Example #1
def set_all_input_defaults(model: om.Group):
    Sets needed defaults to avoid error messages about ambiguous variable definitions.

    Does nothing if OpenMDAO version is below 3.2.

    :param model: the model where defaults will be added in place.
    # FIXME: This solution is a patch to get compatible with OpenMDAO 3.2 but it not really
    #  satisfactory because it does not help in case of custom models using existing variables
    #  with different units.
    #  Maybe a future evolution of OpenMDAO will open the way to a better solution...

    if version.parse(openmdao.__version__) < version.parse("3.2"):

    variables = {
        "data:geometry:wing:sweep_25": dict(val=np.nan, units="deg"),
        "data:TLAR:range": dict(val=np.nan, units="NM"),

    # Defaults must be added only if variable is present. Otherwise, an error is raised at setup().
    # Therefore, a setup() is done and if OpenMDAO complains about missing default and if that
    # default is available, it is added.
    ok = False
    while not ok and len(
    ) > 0:  # Stops if no error or if no default definition is left.
            ok = True
        except RuntimeError as exc:
            var_default_has_been_set = False
            for var_name, metadata in variables.items():
                if var_name in exc.args[0]:
                    model.set_input_defaults(var_name, **metadata)
                    var_default_has_been_set = True
            if var_default_has_been_set:
                del variables[var_name]