to their type and noindiv
# table(duplicated(pac[,c("noindiv")]))
    countInd = pac.noindiv.value_counts()

# pacInd1 <- merge(pac[,c("noindiv","key1","naia")],
#                 indivifip[,c("key","typ")], by.x="key1", by.y="key")
# pacInd2 <- merge(pac[,c("noindiv","key2","naia")],
#                 indivifip[,c("key","typ")], by.x="key2", by.y="key")

    tmp_pac1 = pac[['noindiv', 'key1']]
    tmp_pac2 = pac[['noindiv', 'key2']]
    tmp_indivifip = indivifip[['key', 'type_pac', 'naia']]

    pac_ind1 = tmp_pac1.merge(tmp_indivifip, left_on='key1', right_on='key', how='inner')
    print 'longueur pacInd1' , len(pac_ind1)
    pac_ind2 = tmp_pac2.merge(tmp_indivifip, left_on='key2', right_on='key', how='inner')
    print 'longueur pacInd2', len(pac_ind2)
    print "pacInd1&2 créés"

# table(duplicated(pacInd1))
# table(duplicated(pacInd2))

    print pac_ind1.duplicated().sum()
    print pac_ind2.duplicated().sum()

# pacInd1 <-rename(pacInd1,c("key1" = "key"))
# pacInd2 <-rename(pacInd2,c("key2" = "key"))
# pacInd <- rbind(pacInd1,pacInd2)
# rm(pacInd1,pacInd2)

#     pacInd1.rename(columns={'key1':'key'}, inplace=True)
#     pacInd2.rename(columns={'key2':'key'}, inplace=True)
    del pac_ind1['key1'], pac_ind2['key2']
    print pac_ind1.columns
    print pac_ind2.columns

    if pac_ind1.index == []:
        if pac_ind2.index == []:
                print "Warning : no link between pac and noindiv for both pacInd1&2"
            print "Warning : pacInd1 is an empty data frame"
            pacInd = pac_ind2
    elif pac_ind2.index == []:
        print "Warning : pacInd2 is an empty data frame"
        pacInd = pac_ind1
        pacInd = concat([pac_ind2, pac_ind1])
    print len(pac_ind1), len(pac_ind2), len(pacInd)
    print pac_ind2.type_pac.isnull().sum()
    print pacInd.type_pac.value_counts()

    print '    2.2 : pacInd created'

# table(duplicated(pacInd[,c("noindiv","typ")]))
# table(duplicated(pacInd$noindiv))

    print 'doublons noindiv, type_pac', pacInd.duplicated(['noindiv', 'type_pac']).sum()
    print 'doublons noindiv seulement', pacInd.duplicated('noindiv').sum()
    print 'nb de NaN', pacInd.type_pac.isnull().sum()

    del pacInd["key"]
    pacIndiv = pacInd[~(pacInd.duplicated('noindiv'))]
#     pacIndiv.reset_index(inplace=True)
    print pacIndiv.columns

    save_temp(pacIndiv, name="pacIndiv", year=year)

    print pacIndiv.type_pac.value_counts()

# # We keep the fip in the menage of their parents because it is used in to
# # build the famille. We should build an individual ident for the fip that are
# # older than 18 since they are not in their parents' menage according to the eec

# individec1 <- subset(indivi, (declar1 %in% fip$declar) & (persfip=="vous"))
# individec1 <- individec1[,c("declar1","noidec","ident","rga","ztsai","ztsao")]
# individec1 <- upData(individec1,rename=c(declar1="declar"))
# fip1       <- merge(fip,individec1)
    # indivi$noidec <- as.numeric(substr(indivi$declar1,1,2))
    indivi['noidec'] = indivi['declar1'].str[0:2].astype('float16') # To be used later to set idfoy
    individec1 = indivi[(indivi.declar1.isin(fip.declaration.values)) & (indivi['persfip']=="vous")]
    individec1 = individec1.loc[:, ["declar1","noidec","ident","rga","ztsai","ztsao"]]
    individec1 = individec1.rename(columns={'declar1':'declaration'})
    fip1 = fip.merge(individec1, on='declaration')
    print '    2.3 : fip1 created'

# # TODO: On ne s'occupe pas des declar2 pour l'instant
# # individec2 <- subset(indivi, (declar2 %in% fip$declar) & (persfip=="vous"))
# # individec2 <- individec2[,c("declar2","noidec","ident","rga","ztsai","ztsao")]
# # individec2 <- upData(individec2,rename=c(declar2="declar"))
# # fip2 <-merge(fip,individec2)

    individec2 = indivi[(indivi.declar2.isin(fip.declaration.values)) & (indivi['persfip']=="vous")]
    individec2 = individec2.loc[:, ["declar2","noidec","ident","rga","ztsai","ztsao"]]
    individec2.rename(columns={'declar2':'declaration'}, inplace=True)
    print individec2.head()
    fip2 = fip.merge(individec2)
    print '    2.4 : fip2 created'


# #fip <- rbind(fip1,fip2)
# fip <- fip1
# table(fip$typ)

    fip = concat([fip1, fip2])
#     fip = fip1 #TODO: Pourquoi cette ligne ?

    print fip.columns
    fip['persfip'] = 'pac'
    fip['year'] = year
    fip['year'] = fip['year'].astype('float') # BUG; pas de colonne année dans la DF
    fip['noi'] = 99
    fip['noicon'] = None
    fip['noindiv'] = fip['declaration']
    fip['noiper'] = None
    fip['noimer'] = None
    fip['declar1'] = fip['declaration'] #TODO declar ?
    fip['naim'] = 99
    fip['lien'] = None
    fip['quelfic'] = 'FIP'
    fip['acteu'] = None
    fip['agepf'] = fip['year'] - fip['naia'].astype('float')
    fip['lpr'] = where(fip['agepf'] <=20, 3, 4) # TODO pas très propre d'après Mahdi/Clément
    fip['stc'] = None
    fip['contra'] = None
    fip['titc'] = None
    fip['mrec'] = None
    fip['forter'] = None
    fip['rstg'] = None
    fip['retrai'] = None
    fip['cohab'] = None
    fip['sexe'] = None
    fip['persfip'] = "pac"
    fip['agepr'] = None
    fip['actrec'] = where(fip['agepf']<=15, 9, 5)

## TODO: probleme actrec des enfants fip entre 16 et 20 ans : on ne sait pas s'ils sont étudiants ou salariés */
## TODO problème avec les mois des enfants FIP : voir si on ne peut pas remonter à ces valeurs: Alexis : clairement non

# Reassigning noi for fip children if they are more than one per foyer fiscal
# while ( any(duplicated( fip[,c("noi","ident")]) ) ) {
#   dup <- duplicated( fip[, c("noi","ident")])
#   tmp <- fip[dup,"noi"]
#   fip[dup, "noi"] <- (tmp-1)
# }
    #TODO: Le vecteur dup est-il correct
    fip["noi"] = fip["noi"].astype("int64")
    fip["ident"] = fip["ident"].astype("int64")

    fip_tmp = fip[['noi','ident']]

    while any(fip.duplicated(cols=['noi', 'ident'])):
        fip_tmp = fip.loc[:, ['noi', 'ident']]
        dup = fip_tmp.duplicated()
        tmp = fip.loc[dup, 'noi']
        print len(tmp)
        fip.loc[dup, 'noi'] = tmp.astype('int64') - 1

    fip['idfoy'] = 100*fip['ident'] + fip['noidec']
    fip['noindiv'] = 100*fip['ident'] + fip['noi']
    fip['type_pac'] = 0 ; fip['key'] = 0

    print fip.duplicated('noindiv').value_counts()
    save_temp(fip, name="fipDat", year=year)
    del fip, fip1, individec1, indivifip, indivi, pac
    print 'fip sauvegardé'
def create_fip(year=2006):  # message('03_fip')
    Creates a 'fipDat' table containing all these 'fip individuals'

    df = DataCollection(year=year)

    print 'Démarrer 03_fip'
    # # anaisenf: année de naissance des PAC
    # erfFoyVar <- c('anaisenf','declar')
    # foyer <- LoadIn(erfFoyFil)
    # foyer <- LoadIn(erfFoyFil,erfFoyVar)

    # anaisenf is a string containing letter code of pac (F,G,H,I,J,N,R) and year of birth (example: 'F1990H1992')
    # when a child is invalid, he appears twice in anaisenf (example: F1900G1900 is a single invalid child born in 1990)
    erfFoyVar = ['declar', 'anaisenf']
    foyer = df.get_values(table="foyer", variables=erfFoyVar)
    #    control(foyer, verbose=True, verbose_length=10, debug=True)

    # #***********************************************************************************************************
    # # print "Step 1 : on recupere les personnes à charge des foyers"
    # #**********************************************************************************************************
    # # On traite les cas de declarations multiples pour ne pas créer de doublon de pac
    # # On récupère toutes les pac des foyers
    # L <- max(nchar(foyer$anaisenf))/5 # nombre de pac maximal
    # fip <-data.frame(declar = foyer$declar)
    # for (i in c(1:L)){
    #   eval(parse(text = paste('fip$typ.',as.character(i),'<- substr(foyer$anaisenf,5*(i-1)+1,5*(i-1)+1)',sep = '')))
    #   eval(parse(text = paste('fip$naia.',as.character(i),'<- as.numeric(substr(foyer$anaisenf,5*(i-1)+2,5*(i-1)+5))',sep = '')))
    # }
    # fip <- fip[!$typ.1),]
    # fip <- reshape(fip,direction ='long', varying=2:17, sep=".")
    # fip <- fip[!$naia),]
    # fip <- fip[order(fip$declar,-rank(fip$typ),fip$naia),c('declar','naia','typ')]
    # fip$N <- row(fip)[,1]
    # str(fip$N)

    print "Etape 1 : on recupere les personnes à charge des foyers"
    print "    1.1 : Création des codes des enfants"
    foyer['anaisenf'] = foyer['anaisenf'].astype('string')
    nb_pac_max = len(max(foyer['anaisenf'], key=len)) / 5
    print "il ya a au maximum %s pac par foyer" % nb_pac_max

    # Separating the string coding the pac of each "déclaration".
    # Creating a list containing the new variables.

    # Creating the multi_index for the columns
    multi_index_columns = []
    for i in range(1, nb_pac_max + 1):
        pac_tuples_list = [(i, 'declaration'), (i, 'type_pac'), (i, 'naia')]
        multi_index_columns += pac_tuples_list

    columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(multi_index_columns,
                                     names=['pac_number', 'variable'])
    fip = DataFrame(randn(len(foyer), 3 * nb_pac_max), columns=columns)
        NaN, inplace=True)  # inutile a cause de la ligne précédente, to remove
    for i in range(1, nb_pac_max + 1):
        fip[(i, 'declaration')] = foyer['declar'].values
        fip[(i, 'type_pac')] = foyer['anaisenf'].str[5 * (i - 1)]
        fip[(i, 'naia')] = foyer['anaisenf'].str[5 * (i - 1) + 1:5 * (i)]

    fip = fip.stack("pac_number")
    del fip["level_0"]

    #     print fip.describe()
    #     print fip.head().to_string()
    print "    1.2 : elimination des foyers fiscaux sans pac"
    #Clearing missing values and changing data format
    fip = fip[(fip['type_pac'].notnull()) & (fip['naia'] != 'an') &
              (fip['naia'] != '')]
    fip = fip.sort(columns=['declaration', 'naia', 'type_pac'])
    # TODO: check if useful
    fip.set_index(["declaration", "pac_number"], inplace=True)
    fip = fip.reset_index()

    del fip['pac_number']
    #    control(fip, debug=True, verbose=True, verbose_columns=['naia'])

    print "    1.3 : on enlève les individus F pour lesquels il existe un individu G"
    tyFG = fip[fip.type_pac.isin(['F', 'G'
                                  ])]  #Filtre pour ne travailler que sur F & G

    tyFG['same_pair'] = tyFG.duplicated(cols=['declaration', 'naia'],
    tyFG['is_twin'] = tyFG.duplicated(cols=['declaration', 'naia', 'type_pac'])
    tyFG['to_keep'] = (~(tyFG['same_pair']) | (tyFG['is_twin']))
    #Note : On conserve ceux qui ont des couples déclar/naia différents et les jumeaux
    #puis on retire les autres (à la fois F et G)
    print len(tyFG), '/', len(tyFG[tyFG['to_keep']])
    print 'longueur fip', len(fip)

    fip['to_keep'] = NaN
    print 'enfants F & G traités'

    print "    1.4 : on enlève les H pour lesquels il y a un I"
    tyHI = fip[fip.type_pac.isin(['H', 'I'])]
    tyHI['same_pair'] = tyHI.duplicated(cols=['declaration', 'naia'],
    tyHI['is_twin'] = tyHI.duplicated(cols=['declaration', 'naia', 'type_pac'])
    tyHI['to_keep'] = ~(tyHI['same_pair']) | (tyHI['is_twin'])

    fip['to_keep'] = fip['to_keep'].fillna(True)
    print 'nb lines to keep/nb initial lines'
    print len(fip[fip['to_keep']]), '/', len(fip)

    indivifip = fip[fip['to_keep']]
    del indivifip['to_keep'], fip, tyFG, tyHI

    #    control(indivifip, debug=True)

    # #************************************************************************************************************/
    print ''
    print 'Step 2 : matching indivifip with eec file'
    # #************************************************************************************************************/

    indivi = load_temp(name="indivim",
                       year=year)  #TODO: USE THIS INSTEAD OF PREVIOUS LINES

    # pac <- indivi[!$persfip) & indivi$persfip == 'pac',]
    # pac$key1 <- paste(pac$naia,pac$declar1)
    # pac$key2 <- paste(pac$naia,pac$declar2)
    # indivifip$key <- paste(indivifip$naia,indivifip$declar)

    #TODO: replace Indivi['persfip'] is not NaN by indivi['persfip'].notnull()
    import pdb
    pac = indivi[(indivi['persfip'] is not NaN) & (indivi['persfip'] == 'pac')]

    pac['naia'] = pac['naia'].astype(
        'int32')  # TODO: was float in pac fix upstream
    indivifip['naia'] = indivifip['naia'].astype('int32')
    pac['key1'] = zip(pac['naia'], pac['declar1'].str[:29])
    pac['key2'] = zip(pac['naia'], pac['declar2'].str[:29])
    indivifip['key'] = zip(indivifip['naia'],
    assert pac.naia.dtype == indivifip.naia.dtype, 'types %s , %s are different' % (
        pac.naia.dtype, indivifip.naia.dtype)

    # fip <- indivifip[!indivifip$key %in% pac$key1,]
    # fip <- fip[!fip$key %in% pac$key2,]
    fip = indivifip[~(indivifip.key.isin(pac.key1.values))]
    fip = fip[~(fip.key.isin(pac.key2.values))]

    print "    2.1 new fip created"
    # We build a dataframe to link the pac to their type and noindiv
    # table(duplicated(pac[,c("noindiv")]))
    countInd = pac.noindiv.value_counts()

    # pacInd1 <- merge(pac[,c("noindiv","key1","naia")],
    #                 indivifip[,c("key","typ")], by.x="key1", by.y="key")
    # pacInd2 <- merge(pac[,c("noindiv","key2","naia")],
    #                 indivifip[,c("key","typ")], by.x="key2", by.y="key")

    tmp_pac1 = pac[['noindiv', 'key1']]
    tmp_pac2 = pac[['noindiv', 'key2']]
    tmp_indivifip = indivifip[['key', 'type_pac', 'naia']]

    pac_ind1 = tmp_pac1.merge(tmp_indivifip,
    print 'longueur pacInd1', len(pac_ind1)
    pac_ind2 = tmp_pac2.merge(tmp_indivifip,
    print 'longueur pacInd2', len(pac_ind2)
    print "pacInd1&2 créés"

    # table(duplicated(pacInd1))
    # table(duplicated(pacInd2))

    print pac_ind1.duplicated().sum()
    print pac_ind2.duplicated().sum()

    # pacInd1 <-rename(pacInd1,c("key1" = "key"))
    # pacInd2 <-rename(pacInd2,c("key2" = "key"))
    # pacInd <- rbind(pacInd1,pacInd2)
    # rm(pacInd1,pacInd2)

    #     pacInd1.rename(columns={'key1':'key'}, inplace=True)
    #     pacInd2.rename(columns={'key2':'key'}, inplace=True)
    del pac_ind1['key1'], pac_ind2['key2']
    print pac_ind1.columns
    print pac_ind2.columns

    if pac_ind1.index == []:
        if pac_ind2.index == []:
            print "Warning : no link between pac and noindiv for both pacInd1&2"
            print "Warning : pacInd1 is an empty data frame"
            pacInd = pac_ind2
    elif pac_ind2.index == []:
        print "Warning : pacInd2 is an empty data frame"
        pacInd = pac_ind1
        pacInd = concat([pac_ind2, pac_ind1])
    print len(pac_ind1), len(pac_ind2), len(pacInd)
    print pac_ind2.type_pac.isnull().sum()
    print pacInd.type_pac.value_counts()

    print '    2.2 : pacInd created'

    # table(duplicated(pacInd[,c("noindiv","typ")]))
    # table(duplicated(pacInd$noindiv))

    print 'doublons noindiv, type_pac', pacInd.duplicated(
        ['noindiv', 'type_pac']).sum()
    print 'doublons noindiv seulement', pacInd.duplicated('noindiv').sum()
    print 'nb de NaN', pacInd.type_pac.isnull().sum()

    del pacInd["key"]
    pacIndiv = pacInd[~(pacInd.duplicated('noindiv'))]
    #     pacIndiv.reset_index(inplace=True)
    print pacIndiv.columns

    save_temp(pacIndiv, name="pacIndiv", year=year)

    print pacIndiv.type_pac.value_counts()

    # # We keep the fip in the menage of their parents because it is used in to
    # # build the famille. We should build an individual ident for the fip that are
    # # older than 18 since they are not in their parents' menage according to the eec

    # individec1 <- subset(indivi, (declar1 %in% fip$declar) & (persfip=="vous"))
    # individec1 <- individec1[,c("declar1","noidec","ident","rga","ztsai","ztsao")]
    # individec1 <- upData(individec1,rename=c(declar1="declar"))
    # fip1       <- merge(fip,individec1)
    # indivi$noidec <- as.numeric(substr(indivi$declar1,1,2))
    indivi['noidec'] = indivi['declar1'].str[0:2].astype(
        'float16')  # To be used later to set idfoy
    individec1 = indivi[(indivi.declar1.isin(fip.declaration.values))
                        & (indivi['persfip'] == "vous")]
    individec1 = individec1.loc[:, [
        "declar1", "noidec", "ident", "rga", "ztsai", "ztsao"
    individec1 = individec1.rename(columns={'declar1': 'declaration'})
    fip1 = fip.merge(individec1, on='declaration')
    print '    2.3 : fip1 created'

    # # TODO: On ne s'occupe pas des declar2 pour l'instant
    # # individec2 <- subset(indivi, (declar2 %in% fip$declar) & (persfip=="vous"))
    # # individec2 <- individec2[,c("declar2","noidec","ident","rga","ztsai","ztsao")]
    # # individec2 <- upData(individec2,rename=c(declar2="declar"))
    # # fip2 <-merge(fip,individec2)

    individec2 = indivi[(indivi.declar2.isin(fip.declaration.values))
                        & (indivi['persfip'] == "vous")]
    individec2 = individec2.loc[:, [
        "declar2", "noidec", "ident", "rga", "ztsai", "ztsao"
    individec2.rename(columns={'declar2': 'declaration'}, inplace=True)
    print individec2.head()
    fip2 = fip.merge(individec2)
    print '    2.4 : fip2 created'


    # #fip <- rbind(fip1,fip2)
    # fip <- fip1
    # table(fip$typ)

    fip = concat([fip1, fip2])
    #     fip = fip1 #TODO: Pourquoi cette ligne ?

    print fip.columns
    fip['persfip'] = 'pac'
    fip['year'] = year
    fip['year'] = fip['year'].astype(
        'float')  # BUG; pas de colonne année dans la DF
    fip['noi'] = 99
    fip['noicon'] = None
    fip['noindiv'] = fip['declaration']
    fip['noiper'] = None
    fip['noimer'] = None
    fip['declar1'] = fip['declaration']  #TODO declar ?
    fip['naim'] = 99
    fip['lien'] = None
    fip['quelfic'] = 'FIP'
    fip['acteu'] = None
    fip['agepf'] = fip['year'] - fip['naia'].astype('float')
    fip['lpr'] = where(fip['agepf'] <= 20, 3,
                       4)  # TODO pas très propre d'après Mahdi/Clément
    fip['stc'] = None
    fip['contra'] = None
    fip['titc'] = None
    fip['mrec'] = None
    fip['forter'] = None
    fip['rstg'] = None
    fip['retrai'] = None
    fip['cohab'] = None
    fip['sexe'] = None
    fip['persfip'] = "pac"
    fip['agepr'] = None
    fip['actrec'] = where(fip['agepf'] <= 15, 9, 5)

    ## TODO: probleme actrec des enfants fip entre 16 et 20 ans : on ne sait pas s'ils sont étudiants ou salariés */
    ## TODO problème avec les mois des enfants FIP : voir si on ne peut pas remonter à ces valeurs: Alexis : clairement non

    # Reassigning noi for fip children if they are more than one per foyer fiscal
    # while ( any(duplicated( fip[,c("noi","ident")]) ) ) {
    #   dup <- duplicated( fip[, c("noi","ident")])
    #   tmp <- fip[dup,"noi"]
    #   fip[dup, "noi"] <- (tmp-1)
    # }
    #TODO: Le vecteur dup est-il correct
    fip["noi"] = fip["noi"].astype("int64")
    fip["ident"] = fip["ident"].astype("int64")

    fip_tmp = fip[['noi', 'ident']]

    while any(fip.duplicated(cols=['noi', 'ident'])):
        fip_tmp = fip.loc[:, ['noi', 'ident']]
        dup = fip_tmp.duplicated()
        tmp = fip.loc[dup, 'noi']
        print len(tmp)
        fip.loc[dup, 'noi'] = tmp.astype('int64') - 1

    fip['idfoy'] = 100 * fip['ident'] + fip['noidec']
    fip['noindiv'] = 100 * fip['ident'] + fip['noi']
    fip['type_pac'] = 0
    fip['key'] = 0

    print fip.duplicated('noindiv').value_counts()
    save_temp(fip, name="fipDat", year=year)
    del fip, fip1, individec1, indivifip, indivi, pac
    print 'fip sauvegardé'
def create_imput_loyer(year):
    Impute les loyers à partir de ???

    #Variables used for imputation
    df = DataCollection(year=year)
    print 'Démarrer 02_imput_loyer'

    menm_vars = [
        "ztsam", "zperm", "zragm", "zricm", "zrncm", "zracm", "nb_uci", "wprm",
        "so", "nbpiec", "typmen5", "spr", "nbenfc", "agpr", "cstotpr",
        "nat28pr", "tu99", "aai1", 'ident', "pol99", "reg", "tau99"
    if year == 2008:  # Tau99 not present
        menm_vars = menm_vars.pop('tau99')

    indm_vars = ["noi", 'ident', "lpr", "dip11"]
    LgtAdrVars = ["gzc2"]
    LgtMenVars = [
        "sec1", "mrcho", "mrret", "mrsal", "mrtns", "mdiplo", "mtybd", "magtr",
        "mcs8", "maa1at", "qex", "muc1"

    if year == 2003:
        LgtMenVars.extend(["typse", "lmlm", "hnph2", "mnatior", "ident"])
        LgtAdrVars.extend(["iaat", "tu99", "ident"])
    if year < 2010 and year > 2005:
        LgtMenVars.extend(["mnatio", "idlog"])
        LgtAdrVars.extend(["idlog"])  # pas de typse en 2006
        LgtLgtVars = ["lmlm", "iaat", "tu99", "hnph2",
                      "idlog"]  # pas de typse en 2006

    ## Travail sur la base ERF
    #Preparing ERF menages tables

#     print show_temp()
# TODO : data.get_values
    erfmenm = load_temp(name="menagem", year=year)
    #     erfmenm = df.get_values(table="erf_menage",variables=menm_vars)
    erfmenm['revtot'] = (erfmenm['ztsam'] + erfmenm['zperm'] +
                         erfmenm['zragm'] + erfmenm['zricm'] +
                         erfmenm['zrncm'] + erfmenm['zracm'])
    erfmenm['nvpr'] = erfmenm['revtot'].astype(
        np.float64) / erfmenm['nb_uci'].astype(np.float64)
    # On donne la valeur 0 aux nvpr négatifs
    tmp = np.zeros(erfmenm['nvpr'].shape, dtype=int)
    erfmenm['nvpr'] = max_(tmp, erfmenm['nvpr'])
    for v in erfmenm['nvpr']:  # On vérifie qu'il n'y a plus de nvpr négatifs
        assert v >= 0, Exception('Some nvpr are negatives')
    erfmenm['logt'] = erfmenm['so']
    l = erfmenm.columns.tolist()
    #     print l
    #Preparing ERF individuals table
    erfindm = load_temp(name="indivim", year=year)
    #     erfindm = df.get_values(table = "eec_indivi", variables = indm_vars)

    # TODO: clean this later
    erfindm['dip11'] = 0
    count_NA('dip11', erfindm)
    #     erfindm['dip11'] = 99
    erfindm = erfindm[['ident', 'dip11']][erfindm['lpr'] == 1]
    # erf <- merge(erfmenm, erfindm, by ="ident")
    print('merging erf menage and individu')
    erf = erfmenm.merge(erfindm, on='ident', how='inner')
    erf = erf.drop_duplicates('ident')

    # control(erf) La colonne existe mais est vide,
    # on a du confondre cette colonne avec dip11 ?

    dec, values = mark_weighted_percentiles(erf['nvpr'],
                                            arange(1, 11),
    erf['deci'] = (1 + (erf['nvpr'] > values[1]) + (erf['nvpr'] > values[2]) +
                   (erf['nvpr'] > values[3]) + (erf['nvpr'] > values[4]) +
                   (erf['nvpr'] > values[5]) + (erf['nvpr'] > values[6]) +
                   (erf['nvpr'] > values[7]) + (erf['nvpr'] > values[8]) +
                   (erf['nvpr'] > values[9]))
    # Problème : tous les individus sont soit dans le premier, soit dans le dernier décile. WTF
    assert_variable_inrange('deci', [1, 11], erf)
    count_NA('deci', erf)
    del dec, values

    #TODO: faire le lien avec men_vars, il manque "pol99","reg","tau99" et ici on a en plus logt, 'nvpr','revtot','dip11','deci'
    erf = erf[[
        'ident', 'ztsam', 'zperm', 'zragm', 'zricm', 'zrncm', 'zracm',
        'nb_uci', 'logt', 'nbpiec', 'typmen5', 'spr', 'nbenfc', 'agpr',
        'cstotpr', 'nat28pr', 'tu99', 'aai1', 'wprm', 'nvpr', 'revtot',
        'dip11', 'deci'
    ]][erf['so'].isin(range(3, 6))]

        'nbpiec': 'hnph2',
        'nat28pr': 'mnatio',
        'aai1': 'iaat',
        'dip11': 'mdiplo'

    # TODO: ne traite pas les types comme dans R teste-les pour voir comment pandas les gère

    count_NA('agpr', erf)
    erf['agpr'] = erf['agpr'].astype('int64')
    # TODO: moche, pourquoi créer deux variables quand une suffit ?
    erf['tmp'] = 3
    erf['tmp'][erf['agpr'] < 65] = 2
    erf['tmp'][erf['agpr'] < 40] = 1
    erf['magtr'] = erf['tmp']
    count_NA('magtr', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('magtr', [1, 4], erf)

    count_NA('cstotpr', erf)
    erf['tmp'] = erf['cstotpr'].astype('float') / 10.0
    erf['tmp'] = map(math.floor, erf['tmp'])
    erf['mcs8'] = erf['tmp']
    erf['mcs8'][erf['mcs8'] == 0] = NaN
    # assert isinstance(erf['mcs8'], (int, long)).all(), Exception('Some mcs8 are not integers')
    count_NA('mcs8', erf)

    # TODO il reste 41 NA's 2003
    erf['mtybd'] = NaN
    erf['mtybd'][(erf['typmen5'] == 1) & (erf['spr'] != 2)] = 1
    erf['mtybd'][(erf['typmen5'] == 1) & (erf['spr'] == 2)] = 2
    erf['mtybd'][erf['typmen5'] == 5] = 3
    erf['mtybd'][erf['typmen5'] == 3] = 7
    erf['mtybd'][erf['nbenfc'] == 1] = 4
    erf['mtybd'][erf['nbenfc'] == 2] = 5
    erf['mtybd'][erf['nbenfc'] >= 3] = 6
    count_NA('mtybd', erf)

    #     print erf['mtybd'].dtype.fields
    #assert_variable_inrange('mtybd', [1,7], erf) # bug, on trouve 7.0 qui fait assert

    # TODO : 3 logements ont 0 pièces !!
    erf['hnph2'][erf['hnph2'] < 1] = 1
    erf['hnph2'][erf['hnph2'] >= 6] = 6
    count_NA('hnph2', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('hnph2', [1, 7], erf)

    # # TODO: il reste un NA 2003
    # #       il rest un NA en 2008

    tmp = erf['mnatio']
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 10] = 1
        11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 41, 42,
        43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 62, 60
    ])] = 2
    erf['mnatio'] = tmp
    count_NA('mnatio', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('mnatio', [1, 3], erf)

    tmp = erf['iaat']
    tmp[erf['mnatio'].isin([1, 2, 3])] = 1
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 4] = 2
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 5] = 3
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 6] = 4
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 7] = 5
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 8] = 6
    erf['iaat'] = tmp
    count_NA('iaat', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('iaat', [1, 7], erf)

    # # Il reste un NA en 2003
    # #    reste un NA en 2008
    # table(erf$iaat, useNA="ifany")
    # TODO: comparer logement et erf pour ?tre sur que cela colle

    tmp = erf['mdiplo']
    tmp[erf['mdiplo'].isin([71, ""])] = 1
    tmp[erf['mdiplo'].isin([70, 60, 50])] = 2
    tmp[erf['mdiplo'].isin([41, 42, 31, 33])] = 3
    tmp[erf['mdiplo'].isin([10, 11, 30])] = 4
    erf['mdiplo'] = tmp
    count_NA('mdiplo', erf)
    #assert_variable_inrange('mdiplo', [1,5], erf) # On a un 99 qui se balade

    tmp = erf['tu99']
    tmp[erf['tu99'] == 0] = 1
    tmp[erf['tu99'].isin([1, 2, 3])] = 2
    tmp[erf['tu99'].isin([4, 5, 6])] = 3
    tmp[erf['tu99'] == 7] = 4
    tmp[erf['tu99'] == 8] = 5
    erf['tu99_recoded'] = tmp
    count_NA('tu99_recoded', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('tu99_recoded', [1, 6], erf)

    # TODO : 0 ? Rajouetr 2003 !
    tmp = erf['mcs8']
    tmp[erf['mcs8'] == 1] = 1
    tmp[erf['mcs8'] == 2] = 2
    tmp[erf['mcs8'] == 3] = 3
    tmp[erf['mcs8'].isin([4, 8])] = 4
    tmp[erf['mcs8'].isin([5, 6, 7])] = 5
    erf['mcs8'] = tmp
    count_NA('mcs8', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('mcs8', [1, 6], erf)

    erf['wprm'] = erf['wprm'].astype('int64')
    count_NA('wprm', erf)

    del (erf['cstotpr'], erf['agpr'], erf['typmen5'], erf['nbenfc'],
         erf['spr'], erf['tmp'], erf['tu99'])

    erf = erf.dropna(subset=[
        'logt', 'magtr', 'mcs8', 'mtybd', 'hnph2', 'mnatio', 'iaat', 'mdiplo',
    #On vérifie au final que l'on n'a pas de doublons d'individus
    assert erf['ident'].value_counts().max() == 1, Exception(
        'Number of distinct individuals after removing duplicates is not correct'

    ## Travail sur la table logement

    # Table menage
    if year == 2003:
        year_lgt = 2003
    if year > 2005 and year < 2010:
        year_lgt = 2006

    print "preparing logement menage table"

    #     Lgtmen = load_temp(name = "indivim",year = year) # Je rajoute une étape bidon
    Lgtmen = df.get_values(table="lgt_menage", variables=LgtMenVars)
    Lgtmen.rename(columns={'idlog': 'ident'}, inplace=True)

    count_NA('mrcho', Lgtmen)
    Lgtmen['mrcho'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    Lgtmen['mrret'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    Lgtmen['mrsal'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    Lgtmen['mrtns'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    count_NA('mrcho', Lgtmen)
    Lgtmen['revtot'] = Lgtmen['mrcho'] + Lgtmen['mrret'] + Lgtmen[
        'mrsal'] + Lgtmen['mrtns']  # Virer les revenus négatifs ?
    count_NA('revtot', Lgtmen)
    Lgtmen['nvpr'] = 10.0 * Lgtmen['revtot'] / Lgtmen['muc1']

    count_NA('qex', Lgtmen)
    dec, values = mark_weighted_percentiles(Lgtmen['nvpr'],
                                            arange(1, 11),
    Lgtmen['deci'] = (
        1 + (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[1]) + (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[2]) +
        (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[3]) + (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[4]) +
        (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[5]) + (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[6]) +
        (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[7]) + (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[8]) +
        (Lgtmen['nvpr'] > values[9]))
    del dec, values
    print Lgtmen['deci'].describe()

    ##Table logement (pas en 2003 mais en 2006)
    # str(lgtmen)
    # if (year_lgt=="2006"){
    #   message("preparing logement logement table")
    #   lgtlgt <- LoadIn(lgtLgtFil,lgtLgtVars)
    #   lgtlgt <- upData(lgtlgt, rename=renameidlgt)
    #   lgtmen <- merge(lgtmen, lgtlgt, by.x="ident", by.y="ident")

    if year_lgt == 2006:
        print 'preparing logement logement table'
        lgtlgt = df.get_values(table="lgt_logt", variables=LgtLgtVars)
        lgtlgt.rename(columns={'idlog': 'ident'}, inplace=True)
        Lgtmen = Lgtmen.merge(lgtlgt,
        del lgtlgt

    data = Lgtmen[Lgtmen['sec1'].isin([21, 22, 23, 24, 30])]
    del Lgtmen

    if year_lgt == 2006:
        data.rename(columns={'mnatio': 'mnatior'}, inplace=True)

    data = (data[data['mnatior'].notnull()])
    data = (data[data['sec1'].notnull()])
    data['tmp'] = data['sec1'].astype(np.int64)
    data['tmp'][data['sec1'].isin([21, 22, 23])] = 3
    data['tmp'][data['sec1'] == 24] = 4
    data['tmp'][data['sec1'] == 30] = 5
    data['logt'] = data['tmp']
    count_NA('logt', data)
    data = (data[data['logt'].notnull()])
    Lgtmen = data

    # ## Table adresse
    print "preparing logement adresse table"
    # lgtadr <- LoadIn(lgtAdrFil,lgtAdrVars)
    # lgtadr <- upData(lgtadr, rename=renameidlgt)
    # Je rajoute une étae bidon
    Lgtadr = df.get_values(table="adresse", variables=LgtAdrVars)
    Lgtadr.rename(columns={'idlog': 'ident'}, inplace=True)

    print('Merging logement and menage tables')
    Logement = Lgtmen.merge(Lgtadr, on='ident', how='inner')
    #     control(Logement) # Pas de idfoy, etc. dans la table logement ?

    Logement['hnph2'][Logement['hnph2'] >= 6] = 6
    Logement['hnph2'][Logement['hnph2'] < 1] = 1
    count_NA('hnph2', Logement)
    assert not Logement['hnph2'].isnull().any(), "Some hnph2 are null"
    #     Logement=(Logement[Logement['hnph2'].notnull()]) # Mis en comment car 0 NA pour hnph2

    # On est dans la même étape within ici et par la suite ( cf code R )
    # TODO : ici problème je transforme les 07 en 7
    # car Python considère les 0n comme des nombres octaux ( < 08 ).
    # J'espère que ce n'est pas important.
    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['mnatior']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mnatior'].isin([0, 1])] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mnatior'].isin([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
                                              11])] = 2
    Logement['mnatior'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('mnatior', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('mnatior', [1, 3], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['iaat']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'].isin([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 6] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 7] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 8] = 4
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 9] = 5
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] ==
                    10] = 6  # TODO question Clément : et le 9 et le 10 ?
    Logement['iaat'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('iaat', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('iaat', [1, 7], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['mdiplo']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mdiplo'] == 1] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mdiplo'].isin([2, 3, 4])] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mdiplo'].isin([5, 6, 7, 8])] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mdiplo'] == 9] = 4
    Logement['mdiplo'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('mdiplo', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('mdiplo', [1, 5], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['mtybd']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'] == 110] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'] == 120] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'] == 200] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'].isin([311, 321, 401])] = 4
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'].isin([312, 322, 402])] = 5
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'].isin([313, 323, 403])] = 6
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'] == 400] = 7
    Logement['mtybd'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('mtybd', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('mtybd', [1, 8], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['tu99']
    count_NA('tu99', Logement)
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'] == 0] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'].isin([1, 2, 3])] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'].isin([4, 5, 6])] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'] == 7] = 4
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'] == 8] = 5
    Logement['tu99_recoded'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('tu99_recoded', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('tu99_recoded', [1, 6], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['gzc2']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['gzc2'] == 1] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['gzc2'].isin([2, 3, 4, 5, 6])] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['gzc2'] == 7] = 3
    Logement['gzc2'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('gzc2', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('gzc2', [1, 4], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['magtr']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['magtr'].isin([1, 2])] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['magtr'].isin([3, 4])] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['magtr'] == 5] = 3
    Logement['magtr'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('magtr', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('magtr', [1, 4], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['mcs8']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'] == 1] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'] == 2] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'] == 3] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'].isin([4, 8])] = 4
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'].isin([5, 6, 7])] = 5
    Logement['mcs8'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('mcs8', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('mcs8', [1, 6], Logement)

    Logement['logloy'] = Logement['lmlm'].apply(lambda x: math.log(x))

    Logement = (Logement[Logement['mdiplo'].notnull()])
    Logement = (Logement[Logement['mtybd'].notnull()])
    Logement = (Logement[Logement['magtr'].notnull()])
    Logement = (Logement[Logement['mcs8'].notnull()])
    Logement = (Logement[Logement['maa1at'].notnull()])

    ## Imputation des loyers proprement dite

    # library(StatMatch) # loads StatMatch
    # # library(mice) use md.pattern to locate missing data
    # TODO : à supprimer ?

    # logt <- subset(logement,select=c(lmlm,logt , hnph2 , iaat , mdiplo , mtybd , tu99_recoded , magtr , mcs8 , deci, ident))
    # logt$wprm <- logement$qex
    # erf <- subset(erf,select=c( logt , hnph2 , iaat , mdiplo , mtybd , tu99_recoded , magtr , mcs8 , deci, wprm, ident))
    print('Compute imputed rents')
    Logt = Logement[[
        'lmlm', 'logt', 'hnph2', 'iaat', 'mdiplo', 'mtybd', 'tu99_recoded',
        'magtr', 'mcs8', 'deci', 'ident'
    Logt['wprm'] = Logement['qex']
    erf = erf[[
        'logt', 'hnph2', 'iaat', 'mdiplo', 'mtybd', 'tu99_recoded', 'magtr',
        'mcs8', 'deci', 'wprm', 'ident'

    # # debug
    # # derf  <- describe(erf, weights=as.numeric(erf$wprm))
    # # dlogt <- describe(logt, weights=logt$wprm)
    # #
    # # for (var in as.list(names(derf))){
    # #   print("erf")
    # #   print(derf[[var]])
    # #   print("logt")
    # #   print(dlogt[[var]])
    # #   print("================")
    # # }

    # TODO add md.pattern

    # erf1 <- na.omit(erf)
    # logt <- na.omit(logt)
    from pandas import DataFrame
    erf = erf.dropna(
    )  # Si j'ai bien compris ce que l'on fait en R : dropper les lignes avec des NA
    #erf1 = erf # A-t-on toujours besoin de changer le nom du coup ?
    Logt = Logt.dropna(how='any')

    # allvars <- c("logt", "hnph2", "iaat", "mdiplo", "mtybd", "tu99_recoded", "magtr", "mcs8", "deci")
    # classes <- c("magtr","tu99_recoded")
    # matchvars <- setdiff(allvars,classes)
    allvars = [
        'logt', 'hnph2', 'iaat', 'mdiplo', 'mtybd', 'tu99_recoded', 'magtr',
        'mcs8', 'deci'
    classes = ['magtr', 'tu99_recoded']
    matchvars = list(set(allvars) - set(classes))
    erf['mcs8'] = erf['mcs8'].astype(int)
    # out.nnd <- NND.hotdeck(data.rec=erf1,data.don=logt,match.vars=matchvars,don.class=classes,"Gower")
    # fill.erf.nnd <- create.fused(data.rec=erf1, data.don=logt,mtc.ids=out.nnd$mtc.ids, z.vars="lmlm")
    from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
    import rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri
    import rpy2.robjects.vectors as vectors
    )  # Permet à rpy2 de convertir les dataframes
    sm = importr(
        "StatMatch")  #, lib_loc = "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.2\library")
    print 'TEST 2'
    out_nnd = sm.NND_hotdeck(data_rec=erf,
    print 'TEST 3'
    fill_erf_nnd = sm.create_fused(data_rec=erf,
    del allvars, matchvars, classes, out_nnd

    # fill.erf.nnd <- upData(fill.erf.nnd, rename=c(lmlm='loym'))
    import pandas.rpy.common as com
    fill_erf_nnd = com.convert_robj(fill_erf_nnd)
    fill_erf_nnd = DataFrame(fill_erf_nnd)
    (fill_erf_nnd).rename(columns={'lmlm': 'loym'}, inplace=True)

    # loy_imput = fill.erf.nnd[c('ident','loym')]
    loy_imput = (fill_erf_nnd)[['ident', 'loym']]

    # load(menm)
    # menagem$loym <- NULL
    # menagem <- merge(menagem,loy_imput,by='ident',all.x = TRUE)
    # save(menagem,file=menm)
    #     Mis en comment block, car à manipuler avec précaution je suppose ( ne souhaite pas faire de conneries )

    erfmenm = load_temp(name="menagem", year=year)
    #     del erfmenm['loym']
    erfmenm = erfmenm.merge(loy_imput, on='ident', how='left')
    assert 'loym' in erfmenm.columns, 'No loym in erfmenm columns'
    save_temp(erfmenm, name="menagem", year=year)
def create_imput_loyer(year):
    Impute les loyers à partir de ???

    #Variables used for imputation
    df = DataCollection(year=year)
    print 'Démarrer 02_imput_loyer'

    menm_vars = ["ztsam","zperm","zragm","zricm","zrncm","zracm","nb_uci","wprm",
    if year == 2008: # Tau99 not present
        menm_vars = menm_vars.pop('tau99')

    indm_vars = ["noi",'ident',"lpr","dip11"]
    LgtAdrVars = ["gzc2"]
    LgtMenVars = ["sec1","mrcho","mrret","mrsal","mrtns","mdiplo","mtybd","magtr","mcs8","maa1at","qex","muc1"]

    if year == 2003:
    if year < 2010 and year > 2005:
        LgtAdrVars.extend(["idlog"]) # pas de typse en 2006
        LgtLgtVars=["lmlm","iaat","tu99","hnph2","idlog"] # pas de typse en 2006

    ## Travail sur la base ERF
    #Preparing ERF menages tables
#     print show_temp()
    # TODO : data.get_values
    erfmenm = load_temp(name="menagem", year=year)
#     erfmenm = df.get_values(table="erf_menage",variables=menm_vars)
    erfmenm['revtot'] = (erfmenm['ztsam'] + erfmenm['zperm'] + erfmenm['zragm'] +
                         erfmenm['zricm'] + erfmenm['zrncm'] + erfmenm['zracm'])
    erfmenm['nvpr'] = erfmenm['revtot'].astype(np.float64) / erfmenm['nb_uci'].astype(np.float64)
    # On donne la valeur 0 aux nvpr négatifs
    tmp = np.zeros(erfmenm['nvpr'].shape, dtype = int)
    erfmenm['nvpr'] = max_(tmp, erfmenm['nvpr'])
    for v in erfmenm['nvpr']: # On vérifie qu'il n'y a plus de nvpr négatifs
        assert v >= 0, Exception('Some nvpr are negatives')
    erfmenm['logt'] = erfmenm['so']
    l = erfmenm.columns.tolist()
#     print l
    #Preparing ERF individuals table
    erfindm = load_temp(name = "indivim",year=year)
#     erfindm = df.get_values(table = "eec_indivi", variables = indm_vars)

    # TODO: clean this later
    erfindm['dip11'] = 0
    count_NA('dip11', erfindm)
#     erfindm['dip11'] = 99
    erfindm = erfindm[['ident', 'dip11']][erfindm['lpr'] == 1]
# erf <- merge(erfmenm, erfindm, by ="ident")
    print('merging erf menage and individu')
    erf = erfmenm.merge(erfindm, on ='ident', how='inner')

    # control(erf) La colonne existe mais est vide,
    # on a du confondre cette colonne avec dip11 ?

    dec, values = mark_weighted_percentiles(erf['nvpr'], arange(1,11), erf['wprm'], 2, return_quantiles=True)
    erf['deci'] = (1 + (erf['nvpr']>values[1]) + (erf['nvpr']>values[2]) + (erf['nvpr']>values[3])
                   + (erf['nvpr']>values[4]) + (erf['nvpr']>values[5]) + (erf['nvpr']>values[6])
                   + (erf['nvpr']>values[7]) + (erf['nvpr']>values[8]) + (erf['nvpr']>values[9]))
    # Problème : tous les individus sont soit dans le premier, soit dans le dernier décile. WTF
    assert_variable_inrange('deci',[1,11], erf)
    del dec, values

    #TODO: faire le lien avec men_vars, il manque "pol99","reg","tau99" et ici on a en plus logt, 'nvpr','revtot','dip11','deci'
    erf = erf[['ident','ztsam','zperm','zragm','zricm','zrncm','zracm',
                 'nb_uci', 'logt' ,'nbpiec','typmen5','spr','nbenfc','agpr','cstotpr',
                 'nat28pr','tu99','aai1','wprm', 'nvpr','revtot','dip11','deci']][erf['so'].isin(range(3,6))]

    erf.rename(columns = {'nbpiec':'hnph2','nat28pr':'mnatio','aai1':'iaat','dip11':'mdiplo'}, inplace = True)

    # TODO: ne traite pas les types comme dans R teste-les pour voir comment pandas les gère

    count_NA('agpr', erf)
    erf['agpr'] = erf['agpr'].astype('int64')
    # TODO: moche, pourquoi créer deux variables quand une suffit ?
    erf['tmp'] = 3
    erf['tmp'][erf['agpr'] < 65] = 2
    erf['tmp'][erf['agpr'] < 40] = 1
    erf['magtr'] = erf['tmp']

    erf['tmp'] = erf['cstotpr'].astype('float')/10.0
    erf['tmp']=map(math.floor, erf['tmp'])
    erf['mcs8'] = erf['tmp']
    erf['mcs8'][erf['mcs8'] == 0] = NaN
    # assert isinstance(erf['mcs8'], (int, long)).all(), Exception('Some mcs8 are not integers')

    # TODO il reste 41 NA's 2003
    erf['mtybd'] = NaN
    erf['mtybd'][(erf['typmen5'] == 1) & (erf['spr'] != 2)] = 1
    erf['mtybd'][(erf['typmen5'] == 1) & (erf['spr'] == 2)] = 2
    erf['mtybd'][erf['typmen5'] == 5] = 3
    erf['mtybd'][erf['typmen5'] == 3] = 7
    erf['mtybd'][erf['nbenfc'] == 1] = 4
    erf['mtybd'][erf['nbenfc'] == 2] = 5
    erf['mtybd'][erf['nbenfc'] >= 3] = 6

#     print erf['mtybd'].dtype.fields
    #assert_variable_inrange('mtybd', [1,7], erf) # bug, on trouve 7.0 qui fait assert

    # TODO : 3 logements ont 0 pièces !!
    erf['hnph2'][erf['hnph2'] < 1] = 1
    erf['hnph2'][erf['hnph2'] >= 6] = 6
    count_NA('hnph2', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('hnph2', [1,7], erf)

# # TODO: il reste un NA 2003
# #       il rest un NA en 2008

    tmp = erf['mnatio']
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 10] = 1
    tmp[erf['mnatio'].isin([11,12,13,14,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,32,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,51,52,62,60])] = 2
    erf['mnatio'] = tmp
    count_NA('mnatio', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('mnatio', [1,3], erf)

    tmp = erf['iaat']
    tmp[erf['mnatio'].isin([1,2,3])] = 1
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 4] = 2
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 5] = 3
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 6] = 4
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 7] = 5
    tmp[erf['mnatio'] == 8] = 6
    erf['iaat'] = tmp
    count_NA('iaat', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('iaat', [1,7], erf)

# # Il reste un NA en 2003
# #    reste un NA en 2008
# table(erf$iaat, useNA="ifany")
    # TODO: comparer logement et erf pour ?tre sur que cela colle

    tmp = erf['mdiplo']
    tmp[erf['mdiplo'].isin([71,""])] = 1
    tmp[erf['mdiplo'].isin([70,60,50])] = 2
    tmp[erf['mdiplo'].isin([41,42,31,33])] = 3
    tmp[erf['mdiplo'].isin([10,11,30])] = 4
    erf['mdiplo'] = tmp
    count_NA('mdiplo', erf)
    #assert_variable_inrange('mdiplo', [1,5], erf) # On a un 99 qui se balade

    tmp = erf['tu99']
    tmp[erf['tu99'] == 0] = 1
    tmp[erf['tu99'].isin([1,2,3])] = 2
    tmp[erf['tu99'].isin([4,5,6])] = 3
    tmp[erf['tu99'] == 7] = 4
    tmp[erf['tu99'] == 8] = 5
    erf['tu99_recoded'] = tmp
    count_NA('tu99_recoded', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('tu99_recoded', [1,6], erf)

    # TODO : 0 ? Rajouetr 2003 !
    tmp = erf['mcs8']
    tmp[erf['mcs8'] == 1] = 1
    tmp[erf['mcs8'] == 2] = 2
    tmp[erf['mcs8'] == 3] = 3
    tmp[erf['mcs8'].isin([4,8])] = 4
    tmp[erf['mcs8'].isin([5,6,7])] = 5
    erf['mcs8'] = tmp
    count_NA('mcs8', erf)
    assert_variable_inrange('mcs8', [1,6], erf)

    erf['wprm'] = erf['wprm'].astype('int64')
    count_NA('wprm', erf)

    del (erf['cstotpr'] ,erf['agpr'], erf['typmen5'],
    erf['nbenfc'], erf['spr'], erf['tmp'], erf['tu99'])

    erf = erf.dropna(subset=['logt','magtr','mcs8','mtybd','hnph2','mnatio','iaat','mdiplo','tu99_recoded'])
    #On vérifie au final que l'on n'a pas de doublons d'individus
    assert erf['ident'].value_counts().max() == 1, Exception('Number of distinct individuals after removing duplicates is not correct')

    ## Travail sur la table logement

    # Table menage
    if year == 2003:
        year_lgt = 2003
    if year > 2005 and year < 2010:
        year_lgt = 2006

    print "preparing logement menage table"

#     Lgtmen = load_temp(name = "indivim",year = year) # Je rajoute une étape bidon
    Lgtmen = df.get_values(table = "lgt_menage", variables = LgtMenVars)
    Lgtmen.rename(columns = {'idlog':'ident'}, inplace = True)

    count_NA('mrcho', Lgtmen)
    Lgtmen['mrcho'].fillna(0, inplace = True)
    Lgtmen['mrret'].fillna(0, inplace = True)
    Lgtmen['mrsal'].fillna(0, inplace = True)
    Lgtmen['mrtns'].fillna(0, inplace = True)
    count_NA('mrcho', Lgtmen)
    Lgtmen['revtot'] = Lgtmen['mrcho']+Lgtmen['mrret']+Lgtmen['mrsal']+Lgtmen['mrtns'] # Virer les revenus négatifs ?
    count_NA('revtot', Lgtmen)

    count_NA('qex', Lgtmen)
    dec, values = mark_weighted_percentiles(Lgtmen['nvpr'],arange(1,11), Lgtmen['qex'],2,return_quantiles=True)
    Lgtmen['deci'] = (1+(Lgtmen['nvpr']>values[1])+(Lgtmen['nvpr']>values[2])+(Lgtmen['nvpr']>values[3])
    del dec, values
    print Lgtmen['deci'].describe()

    ##Table logement (pas en 2003 mais en 2006)
# str(lgtmen)
# if (year_lgt=="2006"){
#   message("preparing logement logement table")
#   lgtlgt <- LoadIn(lgtLgtFil,lgtLgtVars)
#   lgtlgt <- upData(lgtlgt, rename=renameidlgt)
#   lgtmen <- merge(lgtmen, lgtlgt, by.x="ident", by.y="ident")

    if year_lgt == 2006:
        print 'preparing logement logement table'
        lgtlgt = df.get_values(table = "lgt_logt", variables = LgtLgtVars)
        lgtlgt.rename(columns = {'idlog':'ident'}, inplace = True)
        Lgtmen = Lgtmen.merge(lgtlgt, left_on = 'ident', right_on = 'ident', how = 'inner')
        del lgtlgt

    data = Lgtmen[Lgtmen['sec1'].isin([21,22,23,24,30])]
    del Lgtmen

    if year_lgt == 2006:
        data.rename(columns = {'mnatio':'mnatior'}, inplace = True)

    data = (data[data['mnatior'].notnull()])
    data = (data[data['sec1'].notnull()])
    data['tmp'] = data['sec1'].astype(np.int64)
    data['tmp'][data['sec1'].isin([21,22,23])] = 3
    data['tmp'][data['sec1'] == 24] = 4
    data['tmp'][data['sec1'] == 30] = 5
    data['logt'] = data['tmp']
    count_NA('logt', data)
    data = (data[data['logt'].notnull()])
    Lgtmen = data

# ## Table adresse
    print "preparing logement adresse table"
# lgtadr <- LoadIn(lgtAdrFil,lgtAdrVars)
# lgtadr <- upData(lgtadr, rename=renameidlgt)
    # Je rajoute une étae bidon
    Lgtadr = df.get_values(table = "adresse", variables = LgtAdrVars)
    Lgtadr.rename(columns = {'idlog':'ident'}, inplace = True)

    print('Merging logement and menage tables')
    Logement = Lgtmen.merge(Lgtadr, on = 'ident', how = 'inner')
#     control(Logement) # Pas de idfoy, etc. dans la table logement ?

    Logement['hnph2'][Logement['hnph2'] >= 6] = 6
    Logement['hnph2'][Logement['hnph2'] < 1] = 1
    count_NA('hnph2', Logement)
    assert not Logement['hnph2'].isnull().any(), "Some hnph2 are null"
#     Logement=(Logement[Logement['hnph2'].notnull()]) # Mis en comment car 0 NA pour hnph2

    # On est dans la même étape within ici et par la suite ( cf code R )
    # TODO : ici problème je transforme les 07 en 7
    # car Python considère les 0n comme des nombres octaux ( < 08 ).
    # J'espère que ce n'est pas important.
    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['mnatior']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mnatior'].isin([0, 1])] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mnatior'].isin([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11])] = 2
    Logement['mnatior'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('mnatior', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('mnatior', [1,3], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['iaat']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'].isin([1,2,3,4,5])] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 6] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 7] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 8] = 4
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 9] = 5
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['iaat'] == 10] = 6 # TODO question Clément : et le 9 et le 10 ?
    Logement['iaat'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('iaat', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('iaat', [1,7], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['mdiplo']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mdiplo'] == 1] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mdiplo'].isin([2,3,4])] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mdiplo'].isin([5,6,7,8])] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mdiplo'] == 9] = 4
    Logement['mdiplo'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('mdiplo', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('mdiplo', [1,5], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['mtybd']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'] == 110] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'] == 120] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'] == 200] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'].isin([311,321,401])] = 4
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'].isin([312,322,402])] = 5
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'].isin([313,323,403])] = 6
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mtybd'] == 400] = 7
    Logement['mtybd'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('mtybd', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('mtybd', [1,8], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['tu99']
    count_NA('tu99', Logement)
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'] == 0] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'].isin([1,2,3])] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'].isin([4,5,6])] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'] == 7] = 4
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['tu99'] == 8] = 5
    Logement['tu99_recoded'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('tu99_recoded', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('tu99_recoded', [1,6], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['gzc2']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['gzc2'] == 1] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['gzc2'].isin([2,3,4,5,6])] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['gzc2'] == 7] = 3
    Logement['gzc2'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('gzc2', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('gzc2', [1,4], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['magtr']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['magtr'].isin([1,2])] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['magtr'].isin([3,4])] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['magtr'] == 5] = 3
    Logement['magtr'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('magtr', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('magtr', [1,4], Logement)

    Logement['tmp'] = Logement['mcs8']
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'] == 1] = 1
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'] == 2] = 2
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'] == 3] = 3
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'].isin([4,8])] = 4
    Logement['tmp'][Logement['mcs8'].isin([5,6,7])] = 5
    Logement['mcs8'] = Logement['tmp']
    count_NA('mcs8', Logement)
    assert_variable_inrange('mcs8', [1,6], Logement)

    Logement['logloy'] = Logement['lmlm'].apply(lambda x: math.log(x))


    ## Imputation des loyers proprement dite

# library(StatMatch) # loads StatMatch
# # library(mice) use md.pattern to locate missing data
    # TODO : à supprimer ?

# logt <- subset(logement,select=c(lmlm,logt , hnph2 , iaat , mdiplo , mtybd , tu99_recoded , magtr , mcs8 , deci, ident))
# logt$wprm <- logement$qex
# erf <- subset(erf,select=c( logt , hnph2 , iaat , mdiplo , mtybd , tu99_recoded , magtr , mcs8 , deci, wprm, ident))
    print ('Compute imputed rents')
    Logt = Logement[['lmlm','logt' , 'hnph2' , 'iaat' , 'mdiplo' , 'mtybd' , 'tu99_recoded' , 'magtr' , 'mcs8' , 'deci', 'ident']]
    Logt['wprm'] = Logement['qex']
    erf = erf[['logt' , 'hnph2' , 'iaat' , 'mdiplo' , 'mtybd' , 'tu99_recoded' , 'magtr' , 'mcs8' , 'deci', 'wprm' , 'ident']]

# # debug
# # derf  <- describe(erf, weights=as.numeric(erf$wprm))
# # dlogt <- describe(logt, weights=logt$wprm)
# #
# # for (var in as.list(names(derf))){
# #   print("erf")
# #   print(derf[[var]])
# #   print("logt")
# #   print(dlogt[[var]])
# #   print("================")
# # }

    # TODO add md.pattern

# erf1 <- na.omit(erf)
# logt <- na.omit(logt)
    from pandas import DataFrame
    erf = erf.dropna(how = 'any') # Si j'ai bien compris ce que l'on fait en R : dropper les lignes avec des NA
    #erf1 = erf # A-t-on toujours besoin de changer le nom du coup ?
    Logt = Logt.dropna(how = 'any')

# allvars <- c("logt", "hnph2", "iaat", "mdiplo", "mtybd", "tu99_recoded", "magtr", "mcs8", "deci")
# classes <- c("magtr","tu99_recoded")
# matchvars <- setdiff(allvars,classes)
    allvars = ['logt', 'hnph2', 'iaat', 'mdiplo', 'mtybd', 'tu99_recoded', 'magtr', 'mcs8', 'deci']
    classes = ['magtr', 'tu99_recoded']
    matchvars = list(set(allvars)-set(classes))
    erf['mcs8'] = erf['mcs8'].astype(int)
# out.nnd <- NND.hotdeck(data.rec=erf1,data.don=logt,match.vars=matchvars,don.class=classes,"Gower")
# fill.erf.nnd <- create.fused(data.rec=erf1, data.don=logt,mtc.ids=out.nnd$mtc.ids, z.vars="lmlm")
    from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
    import rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri
    import rpy2.robjects.vectors as vectors
    rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri.activate() # Permet à rpy2 de convertir les dataframes
    sm = importr("StatMatch")#, lib_loc = "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.2\library")
    print 'TEST 2'
    out_nnd = sm.NND_hotdeck(data_rec = erf,
                              data_don = Logt,
                               match_vars = vectors.StrVector(matchvars),
                                don_class = vectors.StrVector(classes),
                                 dist_fun = "Gower")
    print 'TEST 3'
    fill_erf_nnd = sm.create_fused(data_rec = erf,
                                    data_don = Logt,
                                     mtc_ids = out_nnd[0],
                                      z_vars = vectors.StrVector(["lmlm"]))
    del allvars, matchvars, classes, out_nnd

# fill.erf.nnd <- upData(fill.erf.nnd, rename=c(lmlm='loym'))
    import pandas.rpy.common as com
    fill_erf_nnd = com.convert_robj(fill_erf_nnd)
    fill_erf_nnd = DataFrame(fill_erf_nnd)
    (fill_erf_nnd).rename(columns={'lmlm':'loym'}, inplace = True)

# loy_imput = fill.erf.nnd[c('ident','loym')]
    loy_imput = (fill_erf_nnd)[['ident','loym']]

# load(menm)
# menagem$loym <- NULL
# menagem <- merge(menagem,loy_imput,by='ident',all.x = TRUE)
# save(menagem,file=menm)
#     Mis en comment block, car à manipuler avec précaution je suppose ( ne souhaite pas faire de conneries )

    erfmenm = load_temp(name="menagem", year=year)
#     del erfmenm['loym']
    erfmenm = erfmenm.merge(loy_imput,on='ident',how='left')
    assert 'loym' in erfmenm.columns, 'No loym in erfmenm columns'
    save_temp(erfmenm, name = "menagem", year=year)
def invalide(year = 2006):

    print 'Entering 07_invalides: construction de la variable invalide NOTFUNCTIONNAL NAOW'

# # # Invalides
# # #inv = caseP (vous), caseF (conj) ou case G, caseI, ou caseR (pac)

# # loadTmp("final.Rdata")
# # invalides <- final[,c("noindiv","idmen","caseP","caseF","idfoy","quifoy")]
# # invalides <- within(invalides,{
# #   caseP <- ifelse(,0,caseP)
# #   caseF <- ifelse(,0,caseF)
# #   inv <- FALSE})
# # # Les "vous" invalides
# # table(invalides[,c("caseF","quifoy")],useNA="ifany")
# # invalides[(invalides$caseP==1) & (invalides$quifoy=="vous"),"inv"] <- TRUE
# #
    print ''
    print 'Etape 1 : création de la df invalides'
    print '    1.1 : déclarants invalides'
    final = load_temp(name="final", year=year)
    invalides = final.xs(["noindiv","idmen","caseP","caseF","idfoy","quifoy","maahe","rc1rev"], axis=1)

    print invalides['rc1rev'].value_counts()

    for var in ["caseP", "caseF"]:
        assert invalides[var].notnull().all(), 'présence de NaN dans %s' %(var)

    # Les déclarants invalides
    invalides['inv'] = False
    invalides['inv'][(invalides['caseP']==1) & (invalides['quifoy']==0)] = True
    print invalides["inv"].sum(), " invalides déclarants"

    #Les personnes qui touchent l'aah dans l'enquête emploi
    invalides['inv'][(invalides['maahe']>0)] = True
    invalides['inv'][(invalides['rc1rev']==4)] = True #TODO: vérifier le format.
    print invalides["inv"].sum(), " invalides qui touchent des alloc"


# # # Les conjoints invalides
# #
# # #men_inv_conj <- invalides[c("idmen","caseF","quifoy")]
# # #men_inv_conj <- rename(men_inv_conj, c("caseF"="inv"))
# # #table(men_inv_conj[men_inv_conj$inv==1 ,c("inv","quifoy")],useNA="ifany")
# # # Il y a des caseF suir des conjoints cela vint des doubles d?clarations TODO: shoumd clean this
# # #toto <- invalides[invalides$caseF==1 & invalides$quifoy=="conj","idmen"]
# # #load(indm)
# # #titi <- indivim[(indivim$ident %in% toto) & (indivim$persfip=="vous" |indivim$persfip=="conj") ,c("ident","noindiv","declar1","declar2","persfip","quelfic")]
# # #titi <- titi[order(titi$ident),]
# # foy_inv_conj <- invalides[,c("idfoy","caseF","quifoy")]
# # foy_inv_conj <- rename(foy_inv_conj, c("caseF"="inv"))
# # table(foy_inv_conj[ ,c("inv","quifoy")],useNA="ifany")
# # # On ne garde donc que les caseF des "vous"

# # foy_inv_conj   <- foy_inv_conj[foy_inv_conj$quifoy=="vous",c("idfoy","inv")]
# # table(foy_inv_conj[ ,c("inv")],useNA="ifany")
# # invalides_conj <- invalides[invalides$quifoy=="conj",c("idfoy","noindiv")]
# # invalides_conj <- merge(invalides_conj, foy_inv_conj, by="idfoy", all.x=TRUE)
# # table(invalides_conj$inv) # TODO en 2006 On en a 316 au lieu de 328 il doit y avoir de idfoy avec caseF qui n'ont pas de vous because double déclaration'
# # invalides[invalides$quifoy=="conj",c("idfoy","noindiv","inv")] <- invalides_conj
# # table(invalides[,c("inv","quifoy")],useNA="ifany")
# # rm(invalides_conj,foy_inv_conj)

    # On récupère les idfoy des foyers avec une caseF cochée
    print '    1.2 : Les conjoints invalides'
    idfoy_inv_conj = final["idfoy"][final["caseF"]]
    inv_conj_condition = (invalides["idfoy"].isin(idfoy_inv_conj)  & (invalides["quifoy"]==1))
    invalides["inv"][inv_conj_condition] = True

    print len(invalides[inv_conj_condition]), "invalides conjoints"
    print invalides["inv"].sum(), " invalides déclarants et invalides conjoints"

# # # Enfants invalides et garde alternée
# #
# # loadTmp("pacIndiv.Rdata")
# # foy_inv_pac <- invalides[!(invalides$quifoy %in% c("vous","conj")),c("inv","noindiv")]
# # foy_inv_pac <- merge(foy_inv_pac, pacIndiv[,c("noindiv","typ","naia")], by="noindiv",all.x =TRUE)
# # names(foy_inv_pac)
# # table(foy_inv_pac[,c("typ","naia")],useNA="ifany")
# # table(foy_inv_pac[,c("typ")],useNA="ifany")
# # foy_inv_pac <- within(foy_inv_pac,{
# #   inv  <- (typ=="G") | (typ=="R") | (typ=="I") | (typ=="F" & (as.numeric(year)-naia>18))
# #   alt  <- (typ=="H") | (typ=="I")
# #   naia <- NULL
# #   typ  <- NULL})
# #
# # table(foy_inv_pac[ ,c("inv")],useNA="ifany")
# # table(foy_inv_pac[ ,c("alt")],useNA="ifany")
# # invalides$alt <- 0
# # foy_inv_pac[$alt),"alt"] <- 0
# # invalides[!(invalides$quifoy %in% c("vous","conj")),c("noindiv","inv","alt")] <- foy_inv_pac

    print '    1.3 : enfants invalides et garde alternée'

    pacIndiv = load_temp(name='pacIndiv', year=year)
    print pacIndiv.type_pac.value_counts()

    foy_inv_pac = invalides.loc[~(invalides.quifoy.isin([0, 1])), ['noindiv', 'inv']]
#     pac = pacIndiv.ix[:, ["noindiv", "type_pac", "naia"]]
    print len(foy_inv_pac)

    print pacIndiv.columns
    foy_inv_pac = foy_inv_pac.merge(pacIndiv.loc[:, ['noindiv', 'type_pac', 'naia']],
                                    on='noindiv', how='left')
    foy_inv_pac['inv'] = (foy_inv_pac['type_pac'].isin(['G','R','I']) |
                             ((foy_inv_pac['type_pac']=="F") & ((year - foy_inv_pac['naia'])>18)))

    foy_inv_pac['alt'] = ((foy_inv_pac['type_pac']=="H") | (foy_inv_pac['type_pac']=="I"))
    foy_inv_pac['naia'] = None
    foy_inv_pac['type_pac'] = None
    foy_inv_pac['alt'] = foy_inv_pac['alt'].fillna(False)

    print foy_inv_pac['inv'].describe()
    invalides['alt'] = 0
    foy_inv_pac['alt'][foy_inv_pac.alt.isnull()] = 0
    invalides = invalides.merge(foy_inv_pac, on=["noindiv","inv","alt"])

    invalides = invalides.drop_duplicates(['noindiv', 'inv', 'alt'], take_last=True)
# =======
#     print foy_inv_pac.inv.value_counts() # TODO: JS : trop peu de True là-dedans
#     print foy_inv_pac.alt.value_counts() #
#     print  len(invalides), len(foy_inv_pac)
#     print invalides.inv.value_counts()
# >>>>>>> 67cd9a43177cf3f6f72521cda59dae02485df1e3

    invalides = invalides.merge(foy_inv_pac, on='noindiv', how='left')
    invalides['inv'] = where(invalides['inv_y']==True, invalides['inv_y'], invalides['inv_x'])
    invalides['alt'] = where(invalides['inv_y']==True, invalides['inv_y'], invalides['inv_x'])

    invalides = invalides.loc[:, ["noindiv","idmen","caseP","caseF","idfoy","quifoy", "inv", 'alt']]
    invalides['alt'].fillna(False, inplace=True)

    print invalides.inv.value_counts()
    invalides = invalides.drop_duplicates(['noindiv', 'inv', 'alt'], take_last=True)
    del foy_inv_pac, pacIndiv

# # # Initialisation des NA sur alt et inv
# # invalides[$inv), "inv"] <- 0
# # table(invalides[,c("alt","inv")],useNA="ifany")
# #
# # final <- merge(final, invalides[,c("noindiv","inv","alt")], by="noindiv",all.x=TRUE)
# # table(final[, c("inv","alt")],useNA="ifany")

    print ''
    print 'Etape 2 : Initialisation des NA sur alt et inv'
    assert invalides["inv"].notnull().all() & invalides.alt.notnull().all()
    final = final.merge(invalides.loc[:, ['noindiv', 'inv', 'alt']], on='noindiv', how='left')
    del invalides

    print final.inv.value_counts()
    control(final, debug=True)

    save_temp(final, name='final', year=year)
    print 'final complétée et sauvegardée'
def create_totals(year=2006):

    print "Creating Totals"
    print "Etape 1 : Chargement des données"

    data = DataCollection(year=year)
    indivim = load_temp(name="indivim", year=year)

    assert indivim.duplicated(['noindiv'
                               ]).any() == False, "Présence de doublons"

    # Deals individuals with imputed income : some individuals are in 'erf individu table' but
    # not in the 'foyer' table. We need to create a foyer for them.

    selection = Series()
    for var in [
            "zsali", "zchoi", "zrsti", "zalri", "zrtoi", "zragi", "zrici",
        varo = var[:-1] + "o"
        test = indivim[var] != indivim[varo]
        if len(selection) == 0:
            selection = test
            selection = (test) | (selection)

    indivi_i = indivim[selection]
            "ident": "idmen",
            "persfip": "quifoy",
            "sali2",  # Inclu les salaires non imposables des agents d'assurance
            "zchoi": "choi2",
            "zrsti": "rsti2",
            "zalri": "alr2"

    indivi_i["quifoy"] = where(indivi_i["quifoy"].isnull(), "vous",
    indivi_i["quelfic"] = "FIP_IMP"

    ## We merge them with the other individuals
    #indivim <- rename(indivim, c(ident = "idmen",
    #                             persfip = "quifoy",
    #                             zsali = "sali2", # Inclu les salaires non imposables des agents d'assurance
    #                             zchoi = "choi2",
    #                             zrsti = "rsti2",
    #                             zalri = "alr2"))
    #indivi <- rbind(indivim[!(indivim$noindiv %in% indivi_i$noindiv),], indivi_i)
    #rm(indivim, indivi_i)

            "sali2",  # Inclu les salaires non imposables des agents d'assurance

    if not (set(list(indivim.noindiv)) > set(list(indivi_i.noindiv))):
        raise Exception("Individual ")
    indivim.set_index("noindiv", inplace=True)
    indivi_i.set_index("noindiv", inplace=True)
    indivi = indivim
    del indivim


    print ''
    print "Etape 2 : isolation des FIP"
    fip_imp = indivi.quelfic == "FIP_IMP"
    indivi["idfoy"] = (
        indivi["idmen"].astype("int64") * 100 +

    indivi.loc[fip_imp, "idfoy"] = nan

    ## Certains FIP (ou du moins avec revenus imputés) ont un num?ro de déclaration d'impôt ( pourquoi ?)

    fip_has_declar = (fip_imp) & (indivi.declar1.notnull())

    #    indivi.ix[fip_has_declar, "idfoy"] = ( indivi.ix[fip_has_declar, "idmen"]*100
    #                                        + (indivi.ix[fip_has_declar, "declar1"].str[0:1]).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) )
    indivi["idfoy"] = where(
        fip_has_declar, indivi["idmen"] * 100 +

    del fip_has_declar

    fip_no_declar = (fip_imp) & (indivi.declar1.isnull())
    del fip_imp
    indivi["idfoy"] = where(fip_no_declar, indivi["idmen"] * 100 + 50,

    indivi_fnd = indivi.loc[fip_no_declar, ["idfoy", "noindiv"]]

    while any(indivi_fnd.duplicated(cols=["idfoy"])):
        indivi_fnd["idfoy"] = where(indivi_fnd.duplicated(cols=["idfoy"]),
                                    indivi_fnd["idfoy"] + 1,

    assert indivi_fnd["idfoy"].duplicated().value_counts()[False] == len(
        indivi_fnd["idfoy"]), "Duplicates remaining"
    assert len(indivi[indivi.duplicated(['noindiv'])]) == 0, "Doublons"

    indivi.loc[fip_no_declar, ["idfoy"]] = indivi_fnd
    del indivi_fnd, fip_no_declar

    print ''
    print 'Etape 3 : Récupération des EE_NRT'

    nrt = indivi.quelfic == "EE_NRT"
    indivi.idfoy = where(nrt, indivi.idmen * 100 + indivi.noi, indivi.idfoy)
    indivi.loc[nrt, "quifoy"] = "vous"
    del nrt

    pref_or_cref = indivi['lpr'].isin([1, 2])
    adults = (indivi.quelfic.isin(["EE", "EE_CAF"])) & (pref_or_cref)
    indivi.idfoy = where(adults, indivi.idmen * 100 + indivi.noi, indivi.idfoy)
    indivi.loc[adults, "quifoy"] = "vous"
    del adults
    assert indivi.loc[indivi['lpr'].isin([1, 2]), "idfoy"].notnull().all()

    print ''
    print 'Etape 4 : Rattachement des enfants aux déclarations'

    assert indivi["noindiv"].duplicated().any(
    ) == False, "Some noindiv appear twice"
    lpr3_or_lpr4 = indivi['lpr'].isin([3, 4])
    enf_ee = (lpr3_or_lpr4) & (indivi.quelfic.isin(["EE", "EE_CAF"]))
    assert indivi.loc[enf_ee, "noindiv"].notnull().all(
    ), " Some noindiv are not set, which will ruin next stage"
    assert indivi.loc[
        "noindiv"].duplicated().any() == False, "Some noindiv appear twice"

    pere = DataFrame({
        100 * indivi.idmen.loc[enf_ee] + indivi.noiper.loc[enf_ee]
    mere = DataFrame({
        100 * indivi.idmen.loc[enf_ee] + indivi.noimer.loc[enf_ee]

    foyer = data.get_values(variables=["noindiv", "zimpof"], table="foyer")
    pere = pere.merge(foyer, how="inner", on="noindiv")
    mere = mere.merge(foyer, how="inner", on="noindiv")

    #     print "Some pere et mere are duplicated because people have two foyers"
    #     print pere[pere.duplicated()]
    #     print mere[mere.duplicated()]

    df = pere.merge(mere, how="outer", on="noindiv_enf", suffixes=('_p', '_m'))

    #     print len(pere)
    #     print len(mere)
    #     print len(df)
    #     ll = df.loc[df["noindiv_enf"].duplicated(), "noindiv_enf"]
    #     print df.loc[df["noindiv_enf"].isin(ll)]
    #     print df[df.duplicated()]

    print '    4.1 : gestion des personnes dans 2 foyers'
    for col in ["noindiv_p", "noindiv_m", "noindiv_enf"]:
        df[col] = df[col].fillna(
            0, inplace=True)  # beacause groupby drop groups with NA in index
    df = df.groupby(by=["noindiv_p", "noindiv_m", "noindiv_enf"]).sum()

    df["which"] = ""
    df["which"] = where((df.zimpof_m.notnull()) & (df.zimpof_p.isnull()),
                        "mere", "")
    df["which"] = where((df.zimpof_p.notnull()) & (df.zimpof_m.isnull()),
                        "pere", "")
    both = (df.zimpof_p.notnull()) & (df.zimpof_m.notnull())
    df["which"] = where(both & (df.zimpof_p > df.zimpof_m), "pere", "mere")
    df["which"] = where(both & (df.zimpof_m >= df.zimpof_p), "mere", "pere")

    assert df["which"].notnull().all(
    ), "Some enf_ee individuals are not matched with any pere or mere"
    del lpr3_or_lpr4, pere, mere

    df.rename(columns={"noindiv_enf": "noindiv"}, inplace=True)
    df["idfoy"] = where(df.which == "pere", df.noindiv_p, df.noindiv_m)
    df["idfoy"] = where(df.which == "mere", df.noindiv_m, df.noindiv_p)

    assert df["idfoy"].notnull().all()

    for col in df.columns:
        if col not in ["idfoy", "noindiv"]:
            del df[col]

#     assert indivi.loc[enf_ee,"idfoy"].notnull().all()
    assert df.duplicated().any() == False

    df.set_index("noindiv", inplace=True, verify_integrity=True)
    indivi.set_index("noindiv", inplace=True, verify_integrity=True)

    ind_notnull = indivi["idfoy"].notnull().sum()
    ind_isnull = indivi["idfoy"].isnull().sum()
    indivi = indivi.combine_first(df)
    assert ind_notnull + ind_isnull == (indivi["idfoy"].notnull().sum() +

    assert indivi.duplicated().any() == False

    # MBJ: issue delt with when moving from R code to python
    ## TODO il faut rajouterles enfants_fip et créer un ménage pour les majeurs
    ## On suit guide méthodo erf 2003 page 135
    ## On supprime les conjoints FIP et les FIP de 25 ans et plus;
    ## On conserve les enfants FIP de 19 à 24 ans;
    ## On supprime les FIP de 18 ans et moins, exceptés les FIP nés en 2002 dans un
    ## ménage en 6ème interrogation car ce sont des enfants nés aprés la date d'enquète
    ## EEC que l'on ne retrouvera pas dans les EEC suivantes.
    print '    4.2 : On enlève les individus pour lesquels il manque le déclarant'
    fip = load_temp(name="fipDat", year=year)
    fip["declar"] = nan
    fip["agepf"] = nan

    fip.drop(["actrec", "year", "noidec"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    fip.naia = fip.naia.astype("int32")
            "sali2",  # Inclu les salaires non imposables des agents d'assurance

    is_fip_19_25 = ((year - fip.naia - 1) >= 19) & ((year - fip.naia - 1) < 25)

    ## TODO: BUT for the time being we keep them in thier vous menage so the following lines are commented
    ## The idmen are of the form 60XXXX we use idmen 61XXXX, 62XXXX for the idmen of the kids over 18 and less than 25
    ##fip[is_fip_19_25 ,"idmen"] <- (99-fip[is_fip_19_25,"noi"]+1)*100000 + fip[is_fip_19_25,"idmen"]
    ##fip[is_fip_19_25 ,"lpr"]  <- 1
    #indivi <- rbind.fill(indivi,fip[is_fip_19_25,])

    indivi = concat([indivi, fip.loc[is_fip_19_25]])
    del is_fip_19_25
    indivi['age'] = year - indivi.naia - 1
    indivi['agem'] = 12 * indivi.age + 12 - indivi.naim

    indivi["quimen"] = 0
    indivi.quimen[indivi.lpr == 1] = 0
    indivi.quimen[indivi.lpr == 2] = 1
    indivi.quimen[indivi.lpr == 3] = 2
    indivi.quimen[indivi.lpr == 4] = 3
    indivi['not_pr_cpr'] = nan
    indivi['not_pr_cpr'][indivi['lpr'] <= 2] = False
    indivi['not_pr_cpr'][indivi['lpr'] > 2] = True

    print "    4.3 : Creating non pr=0 and cpr=1 idmen's"
    test1 = indivi.ix[indivi['not_pr_cpr'] == True, ['quimen', 'idmen']]
    test1['quimen'] = 2

    j = 2
    while any(test1.duplicated(['quimen', 'idmen'])):
        test1.loc[test1.duplicated(['quimen', 'idmen']), 'quimen'] = j + 1
        j += 1



    #     indivi.set_index(['quiment']) #TODO: check relevance
    #     TODO problème avec certains idfoy qui n'ont pas de vous
    print ''
    print "Etape 5 : Gestion des idfoy qui n'ont pas de vous"
    all = indivi.drop_duplicates('idfoy')
    with_ = indivi.loc[indivi['quifoy'] == 'vous', 'idfoy']
    without = all[~(all.idfoy.isin(with_.values))]

    print 'On cherche si le déclarant donné par la deuxième déclaration est bien un vous'
    has_declar2 = (indivi.idfoy.isin(
        without.idfoy.values)) & (indivi.declar2.notnull())
    decl2_idfoy = (indivi.loc[has_declar2, 'idmen'].astype('int') * 100 +
                   indivi.loc[has_declar2, "declar2"].str[0:2].astype('int'))
    indivi.loc[has_declar2, 'idfoy'] = where(decl2_idfoy.isin(with_.values),
                                             decl2_idfoy, None)
    del all, with_, without, has_declar2

    print '    5.1 : Elimination idfoy restant'
    idfoyList = indivi.loc[indivi['quifoy'] == "vous",
    indivi = indivi[indivi.idfoy.isin(idfoyList.values)]
    del idfoyList

    myvars = [
        "noindiv", "noi", "idmen", "idfoy", "quifoy", "wprm", "age", "agem",
        "quelfic", "actrec", "quimen", "nbsala", "titc", "statut", "txtppb",
        "chpub", "prosa", "encadr"

    if not (len(set(myvars).difference(set(indivi.columns))) == 0):
        print set(myvars).difference(set(indivi.columns))

    assert len(set(myvars).difference(set(indivi.columns))) == 0

    indivi = indivi.loc[:, myvars]

    ## TODO les actrec des fip ne sont pas codées (on le fera à la fin quand on aura rassemblé
    ## les infos provenant des déclarations)

    print ''
    print 'Etape 6 : Création des variables descriptives'
    print '    6.1 : variable activité'
    indivi['activite'] = None
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec'] <= 3] = 0
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec'] == 4] = 1
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec'] == 5] = 2
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec'] == 7] = 3
    indivi['activite'][indivi['actrec'] == 8] = 4
    indivi['activite'][indivi['age'] <= 13] = 2  # ce sont en fait les actrec=9
    print indivi['activite'].value_counts()
    # TODO: MBJ problem avec les actrec

    indivi['titc'][indivi['titc'].isnull()] = 0
    assert indivi['titc'].notnull().all(), Exception("Problème avec les titc")

    print '    6.2 : variable statut'
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'].isnull()] = 0
    indivi['statut'] = indivi['statut'].astype('int')
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 11] = 1
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 12] = 2
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 13] = 3
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 21] = 4
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 22] = 5
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 33] = 6
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 34] = 7
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 35] = 8
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 43] = 9
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 44] = 10
    indivi['statut'][indivi['statut'] == 45] = 11
    assert indivi['statut'].isin(
        range(12)).all(), Exception("statut value over range")

    #indivi$nbsala <- as.numeric(indivi$nbsala)
    #indivi <- within(indivi,{
    #  nbsala[ ]    <- 0
    #  nbsala[nbsala==99 ] <- 10  # TODO  418 fip à retracer qui sont NA

    print '    6.3 : variable txtppb'
    indivi['txtppb'] = indivi['txtppb'].fillna(0)
    assert indivi['txtppb'].notnull().all()

    indivi['nbsala'] = indivi['nbsala'].fillna(0)
    indivi['nbsala'] = indivi['nbsala'].astype('int')
    indivi['nbsala'][indivi['nbsala'] == 99] = 10
    assert indivi['nbsala'].isin(range(11)).all()

    print '    6.4 : variable chpub et CSP'
    indivi['chpub'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    indivi['chpub'] = indivi['chpub'].astype('int')
    indivi['chpub'][indivi['chpub'].isnull()] = 0
    print indivi['chpub'].value_counts()
    assert indivi['chpub'].isin(range(11)).all()

    indivi['cadre'] = 0
    indivi['prosa'][indivi['prosa'].isnull()] = 0
    assert indivi['prosa'].notnull().all()
    print indivi['encadr'].value_counts()

    # encadr : 1=oui, 2=non
    indivi['encadr'].fillna(2, inplace=True)
    assert indivi['encadr'].notnull().all()
    indivi['cadre'][indivi['prosa'].isin([7, 8])] = 1
    indivi['cadre'][(indivi['prosa'] == 9) & (indivi['encadr'] == 1)] = 1
    print "cadre"
    print indivi['cadre'].value_counts()
    assert indivi['cadre'].isin(range(2)).all()

    print ''
    print "Etape 7 : on vérifie qu'il ne manque pas d'info sur les liens avec la personne de référence"

    print 'nb de doublons idfam/quifam', len(
        indivi[indivi.duplicated(cols=['idfoy', 'quifoy'])])

    print 'On crée les n° de personnes à charge'
    assert indivi['idfoy'].notnull().all()
    indivi['quifoy2'] = 2
    indivi['quifoy2'][indivi['quifoy'] == 'vous'] = 0
    indivi['quifoy2'][indivi['quifoy'] == 'conj'] = 1
    indivi['quifoy2'][indivi['quifoy'] == 'pac'] = 2

    del indivi['quifoy']
    indivi['quifoy'] = indivi['quifoy2']
    del indivi['quifoy2']

    test2 = indivi.loc[indivi['quifoy'] == 2, ['quifoy', 'idfoy', 'noindiv']]

    j = 2
    while test2.duplicated(['quifoy', 'idfoy']).any():
        test2.loc[test2.duplicated(['quifoy', 'idfoy']), 'quifoy'] = j
        j += 1

    indivi = indivi.merge(test2, on=['noindiv', 'idfoy'], how="left")
    indivi['quifoy'] = indivi['quifoy_x']
    indivi['quifoy'] = where(indivi['quifoy_x'] == 2, indivi['quifoy_y'],
    del indivi['quifoy_x'], indivi['quifoy_y']

    del test2, fip
    print 'nb de doublons idfam/quifam', len(
        indivi[indivi.duplicated(cols=['idfoy', 'quifoy'])])

    ## On ajoute les idfam et quifam
    #tot2 <- merge(indivi, famille, by = c('noindiv'), all.x = TRUE)
    ### Les idfam des enfants FIP qui ne font plus partie des familles forment des famille seuls
    #tot2[$quifam), "idfam"] <- tot2[$quifam), "noindiv"]
    #tot2[$quifam), "quifam"] <- 0
    #saveTmp(tot2, file = "tot2.Rdata")
    ## on merge les variables de revenus (foyer_aggr) avec les identifiants précédents
    ## load foyer
    #loadTmp(file = "tot2.Rdata")
    #loadTmp(file= "foyer_aggr.Rdata")
    #tot3 <- merge(tot2, foyer, all.x = TRUE)
    #print_id(tot3) # OK
    #saveTmp(tot3, file= "tot3.Rdata")
    print ''
    print 'Etape 8 : création des fichiers totaux'
    famille = load_temp(name='famc', year=year)

    print '    8.1 : création de tot2 & tot3'
    tot2 = indivi.merge(famille, on='noindiv', how='inner')
    #     del famille # TODO: MBJ increase in number of menage/foyer when merging with family ...
    del famille

    control(tot2, debug=True, verbose=True)
    assert tot2['quifam'].notnull().all()

    save_temp(tot2, name='tot2', year=year)
    del indivi
    print '    tot2 saved'

    #     #On combine les variables de revenu
    #     foyer = load_temp(name='foy_ind', year=year)
    #     print " INTERSERCT THE POOCHAY"
    #     tot2["idfoy"] = tot2["idfoy"][tot2["idfoy"].notnull()] +1
    #     print "pingas"
    #     print sorted(tot2.loc[tot2.idfoy.notnull(),"idfoy"].astype('int').unique())[0:10]
    #     print "pocchay"
    #     print sorted(foyer["idfoy"].unique())[0:10]
    #     print "final flash"
    #     print 602062550.0 in foyer["idfoy"].values
    #     print len(list(set(tot2["idfoy"].unique()) & set(foyer["idfoy"].unique())))
    #     print tot2.quifoy.value_counts()
    tot2.merge(foyer, how='left')

    tot2 = tot2[tot2.idmen.notnull()]
    #     tot2['idfoy'] += 1


    tot3 = tot2
    # TODO: check where they come from
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols='noindiv')
    print len(tot3)

    #Block to remove any unwanted duplicated pair
    print "    check tot3"
    control(tot3, debug=True, verbose=True)
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols=['idfoy', 'quifoy'])
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols=['idfam', 'quifam'])
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols=['idmen', 'quimen'])
    tot3 = tot3.drop_duplicates(cols='noindiv')

    ## On ajoute les variables individualisables
    #loadTmp("foyer_individualise.Rdata") # foy_ind
    #vars2 <- setdiff(names(tot3),  allvars)
    #tot3 <- tot3[,vars2]
    #final <- merge(tot3, foy_ind, by = c('idfoy', 'quifoy'), all.x = TRUE)
    print '    8.2 : On ajoute les variables individualisables'

    allvars = load_temp(name='ind_vars_to_remove', year=year)
    vars2 = set(tot3.columns).difference(set(allvars))
    tot3 = tot3[list(vars2)]
    print len(tot3)

    assert not (tot3.duplicated(
        cols=['noindiv']).any()), "doublon dans tot3['noindiv']"
    lg_dup = len(tot3[tot3.duplicated(['idfoy', 'quifoy'])])
    assert lg_dup == 0, "%i pairs of idfoy/quifoy in tot3 are duplicated" % (

    save_temp(tot3, name='tot3', year=year)

    del tot2, allvars, tot3, vars2
    print 'tot3 sauvegardé'