def start_presentation(self): """ Starts a presentation from the beginning. """ log.debug('start_presentation') # SlideShowWindow measures its size/position by points, not pixels # try: dpi = win32ui.GetActiveWindow().GetDC().GetDeviceCaps(88) except win32ui.error: try: dpi = win32ui.GetForegroundWindow().GetDC().GetDeviceCaps( 88) except win32ui.error: dpi = 96 size = ScreenList().current.display_geometry ppt_window = None try: # Disable the presentation console self.presentation.SlideShowSettings.ShowPresenterView = 0 # Start the presentation ppt_window = self.presentation.SlideShowSettings.Run() except (AttributeError, pywintypes.com_error): log.exception('Caught exception while in start_presentation') trace_error_handler(log) self.show_error_msg() if ppt_window and not Registry().get('settings').value( 'presentations/powerpoint control window'): try: ppt_window.Top = size.y() * 72 / dpi ppt_window.Height = size.height() * 72 / dpi ppt_window.Left = size.x() * 72 / dpi ppt_window.Width = size.width() * 72 / dpi except AttributeError: log.exception('AttributeError while in start_presentation') # Find the presentation window and save the handle for later self.presentation_hwnd = None if ppt_window: log.debug('main display size: y={y:d}, height={height:d}, ' 'x={x:d}, width={width:d}'.format( y=size.y(), height=size.height(), x=size.x(), width=size.width())) try: win32gui.EnumWindows(self._window_enum_callback, size) except pywintypes.error: # When _window_enum_callback returns False to stop the enumeration (looping over open windows) # it causes an exception that is ignored here pass # Make sure powerpoint doesn't steal focus, unless we're on a single screen setup if len(ScreenList()) > 1: Registry().get('main_window').activateWindow()
def load_presentation(self): """ Called when a presentation is added to the SlideController. It generates images from the PDF. :return: True is loading succeeded, otherwise False. """ log.debug('load_presentation pdf') temp_dir_path = self.get_temp_folder() # Check if the images has already been created, and if yes load them if (temp_dir_path / 'mainslide001.png').is_file(): created_files = sorted(temp_dir_path.glob('*')) for image_path in created_files: if image_path.is_file(): self.image_files.append(image_path) self.num_pages = len(self.image_files) return True size = ScreenList().current.display_geometry # Generate images from PDF that will fit the frame. runlog = '' try: if not temp_dir_path.is_dir(): temp_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True) # The %03d in the file name is handled by each binary if self.controller.mudrawbin: log.debug('loading presentation using mudraw') runlog = check_output([ str(self.controller.mudrawbin), '-w', str(size.width()), '-h', str(size.height()), '-o', str(temp_dir_path / 'mainslide%03d.png'), str(self.file_path) ], startupinfo=self.startupinfo) elif self.controller.mutoolbin: log.debug('loading presentation using mutool') runlog = check_output([ str(self.controller.mutoolbin), 'draw', '-w', str(size.width()), '-h', str(size.height()), '-o', str(temp_dir_path / 'mainslide%03d.png'), str(self.file_path) ], startupinfo=self.startupinfo) elif self.controller.gsbin: log.debug('loading presentation using gs') resolution = self.gs_get_resolution(size) runlog = check_output([ str(self.controller.gsbin), '-dSAFER', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dBATCH', '-sDEVICE=png16m', '-r{res}'.format(res=resolution), '-dTextAlphaBits=4', '-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4', '-sOutputFile={output}'.format( output=temp_dir_path / 'mainslide%03d.png'), str(self.file_path) ], startupinfo=self.startupinfo) elif PYMUPDF_AVAILABLE: log.debug('loading presentation using PyMuPDF') pdf = for i, page in enumerate(pdf, start=1): src_size = page.bound().round() # keep aspect ratio scale = min(size.width() / src_size.width, size.height() / src_size.height) m = fitz.Matrix(scale, scale) page.getPixmap(m, alpha=False).writeImage( str(temp_dir_path / 'mainslide{:03d}.png'.format(i))) pdf.close() created_files = sorted(temp_dir_path.glob('*')) for image_path in created_files: if image_path.is_file(): self.image_files.append(image_path) except Exception: log.exception(runlog) return False self.num_pages = len(self.image_files) # Create thumbnails self.create_thumbnails() return True
def set_default_header(self): current_screen_geometry = ScreenList().current.display_geometry self.font_main_x = 10 self.font_main_y = 0 self.font_main_width = current_screen_geometry.width() - 20 self.font_main_height = current_screen_geometry.height() * 9 / 10
def set_default_footer(self): current_screen_geometry = ScreenList().current.display_geometry self.font_footer_x = 10 self.font_footer_y = current_screen_geometry.height() * 9 / 10 self.font_footer_width = current_screen_geometry.width() - 20 self.font_footer_height = current_screen_geometry.height() / 10
def load_presentation(self): """ Called when a presentation is added to the SlideController. It generates images from the PDF. :return: True is loading succeeded, otherwise False. """ log.debug('load_presentation pdf') temp_dir_path = self.get_temp_folder() # Check if the images has already been created, and if yes load them if (temp_dir_path / 'mainslide001.png').is_file(): created_files = sorted(temp_dir_path.glob('*')) for image_path in created_files: if image_path.is_file(): self.image_files.append(image_path) self.num_pages = len(self.image_files) return True size = ScreenList().current['size'] # Generate images from PDF that will fit the frame. runlog = '' try: if not temp_dir_path.is_dir(): temp_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True) # The %03d in the file name is handled by each binary if self.controller.mudrawbin: log.debug('loading presentation using mudraw') runlog = check_output([ str(self.controller.mudrawbin), '-w', str(size.width()), '-h', str(size.height()), '-o', str(temp_dir_path / 'mainslide%03d.png'), str(self.file_path) ], startupinfo=self.startupinfo) elif self.controller.mutoolbin: log.debug('loading presentation using mutool') runlog = check_output([ str(self.controller.mutoolbin), 'draw', '-w', str(size.width()), '-h', str(size.height()), '-o', str(temp_dir_path / 'mainslide%03d.png'), str(self.file_path) ], startupinfo=self.startupinfo) elif self.controller.gsbin: log.debug('loading presentation using gs') resolution = self.gs_get_resolution(size) runlog = check_output([ str(self.controller.gsbin), '-dSAFER', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dBATCH', '-sDEVICE=png16m', '-r{res}'.format(res=resolution), '-dTextAlphaBits=4', '-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4', '-sOutputFile={output}'.format( output=temp_dir_path / 'mainslide%03d.png'), str(self.file_path) ], startupinfo=self.startupinfo) created_files = sorted(temp_dir_path.glob('*')) for image_path in created_files: if image_path.is_file(): self.image_files.append(image_path) except Exception as e: log.exception(runlog) return False self.num_pages = len(self.image_files) # Create thumbnails self.create_thumbnails() return True