class ShaftVT(VariableTree): mass = Float(desc='blade mass') I_x = Float(desc='first area moment of inertia') I_y = Float(desc='Second area moment of inertia') CM = Array(np.zeros(3), desc='') length = Float()
class NacelleVT(VariableTree): mass = Float(desc='blade mass') I_x = Float(desc='first area moment of inertia') I_y = Float(desc='Second area moment of inertia') CM = Array(np.zeros(3), desc='') diameter = Float()
class HubVT(VariableTree): diameter = Float(desc='blade length') mass = Float(desc='blade mass') I_x = Float(desc='first area moment of inertia') I_y = Float(desc='Second area moment of inertia') CM = Array(np.zeros(3), desc='')
class HAWC2ConstraintFix23(VariableTree): con_type = Str() mbdy = Str(desc='Main_body name to which the next main_body is fixed') dof = Array(np.zeros(3), desc='Direction in global coo that is fixed in rotation' '0: free, 1: fixed')
class HAWC2AirfoilDataset(VariableTree): """A set of airfoil polars for a range of relative thicknesses""" np = Int(desc='number of airfoil polars in set') rthick = Array( desc='Array of relative thicknesses linked to the airfoil polars') polars = List(desc='List of polars')
class ConfigGravity(AtlasConfiguration): """ Atlas configuration for gravity case """ Omega_opt = Float(iotype='in', desc='rotor angular velocity') OmegaRatio = Float(iotype='in') Cl_opt = Array(iotype='in') H_opt = Float(iotype='in', desc='height of aircraft') TWire_opt = Float(iotype='in', desc='') def execute(self): super(ConfigGravity, self).execute() # use optimizer provided values self.Omega = (self.Omega_opt**3 * self.OmegaRatio)**(1. / 3.) self.Cl = self.Cl_opt self.h = self.H_opt + self.zWire self.TWire = [self.TWire_opt] self.flags.Load = 1 # gravity and wire forces only # FIXME: the following two flags are ignored self.flags.FreeWake = 0 # momentum theory self.flags.AeroStr = 0 # assume flat wing (no deformation)
def __init__(self, n, rawG=None): super(Comm_GainPattern, self).__init__() self.n = n if rawG is None: fpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) rawGdata = np.genfromtxt(fpath + '/data/Comm/Gain.txt') rawG = (10**(rawGdata / 10.0)).reshape((361, 361), order='F') # Inputs self.add( 'azimuthGS', Array( np.zeros(n), iotype='in', shape=(n, ), units="rad", desc= "Azimuth angle from satellite to ground station in Earth-fixed frame over time" )) self.add( 'elevationGS', Array( np.zeros(n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="rad", desc= "Elevation angle from satellite to ground station in Earth-fixed frame over time" )) # Outputs self.add( 'gain', Array(np.zeros(n), iotype='out', shape=(n, ), units="unitless", desc="Transmitter gain over time")) pi = np.pi az = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 361) el = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 361) self.MBI = MBI.MBI(rawG, [az, el], [15, 15], [4, 4]) self.x = np.zeros((self.n, 2), order='F')
class RotorLoadsArrayVT(VariableTree): wsp = Array(units='m/s', desc='Wind speeds') rpm = Array(units='rpm', desc='Rotor speed') pitch = Array(units='deg', desc='Pitch angle') T = Array([0.], units='N', desc='thrust') Q = Array([0.], units='N*m', desc='torque') P = Array([0.], units='W', desc='power') CT = Array([0.], units=None, desc='thrust coefficient') CQ = Array([0.], units=None, desc='torque coefficient') CP = Array([0.], units=None, desc='power coefficient')
def __init__(self, pitch_array): super(FASTInitialConditions, self).__init__() self.add( 'Pitch', Array(pitch_array, dtype=float, desc="Pitch points used for blade pitch interp [degrees]", iotype='in'))
class HAWC2Constraint(VariableTree): con_name = Str() con_type = Enum('free', ('fixed', 'fixed_to_body', 'free', 'prescribed_angle'), desc='Constraint type') body1 = Str(desc='Main body name to which the body is attached') DOF = Array(np.zeros(6), desc='Degrees of freedom')
def set_outputs(self, entries): for i, c in enumerate(entries): self.add( 'out_%i' % (i + 1), Array(desc='Output %i of type2_dll %s: %s' % ((i + 1),, + ' ' + ' '.join([str(val) for val in _makelist(c.val)]))))
class HAWC2SVar(VariableTree): ground_fixed = VarTree(HAWC2SBody()) rotating_axissym = VarTree(HAWC2SBody()) rotating_threebladed = VarTree(HAWC2SBody()) second_order_actuator = VarTree(SecondOrderActuator()) commands = List() options = VarTree(HAWC2SCommandsOpt()) operational_data_filename = Str() ch_list_in = VarTree(HAWC2OutputListVT()) ch_list_out = VarTree(HAWC2OutputListVT()) wsp_curve = Array(desc='Pitch curve from operational data file') pitch_curve = Array(desc='Pitch curve from operational data file') rpm_curve = Array(desc='RPM curve from operational data file') wsp_cases = List() cases = List(desc='List of input dictionaries with wsp, rpm and pitch')
class GenericInflowGenerator(Component): """ Framework for an inflow model """ wind_speed = Float(0.0, iotype='in', units='m/s', desc='the reference wind speed') ws_positions = Array( [], iotype='in', desc= 'the positions of the wind speeds in the global frame of reference [n,3] (x,y,z)' ) ws_array = Array([], iotype='out', desc='an array of wind speed to find wind speed')
class Dummy(Component): x = Array([[-1, 1],[-2, 2]], iotype='in', shape=(2,2)) xlist = List([1,2], iotype='in') xdict = Dict({'a' : 'b'}, iotype='in') def execute(self): self.y = self.x
def __init__(self, datasize=0): super(windSpeedToCPCT, self).__init__() self.add( 'wind_speed', Array(np.zeros(datasize), iotype='in', units='m/s', desc='range of wind speeds')) self.add( 'CP', Array(np.zeros(datasize), iotype='out', desc='power coefficients')) self.add( 'CT', Array(np.zeros(datasize), iotype='out', desc='thrust coefficients'))
class Strain(VariableTree): top = Array(desc='') bottom = Array(desc='') back = Array(desc='') front = Array(desc='') bending_x = Array(desc='') bending_z = Array(desc='') axial_y = Array(desc='') torsion_y = Array(desc='')
def __init__(self, n_times): super(BatterySOC, self).__init__() # Inputs self.add( 'iSOC', Array([0.0], shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float, iotype="in", units="unitless", desc="Initial state of charge")) self.add( 'P_bat', Array(np.zeros((n_times, )), shape=(n_times, ), dtype=np.float, units="W", iotype="in", desc="Battery power over time")) self.add( 'temperature', Array(np.zeros((5, n_times)), shape=(5, n_times), dtype=np.float, units="degK", iotype="in", desc="Battery temperature over time")) # Outputs self.add( 'SOC', Array(np.zeros((1, n_times)), shape=(1, n_times), dtype=np.float, iotype="out", units="unitless", desc="Battery state of charge over time")) self.state_var = "SOC" self.init_state_var = "iSOC" self.external_vars = ["P_bat", "temperature"]
def __init__(self, n=2): super(Attitude_Torque, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'w_B', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, n), units="1/s", desc="Angular velocity in body-fixed frame over time")) self.add( 'wdot_B', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='in', shape=(3, n), units="1/s**2", desc="Time derivative of w_B over time")) # Outputs self.add( 'T_tot', Array(np.zeros((3, n)), iotype='out', shape=(3, n), units="N*m", desc="Total reaction wheel torque over time")) self.dT_dwdot = np.zeros((n, 3, 3)) self.dwx_dw = np.zeros((3, 3, 3)) self.dwx_dw[0, :, 0] = (0., 0., 0.) self.dwx_dw[1, :, 0] = (0., 0., -1.) self.dwx_dw[2, :, 0] = (0., 1., 0.) self.dwx_dw[0, :, 1] = (0., 0., 1.) self.dwx_dw[1, :, 1] = (0., 0., 0.) self.dwx_dw[2, :, 1] = (-1., 0, 0.) self.dwx_dw[0, :, 2] = (0., -1., 0) self.dwx_dw[1, :, 2] = (1., 0., 0.) self.dwx_dw[2, :, 2] = (0., 0., 0.)
def __init__(self, n): super(Comm_BitRate, self).__init__() self.n = n # Inputs self.add( 'P_comm', Array(np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="W", desc="Communication power over time")) self.add( 'gain', Array(np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="unitless", desc="Transmitter gain over time")) self.add( 'GSdist', Array(np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="km", desc="Distance from ground station to satellite over time")) self.add( 'CommLOS', Array(np.zeros(self.n), iotype='in', shape=(self.n, ), units="unitless", desc="Satellite to ground station line of sight over time")) # Outputs self.add( 'Dr', Array(np.zeros(self.n), iotype='out', shape=(self.n, ), units="Gibyte/s", desc="Download rate over time"))
def __init__(self,prob_size=1): super(Discipline,self).__init__() self.add_trait("z",Array(zeros((prob_size,1)),iotype="in", desc="global varaibles", shape=(prob_size,1))) self.add_trait("C_z",Array(ones((prob_size,prob_size)), iotype="in", desc="global variable constants", shape=(prob_size,prob_size))) self.add_trait("x",Array(zeros((prob_size,1)), iotype="in", desc="local variables", shape=(prob_size,1))) self.add_trait("C_x",Array(ones((prob_size,prob_size)), iotype="in", desc="local variable constants", shape=(prob_size,prob_size))) #have to have the same number of coupling inputs as discipline outputs self.add_trait("y_out",Array(zeros((prob_size,1)),iotype="out", desc="discipline output varaibles", shape=(prob_size,1))) self.add_trait("y_in",Array(zeros((prob_size,1)), iotype="in", desc="input coupling variables", shape=(prob_size,1))) self.add_trait("C_y",Array(identity(prob_size), iotype="in", desc="local variable constants", shape=(prob_size,prob_size)))
def __init__(self, n=2): super(Power_Total, self).__init__() self.n = n self.add( 'P_sol', Array(np.zeros((n, ), order='F'), size=(n, ), dtype=np.float, units='W', desc='Solar panels power over time', iotype="in")) self.add( 'P_comm', Array(np.zeros((n, ), order='F'), size=(n, ), dtype=np.float, units='W', desc='Communication power over time', iotype="in")) self.add( 'P_RW', Array( np.zeros(( 3, n, ), order='F'), size=( 3, n, ), dtype=np.float, units='W', desc='Power used by reaction wheel over time', # qqq ? iotype="in")) self.add( 'P_bat', Array(np.zeros((n, ), order='F'), size=(n, ), dtype=np.float, units='W', desc='Battery power over time', iotype="out"))
class AxodComp(Component): """ OpenMDAO component wrapper for AXOD. """ input_filename = Str(iotype='in') results = [] hpower = Float(iotype='out') # 'float32' here could be just 'float', but AXOD is single-precision # so it just takes more space. Not an issue with such small arrays, # but for larger data it may be important. tott = Array(_ZEROS48,dtype=float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') totp = Array(_ZEROS48,dtype=float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') mflow = Array(_ZEROS48,dtype=float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') effs = Array(_ZEROS48,dtype=float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') effr = Array(_ZEROS48,dtype=float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') # tott = Array(dtype=numpy_float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') # otp = Array(dtype=numpy_float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') # mflow = Array(dtype=numpy_float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') # effs = Array(dtype=numpy_float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') # effr = Array(dtype=numpy_float32, shape=(48,), iotype='out') def __init__(self, input_filename=''): super(AxodComp, self).__init__() self.input_filename = input_filename def execute(self): """ Run AXOD. """ if os.path.exists('axod.out'): os.remove('axod.out') self.results = [] self._logger.debug('running') try: shutil.copyfile(self.input_filename, 'axod.inp') (self.hpower, self.tott, self.totp, self.mflow, self.effs, self.effr) = axod.axod() except Exception, exc: self.raise_exception(str(exc), type(exc)) self._logger.debug('done') if os.path.exists('axod.out'): inp = open('axod.out', 'rU') self.results = inp.readlines() inp.close()
class HAWC2OrientationRelative(VariableTree): body1 = List(desc='Main body name to which the body is attached') body2 = List(desc='Main body name to which the body is attached') body2_eulerang = List(desc='sequence of euler angle rotations, x->y->z') mbdy2_ini_rotvec_d1 = Array( np.zeros(4), desc='Initial rotation velocity of main body and all' 'subsequent attached bodies (vx, vy, vz, |v|)')
class ArrayParaboloid(Component): inArray = Array([0.0, 0.0], iotype="in") f_xy = Float(iotype='out', desc='F(x,y)') def execute(self): x = self.inArray[0] y = self.inArray[1] self.f_xy = (x - 3.0)**2 + x * y + (y + 4.0)**2 - 3.0
def __init__(self, n=2): super(Sun_LOS, self).__init__() self.n = n self.r1 = 6378.137 * 0.85 # Earth's radius is 6378 km. 0.85 is the alpha in John Hwang's paper self.r2 = 6378.137 self.add( 'r_e2b_I', Array(np.zeros((6, n), order='F'), size=( 6, n, ), dtype=np.float, units="unitless", desc="Position and velocity vectors from " + "Earth to satellite in Earth-centered " + "inertial frame over time.", iotype="in")) self.add( 'r_e2s_I', Array(np.zeros((3, n), order='F'), size=( 3, n, ), dtype=np.float, units="km", desc="Position vector from " + "Earth to sun in Earth-centered inertial " + "frame over time.", iotype="in")) self.add( 'LOS', Array(np.zeros((n, ), order='F'), size=(n, ), dtype=np.float, units="unitless", desc="Satellite to sun " + "line of sight over time", iotype="out"))
class Fblade(VariableTree): Fx = Array(units='N/m', desc='drag axis') Fz = Array(units='N/m', desc='lift axis') My = Array(desc='') Q = Array(desc='Torque') P = Array(desc='Power') Pi = Array(desc='') Pp = Array(desc='')
class Fblade(VariableTree): Fx = Array(desc='') Fz = Array(desc='') My = Array(desc='') Q = Array(desc='') P = Array(desc='') Pi = Array(desc='') Pp = Array(desc='')
def __init__(self, Ns): super(Strain, self).__init__() self.add('top', Array(np.zeros((3, Ns + 1)), desc='')) self.add('bottom', Array(np.zeros((3, Ns + 1)), desc='')) self.add('back', Array(np.zeros((3, Ns + 1)), desc='')) self.add('front', Array(np.zeros((3, Ns + 1)), desc='')) self.add('bending_x', Array(np.zeros((1, Ns + 1)), desc='')) self.add('bending_z', Array(np.zeros((1, Ns + 1)), desc='')) self.add('axial_y', Array(np.zeros((1, Ns + 1)), desc='')) self.add('torsion_y', Array(np.zeros((1, Ns + 1)), desc=''))
def __init__(self, minSize=(50, 50), smooth=10., return_one=True): #fn = "cascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" fn = "cascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" #fn="cascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml" #fn = "cascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree" super(faceDetector, self).__init__(fn, minSize=minSize, smooth=smooth, return_one=return_one) self.add("foreheads", Array([[0, 0, 2, 2]], iotype="out"))
class SimpleWind(VariableTree): TimeSteps = Int(desc='number of time steps') Time = Array(desc='time step') HorSpd = Array(desc='horizontal wind speed') WindDir = Array(desc='wind direction') VerSpd = Array(desc='vertical wind speed') HorShr = Array(desc='horizontal shear') VerShr = Array(desc='vertical power-law shear') LnVShr = Array(desc='vertical linear shear') GstSpd = Array(desc='gust speed not sheared by Aerodyn')
def __init__(self, iotype, client, rpath, typ): ProxyMixin.__init__(self, client, rpath) self._type = typ default = self._parse(self._valstr) desc = client.get(rpath+'.description') if typ == float: as_units = client.get(rpath+'.units') if as_units: om_units = get_translation(as_units) else: om_units = None if typ != str: if client.get(rpath+'.hasUpperBound') == 'true': high = typ(client.get(rpath+'.upperBound')) else: high = None if client.get(rpath+'.hasLowerBound') == 'true': low = typ(client.get(rpath+'.lowerBound')) else: low = None if typ == float: Array.__init__(self, dtype=typ, iotype=iotype, desc=desc, default_value=default, low=low, high=high, units=om_units) elif typ == int: Array.__init__(self, dtype=typ, iotype=iotype, desc=desc, default_value=default, low=low, high=high) else: # FIXME: This will pickle, but not unpickle. # Probabably don't want fixed max-length string storage anyway. Array.__init__(self, dtype=typ, iotype=iotype, desc=desc, default_value=default)