class Marker(Serialisable): tagname = "marker" symbol = NestedNoneSet(values=([ 'circle', 'dash', 'diamond', 'dot', 'picture', 'plus', 'square', 'star', 'triangle', 'x', 'auto' ]), to_tree=_explicit_none) size = NestedMinMax(min=2, max=72, allow_none=True) spPr = Typed(expected_type=GraphicalProperties, allow_none=True) graphicalProperties = Alias('spPr') extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('symbol', 'size', 'spPr') def __init__( self, symbol=None, size=None, spPr=None, extLst=None, ): self.symbol = symbol self.size = size if spPr is None: spPr = GraphicalProperties() self.spPr = spPr
class ChartContainer(Serialisable): tagname = "chart" title = Typed(expected_type=Title, allow_none=True) autoTitleDeleted = NestedBool(allow_none=True) pivotFmts = Typed(expected_type=PivotFormatList, allow_none=True) view3D = _3DBase.view3D floor = _3DBase.floor sideWall = _3DBase.sideWall backWall = _3DBase.backWall plotArea = Typed(expected_type=PlotArea, ) legend = Typed(expected_type=Legend, allow_none=True) plotVisOnly = NestedBool() dispBlanksAs = NestedNoneSet(values=(['span', 'gap', 'zero'])) showDLblsOverMax = NestedBool(allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('title', 'autoTitleDeleted', 'pivotFmts', 'view3D', 'floor', 'sideWall', 'backWall', 'plotArea', 'legend', 'plotVisOnly', 'dispBlanksAs', 'showDLblsOverMax') def __init__( self, title=None, autoTitleDeleted=None, pivotFmts=None, view3D=None, floor=None, sideWall=None, backWall=None, plotArea=None, legend=None, plotVisOnly=True, dispBlanksAs="gap", showDLblsOverMax=None, extLst=None, ): self.title = title self.autoTitleDeleted = autoTitleDeleted self.pivotFmts = pivotFmts self.view3D = view3D self.floor = floor self.sideWall = sideWall self.backWall = backWall if plotArea is None: plotArea = PlotArea() self.plotArea = plotArea self.legend = legend self.plotVisOnly = plotVisOnly self.dispBlanksAs = dispBlanksAs self.showDLblsOverMax = showDLblsOverMax
class ProjectedPieChart(_PieChartBase): """ From the spec This element contains the pie of pie or bar of pie series on this chart. Only the first series shall be displayed. The splitType element shall determine whether the splitPos and custSplit elements apply. """ tagname = "ofPieChart" varyColors = _PieChartBase.varyColors ser = _PieChartBase.ser dLbls = _PieChartBase.dLbls ofPieType = NestedSet(values=(['pie', 'bar'])) type = Alias('ofPieType') gapWidth = NestedGapAmount() splitType = NestedNoneSet( values=(['auto', 'cust', 'percent', 'pos', 'val'])) splitPos = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) custSplit = Typed(expected_type=CustomSplit, allow_none=True) secondPieSize = NestedMinMax(min=5, max=200, allow_none=True) serLines = Typed(expected_type=ChartLines, allow_none=True) join_lines = Alias('serLines') extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = _PieChartBase.__elements__ + ( 'ofPieType', 'gapWidth', 'splitType', 'splitPos', 'custSplit', 'secondPieSize', 'serLines') def __init__(self, ofPieType="pie", gapWidth=None, splitType="auto", splitPos=None, custSplit=None, secondPieSize=75, serLines=None, extLst=None, **kw): self.ofPieType = ofPieType self.gapWidth = gapWidth self.splitType = splitType self.splitPos = splitPos self.custSplit = custSplit self.secondPieSize = secondPieSize if serLines is None: self.serLines = ChartLines() super(ProjectedPieChart, self).__init__(**kw)
class BubbleChart(ChartBase): tagname = "bubbleChart" varyColors = NestedBool(allow_none=True) ser = Sequence(expected_type=XYSeries, allow_none=True) dLbls = Typed(expected_type=DataLabelList, allow_none=True) dataLabels = Alias("dLbls") bubble3D = NestedBool(allow_none=True) bubbleScale = NestedMinMax(min=0, max=300, allow_none=True) showNegBubbles = NestedBool(allow_none=True) sizeRepresents = NestedNoneSet(values=(['area', 'w'])) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) x_axis = Typed(expected_type=NumericAxis) y_axis = Typed(expected_type=NumericAxis) _series_type = "bubble" __elements__ = ('varyColors', 'ser', 'dLbls', 'bubble3D', 'bubbleScale', 'showNegBubbles', 'sizeRepresents', 'axId') def __init__(self, varyColors=None, ser=(), dLbls=None, bubble3D=None, bubbleScale=None, showNegBubbles=None, sizeRepresents=None, extLst=None, **kw ): self.varyColors = varyColors self.ser = ser self.dLbls = dLbls self.bubble3D = bubble3D self.bubbleScale = bubbleScale self.showNegBubbles = showNegBubbles self.sizeRepresents = sizeRepresents self.x_axis = NumericAxis(axId=10, crossAx=20) self.y_axis = NumericAxis(axId=20, crossAx=10) super(BubbleChart, self).__init__(**kw)
class ErrorBars(Serialisable): tagname = "errBars" errDir = NestedNoneSet(values=(['x', 'y'])) direction = Alias("errDir") errBarType = NestedSet(values=(['both', 'minus', 'plus'])) style = Alias("errBarType") errValType = NestedSet( values=(['cust', 'fixedVal', 'percentage', 'stdDev', 'stdErr'])) size = Alias("errValType") noEndCap = NestedBool(nested=True, allow_none=True) plus = Typed(expected_type=NumDataSource, allow_none=True) minus = Typed(expected_type=NumDataSource, allow_none=True) val = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) spPr = Typed(expected_type=GraphicalProperties, allow_none=True) graphicalProperties = Alias("spPr") extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('errDir', 'errBarType', 'errValType', 'noEndCap', 'minus', 'plus', 'val', 'spPr') def __init__( self, errDir=None, errBarType="both", errValType="fixedVal", noEndCap=None, plus=None, minus=None, val=None, spPr=None, extLst=None, ): self.errDir = errDir self.errBarType = errBarType self.errValType = errValType self.noEndCap = noEndCap = plus self.minus = minus self.val = val self.spPr = spPr
class LineProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "ln" namespace = DRAWING_NS w = MinMax(min=0, max=20116800, allow_none=True) # EMU width = Alias('w') cap = NoneSet(values=(['rnd', 'sq', 'flat'])) cmpd = NoneSet(values=(['sng', 'dbl', 'thickThin', 'thinThick', 'tri'])) algn = NoneSet(values=(['ctr', 'in'])) noFill = EmptyTag() solidFill = ColorChoiceDescriptor() gradFill = Typed(expected_type=GradientFillProperties, allow_none=True) pattFill = Typed(expected_type=PatternFillProperties, allow_none=True) prstDash = NestedNoneSet(values=([ 'solid', 'dot', 'dash', 'lgDash', 'dashDot', 'lgDashDot', 'lgDashDotDot', 'sysDash', 'sysDot', 'sysDashDot', 'sysDashDotDot' ]), namespace=namespace) dashStyle = Alias('prstDash') custDash = Typed(expected_type=DashStop, allow_none=True) round = EmptyTag() bevel = EmptyTag() miter = NestedInteger(allow_none=True, attribute="lim") headEnd = Typed(expected_type=LineEndProperties, allow_none=True) tailEnd = Typed(expected_type=LineEndProperties, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=OfficeArtExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('noFill', 'solidFill', 'gradFill', 'pattFill', 'prstDash', 'custDash', 'round', 'bevel', 'miter', 'headEnd', 'tailEnd') def __init__( self, w=None, cap=None, cmpd=None, algn=None, noFill=None, solidFill=None, gradFill=None, pattFill=None, prstDash=None, custDash=None, round=None, bevel=None, miter=None, headEnd=None, tailEnd=None, extLst=None, ): self.w = w self.cap = cap self.cmpd = cmpd self.algn = algn self.noFill = noFill self.solidFill = solidFill self.gradFill = gradFill self.pattFill = pattFill if prstDash is None: prstDash = "solid" self.prstDash = prstDash self.custDash = custDash self.round = round self.bevel = bevel self.miter = miter self.headEnd = headEnd self.tailEnd = tailEnd