Example #1
    def find_plugins_test(self):
        Test the find_plugins() method to ensure it imports the correct plugins
        # GIVEN: A plugin manager
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()

        # WHEN: We mock out sys.platform to make it return "darwin" and then find the plugins
        old_platform = sys.platform
        sys.platform = 'darwin'
        sys.platform = old_platform

        # THEN: We should find the "Songs", "Bibles", etc in the plugins list
        plugin_names = [plugin.name for plugin in plugin_manager.plugins]
        self.assertIn('songs', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "songs" plugin')
        self.assertIn('bibles', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "bibles" plugin')
        self.assertIn('presentations', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "presentations" plugin')
        self.assertIn('images', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "images" plugin')
        self.assertIn('media', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "media" plugin')
        self.assertIn('custom', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "custom" plugin')
        self.assertIn('songusage', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "songusage" plugin')
        self.assertIn('alerts', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "alerts" plugin')
        self.assertIn('remotes', plugin_names,
                      'There should be a "remotes" plugin')
    def test_hook_settings_tabs_with_disabled_plugin_and_mocked_form(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with a disabled plugin and a mocked form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]
        mocked_settings_form = MagicMock()
        # Replace the autoloaded plugin with the version for testing in real code this would error
        mocked_settings_form.plugin_manager = plugin_manager

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The create_settings_tab() method should not have been called, but the plugins lists should be the same
            0, mocked_plugin.create_settings_tab.call_count,
            'The create_media_manager_item() method should not have been called.'
            'The plugins on the settings form should be the same as the plugins in the plugin manager'
Example #3
    def test_hook_settings_tabs_with_active_plugin_and_mocked_form(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with an active plugin and a mocked settings form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        Registry().register('mock_plugin', mocked_plugin)
        mocked_settings_form = MagicMock()
        # Replace the autoloaded plugin with the version for testing in real code this would error
        mocked_settings_form.plugin_manager = plugin_manager

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called with the mocked settings form
        assert 1 == mocked_plugin.create_settings_tab.call_count, \
            'The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called once.'
        assert plugin_manager.plugins == mocked_settings_form.plugin_manager.plugins, \
            'The plugins on the settings form should be the same as the plugins in the plugin manager'
Example #4
    def test_bootstrap_initialise(self):
        Test the PluginManager.bootstrap_initialise() method
        # GIVEN: A plugin manager with some mocked out methods
        manager = PluginManager()

        with patch.object(manager, 'find_plugins') as mocked_find_plugins, \
                patch.object(manager, 'hook_settings_tabs') as mocked_hook_settings_tabs, \
                patch.object(manager, 'hook_media_manager') as mocked_hook_media_manager, \
                patch.object(manager, 'hook_import_menu') as mocked_hook_import_menu, \
                patch.object(manager, 'hook_export_menu') as mocked_hook_export_menu, \
                patch.object(manager, 'hook_tools_menu') as mocked_hook_tools_menu, \
                patch.object(manager, 'initialise_plugins') as mocked_initialise_plugins:
            # WHEN: bootstrap_initialise() is called

        # THEN: The hook methods should have been called
Example #5
    def hook_settings_tabs_with_active_plugin_and_mocked_form_test(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with an active plugin and a mocked settings form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]
        mocked_settings_form = MagicMock()
        # Replace the autoloaded plugin with the version for testing in real code this would error
        mocked_settings_form.plugin_manager = plugin_manager

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called with the mocked settings form
            1, mocked_plugin.create_settings_tab.call_count,
            'The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called once.'
            'The plugins on the settings form should be the same as the plugins in the plugin manager'
    def hook_export_menu_with_active_plugin_test(self):
        Test running the hook_export_menu() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_export_menu()

        # THEN: The add_export_menu_item() method should have been called
    def hook_settings_tabs_with_active_plugin_and_no_form_test(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with an active plugin and no settings form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The create_settings_tab() method should have been called
Example #8
    def test_get_plugin_by_name_exists(self):
        Test running the get_plugin_by_name() method to find a plugin that exists
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.name = 'Mocked Plugin'
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run finalise_plugins()
        result = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name('Mocked Plugin')

        # THEN: The is_active() and finalise() methods should have been called
        assert result == mocked_plugin, 'The result for get_plugin_by_name should be the mocked plugin'
Example #9
    def test_hook_media_manager_with_active_plugin(self):
        Test running the hook_media_manager() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_media_manager()

        # THEN: The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called
    def get_plugin_by_name_exists_test(self):
        Test running the get_plugin_by_name() method to find a plugin that exists
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.name = 'Mocked Plugin'
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run finalise_plugins()
        result = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name('Mocked Plugin')

        # THEN: The is_active() and finalise() methods should have been called
        self.assertEqual(result, mocked_plugin, 'The result for get_plugin_by_name should be the mocked plugin')
    def hook_media_manager_with_active_plugin_test(self):
        Test running the hook_media_manager() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_media_manager()

        # THEN: The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called
Example #12
    def test_hook_upgrade_plugin_settings_with_active_plugin(self):
        Test running the hook_upgrade_plugin_settings() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]
        settings = Settings()

        # WHEN: We run hook_upgrade_plugin_settings()

        # THEN: The add_export_menu_item() method should have been called
Example #13
    def test_hook_media_manager_with_disabled_plugin(self):
        Test running the hook_media_manager() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_media_manager()

        # THEN: The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called
        assert 0 == mocked_plugin.create_media_manager_item.call_count, \
            'The create_media_manager_item() method should not have been called.'
    def hook_media_manager_with_disabled_plugin_test(self):
        Test running the hook_media_manager() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_media_manager()

        # THEN: The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called
        assert mocked_plugin.create_media_manager_item.call_count == 0, \
            'The create_media_manager_item() method should not have been called.'
Example #15
    def test_hook_import_menu_with_active_plugin(self):
        Test running the hook_import_menu() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_import_menu()

        # THEN: The add_import_menu_item() method should have been called
Example #16
    def test_hook_settings_tabs_with_active_plugin_and_no_form(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with an active plugin and no settings form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The create_settings_tab() method should have been called
    def hook_tools_menu_with_disabled_plugin_test(self):
        Test running the hook_tools_menu() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_tools_menu()

        # THEN: The add_tools_menu_item() method should have been called
        self.assertEqual(0, mocked_plugin.add_tools_menu_item.call_count,
                         'The add_tools_menu_item() method should not have been called.')
Example #18
    def get_plugin_by_name_does_not_exist_test(self):
        Test running the get_plugin_by_name() method to find a plugin that does not exist
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.name = 'Mocked Plugin'
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run finalise_plugins()
        result = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name('Missing Plugin')

        # THEN: The is_active() and finalise() methods should have been called
                          'The result for get_plugin_by_name should be None')
Example #19
    def test_hook_upgrade_plugin_settings_with_active_plugin(self):
        Test running the hook_upgrade_plugin_settings() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]
        settings = Settings()

        # WHEN: We run hook_upgrade_plugin_settings()

        # THEN: The add_export_menu_item() method should have been called
    def hook_settings_tabs_with_disabled_plugin_and_no_form_test(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with a disabled plugin and no form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The hook_settings_tabs() method should have been called
        self.assertEqual(0, mocked_plugin.create_media_manager_item.call_count,
                         'The create_media_manager_item() method should not have been called.')
    def hook_upgrade_plugin_settings_with_disabled_plugin_test(self):
        Test running the hook_upgrade_plugin_settings() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]
        settings = Settings()

        # WHEN: We run hook_upgrade_plugin_settings()

        # THEN: The upgrade_settings() method should not have been called
        self.assertEqual(0, mocked_plugin.upgrade_settings.call_count,
                         'The upgrade_settings() method should not have been called.')
Example #22
    def test_hook_upgrade_plugin_settings_with_disabled_plugin(self):
        Test running the hook_upgrade_plugin_settings() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]
        settings = Settings()

        # WHEN: We run hook_upgrade_plugin_settings()

        # THEN: The upgrade_settings() method should not have been called
        assert 0 == mocked_plugin.upgrade_settings.call_count, \
            'The upgrade_settings() method should not have been called.'
    def new_service_created_with_active_plugin_test(self):
        Test running the new_service_created() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        mocked_plugin.is_active.return_value = True
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run new_service_created()

        # THEN: The is_active() and finalise() methods should have been called
    def finalise_plugins_with_disabled_plugin_test(self):
        Test running the finalise_plugins() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        mocked_plugin.is_active.return_value = False
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run finalise_plugins()

        # THEN: The is_active() method should have been called, and initialise() method should NOT have been called
        self.assertEqual(0, mocked_plugin.finalise.call_count, 'The finalise() method should not have been called.')
Example #25
    def hook_tools_menu_with_disabled_plugin_test(self):
        Test running the hook_tools_menu() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_tools_menu()

        # THEN: The add_tools_menu_item() method should have been called
            0, mocked_plugin.add_tools_menu_item.call_count,
            'The add_tools_menu_item() method should not have been called.')
Example #26
    def test_new_service_created_with_active_plugin(self):
        Test running the new_service_created() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        mocked_plugin.is_active.return_value = True
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run new_service_created()

        # THEN: The is_active() and finalise() methods should have been called
Example #27
    def test_finalise_plugins_with_disabled_plugin(self):
        Test running the finalise_plugins() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        mocked_plugin.is_active.return_value = False
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run finalise_plugins()

        # THEN: The is_active() method should have been called, and initialise() method should NOT have been called
        assert 0 == mocked_plugin.finalise.call_count, 'The finalise() method should not have been called.'
Example #28
    def hook_settings_tabs_with_disabled_plugin_and_no_form_test(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with a disabled plugin and no form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The hook_settings_tabs() method should have been called
            0, mocked_plugin.create_media_manager_item.call_count,
            'The create_media_manager_item() method should not have been called.'
Example #29
    def test_hook_media_manager_with_active_plugin(self):
        Test running the hook_media_manager() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        Registry().register('mock_plugin', mocked_plugin)

        # WHEN: We run hook_media_manager()

        # THEN: The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called
Example #30
    def test_get_plugin_by_name_exists(self):
        Test running the get_plugin_by_name() method to find a plugin that exists
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.name = 'Mocked Plugin'
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        Registry().register('mock_plugin', mocked_plugin)

        # WHEN: We run finalise_plugins()
        result = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name('Mocked Plugin')

        # THEN: The is_active() and finalise() methods should have been called
        assert result == mocked_plugin, 'The result for get_plugin_by_name should be the mocked plugin'
Example #31
    def test_hook_settings_tabs_with_disabled_plugin_and_mocked_form(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with a disabled plugin and a mocked form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]
        mocked_settings_form = MagicMock()
        # Replace the autoloaded plugin with the version for testing in real code this would error
        mocked_settings_form.plugin_manager = plugin_manager

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The create_settings_tab() method should not have been called, but the plugins lists should be the same
        self.assertEqual(0, mocked_plugin.create_settings_tab.call_count,
                         'The create_media_manager_item() method should not have been called.')
        self.assertEqual(mocked_settings_form.plugin_manager.plugins, plugin_manager.plugins,
                         'The plugins on the settings form should be the same as the plugins in the plugin manager')
    def hook_settings_tabs_with_active_plugin_and_mocked_form_test(self):
        Test running the hook_settings_tabs() method with an active plugin and a mocked settings form
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        plugin_manager.plugins = [mocked_plugin]
        mocked_settings_form = MagicMock()
        # Replace the autoloaded plugin with the version for testing in real code this would error
        mocked_settings_form.plugin_manager = plugin_manager

        # WHEN: We run hook_settings_tabs()

        # THEN: The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called with the mocked settings form
        self.assertEqual(1, mocked_plugin.create_settings_tab.call_count,
                         'The create_media_manager_item() method should have been called once.')
        self.assertEqual(plugin_manager.plugins, mocked_settings_form.plugin_manager.plugins,
                         'The plugins on the settings form should be the same as the plugins in the plugin manager')
Example #33
    def test_hook_tools_menu_with_disabled_plugin(self):
        Test running the hook_tools_menu() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        Registry().register('mock_plugin', mocked_plugin)

        # WHEN: We run hook_tools_menu()

        # THEN: The add_tools_menu_item() method should have been called
        assert 0 == mocked_plugin.add_tools_menu_item.call_count, \
            'The add_tools_menu_item() method should not have been called.'
Example #34
    def test_new_service_created_with_active_plugin(self):
        Test running the new_service_created() method with an active plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Active
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Active
        mocked_plugin.is_active.return_value = True
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        Registry().register('mock_plugin', mocked_plugin)

        # WHEN: We run new_service_created()

        # THEN: The is_active() and finalise() methods should have been called
Example #35
    def test_finalise_plugins_with_disabled_plugin(self):
        Test running the finalise_plugins() method with a disabled plugin
        # GIVEN: A PluginManager instance and a list with a mocked up plugin whose status is set to Disabled
        mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
        mocked_plugin.status = PluginStatus.Disabled
        mocked_plugin.is_active.return_value = False
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()
        Registry().register('mock_plugin', mocked_plugin)

        # WHEN: We run finalise_plugins()

        # THEN: The is_active() method should have been called, and initialise() method should NOT have been called
        assert 0 == mocked_plugin.finalise.call_count, 'The finalise() method should not have been called.'
Example #36
    def test_find_plugins(self, mocked_is1, mocked_is2, mocked_is3, mocked_is4,
        Test the find_plugins() method to ensure it imports the correct plugins
        # GIVEN: A plugin manager
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()

        # WHEN: We mock out sys.platform to make it return "darwin" and then find the plugins
        old_platform = sys.platform
        sys.platform = 'darwin'
        sys.platform = old_platform

        # THEN: We should find the "Songs", "Bibles", etc in the plugins list
        plugin_names = [plugin.name for plugin in State().list_plugins()]
        assert 'songs' in plugin_names, 'There should be a "songs" plugin'
        assert 'bibles' in plugin_names, 'There should be a "bibles" plugin'
        assert 'presentations' in plugin_names, 'There should be a "presentations" plugin'
        assert 'images' in plugin_names, 'There should be a "images" plugin'
        assert 'media' in plugin_names, 'There should be a "media" plugin'
        assert 'custom' in plugin_names, 'There should be a "custom" plugin'
        assert 'songusage' in plugin_names, 'There should be a "songusage" plugin'
        assert 'alerts' in plugin_names, 'There should be a "alerts" plugin'
    def find_plugins_test(self):
        Test the find_plugins() method to ensure it imports the correct plugins
        # GIVEN: A plugin manager
        plugin_manager = PluginManager()

        # WHEN: We mock out sys.platform to make it return "darwin" and then find the plugins
        old_platform = sys.platform
        sys.platform = 'darwin'
        sys.platform = old_platform

        # THEN: We should find the "Songs", "Bibles", etc in the plugins list
        plugin_names = [plugin.name for plugin in plugin_manager.plugins]
        self.assertIn('songs', plugin_names, 'There should be a "songs" plugin')
        self.assertIn('bibles', plugin_names, 'There should be a "bibles" plugin')
        self.assertIn('presentations', plugin_names, 'There should be a "presentations" plugin')
        self.assertIn('images', plugin_names, 'There should be a "images" plugin')
        self.assertIn('media', plugin_names, 'There should be a "media" plugin')
        self.assertIn('custom', plugin_names, 'There should be a "custom" plugin')
        self.assertIn('songusage', plugin_names, 'There should be a "songusage" plugin')
        self.assertIn('alerts', plugin_names, 'There should be a "alerts" plugin')
        self.assertIn('remotes', plugin_names, 'There should be a "remotes" plugin')
Example #38
def loader():
    God class to load all the components which are registered with the Registry

    :return: None
    # Set up the path with plugins
    # Create slide controllers