Example #1
    def test_errormsg(self):

        cmd = 'dir' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'ls'
            proc = ShellProc(cmd, stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr')
            if os.path.exists('stdout'):
            if os.path.exists('stderr'):

        msg = proc.error_message(-signal.SIGTERM)
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            self.assertEqual(msg, '')
            self.assertEqual(msg, ': SIGTERM')
Example #2
    def test_errormsg(self):

        cmd = 'dir' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'ls'
            proc = ShellProc(cmd, stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr')
            if os.path.exists('stdout'):
            if os.path.exists('stderr'):

        msg = proc.error_message(-signal.SIGTERM)
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            self.assertEqual(msg, '')
            self.assertEqual(msg, ': SIGTERM')
Example #3
class ExternalCode(Component):
    Run an external code as a component

    Default stdin is the 'null' device, default stdout is the console, and
    default stderr is ``error.out``.

    fd_options['force_fd'] :  bool(False)
        Set to True to finite difference this system.
    fd_options['form'] :  str('forward')
        Finite difference mode. (forward, backward, central) You can also set to 'complex_step' to peform the complex step method if your components support it.
    fd_options['step_size'] :  float(1e-06)
        Default finite difference stepsize
    fd_options['step_type'] :  str('absolute')
        Set to absolute, relative
    options['check_external_outputs'] :  bool(True)
        Check that all input or output external files exist
    options['command'] :  list([])
        command to be executed
    options['env_vars'] :  dict({})
        Environment variables required by the command
    options['external_input_files'] :  list([])
        (optional) list of input file names to check the pressence of before solve_nonlinear
    options['external_output_files'] :  list([])
        (optional) list of input file names to check the pressence of after solve_nonlinear
    options['poll_delay'] :  float(0.0)
        Delay between polling for command completion. A value of zero will use an internally computed default
    options['timeout'] :  float(0.0)
        Maximum time to wait for command completion. A value of zero implies an infinite wait


    def __init__(self):
        super(ExternalCode, self).__init__()

        self.STDOUT   = STDOUT
        self.DEV_NULL = DEV_NULL

        # Input options for this Component
        self.options = OptionsDictionary()
        self.options.add_option('command', [], desc='command to be executed')
        self.options.add_option('env_vars', {}, desc='Environment variables required by the command')
        self.options.add_option('poll_delay', 0.0, lower=0.0,
            desc='Delay between polling for command completion. A value of zero will use an internally computed default')
        self.options.add_option('timeout', 0.0, lower=0.0,
                                desc='Maximum time to wait for command completion. A value of zero implies an infinite wait')
        self.options.add_option('check_external_outputs', True,
            desc='Check that all input or output external files exist')

        self.options.add_option( 'external_input_files', [],
            desc='(optional) list of input file names to check the pressence of before solve_nonlinear')
        self.options.add_option( 'external_output_files', [],
            desc='(optional) list of input file names to check the pressence of after solve_nonlinear')

        # Outputs of the run of the component or items that will not work with the OptionsDictionary
        self.return_code = 0 # Return code from the command
        self.timed_out = False # True if the command timed-out
        self.stdin  = self.DEV_NULL
        self.stdout = None
        self.stderr = "error.out"

    def check_setup(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        """Write a report to the given stream indicating any potential problems found
        with the current configuration of this ``Problem``.

        out_stream : a file-like object, optional

        # check for the command
        if not self.options['command']:
            out_stream.write( "The command cannot be empty")
            if isinstance(self.options['command'], str):
                program_to_execute = self.options['command']
                program_to_execute = self.options['command'][0]
            command_full_path = find_executable( program_to_execute )

            if not command_full_path:
                msg = "The command to be executed, '%s', cannot be found" % program_to_execute

        # Check for missing input files
        missing_files = self._check_for_files(input=True)
        for iotype, path in missing_files:
            msg = "The %s file %s is missing" % ( iotype, path )

    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """Runs the component

        self.return_code = -12345678
        self.timed_out = False

        if not self.options['command']:
            raise ValueError('Empty command list')

        # self.check_files(inputs=True)

        return_code = None
        error_msg = ''
            return_code, error_msg = self._execute_local()

            if return_code is None:
                # if self._stop:
                #     raise RuntimeError('Run stopped')
                # else:
                self.timed_out = True
                raise RuntimeError('Timed out')

            elif return_code:
                if isinstance(self.stderr, str):
                    if os.path.exists(self.stderr):
                        stderrfile = open(self.stderr, 'r')
                        error_desc = stderrfile.read()
                        err_fragment = "\nError Output:\n%s" % error_desc
                        err_fragment = "\n[stderr %r missing]" % self.stderr
                    err_fragment = error_msg

                raise RuntimeError('return_code = %d%s' % (return_code, err_fragment))

            if self.options['check_external_outputs']:
                missing_files = self._check_for_files(input=False)
                msg = ""
                for iotype, path in missing_files:
                    msg +=  "%s file %s is missing\n" % (iotype, path)

                if msg:
                    raise RuntimeError( "Missing files: %s" % msg )
                # self.check_files(inputs=False)
            self.return_code = -999999 if return_code is None else return_code

    def _check_for_files(self, input=True):
        Check that all 'specific' input external files exist.

        input: bool
            If True, check inputs. Else check outputs

        missing_files = []

        if input:
            files = self.options['external_input_files']
            files = self.options['external_output_files']

        for path in files:
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                missing_files.append(('input', path))

        return missing_files

    def _execute_local(self):
        """ Run command. """
        #self._logger.info('executing %s...', self.options['command'])
        # start_time = time.time()

        # check to make sure command exists
        if isinstance(self.options['command'], str):
            program_to_execute = self.options['command']
            program_to_execute = self.options['command'][0]

        # suppress message from find_executable function, we'll handle it

        command_full_path = find_executable( program_to_execute )
        if not command_full_path:
            raise ValueError("The command to be executed, '%s', cannot be found" % program_to_execute)

        command_for_shell_proc = self.options['command']
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            command_for_shell_proc = ['cmd.exe', '/c' ] + command_for_shell_proc

        self._process = \
            ShellProc(command_for_shell_proc, self.stdin,
                      self.stdout, self.stderr, self.options['env_vars'])
        #self._logger.debug('PID = %d', self._process.pid)

            return_code, error_msg = \
                self._process.wait(self.options['poll_delay'], self.options['timeout'])
            self._process = None

        # et = time.time() - start_time
        #if et >= 60:  #pragma no cover
            #self._logger.info('elapsed time: %.1f sec.', et)

        return (return_code, error_msg)
Example #4
class ExternalCode(Component):
    Run an external code as a component

    Default stdin is the 'null' device, default stdout is the console, and
    default stderr is ``error.out``.

    fd_options['force_fd'] :  bool(False)
        Set to True to finite difference this system.
    fd_options['form'] :  str('forward')
        Finite difference mode. (forward, backward, central) You can also set
        to 'complex_step' to peform the complex step method if your components
        support it.
    fd_options['step_size'] :  float(1e-06)
        Default finite difference stepsize
    fd_options['step_type'] :  str('absolute')
        Set to absolute, relative
    fd_options['extra_check_partials_form'] :  None or str
        Finite difference mode: ("forward", "backward", "central", "complex_step")
        During check_partial_derivatives, you can optionally do a
        second finite difference with a different mode.
    fd_options['linearize'] : bool(False)
        Set to True if you want linearize to be called even though you are using FD.

    options['command'] :  list([])
        Command to be executed. Command must be a list of command line args.
    options['env_vars'] :  dict({})
        Environment variables required by the command
    options['external_input_files'] :  list([])
        (optional) list of input file names to check the existence of before solve_nonlinear
    options['external_output_files'] :  list([])
        (optional) list of input file names to check the existence of after solve_nonlinear
    options['poll_delay'] :  float(0.0)
        Delay between polling for command completion. A value of zero will use
        an internally computed default.
    options['timeout'] :  float(0.0)
        Maximum time in seconds to wait for command completion. A value of zero
        implies an infinite wait. If the timeout interval is exceeded, an
        AnalysisError will be raised.
    options['fail_hard'] :  bool(True)
        Behavior on error returned from code, either raise a 'hard' error (RuntimeError) if True
        or a 'soft' error (AnalysisError) if False.

    def __init__(self):
        super(ExternalCode, self).__init__()

        self.STDOUT = STDOUT
        self.DEV_NULL = DEV_NULL

        # Input options for this Component
        self.options = OptionsDictionary()
        self.options.add_option('command', [], desc='command to be executed')
            'env_vars', {},
            desc='Environment variables required by the command')
            'Delay between polling for command completion. A value of zero will use an internally computed default'
            'Maximum time to wait for command completion. A value of zero implies an infinite wait'
            'external_input_files', [],
            '(optional) list of input file names to check the existence of before solve_nonlinear'
            'external_output_files', [],
            '(optional) list of input file names to check the existence of after solve_nonlinear'
            "If True, external code errors raise a 'hard' exception (RuntimeError).  Otherwise raise a 'soft' exception (AnalysisError)."

        # Outputs of the run of the component or items that will not work with the OptionsDictionary
        self.return_code = 0  # Return code from the command
        self.stdin = self.DEV_NULL
        self.stdout = None
        self.stderr = "error.out"

    def check_setup(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        """Write a report to the given stream indicating any potential problems found
        with the current configuration of this ``Problem``.

        out_stream : a file-like object, optional

        # check for the command
        cmd = [c for c in self.options['command'] if c.strip()]
        if not cmd:
            out_stream.write("The command cannot be empty")
            program_to_execute = self.options['command'][0]
            command_full_path = find_executable(program_to_execute)

            if not command_full_path:
                out_stream.write("The command to be executed, '%s', "
                                 "cannot be found" % program_to_execute)

        # Check for missing input files
        missing = self._check_for_files(self.options['external_input_files'])
        if missing:
            out_stream.write("The following input files are missing at setup "
                             " time: %s" % missing)

    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """Runs the component

        self.return_code = -12345678

        if not self.options['command']:
            raise ValueError('Empty command list')

        if self.options['fail_hard']:
            err_class = RuntimeError
            err_class = AnalysisError

        return_code = None

            missing = self._check_for_files(
            if missing:
                raise err_class("The following input files are missing: %s" %
            return_code, error_msg = self._execute_local()

            if return_code is None:
                raise AnalysisError('Timed out after %s sec.' %

            elif return_code:
                if isinstance(self.stderr, str):
                    if os.path.exists(self.stderr):
                        stderrfile = open(self.stderr, 'r')
                        error_desc = stderrfile.read()
                        err_fragment = "\nError Output:\n%s" % error_desc
                        err_fragment = "\n[stderr %r missing]" % self.stderr
                    err_fragment = error_msg

                raise err_class('return_code = %d%s' %
                                (return_code, err_fragment))

            missing = self._check_for_files(
            if missing:
                raise err_class("The following output files are missing: %s" %

            self.return_code = -999999 if return_code is None else return_code

    def _check_for_files(self, files):
        """ Check that specified files exist. """
        return [path for path in files if not os.path.exists(path)]

    def _execute_local(self):
        """ Run command. """

        # check to make sure command exists
        if isinstance(self.options['command'], str):
            program_to_execute = self.options['command']
            program_to_execute = self.options['command'][0]

        # suppress message from find_executable function, we'll handle it

        command_full_path = find_executable(program_to_execute)
        if not command_full_path:
            raise ValueError(
                "The command to be executed, '%s', cannot be found" %

        command_for_shell_proc = self.options['command']
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            command_for_shell_proc = ['cmd.exe', '/c'] + command_for_shell_proc

        self._process = \
            ShellProc(command_for_shell_proc, self.stdin,
                      self.stdout, self.stderr, self.options['env_vars'])

            return_code, error_msg = \
                self._process.wait(self.options['poll_delay'], self.options['timeout'])
            self._process = None

        return (return_code, error_msg)
Example #5
class ExternalCode(Component):
    Run an external code as a component

    Default stdin is the 'null' device, default stdout is the console, and
    default stderr is ``error.out``.

    deriv_options['type'] :  str('user')
        Derivative calculation type ('user', 'fd', 'cs')
        Default is 'user', where derivative is calculated from
        user-supplied derivatives. Set to 'fd' to finite difference
        this system. Set to 'cs' to perform the complex step
        if your components support it.
    deriv_options['form'] :  str('forward')
        Finite difference mode. (forward, backward, central)
    deriv_options['step_size'] :  float(1e-06)
        Default finite difference stepsize
    deriv_options['step_calc'] :  str('absolute')
        Set to absolute, relative
    deriv_options['check_type'] :  str('fd')
        Type of derivative check for check_partial_derivatives. Set
        to 'fd' to finite difference this system. Set to
        'cs' to perform the complex step method if
        your components support it.
    deriv_options['check_form'] :  str('forward')
        Finite difference mode: ("forward", "backward", "central")
        During check_partial_derivatives, the difference form that is used
        for the check.
    deriv_options['check_step_calc'] : str('absolute',)
        Set to 'absolute' or 'relative'. Default finite difference
        step calculation for the finite difference check in check_partial_derivatives.
    deriv_options['check_step_size'] :  float(1e-06)
        Default finite difference stepsize for the finite difference check
        in check_partial_derivatives"
    deriv_options['linearize'] : bool(False)
        Set to True if you want linearize to be called even though you are using FD.

    options['command'] :  list([])
        Command to be executed. Command must be a list of command line args.
    options['env_vars'] :  dict({})
        Environment variables required by the command
    options['external_input_files'] :  list([])
        (optional) list of input file names to check the existence of before solve_nonlinear
    options['external_output_files'] :  list([])
        (optional) list of input file names to check the existence of after solve_nonlinear
    options['poll_delay'] :  float(0.0)
        Delay between polling for command completion. A value of zero will use
        an internally computed default.
    options['timeout'] :  float(0.0)
        Maximum time in seconds to wait for command completion. A value of zero
        implies an infinite wait. If the timeout interval is exceeded, an
        AnalysisError will be raised.
    options['fail_hard'] :  bool(True)
        Behavior on error returned from code, either raise a 'hard' error (RuntimeError) if True
        or a 'soft' error (AnalysisError) if False.


    def __init__(self):
        super(ExternalCode, self).__init__()

        self.STDOUT   = STDOUT
        self.DEV_NULL = DEV_NULL

        # Input options for this Component
        self.options = OptionsDictionary()
        self.options.add_option('command', [], desc='command to be executed')
        self.options.add_option('env_vars', {},
                           desc='Environment variables required by the command')
        self.options.add_option('poll_delay', 0.0, lower=0.0,
            desc='Delay between polling for command completion. A value of zero will use an internally computed default')
        self.options.add_option('timeout', 0.0, lower=0.0,
                                desc='Maximum time to wait for command completion. A value of zero implies an infinite wait')
        self.options.add_option( 'external_input_files', [],
            desc='(optional) list of input file names to check the existence of before solve_nonlinear')
        self.options.add_option( 'external_output_files', [],
            desc='(optional) list of input file names to check the existence of after solve_nonlinear')
        self.options.add_option('fail_hard', True,
            desc="If True, external code errors raise a 'hard' exception (RuntimeError).  Otherwise raise a 'soft' exception (AnalysisError).")

        # Outputs of the run of the component or items that will not work with the OptionsDictionary
        self.return_code = 0 # Return code from the command
        self.stdin  = self.DEV_NULL
        self.stdout = None
        self.stderr = "error.out"

    def check_setup(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        """Write a report to the given stream indicating any potential problems found
        with the current configuration of this ``Problem``.

        out_stream : a file-like object, optional

        # check for the command
        cmd = [c for c in self.options['command'] if c.strip()]
        if not cmd:
            out_stream.write( "The command cannot be empty")
            program_to_execute = self.options['command'][0]
            command_full_path = find_executable( program_to_execute )

            if not command_full_path:
                out_stream.write("The command to be executed, '%s', "
                                 "cannot be found" % program_to_execute)

        # Check for missing input files
        missing = self._check_for_files(self.options['external_input_files'])
        if missing:
            out_stream.write("The following input files are missing at setup "
                             " time: %s" % missing)

    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """Runs the component

        self.return_code = -12345678

        if not self.options['command']:
            raise ValueError('Empty command list')

        if self.options['fail_hard']:
            err_class = RuntimeError
            err_class = AnalysisError

        return_code = None

            missing = self._check_for_files(self.options['external_input_files'])
            if missing:
                raise err_class("The following input files are missing: %s"
                                % sorted(missing))
            return_code, error_msg = self._execute_local()

            if return_code is None:
                raise AnalysisError('Timed out after %s sec.' %

            elif return_code:
                if isinstance(self.stderr, str):
                    if os.path.exists(self.stderr):
                        stderrfile = open(self.stderr, 'r')
                        error_desc = stderrfile.read()
                        err_fragment = "\nError Output:\n%s" % error_desc
                        err_fragment = "\n[stderr %r missing]" % self.stderr
                    err_fragment = error_msg

                raise err_class('return_code = %d%s' % (return_code,

            missing = self._check_for_files(self.options['external_output_files'])
            if missing:
                raise err_class("The following output files are missing: %s"
                                % sorted(missing))

            self.return_code = -999999 if return_code is None else return_code

    def _check_for_files(self, files):
        """ Check that specified files exist. """
        return [path for path in files if not os.path.exists(path)]

    def _execute_local(self):
        """ Run command. """

        # check to make sure command exists
        if isinstance(self.options['command'], str):
            program_to_execute = self.options['command']
            program_to_execute = self.options['command'][0]

        # suppress message from find_executable function, we'll handle it

        command_full_path = find_executable( program_to_execute )
        if not command_full_path:
            raise ValueError("The command to be executed, '%s', cannot be found" % program_to_execute)

        command_for_shell_proc = self.options['command']
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            command_for_shell_proc = ['cmd.exe', '/c' ] + command_for_shell_proc

        self._process = \
            ShellProc(command_for_shell_proc, self.stdin,
                      self.stdout, self.stderr, self.options['env_vars'])

            return_code, error_msg = \
                self._process.wait(self.options['poll_delay'], self.options['timeout'])
            self._process = None

        return (return_code, error_msg)