def get_values(self, var, units=None):

        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid set of units.'.format(units))

        var_in_phase = True

        if var == 'time':
            var_type = 'indep'
        elif var in self.outputs['states']:
            var_type = 'states'
        elif var in self.outputs['controls']:
            var_type = 'controls'
        elif var in self.outputs['design_parameters']:
            var_type = 'design_parameters'
        elif var in self.outputs['input_parameters']:
            var_type = 'input_parameters'
        elif var in self.outputs['control_rates']:
            var_type = 'control_rates'
        elif var in self.outputs['ode']:
            var_type = 'ode'
            var_in_phase = False

        if not var_in_phase:
            raise ValueError('Variable "{0}" not found in phase '
                             'simulation results.'.format(var))

        output = convert_units(self.outputs[var_type][var]['value'],
                               self.outputs[var_type][var]['units'], units)

        return output
Example #2
def check_option(option, value):
    Check option for validity.

    option : str
        The name of the option
    value : any
        The value of the option

    if option is 'units' and value is not None and not valid_units(value):
        raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid." % value)
Example #3
def check_option(option, value):
    Check option for validity.

    option : str
        The name of the option
    value : any
        The value of the option

    if option is 'units' and value is not None and not valid_units(value):
        raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid." % value)
Example #4
    def add_output(self, name, val=1.0, shape=None, units=None, res_units=None, desc='',
                   lower=None, upper=None, ref=1.0, ref0=0.0, res_ref=1.0, var_set=0):
        Add an output variable to the component.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units. Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if val is not an array.
            Default is None.
        units : str or None
            Units in which the output variables will be provided to the component during execution.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        res_units : str or None
            Units in which the residuals of this output will be given to the user when requested.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        desc : str
            description of the variable.
        lower : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable or None
            lower bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
            consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
            val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no lower bound.
            Default is None.
        upper : float or list or tuple or ndarray or or Iterable None
            upper bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
            consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
            val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no upper bound.
            Default is None.
        ref : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
            the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
        ref0 : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
            the scaled value is 0. Default is 0.
        res_ref : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined res_units of this output's residual
            when the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
        var_set : hashable object
            For advanced users only. ID or color for this variable, relevant for reconfigurability.
            Default is 0.

            metadata for added variable
        if units == 'unitless':
            warn_deprecation("Output '%s' has units='unitless' but 'unitless' "
                             "has been deprecated. Use "
                             "units=None instead.  Note that connecting a "
                             "unitless variable to one with units is no longer "
                             "an error, but will issue a warning instead." %
            units = None

        # First, type check all arguments
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('The name argument should be a string')
        if not np.isscalar(val) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The val argument should be a float, list, tuple, or ndarray')
        if not np.isscalar(ref) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The ref argument should be a float, list, tuple, or ndarray')
        if not np.isscalar(ref0) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The ref0 argument should be a float, list, tuple, or ndarray')
        if not np.isscalar(res_ref) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The res_ref argument should be a float, list, tuple, or ndarray')
        if shape is not None and not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, list, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError("The shape argument should be an int, tuple, or list but "
                            "a '%s' was given" % type(shape))
        if units is not None and not isinstance(units, str):
            raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None')
        if res_units is not None and not isinstance(res_units, str):
            raise TypeError('The res_units argument should be a str or None')

        # Check that units are valid
        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid" % units)

        metadata = {}

        # value, shape: based on args, making sure they are compatible
        metadata['value'], metadata['shape'] = ensure_compatible(name, val, shape)
        metadata['size'] =['shape'])

        # units, res_units: taken as is
        metadata['units'] = units
        metadata['res_units'] = res_units

        # desc: taken as is
        metadata['desc'] = desc

        if lower is not None:
            lower = ensure_compatible(name, lower, metadata['shape'])[0]
        if upper is not None:
            upper = ensure_compatible(name, upper, metadata['shape'])[0]

        metadata['lower'] = lower
        metadata['upper'] = upper

        # All refs: check the shape if necessary
        for item, item_name in zip([ref, ref0, res_ref], ['ref', 'ref0', 'res_ref']):
            if not np.isscalar(item):
                if np.atleast_1d(item).shape != metadata['shape']:
                    raise ValueError('The %s argument has the wrong shape' % item_name)

        if np.isscalar(ref):
            self._has_output_scaling |= ref != 1.0
            self._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref != 1.0)

        if np.isscalar(ref0):
            self._has_output_scaling |= ref0 != 0.0
            self._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref0)

        if np.isscalar(res_ref):
            self._has_resid_scaling |= res_ref != 1.0
            self._has_resid_scaling |= np.any(res_ref != 1.0)

        ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, flatten=True)
        ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, flatten=True)
        res_ref = format_as_float_or_array('res_ref', res_ref, flatten=True)

        # ref, ref0, res_ref: taken as is
        metadata['ref'] = ref
        metadata['ref0'] = ref0
        metadata['res_ref'] = res_ref

        # var_set: taken as is
        metadata['var_set'] = var_set

        metadata['distributed'] = self.distributed

        # We may not know the pathname yet, so we have to use name for now, instead of abs_name.
        if self._static_mode:
            var_rel2data_io = self._static_var_rel2data_io
            var_rel_names = self._static_var_rel_names
            var_rel2data_io = self._var_rel2data_io
            var_rel_names = self._var_rel_names

        # Disallow dupes
        if name in var_rel2data_io:
            msg = "Variable name '{}' already exists.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        var_rel2data_io[name] = {
            'prom': name, 'rel': name,
            'my_idx': len(self._var_rel_names['output']),
            'type': 'output', 'metadata': metadata}

        return metadata
Example #5
    def add_input(self, name, val=1.0, shape=None, src_indices=None, flat_src_indices=None,
                  units=None, desc='', var_set=0):
        Add an input variable to the component.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units.
            Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if src_indices not provided and
            val is not an array. Default is None.
        src_indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None
            The global indices of the source variable to transfer data from.
            A value of None implies this input depends on all entries of source.
            Default is None. The shapes of the target and src_indices must match,
            and form of the entries within is determined by the value of 'flat_src_indices'.
        flat_src_indices : bool
            If True, each entry of src_indices is assumed to be an index into the
            flattened source.  Otherwise each entry must be a tuple or list of size equal
            to the number of dimensions of the source.
        units : str or None
            Units in which this input variable will be provided to the component
            during execution. Default is None, which means it is unitless.
        desc : str
            description of the variable
        var_set : hashable object
            For advanced users only. ID or color for this variable, relevant for
            reconfigurability. Default is 0.

            metadata for added variable
        if units == 'unitless':
            warn_deprecation("Input '%s' has units='unitless' but 'unitless' "
                             "has been deprecated. Use "
                             "units=None instead.  Note that connecting a "
                             "unitless variable to one with units is no longer "
                             "an error, but will issue a warning instead." %
            units = None

        # First, type check all arguments
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('The name argument should be a string')
        if not np.isscalar(val) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The val argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable')
        if shape is not None and not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, list, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError("The shape argument should be an int, tuple, or list but "
                            "a '%s' was given" % type(shape))
        if src_indices is not None and not isinstance(src_indices, (int, list, tuple,
                                                                    np.ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The src_indices argument should be an int, list, '
                            'tuple, ndarray or Iterable')
        if units is not None and not isinstance(units, str):
            raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None')

        # Check that units are valid
        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid" % units)

        metadata = {}

        # value, shape: based on args, making sure they are compatible
        metadata['value'], metadata['shape'] = ensure_compatible(name, val, shape, src_indices)
        metadata['size'] =['shape'])

        # src_indices: None or ndarray
        if src_indices is None:
            metadata['src_indices'] = None
            metadata['src_indices'] = np.atleast_1d(src_indices)
        metadata['flat_src_indices'] = flat_src_indices

        # units: taken as is
        metadata['units'] = units

        # desc: taken as is
        metadata['desc'] = desc

        # var_set: taken as is
        metadata['var_set'] = var_set

        # We may not know the pathname yet, so we have to use name for now, instead of abs_name.
        if self._static_mode:
            var_rel2data_io = self._static_var_rel2data_io
            var_rel_names = self._static_var_rel_names
            var_rel2data_io = self._var_rel2data_io
            var_rel_names = self._var_rel_names

        # Disallow dupes
        if name in var_rel2data_io:
            msg = "Variable name '{}' already exists.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        var_rel2data_io[name] = {
            'prom': name, 'rel': name,
            'my_idx': len(self._var_rel_names['input']),
            'type': 'input', 'metadata': metadata}

        return metadata
    def get_values(self, var, nodes=None, units=None):
        Retrieve the values of the given variable at the given
        subset of nodes.

        var : str
            The variable whose values are to be returned.  This may be
            the name 'time', the name of a state, control, or parameter,
            or the path to a variable in the ODEFunction of the phase.
        nodes : str
            The name of the node subset.
        units : str
            The units in which the values should be expressed.  Must be compatible
            with the corresponding units inside the phase.

            An array of the values at the requested node subset.  The
            node index is the first dimension of the ndarray.
        if nodes is None:
            nodes = 'all'

        gd = self.grid_data

        var_type = self._classify_var(var)

        op = dict(self.list_outputs(explicit=True, values=True, units=True, shape=True,

        if units is not None:
            if not valid_units(units):
                raise ValueError('Units {0} is not a valid units identifier'.format(units))

        var_prefix = '{0}.'.format(self.pathname) if self.pathname else ''

        path_map = {'time': 'time.{0}',
                    'state': 'indep_states.states:{0}',
                    'indep_control': 'control_interp_comp.control_values:{0}',
                    'input_control': 'control_interp_comp.control_values:{0}',
                    'design_parameter': 'design_params.design_parameters:{0}',
                    'input_parameter': 'input_params.input_parameters:{0}_out',
                    'control_rate': 'control_interp_comp.control_rates:{0}',
                    'control_rate2': 'control_interp_comp.control_rates:{0}',
                    'ode': 'rhs_all.{0}'}

        if var_type == 'state':
            var_path = var_prefix + path_map[var_type].format(var)
            output_units = op[var_path]['units']
            output_value = convert_units(op[var_path]['value'][gd.input_maps['state_input_to_disc'],
                                                               ...], output_units, units)

        elif var_type in ('input_control', 'indep_control'):
            var_path = var_prefix + path_map[var_type].format(var)
            output_units = op[var_path]['units']

            vals = op[var_path]['value']
            output_value = convert_units(vals, output_units, units)

        elif var_type in ('design_parameter', 'input_parameter', 'traj_design_parameter',
            var_path = var_prefix + path_map[var_type].format(var)
            output_units = op[var_path]['units']

            output_value = convert_units(op[var_path]['value'], output_units, units)
            output_value = np.repeat(output_value, gd.num_nodes, axis=0)

        elif var_type == 'ode':
            rhs_all_outputs = dict(self.rhs_all.list_outputs(out_stream=None, values=True,
                                                             shape=True, units=True))
            prom2abs_all = self.rhs_all._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list
            abs_path_all = prom2abs_all['output'][var][0]
            output_value = rhs_all_outputs[abs_path_all]['value']
            output_units = rhs_all_outputs[abs_path_all]['units']
            output_value = convert_units(output_value, output_units, units)
            var_path = var_prefix + path_map[var_type].format(var)
            output_units = op[var_path]['units']
            output_value = convert_units(op[var_path]['value'], output_units, units)

        # Always return a column vector
        if len(output_value.shape) == 1:
            output_value = np.reshape(output_value, (gd.num_nodes, 1))

        return output_value[gd.subset_node_indices[nodes], ...]
Example #7
    def __init__(self, exprs, vectorize=False, units=None, **kwargs):
        Create a <Component> using only an expression string.

        Given a list of assignment statements, this component creates
        input and output variables at construction time.  All variables
        appearing on the left-hand side of an assignment are outputs,
        and the rest are inputs.  Each variable is assumed to be of
        type float unless the initial value for that variable is supplied
        in \*\*kwargs.  Derivatives are calculated using complex step.

        The following functions are available for use in expressions:

        =========================  ====================================
        Function                   Description
        =========================  ====================================
        abs(x)                     Absolute value of x
        acos(x)                    Inverse cosine of x
        acosh(x)                   Inverse hyperbolic cosine of x
        arange(start, stop, step)  Array creation
        arccos(x)                  Inverse cosine of x
        arccosh(x)                 Inverse hyperbolic cosine of x
        arcsin(x)                  Inverse sine of x
        arcsinh(x)                 Inverse hyperbolic sine of x
        arctan(x)                  Inverse tangent of x
        asin(x)                    Inverse sine of x
        asinh(x)                   Inverse hyperbolic sine of x
        atan(x)                    Inverse tangent of x
        cos(x)                     Cosine of x
        cosh(x)                    Hyperbolic cosine of x
        dot(x, y)                  Dot-product of x and y
        e                          Euler's number
        erf(x)                     Error function
        erfc(x)                    Complementary error function
        exp(x)                     Exponential function
        expm1(x)                   exp(x) - 1
        factorial(x)               Factorial of all numbers in x
        fmax(x, y)                 Element-wise maximum of x and y
        fmin(x, y)                 Element-wise minimum of x and y
        inner(x, y)                Inner product of arrays x and y
        isinf(x)                   Element-wise detection of np.inf
        isnan(x)                   Element-wise detection of np.nan
        kron(x, y)                 Kronecker product of arrays x and y
        linspace(x, y, N)          Numpy linear spaced array creation
        log(x)                     Natural logarithm of x
        log10(x)                   Base-10 logarithm of x
        log1p(x)                   log(1+x)
        matmul(x, y)               Matrix multiplication of x and y
        maximum(x, y)              Element-wise maximum of x and y
        minimum(x, y)              Element-wise minimum of x and y
        ones(N)                    Create an array of ones
        outer(x, y)                Outer product of x and y
        pi                         Pi
        power(x, y)                Element-wise x**y
        prod(x)                    The product of all elements in x
        sin(x)                     Sine of x
        sinh(x)                    Hyperbolic sine of x
        sum(x)                     The sum of all elements in x
        tan(x)                     Tangent of x
        tanh(x)                    Hyperbolic tangent of x
        tensordot(x, y)            Tensor dot product of x and y
        zeros(N)                   Create an array of zeros
        =========================  ====================================

        exprs : str, tuple of str or list of str
            An assignment statement or iter of them. These express how the
            outputs are calculated based on the inputs.  In addition to
            standard Python operators, a subset of numpy and scipy functions
            is supported.

        vectorize : bool
            If True, treat all array/array partials as diagonal if both arrays have size > 1.
            All arrays with size > 1 must have the same flattened size or an exception will be

        units : str or None
            Units to be assigned to all variables in this component.
            Default is None, which means units are provided for variables individually.

        **kwargs : dict of named args
            Initial values of variables can be set by setting a named
            arg with the var name.  If the value is a dict it is assumed
            to contain metadata.  To set the initial value in addition to
            other metadata, assign the initial value to the 'value' entry
            of the dict.

        If a variable has an initial value that is anything other than 1.0,
        either because it has a different type than float or just because its
        initial value is != 1.0, you must use a keyword arg
        to set the initial value.  For example, let's say we have an
        ExecComp that takes an array 'x' as input and outputs a float variable
        'y' which is the sum of the entries in 'x'.

        .. code-block:: python

            import numpy
            from openmdao.api import ExecComp
            excomp = ExecComp('y=sum(x)', x=numpy.ones(10,dtype=float))

        In this example, 'y' would be assumed to be the default type of float
        and would be given the default initial value of 1.0, while 'x' would be
        initialized with a size 10 float array of ones.

        If you want to assign certain metadata for 'x' in addition to its
        initial value, you can do it as follows:

        .. code-block:: python

            excomp = ExecComp('y=sum(x)',
                              x={'value': numpy.ones(10,dtype=float),
                                 'units': 'ft'})
        super(ExecComp, self).__init__()

        # Check that units arg is valid
        if units is not None:
            if not isinstance(units, str):
                raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None.')
            if not valid_units(units):
                raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid." % units)

        # if complex step is used for derivatives, this is the stepsize
        self.complex_stepsize = 1.e-40

        if isinstance(exprs, string_types):
            exprs = [exprs]

        self._exprs = exprs[:]
        self._codes = None
        self._kwargs = kwargs
        self._vectorize = vectorize
        self._units = units
Example #8
    def get_values(self, var, phases=None, units=None, flat=False):
        Returns the values of the given variable from the given phases, if provided.
        If the variable is not present in one ore more phases, it will be returned as
        numpy.nan at each time step.

        var : str
            The variable whose values are to be returned.
        phases : Sequence, None
            The phases from which the values are desired.  If None, included all Phases.
        units : str, None
            The units in which the values are desired.
        flat : bool
            If False return the values in a dictionary keyed by phase name.  If True,
            return a single array incorporating values from all phases.

        dict or np.array
            If flat=False, a dictionary of the values of the variable in each phase will be
            returned, keyed by Phase name.  If the values are not present in a subset of the phases,
            return numpy.nan at each time point in those phases.

            If the given variable is not found in any phase, a KeyError is raised.


        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid set of units.'.format(units))

        phases = self.get_phase_names() if phases is None else phases

        return_vals = dict([(phase_name, {}) for phase_name in phases])

        var_in_traj = False

        times = {}
        time_units = None

        for phase_name in phases:
            var_in_phase = True

            # Gather times for the purposes of flattening the returned values
            # Note the adjustment to the last time, for the purposes of sorting only
            if time_units is None:
                time_units = self.outputs['phases'][phase_name]['indep'][
            times[phase_name] = convert_units(
            times[phase_name][-1, ...] -= 1.0E-15

            if var == 'time':
                var_type = 'indep'
            elif var in self.outputs['phases'][phase_name]['states']:
                var_type = 'states'
            elif var in self.outputs['phases'][phase_name]['controls']:
                var_type = 'controls'
            elif var in self.outputs['phases'][phase_name][
                var_type = 'design_parameters'
            elif var in self.outputs['phases'][phase_name]['input_parameters']:
                var_type = 'input_parameters'
            elif var.endswith('_rate') \
                    and var[:-5] in self.outputs['phases'][phase_name]['controls']:
                var_type = 'control_rates'
            elif var.endswith('_rate2') \
                    and var[:-6] in self.outputs['phases'][phase_name]['controls']:
                var_type = 'control_rates'
            elif var in self.outputs['phases'][phase_name]['ode']:
                var_type = 'ode'
                var_in_phase = False

            if var_in_phase:
                var_in_traj = True
                output = convert_units(
                indep_var = list(
                n = len(self.outputs['phases'][phase_name]['indep'][indep_var]
                output = np.empty(n)
                output[:] = np.nan

            if not var_in_traj:
                raise KeyError('Variable "{0}" not found in trajectory '
                               'simulation results.'.format(var))

            return_vals[phase_name] = output

        if flat:
            time_array = np.concatenate([times[pname] for pname in phases])
            sort_idxs = np.argsort(time_array, axis=0).ravel()
            return_vals = np.concatenate(
                [return_vals[pname] for pname in phases])[sort_idxs, ...]

        return return_vals
Example #9
    def add_output(self, name, val=1.0, shape=None, units=None, res_units=None, desc='',
                   lower=None, upper=None, ref=1.0, ref0=0.0, res_ref=1.0):
        Add an output variable to the component.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units. Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if val is not an array.
            Default is None.
        units : str or None
            Units in which the output variables will be provided to the component during execution.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        res_units : str or None
            Units in which the residuals of this output will be given to the user when requested.
            Default is None, which means it has no units.
        desc : str
            description of the variable.
        lower : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable or None
            lower bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
            consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
            val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no lower bound.
            Default is None.
        upper : float or list or tuple or ndarray or or Iterable None
            upper bound(s) in user-defined units. It can be (1) a float, (2) an array_like
            consistent with the shape arg (if given), or (3) an array_like matching the shape of
            val, if val is array_like. A value of None means this output has no upper bound.
            Default is None.
        ref : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
            the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.
        ref0 : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined units of this output variable when
            the scaled value is 0. Default is 0.
        res_ref : float or ndarray
            Scaling parameter. The value in the user-defined res_units of this output's residual
            when the scaled value is 1. Default is 1.

            metadata for added variable
        if units == 'unitless':
            warn_deprecation("Output '%s' has units='unitless' but 'unitless' "
                             "has been deprecated. Use "
                             "units=None instead.  Note that connecting a "
                             "unitless variable to one with units is no longer "
                             "an error, but will issue a warning instead." %
            units = None

        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('The name argument should be a string')
        if not _valid_var_name(name):
            raise NameError("'%s' is not a valid output name." % name)
        if not isscalar(val) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            msg = 'The val argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable'
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if not isscalar(ref) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            msg = 'The ref argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable'
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if not isscalar(ref0) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            msg = 'The ref0 argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable'
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if not isscalar(res_ref) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            msg = 'The res_ref argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable'
            raise TypeError(msg)
        if shape is not None and not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, list, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError("The shape argument should be an int, tuple, or list but "
                            "a '%s' was given" % type(shape))
        if units is not None and not isinstance(units, str):
            raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None')
        if res_units is not None and not isinstance(res_units, str):
            raise TypeError('The res_units argument should be a str or None')

        # Check that units are valid
        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid" % units)

        metadata = {}

        # value, shape: based on args, making sure they are compatible
        metadata['value'], metadata['shape'], _ = ensure_compatible(name, val, shape)
        metadata['size'] =['shape'])

        # units, res_units: taken as is
        metadata['units'] = units
        metadata['res_units'] = res_units

        # desc: taken as is
        metadata['desc'] = desc

        if lower is not None:
            lower = ensure_compatible(name, lower, metadata['shape'])[0]
        if upper is not None:
            upper = ensure_compatible(name, upper, metadata['shape'])[0]

        metadata['lower'] = lower
        metadata['upper'] = upper

        # All refs: check the shape if necessary
        for item, item_name in zip([ref, ref0, res_ref], ['ref', 'ref0', 'res_ref']):
            if not isscalar(item):
                it = atleast_1d(item)
                if it.shape != metadata['shape']:
                    raise ValueError("'{}': When adding output '{}', expected shape {} but got "
                                     "shape {} for argument '{}'.".format(, name,
                                                                          it.shape, item_name))

        if isscalar(ref):
            self._has_output_scaling |= ref != 1.0
            self._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref != 1.0)

        if isscalar(ref0):
            self._has_output_scaling |= ref0 != 0.0
            self._has_output_scaling |= np.any(ref0)

        if isscalar(res_ref):
            self._has_resid_scaling |= res_ref != 1.0
            self._has_resid_scaling |= np.any(res_ref != 1.0)

        ref = format_as_float_or_array('ref', ref, flatten=True)
        ref0 = format_as_float_or_array('ref0', ref0, flatten=True)
        res_ref = format_as_float_or_array('res_ref', res_ref, flatten=True)

        metadata['ref'] = ref
        metadata['ref0'] = ref0
        metadata['res_ref'] = res_ref

        metadata['distributed'] = self.options['distributed']

        # We may not know the pathname yet, so we have to use name for now, instead of abs_name.
        if self._static_mode:
            var_rel2meta = self._static_var_rel2meta
            var_rel_names = self._static_var_rel_names
            var_rel2meta = self._var_rel2meta
            var_rel_names = self._var_rel_names

        # Disallow dupes
        if name in var_rel2meta:
            msg = "Variable name '{}' already exists.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        var_rel2meta[name] = metadata

        return metadata
Example #10
    def add_input(self, name, val=1.0, shape=None, src_indices=None, flat_src_indices=None,
                  units=None, desc=''):
        Add an input variable to the component.

        name : str
            name of the variable in this component's namespace.
        val : float or list or tuple or ndarray or Iterable
            The initial value of the variable being added in user-defined units.
            Default is 1.0.
        shape : int or tuple or list or None
            Shape of this variable, only required if src_indices not provided and
            val is not an array. Default is None.
        src_indices : int or list of ints or tuple of ints or int ndarray or Iterable or None
            The global indices of the source variable to transfer data from.
            A value of None implies this input depends on all entries of source.
            Default is None. The shapes of the target and src_indices must match,
            and form of the entries within is determined by the value of 'flat_src_indices'.
        flat_src_indices : bool
            If True, each entry of src_indices is assumed to be an index into the
            flattened source.  Otherwise each entry must be a tuple or list of size equal
            to the number of dimensions of the source.
        units : str or None
            Units in which this input variable will be provided to the component
            during execution. Default is None, which means it is unitless.
        desc : str
            description of the variable

            metadata for added variable
        if units == 'unitless':
            warn_deprecation("Input '%s' has units='unitless' but 'unitless' "
                             "has been deprecated. Use "
                             "units=None instead.  Note that connecting a "
                             "unitless variable to one with units is no longer "
                             "an error, but will issue a warning instead." %
            units = None

        # First, type check all arguments
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('The name argument should be a string')
        if not _valid_var_name(name):
            raise NameError("'%s' is not a valid input name." % name)
        if not isscalar(val) and not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The val argument should be a float, list, tuple, ndarray or Iterable')
        if shape is not None and not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, list, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError("The shape argument should be an int, tuple, or list but "
                            "a '%s' was given" % type(shape))
        if src_indices is not None and not isinstance(src_indices, (int, list, tuple,
                                                                    ndarray, Iterable)):
            raise TypeError('The src_indices argument should be an int, list, '
                            'tuple, ndarray or Iterable')
        if units is not None and not isinstance(units, str):
            raise TypeError('The units argument should be a str or None')

        # Check that units are valid
        if units is not None and not valid_units(units):
            raise ValueError("The units '%s' are invalid" % units)

        metadata = {}

        # value, shape: based on args, making sure they are compatible
        metadata['value'], metadata['shape'], src_indices = ensure_compatible(name, val, shape,
        metadata['size'] =['shape'])

        # src_indices: None or ndarray
        if src_indices is None:
            metadata['src_indices'] = None
            metadata['src_indices'] = np.asarray(src_indices, dtype=INT_DTYPE)
        metadata['flat_src_indices'] = flat_src_indices

        metadata['units'] = units
        metadata['desc'] = desc
        metadata['distributed'] = self.options['distributed']

        # We may not know the pathname yet, so we have to use name for now, instead of abs_name.
        if self._static_mode:
            var_rel2meta = self._static_var_rel2meta
            var_rel_names = self._static_var_rel_names
            var_rel2meta = self._var_rel2meta
            var_rel_names = self._var_rel_names

        # Disallow dupes
        if name in var_rel2meta:
            msg = "Variable name '{}' already exists.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        var_rel2meta[name] = metadata

        return metadata
Example #11
    def get_values(self, var, nodes=None, units=None):
        Retrieve the values of the given variable at the given
        subset of nodes.

        var : str
            The variable whose values are to be returned.  This may be
            the name 'time', the name of a state, control, or parameter,
            or the path to a variable in the ODEFunction of the phase.
        nodes : str
            The name of the node subset or None (default).
        units : str
            The units in which the values should be expressed.  Must be compatible
            with the corresponding units inside the phase.

            An array of the values at the requested node subset.  The
            node index is the first dimension of the ndarray.
        if nodes is None:
            nodes = 'all'

        gd = self.grid_data
        disc_node_idxs = gd.subset_node_indices['state_disc']
        col_node_idxs = gd.subset_node_indices['col']

        var_type = self._classify_var(var)

        op = dict(

        if units is not None:
            if not valid_units(units):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Units {0} is not a valid units identifier'.format(units))

        var_prefix = '{0}.'.format(self.pathname) if self.pathname else ''

        path_map = {
            'time': 'time.{0}',
            'state': ('indep_states.states:{0}', 'state_interp.state_col:{0}'),
            'indep_control': 'control_interp_comp.control_values:{0}',
            'input_control': 'control_interp_comp.control_values:{0}',
            'design_parameter': 'design_params.design_parameters:{0}',
            'input_parameter': 'input_params.input_parameters:{0}_out',
            'control_rate': 'control_interp_comp.control_rates:{0}',
            'control_rate2': 'control_interp_comp.control_rates:{0}',
            'ode': ('rhs_disc.{0}', 'rhs_col.{0}')

        if var_type == 'state':
            # State and RHS values need to be interleaved since disc and col values are not
            # available from the same output
            disc_path_fmt, col_path_fmt = path_map[var_type]
            disc_path = var_prefix + disc_path_fmt.format(var)
            col_path = var_prefix + col_path_fmt.format(var)

            state_shape = op[disc_path]['shape'][1:]
            disc_units = op[disc_path]['units']
            disc_vals = op[disc_path]['value']
            col_units = op[col_path]['units']
            col_vals = op[col_path]['value']

            # If units is none, use the units from the IndepVarComp
            if units is None:
                units = disc_units

            output_value = np.zeros((gd.num_nodes, ) + state_shape)
            output_value[disc_node_idxs, ...] = \
                convert_units(disc_vals[gd.input_maps['state_input_to_disc'], ...],
                              disc_units, units)
                         ...] = convert_units(col_vals, col_units, units)

        elif var_type in ('indep_control', 'input_control'):
            var_path = var_prefix + path_map[var_type].format(var)
            output_units = op[var_path]['units']

            vals = op[var_path]['value']
            output_value = convert_units(vals, output_units, units)

        elif var_type in ('design_parameter', 'input_parameter',
                          'traj_design_parameter', 'traj_input_parameter'):
            var_path = var_prefix + path_map[var_type].format(var)
            output_units = op[var_path]['units']

            output_value = convert_units(op[var_path]['value'], output_units,
            output_value = np.repeat(output_value, gd.num_nodes, axis=0)

        elif var_type == 'ode':
            rhs_disc_outputs = dict(
            rhs_col_outputs = dict(

            prom2abs_disc = self.rhs_disc._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list
            prom2abs_col = self.rhs_col._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list

            # Is var in prom2abs_disc['output']?
            abs_path_disc = prom2abs_disc['output'][var][0]
            abs_path_col = prom2abs_col['output'][var][0]

            shape = rhs_disc_outputs[abs_path_disc]['shape'][1:]
            disc_units = rhs_disc_outputs[abs_path_disc]['units']
            col_units = rhs_col_outputs[abs_path_col]['units']

            output_value = np.zeros((gd.num_nodes, ) + shape)

            disc_vals = rhs_disc_outputs[abs_path_disc]['value']
            col_vals = rhs_col_outputs[abs_path_col]['value']

                         ...] = convert_units(disc_vals, disc_units, units)
                         ...] = convert_units(col_vals, col_units, units)

            var_path = var_prefix + path_map[var_type].format(var)
            output_units = op[var_path]['units']
            output_value = convert_units(op[var_path]['value'], output_units,

        # Always return a column vector
        if len(output_value.shape) == 1:
            output_value = np.reshape(output_value, (gd.num_nodes, 1))

        return output_value[gd.subset_node_indices[nodes], ...]