def test_write_chart(self):
     """check if some characteristic tags of LineChart are there"""
     tagnames = ["{%s}barChart" % CHART_NS, "{%s}valAx" % CHART_NS, "{%s}catAx" % CHART_NS]
     root = safe_iterator(self.root)
     chart_tags = [e.tag for e in root]
     for tag in tagnames:
         assert_true(tag in chart_tags, tag)
    def test_write_chart(self):
        """check if some characteristic tags of PieChart are there"""

        tagnames = ["{%s}pieChart" % CHART_NS, "{%s}varyColors" % CHART_NS]
        root = safe_iterator(self.root)
        chart_tags = [e.tag for e in root]
        for tag in tagnames:
            assert_true(tag in chart_tags, tag)

        assert_false("c:catAx" in chart_tags)