Example #1
def check_levels(imls, imt):
    Raise a ValueError if the given levels are invalid.

    :param imls: a list of intensity measure and levels
    :param imt: the intensity measure type

    >>> check_levels([0.1, 0.2], 'PGA')  # ok
    >>> check_levels([0.1], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Not enough imls for PGA: [0.1]
    >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.1], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: The imls for PGA are not sorted: [0.2, 0.1]
    >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.2], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Found duplicated levels for PGA: [0.2, 0.2]
    if len(imls) < 2:
        raise ValueError('Not enough imls for %s: %s' % (imt, imls))
    elif imls != sorted(imls):
        raise ValueError('The imls for %s are not sorted: %s' % (imt, imls))
    elif len(distinct(imls)) < len(imls):
        raise ValueError("Found duplicated levels for %s: %s" % (imt, imls))
Example #2
def check_levels(imls, imt, min_iml=1E-10):
    Raise a ValueError if the given levels are invalid.

    :param imls: a list of intensity measure and levels
    :param imt: the intensity measure type
    :param min_iml: minimum intensity measure level (default 1E-10)

    >>> check_levels([0.1, 0.2], 'PGA')  # ok
    >>> check_levels([], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: No imls for PGA: []
    >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.1], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: The imls for PGA are not sorted: [0.2, 0.1]
    >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.2], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Found duplicated levels for PGA: [0.2, 0.2]
    if len(imls) < 1:
        raise ValueError('No imls for %s: %s' % (imt, imls))
    elif imls != sorted(imls):
        raise ValueError('The imls for %s are not sorted: %s' % (imt, imls))
    elif len(distinct(imls)) < len(imls):
        raise ValueError("Found duplicated levels for %s: %s" % (imt, imls))
    elif imls[0] == 0 and imls[1] <= min_iml:  # apply the cutoff
        raise ValueError("The min_iml %s=%s is larger than the second level "
                         "for %s" % (imt, min_iml, imls))
    elif imls[0] == 0 and imls[1] > min_iml:  # apply the cutoff
        imls[0] = min_iml
Example #3
def intensity_measure_types(value):
    :param value: input string
    :returns: non-empty list of ordered Intensity Measure Type objects

    >>> intensity_measure_types('')
    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA')
    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA, SA(1.00)')
    ['PGA', 'SA(1.0)']
    >>> intensity_measure_types('SA(0.1), SA(0.10)')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Duplicated IMTs in SA(0.1), SA(0.10)
    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGV, SA(1), PGA')
    ['PGA', 'PGV', 'SA(1.0)']
    if not value:
        return []
    imts = []
    for chunk in value.split(','):
    sorted_imts = sorted(imts, key=lambda im: getattr(im, 'period', 1))
    if len(distinct(imts)) < len(imts):
        raise ValueError('Duplicated IMTs in %s' % value)
    return [str(imt) for imt in sorted_imts]
Example #4
def check_levels(imls, imt):
    Raise a ValueError if the given levels are invalid.

    :param imls: a list of intensity measure and levels
    :param imt: the intensity measure type

    >>> check_levels([0.1, 0.2], 'PGA')  # ok
    >>> check_levels([0.1], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Not enough imls for PGA: [0.1]
    >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.1], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: The imls for PGA are not sorted: [0.2, 0.1]
    >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.2], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Found duplicated levels for PGA: [0.2, 0.2]
    if len(imls) < 2:
        raise ValueError('Not enough imls for %s: %s' % (imt, imls))
    elif imls != sorted(imls):
        raise ValueError('The imls for %s are not sorted: %s' % (imt, imls))
    elif len(distinct(imls)) < len(imls):
        raise ValueError("Found duplicated levels for %s: %s" % (imt, imls))
Example #5
def check_levels(imls, imt, min_iml=1E-10):
    Raise a ValueError if the given levels are invalid.

    :param imls: a list of intensity measure and levels
    :param imt: the intensity measure type
    :param min_iml: minimum intensity measure level (default 1E-10)

    >>> check_levels([0.1, 0.2], 'PGA')  # ok
    >>> check_levels([], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: No imls for PGA: []
    >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.1], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: The imls for PGA are not sorted: [0.2, 0.1]
    >>> check_levels([0.2, 0.2], 'PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Found duplicated levels for PGA: [0.2, 0.2]
    if len(imls) < 1:
        raise ValueError('No imls for %s: %s' % (imt, imls))
    elif imls != sorted(imls):
        raise ValueError('The imls for %s are not sorted: %s' % (imt, imls))
    elif len(distinct(imls)) < len(imls):
        raise ValueError("Found duplicated levels for %s: %s" % (imt, imls))
    elif imls[0] == 0 and imls[1] <= min_iml:  # apply the cutoff
        raise ValueError("The min_iml %s=%s is larger than the second level "
                         "for %s" % (imt, min_iml, imls))
    elif imls[0] == 0 and imls[1] > min_iml:  # apply the cutoff
        imls[0] = min_iml
Example #6
def intensity_measure_types(value):
    :param value: input string
    :returns: non-empty list of Intensity Measure Type objects

    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA')
    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA, SA(1.00)')
    ['PGA', 'SA(1.0)']
    >>> intensity_measure_types('SA(0.1), SA(0.10)')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Duplicated IMTs in SA(0.1), SA(0.10)
    >>> intensity_measure_types('SA(1), PGA')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: The IMTs are not sorted by period: SA(1), PGA
    imts = []
    for chunk in value.split(','):
    sorted_imts = sorted(imts, key=lambda im: getattr(im, 'period', 1))
    if len(distinct(imts)) < len(imts):
        raise ValueError('Duplicated IMTs in %s' % value)
    if sorted_imts != imts:
        raise ValueError('The IMTs are not sorted by period: %s' % value)
    return [str(imt) for imt in imts]
Example #7
def intensity_measure_types(value):
    :param value: input string
    :returns: non-empty list of Intensity Measure Type objects

    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA')
    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA, SA(1.00)')
    ['PGA', 'SA(1.0)']
    >>> intensity_measure_types('SA(0.1), SA(0.10)')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Duplicated IMTs in SA(0.1), SA(0.10)
    imts = []
    for chunk in value.split(','):
    if len(distinct(imts)) < len(imts):
        raise ValueError('Duplicated IMTs in %s' % value)
    return imts
Example #8
def intensity_measure_types(value):
    :param value: input string
    :returns: non-empty list of Intensity Measure Type objects

    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA')
    >>> intensity_measure_types('PGA, SA(1.00)')
    ['PGA', 'SA(1.0)']
    >>> intensity_measure_types('SA(0.1), SA(0.10)')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Duplicated IMTs in SA(0.1), SA(0.10)
    imts = []
    for chunk in value.split(','):
    if len(distinct(imts)) < len(imts):
        raise ValueError('Duplicated IMTs in %s' % value)
    return imts