class DateAxis(_BaseAxis): tagname = "dateAx" axId = _BaseAxis.axId scaling = _BaseAxis.scaling delete = _BaseAxis.delete axPos = _BaseAxis.axPos majorGridlines = _BaseAxis.majorGridlines minorGridlines = _BaseAxis.minorGridlines title = _BaseAxis.title numFmt = _BaseAxis.numFmt majorTickMark = _BaseAxis.majorTickMark minorTickMark = _BaseAxis.minorTickMark tickLblPos = _BaseAxis.tickLblPos spPr = _BaseAxis.spPr txPr = _BaseAxis.txPr crossAx = _BaseAxis.crossAx crosses = _BaseAxis.crosses crossesAt = _BaseAxis.crossesAt auto = NestedBool(allow_none=True) lblOffset = NestedInteger(allow_none=True) baseTimeUnit = NestedNoneSet(values=(['days', 'months', 'years'])) majorUnit = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) majorTimeUnit = NestedNoneSet(values=(['days', 'months', 'years'])) minorUnit = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) minorTimeUnit = NestedNoneSet(values=(['days', 'months', 'years'])) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = _BaseAxis.__elements__ + ( 'auto', 'lblOffset', 'baseTimeUnit', 'majorUnit', 'majorTimeUnit', 'minorUnit', 'minorTimeUnit') def __init__(self, auto=None, lblOffset=None, baseTimeUnit=None, majorUnit=None, majorTimeUnit=None, minorUnit=None, minorTimeUnit=None, extLst=None, **kw): = auto self.lblOffset = lblOffset self.baseTimeUnit = baseTimeUnit self.majorUnit = majorUnit self.majorTimeUnit = majorTimeUnit self.minorUnit = minorUnit self.minorTimeUnit = minorTimeUnit kw.setdefault('axId', 500) super(DateAxis, self).__init__(**kw)
class PictureOptions(Serialisable): tagname = "pictureOptions" applyToFront = NestedBool(allow_none=True, nested=True) applyToSides = NestedBool(allow_none=True, nested=True) applyToEnd = NestedBool(allow_none=True, nested=True) pictureFormat = NestedNoneSet(values=(['stretch', 'stack', 'stackScale']), nested=True) pictureStackUnit = NestedFloat(allow_none=True, nested=True) __elements__ = ('applyToFront', 'applyToSides', 'applyToEnd', 'pictureFormat', 'pictureStackUnit') def __init__( self, applyToFront=None, applyToSides=None, applyToEnd=None, pictureFormat=None, pictureStackUnit=None, ): self.applyToFront = applyToFront self.applyToSides = applyToSides self.applyToEnd = applyToEnd self.pictureFormat = pictureFormat self.pictureStackUnit = pictureStackUnit
class NumericAxis(_BaseAxis): tagname = "valAx" axId = _BaseAxis.axId scaling = _BaseAxis.scaling delete = _BaseAxis.delete axPos = _BaseAxis.axPos majorGridlines = _BaseAxis.majorGridlines minorGridlines = _BaseAxis.minorGridlines title = _BaseAxis.title numFmt = _BaseAxis.numFmt majorTickMark = _BaseAxis.majorTickMark minorTickMark = _BaseAxis.minorTickMark tickLblPos = _BaseAxis.tickLblPos spPr = _BaseAxis.spPr txPr = _BaseAxis.txPr crossAx = _BaseAxis.crossAx crosses = _BaseAxis.crosses crossesAt = _BaseAxis.crossesAt crossBetween = NestedNoneSet(values=(['between', 'midCat'])) majorUnit = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) minorUnit = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) dispUnits = Typed(expected_type=DisplayUnitsLabelList, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = _BaseAxis.__elements__ + ( 'crossBetween', 'majorUnit', 'minorUnit', 'dispUnits', ) def __init__(self, crossBetween=None, majorUnit=None, minorUnit=None, dispUnits=None, extLst=None, **kw): self.crossBetween = crossBetween self.majorUnit = majorUnit self.minorUnit = minorUnit self.dispUnits = dispUnits kw.setdefault('majorGridlines', ChartLines()) kw.setdefault('axId', 100) kw.setdefault('crossAx', 10) super(NumericAxis, self).__init__(**kw) @classmethod def from_tree(cls, node): """ Special case value axes with no gridlines """ self = super(NumericAxis, cls).from_tree(node) gridlines = node.find("{%s}majorGridlines" % CHART_NS) if gridlines is None: self.majorGridlines = None return self
class DisplayUnitsLabelList(Serialisable): tagname = "dispUnits" custUnit = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) builtInUnit = NestedNoneSet(values=([ 'hundreds', 'thousands', 'tenThousands', 'hundredThousands', 'millions', 'tenMillions', 'hundredMillions', 'billions', 'trillions' ])) dispUnitsLbl = Typed(expected_type=DisplayUnitsLabel, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ( 'custUnit', 'builtInUnit', 'dispUnitsLbl', ) def __init__( self, custUnit=None, builtInUnit=None, dispUnitsLbl=None, extLst=None, ): self.custUnit = custUnit self.builtInUnit = builtInUnit self.dispUnitsLbl = dispUnitsLbl
class ColorChoice(Serialisable): tagname = "colorChoice" namespace = DRAWING_NS scrgbClr = Typed(expected_type=RGBPercent, allow_none=True) RGBPercent = Alias('scrgbClr') srgbClr = NestedValue(expected_type=unicode, allow_none=True) # needs pattern and can have transform RGB = Alias('srgbClr') hslClr = Typed(expected_type=HSLColor, allow_none=True) sysClr = Typed(expected_type=SystemColor, allow_none=True) schemeClr = Typed(expected_type=SchemeColor, allow_none=True) prstClr = NestedNoneSet(values=PRESET_COLORS) __elements__ = ('scrgbClr', 'srgbClr', 'hslClr', 'sysClr', 'schemeClr', 'prstClr') def __init__(self, scrgbClr=None, srgbClr=None, hslClr=None, sysClr=None, schemeClr=None, prstClr=None, ): self.scrgbClr = scrgbClr self.srgbClr = srgbClr self.hslClr = hslClr self.sysClr = sysClr self.schemeClr = schemeClr self.prstClr = prstClr
class Marker(Serialisable): tagname = "marker" symbol = NestedNoneSet(values=(['circle', 'dash', 'diamond', 'dot', 'picture', 'plus', 'square', 'star', 'triangle', 'x', 'auto']), to_tree=_explicit_none) size = NestedMinMax(min=2, max=72, allow_none=True) spPr = Typed(expected_type=GraphicalProperties, allow_none=True) graphicalProperties = Alias('spPr') extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('symbol', 'size', 'spPr') def __init__(self, symbol=None, size=None, spPr=None, extLst=None, ): self.symbol = symbol self.size = size if spPr is None: spPr = GraphicalProperties() self.spPr = spPr
class ManualLayout(Serialisable): tagname = "manualLayout" layoutTarget = NestedNoneSet(values=(['inner', 'outer'])) xMode = NestedNoneSet(values=(['edge', 'factor'])) yMode = NestedNoneSet(values=(['edge', 'factor'])) wMode = NestedNoneSet(values=(['edge', 'factor'])) hMode = NestedNoneSet(values=(['edge', 'factor'])) x = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) y = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) w = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) width = Alias('w') h = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) height = Alias('h') extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('layoutTarget', 'xMode', 'yMode', 'wMode', 'hMode', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h') def __init__(self, layoutTarget=None, xMode=None, yMode=None, wMode=None, hMode=None, x=None, y=None, w=None, h=None, extLst=None, ): self.layoutTarget = layoutTarget self.xMode = xMode self.yMode = yMode self.wMode = wMode self.hMode = hMode self.x = x self.y = y self.w = w self.h = h
class _DataLabelBase(Serialisable): numFmt = NestedString(allow_none=True, attribute="formatCode") spPr = Typed(expected_type=GraphicalProperties, allow_none=True) graphicalProperties = Alias('spPr') txPr = Typed(expected_type=RichText, allow_none=True) textProperties = Alias('txPr') dLblPos = NestedNoneSet(values=[ 'bestFit', 'b', 'ctr', 'inBase', 'inEnd', 'l', 'outEnd', 'r', 't' ]) position = Alias('dLblPos') showLegendKey = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showVal = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showCatName = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showSerName = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showPercent = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showBubbleSize = NestedBool(allow_none=True) showLeaderLines = NestedBool(allow_none=True) separator = NestedString(allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ("numFmt", "spPr", "txPr", "dLblPos", "showLegendKey", "showVal", "showCatName", "showSerName", "showPercent", "showBubbleSize", "showLeaderLines", "separator") def __init__( self, numFmt=None, spPr=None, txPr=None, dLblPos=None, showLegendKey=None, showVal=None, showCatName=None, showSerName=None, showPercent=None, showBubbleSize=None, showLeaderLines=None, separator=None, extLst=None, ): self.numFmt = numFmt self.spPr = spPr self.txPr = txPr self.dLblPos = dLblPos self.showLegendKey = showLegendKey self.showVal = showVal self.showCatName = showCatName self.showSerName = showSerName self.showPercent = showPercent self.showBubbleSize = showBubbleSize self.showLeaderLines = showLeaderLines self.separator = separator
class TextAxis(_BaseAxis): tagname = "catAx" axId = _BaseAxis.axId scaling = _BaseAxis.scaling delete = _BaseAxis.delete axPos = _BaseAxis.axPos majorGridlines = _BaseAxis.majorGridlines minorGridlines = _BaseAxis.minorGridlines title = _BaseAxis.title numFmt = _BaseAxis.numFmt majorTickMark = _BaseAxis.majorTickMark minorTickMark = _BaseAxis.minorTickMark tickLblPos = _BaseAxis.tickLblPos spPr = _BaseAxis.spPr txPr = _BaseAxis.txPr crossAx = _BaseAxis.crossAx crosses = _BaseAxis.crosses crossesAt = _BaseAxis.crossesAt auto = NestedBool(allow_none=True) lblAlgn = NestedNoneSet(values=(['ctr', 'l', 'r'])) lblOffset = NestedMinMax(min=0, max=1000) tickLblSkip = NestedInteger(allow_none=True) tickMarkSkip = NestedInteger(allow_none=True) noMultiLvlLbl = NestedBool(allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = _BaseAxis.__elements__ + ('auto', 'lblAlgn', 'lblOffset', 'tickLblSkip', 'tickMarkSkip', 'noMultiLvlLbl') def __init__(self, auto=None, lblAlgn=None, lblOffset=100, tickLblSkip=None, tickMarkSkip=None, noMultiLvlLbl=None, extLst=None, **kw): = auto self.lblAlgn = lblAlgn self.lblOffset = lblOffset self.tickLblSkip = tickLblSkip self.tickMarkSkip = tickMarkSkip self.noMultiLvlLbl = noMultiLvlLbl kw.setdefault('axId', 10) kw.setdefault('crossAx', 100) super(TextAxis, self).__init__(**kw)
class ProjectedPieChart(_PieChartBase): """ From the spec This element contains the pie of pie or bar of pie series on this chart. Only the first series shall be displayed. The splitType element shall determine whether the splitPos and custSplit elements apply. """ tagname = "ofPieChart" varyColors = _PieChartBase.varyColors ser = _PieChartBase.ser dLbls = _PieChartBase.dLbls ofPieType = NestedSet(values=(['pie', 'bar'])) type = Alias('ofPieType') gapWidth = NestedGapAmount() splitType = NestedNoneSet(values=(['auto', 'cust', 'percent', 'pos', 'val'])) splitPos = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) custSplit = Typed(expected_type=CustomSplit, allow_none=True) secondPieSize = NestedMinMax(min=5, max=200, allow_none=True) serLines = Typed(expected_type=ChartLines, allow_none=True) join_lines = Alias('serLines') extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = _PieChartBase.__elements__ + ('ofPieType', 'gapWidth', 'splitType', 'splitPos', 'custSplit', 'secondPieSize', 'serLines') def __init__(self, ofPieType="pie", gapWidth=None, splitType="auto", splitPos=None, custSplit=None, secondPieSize=75, serLines=None, extLst=None, **kw ): self.ofPieType = ofPieType self.gapWidth = gapWidth self.splitType = splitType self.splitPos = splitPos self.custSplit = custSplit self.secondPieSize = secondPieSize if serLines is None: self.serLines = ChartLines() super(ProjectedPieChart, self).__init__(**kw)
class BarChart3D(_BarChartBase, _3DBase): tagname = "bar3DChart" barDir = _BarChartBase.barDir grouping = _BarChartBase.grouping varyColors = _BarChartBase.varyColors ser = _BarChartBase.ser dLbls = _BarChartBase.dLbls view3D = _3DBase.view3D floor = _3DBase.floor sideWall = _3DBase.sideWall backWall = _3DBase.backWall gapWidth = NestedGapAmount() gapDepth = NestedGapAmount() shape = NestedNoneSet(values=(['cone', 'coneToMax', 'box', 'cylinder', 'pyramid', 'pyramidToMax'])) serLines = Typed(expected_type=ChartLines, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) x_axis = Typed(expected_type=TextAxis) y_axis = Typed(expected_type=NumericAxis) z_axis = Typed(expected_type=SeriesAxis, allow_none=True) __elements__ = _BarChartBase.__elements__ + ('gapWidth', 'gapDepth', 'shape', 'serLines', 'axId') def __init__(self, gapWidth=150, gapDepth=150, shape=None, serLines=None, extLst=None, **kw ): self.gapWidth = gapWidth self.gapDepth = gapDepth self.shape = shape self.serLines = serLines self.x_axis = TextAxis() self.y_axis = NumericAxis() self.z_axis = SeriesAxis() super(BarChart3D, self).__init__(**kw)
class BubbleChart(ChartBase): tagname = "bubbleChart" varyColors = NestedBool(allow_none=True) ser = Sequence(expected_type=XYSeries, allow_none=True) dLbls = Typed(expected_type=DataLabelList, allow_none=True) dataLabels = Alias("dLbls") bubble3D = NestedBool(allow_none=True) bubbleScale = NestedMinMax(min=0, max=300, allow_none=True) showNegBubbles = NestedBool(allow_none=True) sizeRepresents = NestedNoneSet(values=(['area', 'w'])) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) x_axis = Typed(expected_type=NumericAxis) y_axis = Typed(expected_type=NumericAxis) _series_type = "bubble" __elements__ = ('varyColors', 'ser', 'dLbls', 'bubble3D', 'bubbleScale', 'showNegBubbles', 'sizeRepresents', 'axId') def __init__(self, varyColors=None, ser=(), dLbls=None, bubble3D=None, bubbleScale=None, showNegBubbles=None, sizeRepresents=None, extLst=None, **kw ): self.varyColors = varyColors self.ser = ser self.dLbls = dLbls self.bubble3D = bubble3D self.bubbleScale = bubbleScale self.showNegBubbles = showNegBubbles self.sizeRepresents = sizeRepresents self.x_axis = NumericAxis(axId=10, crossAx=20) self.y_axis = NumericAxis(axId=20, crossAx=10) super(BubbleChart, self).__init__(**kw)
class ErrorBars(Serialisable): tagname = "errBars" errDir = NestedNoneSet(values=(['x', 'y'])) direction = Alias("errDir") errBarType = NestedSet(values=(['both', 'minus', 'plus'])) style = Alias("errBarType") errValType = NestedSet( values=(['cust', 'fixedVal', 'percentage', 'stdDev', 'stdErr'])) size = Alias("errValType") noEndCap = NestedBool(nested=True, allow_none=True) plus = Typed(expected_type=NumDataSource, allow_none=True) minus = Typed(expected_type=NumDataSource, allow_none=True) val = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) spPr = Typed(expected_type=GraphicalProperties, allow_none=True) graphicalProperties = Alias("spPr") extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('errDir', 'errBarType', 'errValType', 'noEndCap', 'minus', 'plus', 'val', 'spPr') def __init__( self, errDir=None, errBarType="both", errValType="fixedVal", noEndCap=None, plus=None, minus=None, val=None, spPr=None, extLst=None, ): self.errDir = errDir self.errBarType = errBarType self.errValType = errValType self.noEndCap = noEndCap = plus self.minus = minus self.val = val self.spPr = spPr
class ScatterChart(ChartBase): tagname = "scatterChart" scatterStyle = NestedNoneSet( values=(['line', 'lineMarker', 'marker', 'smooth', 'smoothMarker'])) varyColors = NestedBool(allow_none=True) ser = Sequence(expected_type=XYSeries, allow_none=True) dLbls = Typed(expected_type=DataLabelList, allow_none=True) dataLabels = Alias("dLbls") extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) x_axis = Typed(expected_type=NumericAxis) y_axis = Typed(expected_type=NumericAxis) _series_type = "scatter" __elements__ = ( 'scatterStyle', 'varyColors', 'ser', 'dLbls', 'axId', ) def __init__(self, scatterStyle=None, varyColors=None, ser=(), dLbls=None, extLst=None, **kw): self.scatterStyle = scatterStyle self.varyColors = varyColors self.ser = ser self.dLbls = dLbls self.x_axis = NumericAxis(axId=10, crossAx=20) self.y_axis = NumericAxis(axId=20, crossAx=10) super(ScatterChart, self).__init__(**kw)
class LineProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "ln" namespace = DRAWING_NS w = MinMax(min=0, max=20116800, allow_none=True) # EMU width = Alias('w') cap = NoneSet(values=(['rnd', 'sq', 'flat'])) cmpd = NoneSet(values=(['sng', 'dbl', 'thickThin', 'thinThick', 'tri'])) algn = NoneSet(values=(['ctr', 'in'])) noFill = EmptyTag() solidFill = ColorChoiceDescriptor() gradFill = Typed(expected_type=GradientFillProperties, allow_none=True) pattFill = Typed(expected_type=PatternFillProperties, allow_none=True) prstDash = NestedNoneSet(values=([ 'solid', 'dot', 'dash', 'lgDash', 'dashDot', 'lgDashDot', 'lgDashDotDot', 'sysDash', 'sysDot', 'sysDashDot', 'sysDashDotDot' ]), namespace=namespace) dashStyle = Alias('prstDash') custDash = Typed(expected_type=DashStop, allow_none=True) round = EmptyTag() bevel = EmptyTag() miter = Typed(expected_type=LineJoinMiterProperties, allow_none=True) headEnd = Typed(expected_type=LineEndProperties, allow_none=True) tailEnd = Typed(expected_type=LineEndProperties, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=OfficeArtExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('noFill', 'solidFill', 'gradFill', 'pattFill', 'prstDash', 'custDash', 'round', 'bevel', 'mitre', 'headEnd', 'tailEnd') def __init__( self, w=None, cap=None, cmpd=None, algn=None, noFill=None, solidFill=None, gradFill=None, pattFill=None, prstDash=None, custDash=None, round=None, bevel=None, miter=None, headEnd=None, tailEnd=None, extLst=None, ): self.w = w self.cap = cap self.cmpd = cmpd self.algn = algn self.noFill = noFill self.solidFill = solidFill self.gradFill = gradFill self.pattFill = pattFill if prstDash is None: prstDash = "solid" self.prstDash = prstDash self.custDash = custDash self.round = round self.bevel = bevel self.mitre = bevel self.headEnd = headEnd self.tailEnd = tailEnd
class Series(Serialisable): """ Generic series object. Should not be instantiated directly. User the chart.Series factory instead. """ tagname = "ser" idx = NestedInteger() order = NestedInteger() tx = Typed(expected_type=SeriesLabel, allow_none=True) title = Alias('tx') spPr = Typed(expected_type=GraphicalProperties, allow_none=True) graphicalProperties = Alias('spPr') # area chart pictureOptions = Typed(expected_type=PictureOptions, allow_none=True) dPt = Sequence(expected_type=DataPoint, allow_none=True) data_points = Alias("dPt") dLbls = Typed(expected_type=DataLabelList, allow_none=True) labels = Alias("dLbls") trendline = Typed(expected_type=Trendline, allow_none=True) errBars = Typed(expected_type=ErrorBars, allow_none=True) cat = Typed(expected_type=AxDataSource, allow_none=True) identifiers = Alias("cat") val = Typed(expected_type=NumDataSource, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) #bar chart invertIfNegative = NestedBool(allow_none=True) shape = NestedNoneSet(values=( ['cone', 'coneToMax', 'box', 'cylinder', 'pyramid', 'pyramidToMax'])) #bubble chart xVal = Typed(expected_type=AxDataSource, allow_none=True) yVal = Typed(expected_type=NumDataSource, allow_none=True) bubbleSize = Typed(expected_type=NumDataSource, allow_none=True) zVal = Alias("bubbleSize") bubble3D = NestedBool(allow_none=True) #line chart marker = Typed(expected_type=Marker, allow_none=True) smooth = NestedBool(allow_none=True) #pie chart explosion = NestedInteger(allow_none=True) __elements__ = () def __init__( self, idx=0, order=0, tx=None, spPr=None, pictureOptions=None, dPt=(), dLbls=None, trendline=None, errBars=None, cat=None, val=None, invertIfNegative=None, shape=None, xVal=None, yVal=None, bubbleSize=None, bubble3D=None, marker=None, smooth=None, explosion=None, extLst=None, ): self.idx = idx self.order = order self.tx = tx if spPr is None: spPr = GraphicalProperties() self.spPr = spPr self.pictureOptions = pictureOptions self.dPt = dPt self.dLbls = dLbls self.trendline = trendline self.errBars = errBars = cat self.val = val self.invertIfNegative = invertIfNegative self.shape = shape self.xVal = xVal self.yVal = yVal self.bubbleSize = bubbleSize self.bubble3D = bubble3D if marker is None: marker = Marker() self.marker = marker self.smooth = smooth self.explosion = explosion def to_tree(self, tagname=None, idx=None): if idx is not None: if self.order == self.idx: self.order = idx self.idx = idx return super(Series, self).to_tree(tagname)
class Simple(Serialisable): underline = NestedNoneSet(values=('1', '2', '3')) def __init__(self, underline): self.underline = underline
class Font(Serialisable): """Font options used in styles.""" UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = 'double' UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING = 'doubleAccounting' UNDERLINE_SINGLE = 'single' UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACCOUNTING = 'singleAccounting' name = NestedString(allow_none=True) charset = NestedInteger(allow_none=True) family = NestedMinMax(min=0, max=14, allow_none=True) sz = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) size = Alias("sz") b = NestedBool(to_tree=_no_value) bold = Alias("b") i = NestedBool(to_tree=_no_value) italic = Alias("i") strike = NestedBool(allow_none=True) strikethrough = Alias("strike") outline = NestedBool(allow_none=True) shadow = NestedBool(allow_none=True) condense = NestedBool(allow_none=True) extend = NestedBool(allow_none=True) u = NestedNoneSet(values=('single', 'double', 'singleAccounting', 'doubleAccounting')) underline = Alias("u") vertAlign = NestedNoneSet(values=('superscript', 'subscript', 'baseline')) color = ColorDescriptor(allow_none=True) scheme = NestedNoneSet(values=("major", "minor")) tagname = "font" __elements__ = ('name', 'charset', 'family', 'b', 'i', 'strike', 'outline', 'shadow', 'condense', 'color', 'extend', 'sz', 'u', 'vertAlign', 'scheme') def __init__(self, name=None, sz=None, b=None, i=None, charset=None, u=None, strike=None, color=None, scheme=None, family=None, size=None, bold=None, italic=None, strikethrough=None, underline=None, vertAlign=None, outline=None, shadow=None, condense=None, extend=None): = name = family if size is not None: sz = size = sz if bold is not None: b = bold self.b = b if italic is not None: i = italic self.i = i if underline is not None: u = underline self.u = u if strikethrough is not None: strike = strikethrough self.strike = strike self.color = color self.vertAlign = vertAlign self.charset = charset self.outline = outline self.shadow = shadow self.condense = condense self.extend = extend self.scheme = scheme @classmethod def from_tree(cls, node): """ Set default value for underline if child element is present """ underline = node.find("{%s}u" % SHEET_MAIN_NS) if underline is not None and underline.get('val') is None: underline.set("val", "single") return super(Font, cls).from_tree(node)
class _BaseAxis(Serialisable): axId = NestedInteger(expected_type=int) scaling = Typed(expected_type=Scaling) delete = NestedBool(allow_none=True) axPos = NestedSet(values=(['b', 'l', 'r', 't'])) majorGridlines = Typed(expected_type=ChartLines, allow_none=True) minorGridlines = Typed(expected_type=ChartLines, allow_none=True) title = TitleDescriptor() numFmt = NumberFormatDescriptor() number_format = Alias("numFmt") majorTickMark = NestedNoneSet(values=(['cross', 'in', 'out']), to_tree=_explicit_none) minorTickMark = NestedNoneSet(values=(['cross', 'in', 'out']), to_tree=_explicit_none) tickLblPos = NestedNoneSet(values=(['high', 'low', 'nextTo'])) spPr = Typed(expected_type=GraphicalProperties, allow_none=True) graphicalProperties = Alias('spPr') txPr = Typed(expected_type=RichText, allow_none=True) textProperties = Alias('txPr') crossAx = NestedInteger(expected_type=int) # references other axis crosses = NestedNoneSet(values=(['autoZero', 'max', 'min'])) crossesAt = NestedFloat(allow_none=True) # crosses & crossesAt are mutually exclusive __elements__ = ('axId', 'scaling', 'delete', 'axPos', 'majorGridlines', 'minorGridlines', 'title', 'numFmt', 'majorTickMark', 'minorTickMark', 'tickLblPos', 'spPr', 'txPr', 'crossAx', 'crosses', 'crossesAt') def __init__( self, axId=None, scaling=None, delete=None, axPos='l', majorGridlines=None, minorGridlines=None, title=None, numFmt=None, majorTickMark=None, minorTickMark=None, tickLblPos=None, spPr=None, txPr=None, crossAx=None, crosses=None, crossesAt=None, ): self.axId = axId if scaling is None: scaling = Scaling() self.scaling = scaling self.delete = delete self.axPos = axPos self.majorGridlines = majorGridlines self.minorGridlines = minorGridlines self.title = title self.numFmt = numFmt self.majorTickMark = majorTickMark self.minorTickMark = minorTickMark self.tickLblPos = tickLblPos self.spPr = spPr self.txPr = txPr self.crossAx = crossAx self.crosses = crosses self.crossesAt = None