Example #1
def test_build_query(add_languages):
    rec = {
        'title': 'magic',
        'languages': ['eng', 'fre'],
        'authors': [{}],
        'description': 'test',
    q = build_query(rec)
    assert q['title'] == 'magic'
    assert q['description'] == {'type': '/type/text', 'value': 'test'}
    assert q['type'] == {'key': '/type/edition'}
    assert q['languages'] == [{'key': '/languages/eng'}, {'key': '/languages/fre'}]

    pytest.raises(InvalidLanguage, build_query, {'languages': ['wtf']})
Example #2
def load_data(rec, account_key=None):
    Adds a new Edition to Open Library. Checks for existing Works.
    Creates a new Work, and Author, if required,
    otherwise associates the new Edition with the existing Work.

    :param dict rec: Edition record to add (no further checks at this point)
    :rtype: dict
            "success": False,
            "error": <error msg>
            "success": True,
            "work": {"key": <key>, "status": "created" | "modified" | "matched"},
            "edition": {"key": <key>, "status": "created"},
            "authors": [{"status": "matched", "name": "John Smith", "key": <key>}, ...]

    cover_url = None
    if 'cover' in rec:
        cover_url = rec['cover']
        del rec['cover']
        # get an OL style edition dict
        edition = build_query(rec)
    except InvalidLanguage as e:
        return {
            'success': False,
            'error': str(e),

    ekey = web.ctx.site.new_key('/type/edition')
    cover_id = None
    if cover_url:
        cover_id = add_cover(cover_url, ekey, account_key=account_key)
    if cover_id:
        edition['covers'] = [cover_id]

    edits = []  # Things (Edition, Work, Authors) to be saved
    reply = {}
    # TOFIX: edition.authors has already been processed by import_authors() in build_query(), following line is a NOP?
    author_in = [
        import_author(a, eastern=east_in_by_statement(rec, a))
        for a in edition.get('authors', [])
    # build_author_reply() adds authors to edits
    (authors, author_reply) = build_author_reply(author_in, edits,

    if authors:
        edition['authors'] = authors
        reply['authors'] = author_reply

    wkey = None
    work_state = 'created'
    # Look for an existing work
    if 'authors' in edition:
        wkey = find_matching_work(edition)
    if wkey:
        w = web.ctx.site.get(wkey)
        work_state = 'matched'
        found_wkey_match = True
        need_update = False
        for k in subject_fields:
            if k not in rec:
            for s in rec[k]:
                if normalize(s) not in [
                        normalize(existing) for existing in w.get(k, [])
                    w.setdefault(k, []).append(s)
                    need_update = True
        if cover_id:
            w.setdefault('covers', []).append(cover_id)
            need_update = True
        if need_update:
            work_state = 'modified'
        # Create new work
        w = new_work(edition, rec, cover_id)
        wkey = w['key']

    assert wkey
    edition['works'] = [{'key': wkey}]
    edition['key'] = ekey

    web.ctx.site.save_many(edits, comment='import new book', action='add-book')

    # Writes back `openlibrary_edition` and `openlibrary_work` to
    # archive.org item after successful import:
    if 'ocaid' in rec:

    reply['success'] = True
    reply['edition'] = {'key': ekey, 'status': 'created'}
    reply['work'] = {'key': wkey, 'status': work_state}
    return reply