Example #1
 def do_action_set(self, args):
     if not args.contents:
         return get_defaults(global_only=args.is_global)
     for kv in args.contents:
         key, value = kv.split('=')
         assert key is not None and value is not None, "must specify a key=value pair"
         update_default(key, value, is_global=args.is_global)
Example #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.factory = dict()
        defaults = get_defaults()
        # cluster
        self.add_argument('--cluster-alias', '-a', default=defaults.get('cluster-alias', None), help='cluster alias to select')
        self.add_argument('--virtual-cluster', '--vc', default=defaults.get('virtual-cluster', None), help='virtual cluster to use')
        self.add_argument('cluster_alias', help='cluster alias to select')

        self.add_argument('--pai-uri', help="uri of openpai cluster, in format of http://x.x.x.x")
        self.add_argument('--user', help='username')
        self.add_argument('--password', help="password")

        self.add_argument('--editor', default="code", help="path to your editor used to open files")

        # storage
        self.add_argument('--storage-alias', '-s', help='storage alias')
        self.add_argument('--web-hdfs-uri', help="uri of web hdfs, in format of http://x.x.x.x:port")

        # job spec
        self.add_argument('--job-name', '-j', help='job name', default=defaults.get('job-name', None))
        self.add_argument('--workspace', '-w', default=defaults.get('workspace', None), help='remote path for workspace (store code, output, ...)')
        self.add_argument('--v2', action="store_true", default=False, help="use job protocol version 2")
        self.add_argument('--sources', '-s', action='append', help='sources files')

        # requirements
        self.add_argument('--image', '-i', default=defaults.get('image', None), help='docker image')

        # common
        self.add_argument('--is-global', '-g', action="store_true", help="set globally (not limited to current working folder)", default=False)
        self.add_argument('--details', help='if asserted, show details of the job (or cluster)', action='store_true', default=False)
        self.add_argument('--default', help='set current as default', action='store_true', default=False)
        self.add_argument('--update', '-u', action='append', help='replace current key-value pairs with new key=value (key1:key2:...=value for nested objects)')
        self.add_argument('--preview', action='store_true', help='preview result before doing action')
        self.add_argument('--no-browser', action='store_true', help='does not open the job link in web browser')
        self.add_argument('--interactive', action='store_true', help='enter the interactive mode after job starts')
        self.add_argument('--token', default="abcd", help='authentication token')
        self.add_argument('--enable-sdk', action="store_true", default=False, help="enable sdk installation")
        self.add_argument("--python", default="python", help="command or path of python, default is {python}, may be {python3}")
        self.add_argument("--pip-installs", action="append", help="packages to be added by {pip install}")
        # task role
        self.add_argument('--task-role-name', '-t', default='main', help='task role name')
        self.add_argument('--task-number', '-n', type=int, default=1, help='number of tasks per role')
        self.add_argument('--cpu', type=int, default=defaults.get('cpu', 4), help='cpu number per instance')
        self.add_argument('--gpu', type=int, default=defaults.get('gpu', 0), help='gpu number per instance')
        self.add_argument('--memoryMB', type=int, default=defaults.get('memMB', 8192), help='memory #MB per instance')
        self.add_argument('--cmd-sep', default="\s*&&\s*", help="command separator, default is (&&)")
        self.add_argument('commands', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help='shell commands to execute')

        # runtime
        self.add_argument('config', nargs='?', help='job config file')
        self.add_argument('notebook', nargs='?', help='Jupyter notebook file')
        self.add_argument('--working-dir', default='', help="working directory")

        # storage
        self.add_argument('--storage-alias', help="alias of storage attached to cluster")
        self.add_argument('--recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help="recursive target operation")
        self.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true', default=False, help="enable overwrite if exists")
        self.add_argument('local_path', help="local path")
        self.add_argument('remote_path', help="remote path")
Example #3
 def __init__(self):
     from openpaisdk import __cluster_config_file__ as openpai_ext_config
     from openpaisdk.io_utils import from_file as openpai_ext_from_file
     from openpaisdk.cluster import ClusterList as openpai_ext_ClusterList
     from openpaisdk.io_utils import get_defaults, update_default
     if get_defaults().get('container-sdk-branch') != 'notebook-extension':
         update_default('container-sdk-branch', 'notebook-extension')
     self.cll = openpai_ext_ClusterList(
         openpai_ext_from_file(openpai_ext_config, default=[]))
Example #4
 def do_action_set(self, args):
     defaults = get_defaults()
     if not args.contents:
         return defaults
     for kv in args.contents:
         key, value = kv.split('=')
         assert key is not None and value is not None, "must specify a key=value pair"
         defaults[key] = value
     to_file(defaults, __local_default_file__)
     return defaults
Example #5
 def do_action_unset(self, args):
     result = []
     defaults = get_defaults()
     for key in args.variables:
         if key not in defaults:
                 "cannot unset default variable %s because it doesn't exist"
                 % key)
         value = defaults.pop(key, None)
         result.append("default variable {} (previously {}) deleted".format(
             key, value))
     to_file(defaults, __local_default_file__)
     return result
Example #6
File: job.py Project: whitespur/pai
 def deployment_for_sdk(self,
                        cluster_alias_lst: str,
                        workspace: str = None,
                        sources: list = [],
                        python: str = "python",
                        pip_installs: list = [],
                        name: str = "sdk_install",
                        taskRoles: list = ["main"]):
     assert isinstance(sources, list) and isinstance(
         list), "sources and pip_installs must be list %s, %s" % (
             sources, pip_installs)
     # embed clusters and other info to secrets
     clusters = [
         c for c in ClusterList().load().clusters
         if c["cluster_alias"] in cluster_alias_lst
     version = get_defaults().get("sdk-branch", __sdk_branch__)
     self.protocol["secrets"]["clusters"] = json.dumps(clusters)
     self.protocol["secrets"]["cluster_alias"] = cluster_alias_lst[0]
     if sources:
         assert workspace, "must specify a workspace to transfer sources"
         self.protocol["extras"]["__sources__"] = sources
     if workspace:
             "work_directory", '{}/jobs/{}'.format(workspace, self.name))
     # installing sdk and other packages
     cmds = []
     pip_installs += [get_install_uri(version)]
     cmds += [
         "{} -m pip install {}".format(python, p) for p in pip_installs
     # restore clusters
     c_dir = '~/{}'.format(__cache__)
     c_file = '%s/%s' % (c_dir, os.path.basename(__cluster_config_file__))
         "mkdir %s" % c_dir,
         "echo \"write config to {}\"".format(c_file),
         "echo <% $secrets.clusters %> > {}".format(c_file),
         "opai cluster select <% $secrets.cluster_alias %>",
     # download files
     cmds += [
         "opai storage download <% $secrets.work_directory %>/source/{} {}".
         format(f, f) for f in sources
     self.new_deployment(name, pre_commands=cmds, taskRoles=taskRoles)
Example #7
    def sdk_job_template(self,
                         cluster_alias_lst: str = [],
                         workspace: str = None,
                         sources: list = None,
                         pip_installs: list = None):
        "generate the job template for a sdk-submitted job"
        # secrets
        clusters = [
            get_cluster(alias, get_client=False) for alias in cluster_alias_lst
        self.set_secret("clusters", json.dumps(clusters))
                       cluster_alias_lst[0] if cluster_alias_lst else None)
            '{}/jobs/{}'.format(workspace, self.name) if workspace else None)

        # parameters
        self.set_param("python_path", "python")

        # signature

        # sdk.plugins
        sdk_install_uri = "-U {}".format(
        c_dir = '~/{}'.format(__cache__)
        c_file = '%s/%s' % (c_dir, os.path.basename(__cluster_config_file__))

        plugins = []
        if sources:
                "plugin": "local.uploadFiles",
                "parameters": {
                    "files": sources,

                "container.preCommands",  # commands to install essential pip packages
                "parameters": {
                    "commands": [
                        "<% $parameters.python_path %> -m pip install {}".
                        for p in [sdk_install_uri] + na(pip_installs, [])
                "plugin": "container.preCommands",  # copy cluster information
                "parameters": {
                    "commands": [
                        "mkdir %s" % c_dir,
                        "echo \"write config to {}\"".format(c_file),
                        "echo <% $secrets.clusters %> > {}".format(c_file),
                        "opai cluster select <% $parameters.cluster_alias %>",

        if sources:
            a_file = os.path.basename(self.temp_archive)
                "plugin": "container.preCommands",
                "parameters": {
                    "commands": [
                        "opai storage download <% $parameters.work_directory %>/source/{} {}"
                        .format(a_file, a_file), "tar xvfz {}".format(a_file)
        self.set_extra("sdk.plugins", plugins)
        return self