Example #1
 def __call__(self, rlz):
     gsim = self.gsims[rlz.ordinal]
     gmfdict = collections.defaultdict(dict)
     for computer in self.computers:
         rup = computer.rupture
         if self.samples > 1:
             eids = get_array(rup.events, sample=rlz.sampleid)['eid']
             eids = rup.events['eid']
         array = computer.compute(gsim, len(eids))  # (i, n, e)
         for imti, imt in enumerate(self.imts):
             min_gmv = self.min_iml[imti]
             for eid, gmf in zip(eids, array[imti].T):
                 for sid, gmv in zip(computer.sites.sids, gmf):
                     if gmv > min_gmv:
                         dic = gmfdict[sid]
                         if imt in dic:
                             dic[imt].append((gmv, eid))
                             dic[imt] = [(gmv, eid)]
     dicts = []  # a list of dictionaries imt -> array(gmv, eid)
     for sid in self.sids:
         dic = gmfdict[sid]
         for imt in dic:
             dic[imt] = arr = numpy.array(dic[imt], self.dt)
             self.gmfbytes += arr.nbytes
     return dicts
Example #2
def _aggregate(outputs, compositemodel, agg, ass, idx, result, monitor):
    # update the result dictionary and the agg array with each output
    lrs = set()
    for out in outputs:
        l, r = out.lr
        loss_type = compositemodel.loss_types[l]
        indices = numpy.array([idx[eid] for eid in out.eids])
        agglr = agg[l, r]
        for i, asset in enumerate(out.assets):
            aid = asset.ordinal
            loss_ratios = out.loss_ratios[i]
            losses = loss_ratios * asset.value(loss_type)

            # average losses
            if monitor.avg_losses:
                result['avglosses'][l, r][aid] += (
                    loss_ratios.sum(axis=0) * monitor.ses_ratio)

            # asset losses
            if monitor.loss_ratios:
                data = [(eid, aid, loss)
                        for eid, loss in zip(out.eids, loss_ratios)
                        if loss.sum() > 0]
                if data:
                    ass[l, r].append(numpy.array(data, monitor.ela_dt))

            # agglosses
            agglr[indices] += losses
    return sorted(lrs)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, oqparam, rmdict, retrodict):
        self.damage_states = []
        self._riskmodels = {}

        if getattr(oqparam, 'limit_states', []):
            # classical_damage/scenario_damage calculator
            if oqparam.calculation_mode in ('classical', 'scenario'):
                # case when the risk files are in the job_hazard.ini file
                oqparam.calculation_mode += '_damage'
            self.damage_states = ['no_damage'] + oqparam.limit_states
            delattr(oqparam, 'limit_states')
            for taxonomy, ffs_by_lt in rmdict.items():
                self._riskmodels[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel(
                    taxonomy, oqparam, fragility_functions=ffs_by_lt)
        elif oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('_bcr'):
            # classical_bcr calculator
            for (taxonomy, vf_orig), (taxonomy_, vf_retro) in \
                    zip(rmdict.items(), retrodict.items()):
                assert taxonomy == taxonomy_  # same imt and taxonomy
                self._riskmodels[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel(
                    taxonomy, oqparam,
            # classical, event based and scenario calculators
            for taxonomy, vfs in rmdict.items():
                for vf in vfs.values():
                    # set the seed; this is important for the case of
                    # VulnerabilityFunctionWithPMF
                    vf.seed = oqparam.random_seed
                    self._riskmodels[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel(
                        taxonomy, oqparam, vulnerability_functions=vfs)

Example #4
 def save(self, eid, imti, rlz, gmf, sids):
     for gmv, sid in zip(gmf, sids):
         key = '%s/%s/%s' % (sid, self.imts[imti], rlz.ordinal)
         glist, elist = self.dic[key]
     self.nbytes += gmf.nbytes * 2
Example #5
    def generate_event_set(self, background_sids):
        Generates the event set corresponding to a particular branch
        # get rates from file
        with h5py.File(self.source_file, 'r') as hdf5:
            rates = hdf5[self.idx_set["rate_idx"]].value
            occurrences = self.tom.sample_number_of_occurrences(rates)
            indices = numpy.where(occurrences)[0]
                'Considering "%s", %d ruptures', self.branch_id, len(indices))

            # get ruptures from the indices
            ruptures = []
            rupture_occ = []
            for idx, n_occ in zip(indices, occurrences[indices]):
                ucerf_rup, _ = get_ucerf_rupture(
                    hdf5, idx, self.idx_set, self.tom, self.sites,
                    self.integration_distance, self.mesh_spacing,

                if ucerf_rup:

            # sample background sources
            background_ruptures, background_n_occ = sample_background_model(
                hdf5, self.idx_set["grid_key"], self.tom, background_sids,
                self.min_mag, self.npd, self.hdd, self.usd, self.lsd, self.msr,
                self.aspect, self.tectonic_region_type)
        return ruptures, rupture_occ
def build_ruptures(sources, src_filter, param, monitor):
    :param sources: a list with a single UCERF source
    :param param: extra parameters
    :param monitor: a Monitor instance
    :returns: an AccumDict grp_id -> EBRuptures
    [src] = sources
    res = AccumDict()
    res.calc_times = []
    sampl_mon = monitor('sampling ruptures', measuremem=True)
    res.trt = DEFAULT_TRT
    background_sids = src.get_background_sids(src_filter)
    samples = getattr(src, 'samples', 1)
    n_occ = AccumDict(accum=0)
    t0 = time.time()
    with sampl_mon:
        for sam_idx in range(samples):
            for ses_idx, ses_seed in param['ses_seeds']:
                seed = sam_idx * TWO16 + ses_seed
                rups, occs = generate_event_set(
                    src, background_sids, src_filter, ses_idx, seed)
                for rup, occ in zip(rups, occs):
                    n_occ[rup] += occ
    tot_occ = sum(n_occ.values())
    dic = {'eff_ruptures': {src.src_group_id: src.num_ruptures}}
    eb_ruptures = [EBRupture(rup, src.id, src.src_group_id, n, samples)
                   for rup, n in n_occ.items()]
    dic['rup_array'] = stochastic.get_rup_array(eb_ruptures, src_filter)
    dt = time.time() - t0
    dic['calc_times'] = {src.id: numpy.array([tot_occ, dt], F32)}
    return dic
Example #7
 def _collect_all_data(self):
     # called only if 'rcurves-rlzs' in dstore; return a list of outputs
     all_data = []
     assets = self.datastore['asset_refs'].value[self.assetcol.array['idx']]
     rlzs = self.rlzs_assoc.realizations
     insured = self.oqparam.insured_losses
     if self.oqparam.avg_losses:
         avg_losses = self.datastore['avg_losses-rlzs'].value
         avg_losses = self.avg_losses
     r_curves = self.datastore['rcurves-rlzs'].value
     for loss_type, cbuilder in zip(
             self.riskmodel.loss_types, self.riskmodel.curve_builders):
         rcurves = r_curves[loss_type]
         asset_values = self.vals[loss_type]
         data = []
         for rlz in rlzs:
             average_losses = avg_losses[loss_type][:, rlz.ordinal]
             average_insured_losses = (
                 avg_losses[loss_type + '_ins'][:, rlz.ordinal]
                 if insured else None)
             loss_curves = _old_loss_curves(
                 asset_values, rcurves[:, rlz.ordinal, 0], cbuilder.ratios)
             insured_curves = _old_loss_curves(
                 asset_values, rcurves[:, rlz.ordinal, 1],
                 cbuilder.ratios) if insured else None
             out = scientific.Output(
                 assets, loss_type, rlz.ordinal, rlz.weight,
     return all_data
Example #8
    def calcgmfs(self, seed, events, rlzs_by_gsim, min_iml=None):
        Yield the ground motion field for each seismic event.

        :param seed:
            seed for the numpy random number generator
        :param events:
            composite array of seismic events (eid, ses, occ, samples)
        :param rlzs_by_gsim:
            a dictionary {gsim instance: realizations}
            tuples (eid, imti, rlz, gmf_sids)
        sids = self.sites.sids
        imt_range = range(len(self.imts))
        for i, gsim in enumerate(self.gsims):
            for j, rlz in enumerate(rlzs_by_gsim[gsim]):
                if self.samples > 1:
                    eids = get_array(events, sample=rlz.sampleid)['eid']
                    eids = events['eid']
                arr = self.compute(seed + j, gsim, len(eids)).transpose(
                    0, 2, 1)  # array of shape (I, E, S)
                for imti in imt_range:
                    for eid, gmf in zip(eids, arr[imti]):
                        if min_iml is not None:  # is an array
                            ok = gmf >= min_iml[imti]
                            gmf_sids = (gmf[ok], sids[ok])
                            gmf_sids = (gmf, sids)
                        if len(gmf):
                            yield eid, imti, rlz, gmf_sids
Example #9
 def __call__(self, fname, sm, apply_uncertainties, investigation_time):
     :param fname:
         the full pathname of a source model file
     :param sm:
         the original source model
     :param apply_uncertainties:
         a function modifying the sources (or None)
     :param investigation_time:
         the investigation_time in the job.ini
         a copy of the original source model with changed sources, if any
     check_nonparametric_sources(fname, sm, investigation_time)
     newsm = nrml.SourceModel(
         [], sm.name, sm.investigation_time, sm.start_time)
     for group in sm:
         newgroup = apply_uncertainties(group)
         if hasattr(newgroup, 'changed') and newgroup.changed.any():
             self.changes += newgroup.changed.sum()
             for src, changed in zip(newgroup, newgroup.changed):
                 # redoing count_ruptures can be slow
                 if changed:
                     src.num_ruptures = src.count_ruptures()
     self.fname_hits[fname] += 1
     return newsm
 def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs):
     # rebuild the map from sids and probs arrays
     array = dic['array']
     sids = dic['sids']
     self.shape_y = array.shape[1]
     self.shape_z = array.shape[2]
     for sid, prob in zip(sids, array):
         self[sid] = ProbabilityCurve(prob)
Example #11
def get_mesh(oqparam):
    Extract the mesh of points to compute from the sites,
    the sites_csv, or the region.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    global pmap, exposure, gmfs, eids
    if 'exposure' in oqparam.inputs and exposure is None:
        # read it only once
        exposure = get_exposure(oqparam)
    if oqparam.sites:
        return geo.Mesh.from_coords(oqparam.sites)
    elif 'sites' in oqparam.inputs:
        csv_data = open(oqparam.inputs['sites'], 'U').readlines()
        has_header = csv_data[0].startswith('site_id')
        if has_header:  # strip site_id
            data = []
            for i, line in enumerate(csv_data[1:]):
                row = line.replace(',', ' ').split()
                sid = row[0]
                if sid != str(i):
                    raise InvalidFile('%s: expected site_id=%d, got %s' % (
                        oqparam.inputs['sites'], i, sid))
                data.append(' '.join(row[1:]))
        elif 'gmfs' in oqparam.inputs:
            raise InvalidFile('Missing header in %(sites)s' % oqparam.inputs)
            data = [line.replace(',', ' ') for line in csv_data]
        coords = valid.coordinates(','.join(data))
        start, stop = oqparam.sites_slice
        c = coords[start:stop] if has_header else sorted(coords[start:stop])
        # TODO: sort=True below would break a lot of tests :-(
        return geo.Mesh.from_coords(c, sort=False)
    elif 'hazard_curves' in oqparam.inputs:
        fname = oqparam.inputs['hazard_curves']
        if fname.endswith('.csv'):
            mesh, pmap = get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fname)
        elif fname.endswith('.xml'):
            mesh, pmap = get_pmap_from_nrml(oqparam, fname)
            raise NotImplementedError('Reading from %s' % fname)
        return mesh
    elif 'gmfs' in oqparam.inputs:
        eids, gmfs = _get_gmfs(oqparam)  # sets oqparam.sites
        return geo.Mesh.from_coords(oqparam.sites)
    elif oqparam.region and oqparam.region_grid_spacing:
        poly = geo.Polygon.from_wkt(oqparam.region)
            mesh = poly.discretize(oqparam.region_grid_spacing)
            return geo.Mesh.from_coords(zip(mesh.lons, mesh.lats))
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError(
                'Could not discretize region %(region)s with grid spacing '
                '%(region_grid_spacing)s' % vars(oqparam))
    elif 'exposure' in oqparam.inputs:
        return exposure.mesh
Example #12
def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, haz_sitecol=None, cost_types=()):
    :param oqparam: calculation parameters
    :param haz_sitecol: the hazard site collection
    :param cost_types: the expected cost types
    :returns: (site collection, asset collection, discarded)
    global exposure
    asset_hazard_distance = oqparam.asset_hazard_distance['default']
    if exposure is None:
        # haz_sitecol not extracted from the exposure
        exposure = get_exposure(oqparam)
    if haz_sitecol is None:
        haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
    if oqparam.region_grid_spacing:
        haz_distance = oqparam.region_grid_spacing * 1.414
        if haz_distance != asset_hazard_distance:
            logging.debug('Using asset_hazard_distance=%d km instead of %d km',
                          haz_distance, asset_hazard_distance)
        haz_distance = asset_hazard_distance

    if haz_sitecol.mesh != exposure.mesh:
        # associate the assets to the hazard sites
        sitecol, assets_by, discarded = geo.utils.assoc(
            exposure.assets_by_site, haz_sitecol, haz_distance, 'filter')
        assets_by_site = [[] for _ in sitecol.complete.sids]
        num_assets = 0
        for sid, assets in zip(sitecol.sids, assets_by):
            assets_by_site[sid] = assets
            num_assets += len(assets)
        logging.info('Associated {:_d} assets to {:_d} sites'.format(
            num_assets, len(sitecol)))
        # asset sites and hazard sites are the same
        sitecol = haz_sitecol
        assets_by_site = exposure.assets_by_site
        discarded = []
        logging.info('Read %d sites and %d assets from the exposure',
                     len(sitecol), sum(len(a) for a in assets_by_site))
    assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(exposure, assets_by_site,
                                     oqparam.time_event, oqparam.aggregate_by)
    if assetcol.occupancy_periods:
        missing = set(cost_types) - set(exposure.cost_types['name']) - set(
        missing = set(cost_types) - set(exposure.cost_types['name'])
    if missing and not oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('damage'):
        raise InvalidFile('The exposure %s is missing %s' %
                          (oqparam.inputs['exposure'], missing))
    if (not oqparam.hazard_calculation_id and 'gmfs' not in oqparam.inputs
            and 'hazard_curves' not in oqparam.inputs
            and sitecol is not sitecol.complete):
        # for predefined hazard you cannot reduce the site collection; instead
        # you can in other cases, typically with a grid which is mostly empty
        # (i.e. there are many hazard sites with no assets)
    return sitecol, assetcol, discarded
Example #13
def build_loss_tables(dstore):
    Compute the total losses by rupture and losses by rlzi.
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    L = len(oq.loss_dt().names)
    R = dstore['csm_info'].get_num_rlzs()
    events = dstore['events']
    serials = dstore['ruptures']['serial']
    rup_by_eid = dict(zip(events['eid'], events['rup_id']))
    idx_by_ser = dict(zip(serials, range(len(serials))))
    tbl = numpy.zeros((len(serials), L), F32)
    lbr = numpy.zeros((R, L), F32)  # losses by rlz
    for rec in dstore['losses_by_event'].value:  # call .value for speed
        rupid = rup_by_eid[rec['eid']]
        tbl[idx_by_ser[rupid]] += rec['loss']
        lbr[rec['rlzi']] += rec['loss']
    return tbl, lbr
def compute_ruptures(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor):
    :param sources: a list with a single UCERF source
    :param src_filter: a SourceFilter instance
    :param gsims: a list of GSIMs
    :param param: extra parameters
    :param monitor: a Monitor instance
    :returns: an AccumDict grp_id -> EBRuptures
    [src] = sources
    res = AccumDict()
    res.calc_times = AccumDict()
    serial = 1
    sampl_mon = monitor('sampling ruptures', measuremem=True)
    filt_mon = monitor('filtering ruptures', measuremem=False)
    res.trt = DEFAULT_TRT
    t0 = time.time()
    ebruptures = []
    background_sids = src.get_background_sids(src_filter)
    sitecol = src_filter.sitecol
    idist = src_filter.integration_distance
    for sample in range(param['samples']):
        for ses_idx, ses_seed in param['ses_seeds']:
            seed = sample * event_based.TWO16 + ses_seed
            with sampl_mon:
                rups, n_occs = src.generate_event_set(background_sids,
                                                      src_filter, seed)
            with filt_mon:
                for rup, n_occ in zip(rups, n_occs):
                    rup.seed = seed
                        r_sites, rrup = idist.get_closest(sitecol, rup)
                    except FarAwayRupture:
                    indices = (numpy.arange(len(r_sites))
                               if r_sites.indices is None else r_sites.indices)
                    events = []
                    for _ in range(n_occ):
                        events.append((0, src.src_group_id, ses_idx, sample))
                    if events:
                        evs = numpy.array(events, calc.event_dt)
                        ebruptures.append(EBRupture(rup, indices, evs, serial))
                        serial += 1
    res.num_events = event_based.set_eids(ebruptures)
    res[src.src_group_id] = ebruptures
    res.calc_times[src.src_group_id] = {
        numpy.array([src.weight, len(sitecol),
                     time.time() - t0, 1])
    if not param['save_ruptures']:
        res.events_by_grp = {
            grp_id: event_based.get_events(res[grp_id])
            for grp_id in res
    res.eff_ruptures = {src.src_group_id: src.num_ruptures}
    return res
Example #15
 def _save_maps(self, dic, aids):
     for key in ('loss_maps-rlzs', 'loss_maps-stats'):
         array = dic.get(key)  # shape (A, S)
         if array is not None:
             loss_maps = numpy.zeros(array.shape[:2], self.loss_maps_dt)
             for lti, lt in enumerate(self.loss_maps_dt.names):
                 loss_maps[lt] = array[:, :, :, lti]
             for aid, arr in zip(aids, loss_maps):
                 self.datastore[key][aid] = arr
Example #16
def poe_map(src, s_sites, imtls, cmaker, trunclevel, bbs, ctx_mon, pne_mon,
    Compute the ProbabilityMap generated by the given source. Also,
    store some information in the monitors and optionally in the
    bounding boxes.
    pmap = ProbabilityMap.build(len(imtls.array),
        for rup in src.iter_ruptures():
            with ctx_mon:  # compute distances
                    sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(s_sites, rup)
                except FarAwayRupture:
            with pne_mon:  # compute probabilities and updates the pmap
                pnes = get_probability_no_exceedance(rup, sctx, rctx, dctx,
                                                     imtls, cmaker.gsims,
                for sid, pne in zip(sctx.sites.sids, pnes):
                    pmap[sid].array *= pne

            # add optional disaggregation information (bounding boxes)
            if bbs:
                with disagg_mon:
                    sids = set(sctx.sites.sids)
                    jb_dists = dctx.rjb
                    closest_points = rup.surface.get_closest_points(
                    bs = [bb for bb in bbs if bb.site_id in sids]
                    # NB: the assert below is always true; we are
                    # protecting against possible refactoring errors
                    assert len(bs) == len(jb_dists) == len(closest_points)
                    for bb, dist, p in zip(bs, jb_dists, closest_points):
                        bb.update([dist], [p.longitude], [p.latitude])
    except Exception as err:
        etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
        msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
        msg %= (src.source_id, str(err))
        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
    return ~pmap
Example #17
def ucerf_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor):
    :param riskinput:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param param:
        a dictionary of parameters
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a dictionary of numpy arrays of shape (L, R)
    with monitor('getting hazard'):
        hazard = riskinput.hazard_getter.get_hazard()
    eids = riskinput.hazard_getter.eids
    A = len(riskinput.aids)
    E = len(eids)
    assert not param['insured_losses']
    L = len(riskmodel.lti)
    R = riskinput.hazard_getter.num_rlzs
    param['lrs_dt'] = numpy.dtype([('rlzi', U16), ('ratios', (F32, L))])
    agg = numpy.zeros((E, R, L), F32)
    avg = numpy.zeros((A, R, L), F32)
    result = dict(aids=riskinput.aids, avglosses=avg)

    # update the result dictionary and the agg array with each output
    for out in riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinput, monitor, hazard):
        if len(out.eids) == 0:  # this happens for sites with no events
        r = out.rlzi
        idx = riskinput.hazard_getter.eid2idx
        for l, loss_ratios in enumerate(out):
            if loss_ratios is None:  # for GMFs below the minimum_intensity
            loss_type = riskmodel.loss_types[l]
            indices = numpy.array([idx[eid] for eid in out.eids])
            for a, asset in enumerate(out.assets):
                ratios = loss_ratios[a]  # shape (E, 1)
                aid = asset.ordinal
                losses = ratios * asset.value(loss_type)
                # average losses
                if param['avg_losses']:
                    avg[aid, :, :] = losses.sum(axis=0) * param['ses_ratio']

                # this is the critical loop: it is important to keep it
                # vectorized in terms of the event indices
                agg[indices, r, l] += losses[:, 0]  # 0 == no insured

    it = ((eid, r, losses) for eid, all_losses in zip(eids, agg)
          for r, losses in enumerate(all_losses) if losses.sum())
    result['agglosses'] = numpy.fromiter(it, param['elt_dt'])
    # store info about the GMFs, must be done at the end
    result['gmdata'] = riskinput.gmdata
    return result
Example #18
def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, haz_sitecol):
    :param oqparam: calculation parameters
    :param haz_sitecol: the hazard site collection
    :returns: (site collection, asset collection) instances
    global exposure
    if exposure is None:
        # haz_sitecol not extracted from the exposure
        exposure = get_exposure(oqparam)
    if oqparam.region_grid_spacing and not oqparam.region:
        # extract the hazard grid from the exposure
        exposure.mesh = exposure.mesh.get_convex_hull().dilate(
        haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
        haz_distance = oqparam.region_grid_spacing
        if haz_distance != oqparam.asset_hazard_distance:
            logging.info('Using asset_hazard_distance=%d km instead of %d km',
                         haz_distance, oqparam.asset_hazard_distance)
        haz_distance = oqparam.asset_hazard_distance

    if haz_sitecol.mesh != exposure.mesh:
        # associate the assets to the hazard sites
        tot_assets = sum(len(assets) for assets in exposure.assets_by_site)
        mode = 'strict' if oqparam.region_grid_spacing else 'filter'
        sitecol, assets_by = geo.utils.assoc(exposure.assets_by_site,
                                             haz_sitecol, haz_distance, mode)
        assets_by_site = [[] for _ in sitecol.complete.sids]
        num_assets = 0
        for sid, assets in zip(sitecol.sids, assets_by):
            assets_by_site[sid] = assets
            num_assets += len(assets)
        logging.info('Associated %d assets to %d sites', num_assets,
        if num_assets < tot_assets:
                'Discarded %d assets outside the '
                'asset_hazard_distance of %d km', tot_assets - num_assets,
        # asset sites and hazard sites are the same
        sitecol = haz_sitecol
        assets_by_site = exposure.assets_by_site

    asset_refs = [
        exposure.asset_refs[asset.ordinal] for assets in assets_by_site
        for asset in assets
    assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(asset_refs, assets_by_site,
                                     exposure.tagcol, exposure.cost_calculator,

    return sitecol, assetcol
Example #19
def compute_hazard(sources, src_filter, rlzs_by_gsim, param, monitor):
    :param sources: a list with a single UCERF source
    :param src_filter: a SourceFilter instance
    :param rlzs_by_gsim: a dictionary gsim -> rlzs
    :param param: extra parameters
    :param monitor: a Monitor instance
    :returns: an AccumDict grp_id -> EBRuptures
    [src] = sources
    res = AccumDict()
    res.calc_times = []
    serial = 1
    sampl_mon = monitor('sampling ruptures', measuremem=True)
    filt_mon = monitor('filtering ruptures', measuremem=False)
    res.trt = DEFAULT_TRT
    ebruptures = []
    background_sids = src.get_background_sids(src_filter)
    sitecol = src_filter.sitecol
    cmaker = ContextMaker(rlzs_by_gsim, src_filter.integration_distance)
    for sample in range(param['samples']):
        for ses_idx, ses_seed in param['ses_seeds']:
            seed = sample * TWO16 + ses_seed
            with sampl_mon:
                rups, n_occs = generate_event_set(src, background_sids,
                                                  src_filter, seed)
            with filt_mon:
                for rup, n_occ in zip(rups, n_occs):
                    rup.serial = serial
                        rup.sctx, rup.dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(sitecol, rup)
                        indices = rup.sctx.sids
                    except FarAwayRupture:
                    events = []
                    for _ in range(n_occ):
                        events.append((0, src.src_group_id, ses_idx, sample))
                    if events:
                        evs = numpy.array(events, stochastic.event_dt)
                        ebruptures.append(EBRupture(rup, src.id, indices, evs))
                        serial += 1
    res.num_events = len(stochastic.set_eids(ebruptures))
    res['ruptures'] = {src.src_group_id: ebruptures}
    if param['save_ruptures']:
        res.ruptures_by_grp = {src.src_group_id: ebruptures}
        res.events_by_grp = {
            src.src_group_id: event_based.get_events(ebruptures)
    res.eff_ruptures = {src.src_group_id: src.num_ruptures}
    if param.get('gmf'):
        getter = getters.GmfGetter(rlzs_by_gsim, ebruptures, sitecol,
                                   param['oqparam'], param['min_iml'],
    return res
Example #20
def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, haz_sitecol=None, cost_types=()):
    :param oqparam: calculation parameters
    :param haz_sitecol: the hazard site collection
    :param cost_types: the expected cost types
    :returns: (site collection, asset collection, discarded)
    global exposure
    asset_hazard_distance = oqparam.asset_hazard_distance['default']
    if exposure is None:
        # haz_sitecol not extracted from the exposure
        exposure = get_exposure(oqparam)
    if haz_sitecol is None:
        haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
    if oqparam.region_grid_spacing:
        haz_distance = oqparam.region_grid_spacing * 1.414
        if haz_distance != asset_hazard_distance:
            logging.info('Using asset_hazard_distance=%d km instead of %d km',
                         haz_distance, asset_hazard_distance)
        haz_distance = asset_hazard_distance

    if haz_sitecol.mesh != exposure.mesh:
        # associate the assets to the hazard sites
        sitecol, assets_by, discarded = geo.utils.assoc(
            exposure.assets_by_site, haz_sitecol,
            haz_distance, 'filter', exposure.asset_refs)
        assets_by_site = [[] for _ in sitecol.complete.sids]
        num_assets = 0
        for sid, assets in zip(sitecol.sids, assets_by):
            assets_by_site[sid] = assets
            num_assets += len(assets)
            'Associated %d assets to %d sites', num_assets, len(sitecol))
        # asset sites and hazard sites are the same
        sitecol = haz_sitecol
        assets_by_site = exposure.assets_by_site
        discarded = []
        logging.info('Read %d sites and %d assets from the exposure',
                     len(sitecol), sum(len(a) for a in assets_by_site))
    assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(
        exposure, assets_by_site, oqparam.time_event, oqparam.loss_dt().names)
    if assetcol.occupancy_periods:
        missing = set(cost_types) - set(exposure.cost_types['name']) - set(
        missing = set(cost_types) - set(exposure.cost_types['name'])
    if missing and not oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('damage'):
        raise InvalidFile('The exposure %s is missing %s' %
                          (oqparam.inputs['exposure'], missing))
    if (not oqparam.hazard_calculation_id and 'gmfs' not in oqparam.inputs
            and 'hazard_curves' not in oqparam.inputs
            and sitecol is not sitecol.complete):
    return sitecol, assetcol, discarded
Example #21
def classical(group, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor=Monitor()):
    Compute the hazard curves for a set of sources belonging to the same
    tectonic region type for all the GSIMs associated to that TRT.
    The arguments are the same as in :func:`calc_hazard_curves`, except
    for ``gsims``, which is a list of GSIM instances.

        a dictionary {grp_id: pmap} with attributes .grp_ids, .calc_times,
    if getattr(group, 'src_interdep', None) == 'mutex':
        mutex_weight = {
            src.source_id: weight
            for src, weight in zip(group.sources, group.srcs_weights)
        mutex_weight = None
    grp_ids = set()
    for src in group:
    maxdist = src_filter.integration_distance
    imtls = param['imtls']
    trunclevel = param.get('truncation_level')
    cmaker = ContextMaker(gsims, maxdist, param['filter_distance'], monitor)
    pmap = AccumDict({
        grp_id: ProbabilityMap(len(imtls.array), len(gsims))
        for grp_id in grp_ids
    # AccumDict of arrays with 4 elements weight, nsites, calc_time, split
    pmap.calc_times = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(4))
    pmap.eff_ruptures = AccumDict()  # grp_id -> num_ruptures
    for src, s_sites in src_filter(group):  # filter now
        t0 = time.time()
        indep = group.rup_interdep == 'indep' if mutex_weight else True
        poemap = cmaker.poe_map(src, s_sites, imtls, trunclevel, indep)
        if mutex_weight:  # mutex sources
            weight = mutex_weight[src.source_id]
            for sid in poemap:
                pcurve = pmap[group.id].setdefault(sid, 0)
                pcurve += poemap[sid] * weight
        elif poemap:
            for grp_id in src.src_group_ids:
                pmap[grp_id] |= poemap
        src_id = src.source_id.split(':', 1)[0]
        pmap.calc_times[src_id] += numpy.array(
            [src.weight, len(s_sites),
             time.time() - t0, 1])
        # storing the number of contributing ruptures too
        pmap.eff_ruptures += {
            grp_id: getattr(poemap, 'eff_ruptures', 0)
            for grp_id in src.src_group_ids
    if mutex_weight and group.grp_probability is not None:
        pmap[group.id] *= group.grp_probability
    return pmap
Example #22
def rupture_weight_pairs(src):
    Generator yielding (rupture, weight) for each rupture in the source
    if hasattr(src, 'weights'):
        for pair in zip(src.iter_ruptures(), src.weights):
            yield pair
    weight = 1. / (src.num_ruptures or src.count_ruptures())
    for rup in src.iter_ruptures():
        yield rup, weight
Example #23
def rupture_weight_pairs(src):
    Generator yielding (rupture, weight) for each rupture in the source
    if hasattr(src, 'weights'):
        for pair in zip(src.iter_ruptures(), src.weights):
            yield pair
    weight = 1. / (src.num_ruptures or src.count_ruptures())
    for rup in src.iter_ruptures():
        yield rup, weight
Example #24
def poe_map(src, s_sites, imtls, cmaker, trunclevel, bbs, rup_indep,
            ctx_mon, pne_mon, disagg_mon):
    Compute the ProbabilityMap generated by the given source. Also,
    store some information in the monitors and optionally in the
    bounding boxes.
    pmap = ProbabilityMap.build(
        len(imtls.array), len(cmaker.gsims), s_sites.sids, initvalue=rup_indep)
        for rup, weight in rupture_weight_pairs(src):
            with ctx_mon:  # compute distances
                    sctx, rctx, dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(s_sites, rup)
                except FarAwayRupture:
            with pne_mon:  # compute probabilities and updates the pmap
                pnes = get_probability_no_exceedance(
                    rup, sctx, rctx, dctx, imtls, cmaker.gsims, trunclevel)
                for sid, pne in zip(sctx.sites.sids, pnes):
                    if rup_indep:
                        pmap[sid].array *= pne
                        pmap[sid].array += pne * weight
            # add optional disaggregation information (bounding boxes)
            if bbs:
                with disagg_mon:
                    sids = set(sctx.sites.sids)
                    jb_dists = dctx.rjb
                    closest_points = rup.surface.get_closest_points(
                    bs = [bb for bb in bbs if bb.site_id in sids]
                    # NB: the assert below is always true; we are
                    # protecting against possible refactoring errors
                    assert len(bs) == len(jb_dists) == len(closest_points)
                    for bb, dist, p in zip(bs, jb_dists, closest_points):
                        bb.update([dist], [p.longitude], [p.latitude])
    except Exception as err:
        etype, err, tb = sys.exc_info()
        msg = 'An error occurred with source id=%s. Error: %s'
        msg %= (src.source_id, str(err))
        raise_(etype, msg, tb)
    return ~pmap
Example #25
def compute_gmfs_and_curves(getters, oq, monitor):
    :param getters:
        a list of GmfGetter instances
    :param oq:
        an OqParam instance
    :param monitor:
        a Monitor instance
        a list of dictionaries with keys gmfcoll and hcurves
    results = []
    for getter in getters:
        with monitor('GmfGetter.init', measuremem=True):
        hcurves = {}  # key -> poes
        if oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
            hc_mon = monitor('building hazard curves', measuremem=False)
            duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path
            with monitor('building hazard', measuremem=True):
                gmfdata = numpy.fromiter(getter.gen_gmv(), getter.gmf_data_dt)
                hazard = getter.get_hazard(data=gmfdata)
            for sid, hazardr in zip(getter.sids, hazard):
                for rlzi, array in hazardr.items():
                    if len(array) == 0:  # no data
                    with hc_mon:
                        gmvs = array['gmv']
                        for imti, imt in enumerate(getter.imtls):
                            poes = calc._gmvs_to_haz_curve(
                                gmvs[:, imti], oq.imtls[imt],
                                oq.investigation_time, duration)
                            hcurves[rsi2str(rlzi, sid, imt)] = poes
        else:  # fast lane
            with monitor('building hazard', measuremem=True):
                gmfdata = numpy.fromiter(getter.gen_gmv(), getter.gmf_data_dt)
        indices = []
        if oq.ground_motion_fields:
            gmfdata.sort(order=('sid', 'rlzi', 'eid'))
            start = stop = 0
            for sid, rows in itertools.groupby(gmfdata['sid']):
                for row in rows:
                    stop += 1
                indices.append((sid, start, stop))
                start = stop
            gmfdata = None
        res = dict(gmfdata=gmfdata,
                   indices=numpy.array(indices, (U32, 3)))
        if len(getter.gmdata):
    return results
Example #26
def get_mesh_csvdata(csvfile, imts, num_values, validvalues):
    Read CSV data in the format `IMT lon lat value1 ... valueN`.

    :param csvfile:
        a file or file-like object with the CSV data
    :param imts:
        a list of intensity measure types
    :param num_values:
        dictionary with the number of expected values per IMT
    :param validvalues:
        validation function for the values
        the mesh of points and the data as a dictionary
        imt -> array of curves for each site
    number_of_values = dict(zip(imts, num_values))
    lon_lats = {imt: set() for imt in imts}
    data = AccumDict()  # imt -> list of arrays
    check_imt = valid.Choice(*imts)
    for line, row in enumerate(csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' '), 1):
            imt = check_imt(row[0])
            lon_lat = valid.longitude(row[1]), valid.latitude(row[2])
            if lon_lat in lon_lats[imt]:
                raise DuplicatedPoint(lon_lat)
            values = validvalues(' '.join(row[3:]))
            if len(values) != number_of_values[imt]:
                raise ValueError('Found %d values, expected %d' %
                                 (len(values), number_of_values[imt]))
        except (ValueError, DuplicatedPoint) as err:
            raise err.__class__('%s: file %s, line %d' % (err, csvfile, line))
        data += {imt: [numpy.array(values)]}
    points = lon_lats.pop(imts[0])
    for other_imt, other_points in lon_lats.items():
        if points != other_points:
            raise ValueError('Inconsistent locations between %s and %s' %
                             (imts[0], other_imt))
    lons, lats = zip(*sorted(points))
    mesh = geo.Mesh(numpy.array(lons), numpy.array(lats))
    return mesh, {imt: numpy.array(lst) for imt, lst in data.items()}
Example #27
 def assets_by_site(self):
     :returns: numpy array of lists with the assets by each site
     assetcol = self.array
     site_ids = sorted(set(assetcol['site_id']))
     assets_by_site = [[] for sid in site_ids]
     index = dict(zip(site_ids, range(len(site_ids))))
     for i, ass in enumerate(assetcol):
     return numpy.array(assets_by_site)
Example #28
 def assets_by_site(self):
     :returns: numpy array of lists with the assets by each site
     assetcol = self.array
     site_ids = sorted(set(assetcol['site_id']))
     assets_by_site = [[] for sid in site_ids]
     index = dict(zip(site_ids, range(len(site_ids))))
     for i, ass in enumerate(assetcol):
     return numpy.array(assets_by_site)
Example #29
def set_counts(dstore, dsetname):
    :param dstore: a DataStore instance
    :param dsetname: name of dataset with a field `grp_id`
    :returns: a dictionary grp_id > counts
    groups = dstore[dsetname]['grp_id']
    unique, counts = numpy.unique(groups, return_counts=True)
    dic = dict(zip(unique, counts))
    dstore.set_attrs(dsetname, by_grp=sorted(dic.items()))
    return dic
Example #30
 def get_all(self, aids):
     :param aids: a list of A asset ordinals
     :returns: a list of A composite arrays of dtype `lrs_dt`
     data = self.dstore['all_loss_ratios/data']
     indices = self.dstore['all_loss_ratios/indices'][aids]  # (A, T, 2)
     loss_ratio_data = []
     for aid, idxs in zip(aids, indices):
         arr = numpy.concatenate([data[idx[0]:idx[1]] for idx in idxs])
     return loss_ratio_data
Example #31
def set_random_years(dstore, name, investigation_time):
    Set on the `events` dataset year labels sensitive to the
    SES ordinal and the investigation time.
    events = dstore[name].value
    years = numpy.random.choice(investigation_time, len(events)) + 1
    year_of = dict(zip(numpy.sort(events['eid']), years))  # eid -> year
    for event in events:
        idx = event['ses'] - 1  # starts from 0
        event['year'] = idx * investigation_time + year_of[event['eid']]
    dstore[name] = events
Example #32
def reduce_sm(paths, source_ids):
    :param paths: list of source_model.xml files
    :param source_ids: dictionary src_id -> array[src_id, code]
    :returns: dictionary with keys good, total, model, path, xmlns

    NB: duplicate sources are not removed from the XML
    if isinstance(source_ids, dict):  # in oq reduce_sm
        def ok(src_node):
            code = tag2code[re.search(r'\}(\w\w)', src_node.tag).group(1)]
            arr = source_ids.get(src_node['id'])
            if arr is None:
                return False
            return (arr['code'] == code).any()
    else:  # list of source IDs, in extract_source
        def ok(src_node):
            return src_node['id'] in source_ids
    for path in paths:
        good = 0
        total = 0
        logging.info('Reading %s', path)
        root = nrml.read(path)
        model = Node('sourceModel', root[0].attrib)
        origmodel = root[0]
        if root['xmlns'] == 'http://openquake.org/xmlns/nrml/0.4':
            for src_node in origmodel:
                total += 1
                if ok(src_node):
                    good += 1
        else:  # nrml/0.5
            for src_group in origmodel:
                sg = copy.copy(src_group)
                sg.nodes = []
                weights = src_group.get('srcs_weights')
                if weights:
                    assert len(weights) == len(src_group.nodes)
                    weights = [1] * len(src_group.nodes)
                reduced_weigths = []
                for src_node, weight in zip(src_group, weights):
                    total += 1
                    if ok(src_node):
                        good += 1
                        src_node.attrib.pop('tectonicRegion', None)
                src_group['srcs_weights'] = reduced_weigths
                if sg.nodes:
        yield dict(good=good, total=total, model=model, path=path,
Example #33
def scenario_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor):
    Core function for a scenario computation.

    :param riskinput:
        a of :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param param:
        dictionary of extra parameters
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a dictionary {
        'agg': array of shape (E, L, R, 2),
        'avg': list of tuples (lt_idx, rlz_idx, asset_idx, statistics)
        where E is the number of simulated events, L the number of loss types,
        R the number of realizations  and statistics is an array of shape
        (n, R, 4), with n the number of assets in the current riskinput object
    E = param['number_of_ground_motion_fields']
    L = len(riskmodel.loss_types)
    T = riskinput.tagmask.shape[1]
    R = riskinput.hazard_getter.num_rlzs
    I = param['insured_losses'] + 1
    asset_loss_table = param['asset_loss_table']
    lbt = numpy.zeros((T, R, L * I), F32)
    result = dict(agg=numpy.zeros((E, R, L * I), F32),
    for outputs in riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinput, monitor):
        r = outputs.r
        assets = outputs.assets
        for l, losses in enumerate(outputs):
            if losses is None:  # this may happen
            stats = numpy.zeros((len(assets), I), stat_dt)  # mean, stddev
            for a, asset in enumerate(assets):
                stats['mean'][a] = losses[a].mean()
                stats['stddev'][a] = losses[a].std(ddof=1)
                result['avg'].append((l, r, asset.ordinal, stats[a]))
                t = riskinput.tagmask[a]
                for i in range(I):
                    lbt[t, r, l + L * i] += losses[a].sum()
            agglosses = losses.sum(axis=0)  # shape E, I
            for i in range(I):
                result['agg'][:, r, l + L * i] += agglosses[:, i]
            if asset_loss_table:
                aids = [asset.ordinal for asset in outputs.assets]
                result['all_losses'][l, r] += AccumDict(zip(aids, losses))
    return result
Example #34
def event_based_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, rlzs_assoc, assetcol, monitor):
    :param riskinput:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        a class:`openquake.commonlib.source.RlzsAssoc` instance
    :param assetcol:
        AssetCollection instance
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a dictionary of numpy arrays of shape (L, R)
    lti = riskmodel.lti  # loss type -> index
    L, R = len(lti), len(rlzs_assoc.realizations)
    I = monitor.insured_losses + 1
    eids = riskinput.eids
    E = len(eids)
    idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    agg = numpy.zeros((E, L, R, I), F32)
    ass = collections.defaultdict(list)

    def zeroN():
        return numpy.zeros((monitor.num_assets, I))

    result = dict(RC=square(L, R, AccumDict),
                  IC=square(L, R, AccumDict),
    if monitor.avg_losses:
        result['AVGLOSS'] = square(L, R, zeroN)

    agglosses_mon = monitor('aggregate losses', measuremem=False)
    for output in riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinput, rlzs_assoc, monitor,
        with agglosses_mon:
            _aggregate_output(output, riskmodel, agg, ass, idx, result,
    for (l, r) in itertools.product(range(L), range(R)):
        records = [(eids[i], loss) for i, loss in enumerate(agg[:, l, r])
                   if loss.sum() > 0]
        if records:
            result['AGGLOSS'][l, r] = numpy.array(records, monitor.elt_dt)
    for lr in ass:
        if ass[lr]:
            result['ASSLOSS'][lr] = numpy.concatenate(ass[lr])

    # store the size of the GMFs
    result['gmfbytes'] = monitor.gmfbytes
    return result
Example #35
 def __init__(self, trt, imts, sitecol, ses_ruptures, trunc_level, correl_model, min_iml, epsilons=None):
     self.sitecol = sitecol
     self.ses_ruptures = numpy.array(ses_ruptures)
     self.trt = trt
     self.trunc_level = trunc_level
     self.correl_model = correl_model
     self.min_iml = min_iml
     self.weight = sum(sr.weight for sr in ses_ruptures)
     self.imts = imts
     self.eids = numpy.concatenate([r.events["eid"] for r in ses_ruptures])
     if epsilons is not None:
         self.eps = epsilons  # matrix N x E, events in this block
         self.eid2idx = dict(zip(self.eids, range(len(self.eids))))
Example #36
def set_random_years(dstore, events_sm, investigation_time):
    Sort the `events` array and attach year labels sensitive to the
    SES ordinal and the investigation time.
    events = dstore[events_sm].value
    eids = numpy.sort(events['eid'])
    years = numpy.random.choice(investigation_time, len(events)) + 1
    year_of = dict(zip(eids, years))
    for event in events:
        idx = event['ses'] - 1  # starts from 0
        event['year'] = idx * investigation_time + year_of[event['eid']]
    dstore[events_sm] = events
Example #37
 def get(self, rlzi):
     :param rlzi: a realization ordinal
     :returns: a dictionary aid -> list of loss ratios
     data = self.dstore['all_loss_ratios/data']
     dic = collections.defaultdict(list)  # aid -> ratios
     for aid, idxs in zip(self.aids, self.indices):
         for idx in idxs:
             for rec in data[idx[0]:idx[1]]:
                 if rlzi == rec['rlzi']:
     return dic
Example #38
def event_based_risk(riskinputs, riskmodel, rlzs_assoc, assetcol, monitor):
    :param riskinputs:
        a list of :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` objects
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        a class:`openquake.commonlib.source.RlzsAssoc` instance
    :param assetcol:
        AssetCollection instance
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a dictionary of numpy arrays of shape (L, R)
    lti = riskmodel.lti  # loss type -> index
    L, R = len(lti), len(rlzs_assoc.realizations)
    I = monitor.insured_losses + 1
    eids = numpy.concatenate([ri.eids for ri in riskinputs])
    E = len(eids)
    idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    agg = numpy.zeros((E, L, R, I), F32)

    def zeroN():
        return numpy.zeros((monitor.num_assets, I))

    result = dict(RC=square(L, R, list),
                  IC=square(L, R, list),
                  AGGLOSS=square(L, R, list))
    if monitor.asset_loss_table:
        result['ASSLOSS'] = square(L, R, list)
    if monitor.avg_losses:
        result['AVGLOSS'] = square(L, R, zeroN)

    agglosses_mon = monitor('aggregate losses', measuremem=False)
    for output in riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinputs, rlzs_assoc, monitor,
        with agglosses_mon:
            _aggregate_output(output, riskmodel, agg, idx, result, monitor)
    for (l, r), lst in numpy.ndenumerate(result['AGGLOSS']):
        records = numpy.array(
            [(eids[i], loss)
             for i, loss in enumerate(agg[:, l, r]) if loss.sum() > 0],
        result['AGGLOSS'][l, r] = records
    for (l, r), lst in numpy.ndenumerate(result['RC']):
        result['RC'][l, r] = sum(lst, AccumDict())
    for (l, r), lst in numpy.ndenumerate(result['IC']):
        result['IC'][l, r] = sum(lst, AccumDict())

    return result
def compute_ruptures(sources, src_filter, gsims, param, monitor):
    :param sources: a list with a single UCERF source
    :param src_filter: a SourceFilter instance
    :param gsims: a list of GSIMs
    :param param: extra parameters
    :param monitor: a Monitor instance
    :returns: an AccumDict grp_id -> EBRuptures
    [src] = sources
    res = AccumDict()
    res.calc_times = []
    serial = 1
    sampl_mon = monitor('sampling ruptures', measuremem=True)
    filt_mon = monitor('filtering ruptures', measuremem=False)
    res.trt = DEFAULT_TRT
    ebruptures = []
    background_sids = src.get_background_sids(src_filter)
    sitecol = src_filter.sitecol
    cmaker = ContextMaker(gsims, src_filter.integration_distance)
    for sample in range(param['samples']):
        for ses_idx, ses_seed in param['ses_seeds']:
            seed = sample * TWO16 + ses_seed
            with sampl_mon:
                rups, n_occs = generate_event_set(src, background_sids,
                                                  src_filter, seed)
            with filt_mon:
                for rup, n_occ in zip(rups, n_occs):
                    rup.serial = serial
                    rup.seed = seed
                        rup.sctx, rup.dctx = cmaker.make_contexts(sitecol, rup)
                        indices = rup.sctx.sids
                    except FarAwayRupture:
                    events = []
                    for _ in range(n_occ):
                        events.append((0, src.src_group_id, ses_idx, sample))
                    if events:
                        evs = numpy.array(events, stochastic.event_dt)
                        ebruptures.append(EBRupture(rup, indices, evs))
                        serial += 1
    res.num_events = len(stochastic.set_eids(ebruptures))
    res[src.src_group_id] = ebruptures
    if not param['save_ruptures']:
        res.events_by_grp = {
            grp_id: event_based.get_events(res[grp_id])
            for grp_id in res
    res.eff_ruptures = {src.src_group_id: src.num_ruptures}
    return res
Example #40
def compute_hazard(sources, src_filter, rlzs_by_gsim, param, monitor):
    :param sources: a list with a single UCERF source
    :param src_filter: a SourceFilter instance
    :param rlzs_by_gsim: a dictionary gsim -> rlzs
    :param param: extra parameters
    :param monitor: a Monitor instance
    :returns: an AccumDict grp_id -> EBRuptures
    [src] = sources
    res = AccumDict()
    res.calc_times = []
    serial = 1
    sampl_mon = monitor('sampling ruptures', measuremem=True)
    filt_mon = monitor('filtering ruptures', measuremem=False)
    res.trt = DEFAULT_TRT
    background_sids = src.get_background_sids(src_filter)
    sitecol = src_filter.sitecol
    cmaker = ContextMaker(rlzs_by_gsim, src_filter.integration_distance)
    num_ses = param['ses_per_logic_tree_path']
    samples = getattr(src, 'samples', 1)
    n_occ = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros((samples, num_ses), numpy.uint16))
    with sampl_mon:
        for sam_idx in range(samples):
            for ses_idx, ses_seed in param['ses_seeds']:
                seed = sam_idx * TWO16 + ses_seed
                rups, occs = generate_event_set(src, background_sids,
                                                src_filter, seed)
                for rup, occ in zip(rups, occs):
                    n_occ[rup][sam_idx, ses_idx] = occ
                    rup.serial = serial
                    serial += 1
    with filt_mon:
        rlzs = numpy.concatenate(list(rlzs_by_gsim.values()))
        ebruptures = stochastic.build_eb_ruptures(src, rlzs, num_ses, cmaker,
                                                  sitecol, n_occ.items())
    res.num_events = sum(ebr.multiplicity for ebr in ebruptures)
    res['ruptures'] = {src.src_group_id: ebruptures}
    if param['save_ruptures']:
        res.ruptures_by_grp = {src.src_group_id: ebruptures}
        res.events_by_grp = {
            src.src_group_id: event_based.get_events(ebruptures)
    res.eff_ruptures = {src.src_group_id: src.num_ruptures}
    if param.get('gmf'):
        getter = getters.GmfGetter(rlzs_by_gsim, ebruptures, sitecol,
                                   param['oqparam'], param['min_iml'], samples)
    return res
Example #41
 def from_array(cls, array, sids):
     :param array: array of shape (N, L, I)
     :param sids: array of N site IDs
     n_sites = len(sids)
     n = len(array)
     if n_sites != n:
         raise ValueError('Passed %d site IDs, but the array has length %d'
                          % (n_sites, n))
     self = cls(*array.shape[1:])
     for sid, poes in zip(sids, array):
         self[sid] = ProbabilityCurve(poes)
     return self
Example #42
def get_aggkey_attrs(tagcol, aggby):
    aggkey = {(): 0}
    attrs = [{}]
    if not aggby:
        return aggkey, attrs
    alltags = [getattr(tagcol, tagname) for tagname in aggby]
    ranges = [range(1, len(tags)) for tags in alltags]
    i = 1
    for idxs in itertools.product(*ranges):
        d = {name: tags[idx] for idx, name, tags in zip(idxs, aggby, alltags)}
        aggkey[idxs] = i
        i += 1
    return aggkey, attrs
Example #43
 def post_execute(self, result):
     Save risk data and build the aggregate loss curves
     logging.info('Saving event loss table')
     elt_dt = numpy.dtype([('eid', U64), ('rlzi', U16),
                           ('loss', (F32, (self.L * self.I, )))])
     with self.monitor('saving event loss table', measuremem=True):
         # saving zeros is a lot faster than adding an `if loss.sum()`
         agglosses = numpy.fromiter(
             ((e, r, loss) for e, losses in zip(self.eids, self.agglosses)
              for r, loss in enumerate(losses) if loss.sum()), elt_dt)
         self.datastore['losses_by_event'] = agglosses
Example #44
def scenario_risk(riskinputs, crmodel, param, monitor):
    Core function for a scenario computation.

    :param riskinput:
        a of :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param crmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param param:
        dictionary of extra parameters
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a dictionary {
        'agg': array of shape (E, L, R, 2),
        'avg': list of tuples (lt_idx, rlz_idx, asset_ordinal, statistics)
        where E is the number of simulated events, L the number of loss types,
        R the number of realizations  and statistics is an array of shape
        (n, R, 4), with n the number of assets in the current riskinput object
    E = param['E']
    L = len(crmodel.loss_types)
    result = dict(agg=numpy.zeros((E, L), F32), avg=[])
    mon = monitor('getting hazard', measuremem=False)
    acc = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(L, F64))  # aid,eid->loss
    for ri in riskinputs:
        with mon:
        for out in ri.gen_outputs(crmodel, monitor, param['tempname']):
            r = out.rlzi
            slc = param['event_slice'](r)
            for l, loss_type in enumerate(crmodel.loss_types):
                losses = out[loss_type]
                if numpy.product(losses.shape) == 0:  # happens for all NaNs
                stats = numpy.zeros(len(ri.assets), stat_dt)  # mean, stddev
                for a, asset in enumerate(ri.assets):
                    aid = asset['ordinal']
                    stats['mean'][a] = losses[a].mean()
                    stats['stddev'][a] = losses[a].std(ddof=1)
                    result['avg'].append((l, r, asset['ordinal'], stats[a]))
                    for loss, eid in zip(losses[a], out.eids):
                        acc[aid, eid][l] = loss
                agglosses = losses.sum(axis=0)  # shape num_gmfs
                result['agg'][slc, l] += agglosses

    ael = [(aid, eid, loss) for (aid, eid), loss in sorted(acc.items())]
    result['ael'] = numpy.array(ael, param['ael_dt'])
    return result
Example #45
 def from_array(cls, array, sids):
     :param array: array of shape (N, L, I)
     :param sids: array of N site IDs
     n_sites = len(sids)
     n = len(array)
     if n_sites != n:
         raise ValueError('Passed %d site IDs, but the array has length %d'
                          % (n_sites, n))
     self = cls(*array.shape[1:])
     for sid, poes in zip(sids, array):
         self[sid] = ProbabilityCurve(poes)
     return self
Example #46
def event_based_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor):
    :param riskinput:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param param:
        a dictionary of parameters
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a dictionary of numpy arrays of shape (L, R)
    assetcol = param['assetcol']
    A = len(assetcol)
    I = param['insured_losses'] + 1
    eids = riskinput.hazard_getter.eids
    E = len(eids)
    L = len(riskmodel.lti)
    taxid = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(sorted(assetcol.taxonomies))}
    T = len(taxid)
    R = sum(
        for gsim, rlzs in riskinput.hazard_getter.rlzs_by_gsim.items())
    param['lrs_dt'] = numpy.dtype([('rlzi', U16),
                                   ('ratios', (F32, (L * I, )))])
    idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    agg = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros((E, L, I), F32))  # r -> array
    result = dict(agglosses=AccumDict(),
                  lrs_idx=numpy.zeros((A, 2), U32),
                  losses_by_taxon=numpy.zeros((T, R, L * I), F32),
    if param['avg_losses']:
        result['avglosses'] = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(A, F64))
        result['avglosses'] = {}
    outputs = riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinput, monitor, assetcol)
    _aggregate(outputs, riskmodel, taxid, agg, idx, result, param)
    for r in sorted(agg):
        records = [(eids[i], loss) for i, loss in enumerate(agg[r])
                   if loss.sum() > 0]
        if records:
            result['agglosses'][r] = numpy.array(records, param['elt_dt'])

    # store info about the GMFs
    result['gmdata'] = riskinput.gmdata
    return result
def event_based_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, rlzs_assoc, assetcol, monitor):
    :param riskinput:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        a class:`openquake.commonlib.source.RlzsAssoc` instance
    :param assetcol:
        AssetCollection instance
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a dictionary of numpy arrays of shape (L, R)
    lti = riskmodel.lti  # loss type -> index
    L, R = len(lti), len(rlzs_assoc.realizations)
    I = monitor.insured_losses + 1
    eids = riskinput.eids
    E = len(eids)
    idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    agg = numpy.zeros((E, L, R, I), F32)
    ass = collections.defaultdict(list)

    def zeroN():
        return numpy.zeros((monitor.num_assets, I))
    result = dict(RC=square(L, R, AccumDict), IC=square(L, R, AccumDict),
                  AGGLOSS=AccumDict(), ASSLOSS=AccumDict())
    if monitor.avg_losses:
        result['AVGLOSS'] = square(L, R, zeroN)

    agglosses_mon = monitor('aggregate losses', measuremem=False)
    for output in riskmodel.gen_outputs(
            riskinput, rlzs_assoc, monitor, assetcol):
        with agglosses_mon:
                output, riskmodel, agg, ass, idx, result, monitor)
    for (l, r) in itertools.product(range(L), range(R)):
        records = [(eids[i], loss) for i, loss in enumerate(agg[:, l, r])
                   if loss.sum() > 0]
        if records:
            result['AGGLOSS'][l, r] = numpy.array(records, monitor.elt_dt)
    for lr in ass:
        if ass[lr]:
            result['ASSLOSS'][lr] = numpy.concatenate(ass[lr])

    # store the size of the GMFs
    result['gmfbytes'] = monitor.gmfbytes
    return result
Example #48
def compute_ruptures(sources, sitecol, gsims, monitor):
    :param sources: a sequence of UCERF sources
    :param sitecol: a SiteCollection instance
    :param gsims: a list of GSIMs
    :param monitor: a Monitor instance
    :returns: an AccumDict grp_id -> EBRuptures
    [src] = sources  # there is a single source per UCERF branch
    integration_distance = monitor.maximum_distance[DEFAULT_TRT]
    res = AccumDict()
    res.calc_times = AccumDict()
    serial = 1
    event_mon = monitor('sampling ruptures', measuremem=False)
    res.num_events = 0
    res.trt = DEFAULT_TRT
    t0 = time.time()
    # set the seed before calling generate_event_set
    numpy.random.seed(monitor.seed + src.src_group_id)
    ebruptures = []
    eid = 0
    background_sids = src.get_background_sids(sitecol, integration_distance)
    for ses_idx in range(1, monitor.ses_per_logic_tree_path + 1):
        with event_mon:
            rups, n_occs = src.generate_event_set(background_sids)
        for rup, n_occ in zip(rups, n_occs):
            rup.seed = monitor.seed  # to think
            rrup = rup.surface.get_min_distance(sitecol.mesh)
            r_sites = sitecol.filter(rrup <= integration_distance)
            if r_sites is None:
            indices = r_sites.indices
            events = []
            for occ in range(n_occ):
                events.append((eid, ses_idx, occ, 0))  # 0 is the sampling
                eid += 1
            if events:
                evs = numpy.array(events, calc.event_dt)
                    calc.EBRupture(rup, indices, evs, src.source_id,
                                   src.src_group_id, serial))
                serial += 1
                res.num_events += len(events)
    res[src.src_group_id] = ebruptures
    res.calc_times[src.src_group_id] = (
        src.source_id, len(sitecol), time.time() - t0)
    res.rup_data = {src.src_group_id:
                    calc.RuptureData(DEFAULT_TRT, gsims).to_array(ebruptures)}
    return res
Example #49
def _aggregate(outputs, compositemodel, agg, ass, idx, result, monitor):
    # update the result dictionary and the agg array with each output
    for out in outputs:
        l, r = out.lr
        asset_ids = [a.ordinal for a in out.assets]
        loss_type = compositemodel.loss_types[l]
        indices = numpy.array([idx[eid] for eid in out.eids])

        cb = compositemodel.curve_builders[l]
        if cb.user_provided:
            counts_matrix = cb.build_counts(out.loss_ratios[:, :, 0])
            result['RC'][l, r] += dict(zip(asset_ids, counts_matrix))
            if monitor.insured_losses:
                result['IC'][l, r] += dict(
                    zip(asset_ids, cb.build_counts(out.loss_ratios[:, :, 1])))

        for i, asset in enumerate(out.assets):
            aid = asset.ordinal
            loss_ratios = out.loss_ratios[i]
            losses = loss_ratios * asset.value(loss_type)

            # average losses
            if monitor.avg_losses:
                result['AVGLOSS'][l, r][aid] += (
                    loss_ratios.sum(axis=0) * monitor.ses_ratio)

            # asset losses
            if monitor.asset_loss_table:
                data = [(eid, aid, loss)
                        for eid, loss in zip(out.eids, losses)
                        if loss.sum() > 0]
                if data:
                    ass[l, r].append(numpy.array(data, monitor.ela_dt))

            # agglosses
            agg[indices, l, r] += losses
Example #50
 def __init__(self, imt_taxonomies, sitecol, ses_ruptures,
              trunc_level, correl_model, min_iml, epsilons, eids):
     self.imt_taxonomies = imt_taxonomies
     self.sitecol = sitecol
     self.ses_ruptures = numpy.array(ses_ruptures)
     self.trt_id = ses_ruptures[0].trt_id
     self.trunc_level = trunc_level
     self.correl_model = correl_model
     self.min_iml = min_iml
     self.weight = sum(sr.weight for sr in ses_ruptures)
     self.imts = sorted(set(imt for imt, _ in imt_taxonomies))
     self.eids = eids  # E events
     if epsilons is not None:
         self.eps = epsilons  # matrix N x E, events in this block
         self.eid2idx = dict(zip(eids, range(len(eids))))
 def post_execute(self, result):
     Save risk data and build the aggregate loss curves
     logging.info('Saving event loss table')
     elt_dt = numpy.dtype(
         [('eid', U64), ('rlzi', U16), ('loss', (F32, (self.L,)))])
     with self.monitor('saving event loss table', measuremem=True):
         agglosses = numpy.fromiter(
             ((eid, rlz, losses)
              for (eid, rlz), losses in zip(self.events, self.agglosses)
              if losses.any()), elt_dt)
         self.datastore['losses_by_event'] = agglosses
         loss_types = ' '.join(self.oqparam.loss_dt().names)
         self.datastore.set_attrs('losses_by_event', loss_types=loss_types)
def build_loss_tables(dstore):
    Compute the total losses by rupture and losses by rlzi.
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    L = len(oq.loss_dt().names)
    R = dstore['csm_info'].get_num_rlzs()
    serials = dstore['ruptures']['serial']
    idx_by_ser = dict(zip(serials, range(len(serials))))
    tbl = numpy.zeros((len(serials), L), F32)
    lbr = numpy.zeros((R, L), F32)  # losses by rlz
    for rec in dstore['losses_by_event'][()]:  # call .value for speed
        idx = idx_by_ser[rec['eid'] // TWO32]
        tbl[idx] += rec['loss']
        lbr[rec['rlzi']] += rec['loss']
    return tbl, lbr
Example #53
def scenario_risk(riskinputs, riskmodel, param, monitor):
    Core function for a scenario computation.

    :param riskinput:
        a of :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param param:
        dictionary of extra parameters
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a dictionary {
        'agg': array of shape (E, L, R, 2),
        'avg': list of tuples (lt_idx, rlz_idx, asset_ordinal, statistics)
        where E is the number of simulated events, L the number of loss types,
        R the number of realizations  and statistics is an array of shape
        (n, R, 4), with n the number of assets in the current riskinput object
    E = param['E']
    L = len(riskmodel.loss_types)
    result = dict(agg=numpy.zeros((E, L), F32), avg=[],
    for ri in riskinputs:
        for out in riskmodel.gen_outputs(ri, monitor, param['epspath']):
            r = out.rlzi
            weight = param['weights'][r]
            slc = param['event_slice'](r)
            for l, loss_type in enumerate(riskmodel.loss_types):
                losses = out[loss_type]
                if numpy.product(losses.shape) == 0:  # happens for all NaNs
                stats = numpy.zeros(len(ri.assets), stat_dt)  # mean, stddev
                for a, asset in enumerate(ri.assets):
                    stats['mean'][a] = losses[a].mean()
                    stats['stddev'][a] = losses[a].std(ddof=1)
                    result['avg'].append((l, r, asset['ordinal'], stats[a]))
                agglosses = losses.sum(axis=0)  # shape num_gmfs
                result['agg'][slc, l] += agglosses * weight
                if param['asset_loss_table']:
                    aids = ri.assets['ordinal']
                    result['all_losses'][l, r] += AccumDict(zip(aids, losses))
    return result
Example #54
def compute_gmfs_and_curves(eb_ruptures, sitecol, rlzs_assoc, monitor):
    :param eb_ruptures:
        a list of blocks of EBRuptures of the same SESCollection
    :param sitecol:
        a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        a RlzsAssoc instance
    :param monitor:
        a Monitor instance
        a dictionary (trt_model_id, gsim) -> haz_curves and/or
        trt_model_id -> gmfs
    oq = monitor.oqparam
    # NB: by construction each block is a non-empty list with
    # ruptures of the same trt_model_id
    trt_id = eb_ruptures[0].trt_id
    gsims = rlzs_assoc.gsims_by_trt_id[trt_id]
    trunc_level = oq.truncation_level
    correl_model = readinput.get_correl_model(oq)
    tot_sites = len(sitecol.complete)
    gmfa_sids_etags = make_gmfs(
        eb_ruptures, sitecol, oq.imtls, gsims, trunc_level, correl_model,
    result = {trt_id: gmfa_sids_etags if oq.ground_motion_fields else None}
    if oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
        with monitor('bulding hazard curves', measuremem=False):
            duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path

            # collect the gmvs by site
            gmvs_by_sid = collections.defaultdict(list)
            for serial in gmfa_sids_etags:
                gst = gmfa_sids_etags[serial]
                for sid, gmvs in zip(gst.sids, gst.gmfa.T):

            # build the hazard curves for each GSIM
            for gsim in gsims:
                gs = str(gsim)
                result[trt_id, gs] = to_haz_curves(
                    tot_sites, gmvs_by_sid, gs, oq.imtls,
                    oq.investigation_time, duration)
    return result
Example #55
 def __init__(self, trt, rlzs_assoc, imts, sitecol, ses_ruptures,
              trunc_level, correl_model, min_iml, epsilons=None):
     assert sitecol is sitecol.complete
     self.imts = imts
     self.sitecol = sitecol
     self.ses_ruptures = numpy.array(ses_ruptures)
     grp_id = ses_ruptures[0].grp_id
     self.trt = trt
     self.trunc_level = trunc_level
     self.correl_model = correl_model
     self.min_iml = min_iml
     self.gsims = [dic[trt] for dic in rlzs_assoc.gsim_by_trt]
     self.samples = rlzs_assoc.samples[grp_id]
     self.rlzs = rlzs_assoc.get_rlzs_by_grp_id()[grp_id]
     self.weight = sum(sr.weight for sr in ses_ruptures)
     self.eids = numpy.concatenate([r.events['eid'] for r in ses_ruptures])
     if epsilons is not None:
         self.eps = epsilons  # matrix N x E, events in this block
         self.eid2idx = dict(zip(self.eids, range(len(self.eids))))
Example #56
    def execute(self):
        A = len(self.assetcol)
        ltypes = self.riskmodel.loss_types
        I = self.oqparam.insured_losses + 1
        R = len(self.rlzs_assoc.realizations)
        self.vals = self.assetcol.values()

        # loss curves
        multi_lr_dt = numpy.dtype(
            [(ltype, (F32, len(cbuilder.ratios)))
             for ltype, cbuilder in zip(
                ltypes, self.riskmodel.curve_builders)])
        rcurves = numpy.zeros((A, R, I), multi_lr_dt)

        # build rcurves-rlzs
        if self.oqparam.loss_ratios:
            assets = list(self.assetcol)
            cb_inputs = self.cb_inputs('all_loss_ratios')
            mon = self.monitor('build_rcurves')
            res = parallel.apply(
                build_rcurves, (cb_inputs, assets, mon)).reduce()
            for l, r in res:
                aids, curves = res[l, r]
                rcurves[ltypes[l]][aids, r] = curves
            self.datastore['rcurves-rlzs'] = rcurves

        # build rcurves-stats (sequentially)
        # this is a fundamental output, being used to compute loss_maps-stats
        if R > 1:
            weights = self.datastore['realizations']['weight']
            quantiles = self.oqparam.quantile_loss_curves
            with self.monitor('computing avg_losses-stats'):
                self.datastore['avg_losses-stats'] = compute_stats2(
                    self.datastore['avg_losses-rlzs'], quantiles, weights)
            with self.monitor('computing rcurves-stats'):
                self.datastore['rcurves-stats'] = compute_stats2(
                    rcurves, quantiles, weights)

        # build an aggregate loss curve per realization
        if 'agg_loss_table' in self.datastore:
            with self.monitor('building agg_curve'):
Example #57
def reduce_source_model(smlt_file, source_ids, remove=True):
    Extract sources from the composite source model
    found = 0
    to_remove = []
    for paths in logictree.collect_info(smlt_file).smpaths.values():
        for path in paths:
            logging.info('Reading %s', path)
            root = nrml.read(path)
            model = Node('sourceModel', root[0].attrib)
            origmodel = root[0]
            if root['xmlns'] == 'http://openquake.org/xmlns/nrml/0.4':
                for src_node in origmodel:
                    if src_node['id'] in source_ids:
            else:  # nrml/0.5
                for src_group in origmodel:
                    sg = copy.copy(src_group)
                    sg.nodes = []
                    weights = src_group.get('srcs_weights')
                    if weights:
                        assert len(weights) == len(src_group.nodes)
                        weights = [1] * len(src_group.nodes)
                    src_group['srcs_weights'] = reduced_weigths = []
                    for src_node, weight in zip(src_group, weights):
                        if src_node['id'] in source_ids:
                            found += 1
                    if sg.nodes:
            shutil.copy(path, path + '.bak')
            if model:
                with open(path, 'wb') as f:
                    nrml.write([model], f, xmlns=root['xmlns'])
            elif remove:  # remove the files completely reduced
    if found:
        for path in to_remove:
Example #58
    def generate_event_set(self, branch_id, sites=None,
        Generates the event set corresponding to a particular branch
        if sites:
            self.update_background_site_filter(sites, integration_distance)
        idxset = self.build_idx_set(branch_id)

        # get rates from file
        with h5py.File(self.source_file, 'r') as hdf5:
            rates = hdf5[idxset["rate_idx"]][:]
            occurrences = self.tom.sample_number_of_occurrences(rates)
            indices = numpy.where(occurrences)[0]
            logging.info('Considering %s %s', branch_id, indices)

            # get ruptures from the indices
            ruptures = []
            rupture_occ = []
            for idx, n_occ in zip(indices, occurrences[indices]):
                ucerf_rup, _ = get_ucerf_rupture(
                    hdf5, idx, idxset, self.tom, self.sites,
                    self.integration_distance, self.mesh_spacing,
                if ucerf_rup:

            # sample background sources
            background_ruptures, background_n_occ = sample_background_model(
                self.npd, self.hdd,
                self.usd, self.lsd,
                self.msr, self.aspect,
        return ruptures, rupture_occ
Example #59
def losses_by_taxonomy(riskinput, riskmodel, rlzs_assoc, assetcol, monitor):
    :param riskinput:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object
    :param riskmodel:
        a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        a class:`openquake.commonlib.source.RlzsAssoc` instance
    :param assetcol:
        AssetCollection instance
    :param monitor:
        :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance
        a numpy array of shape (T, L, R)
    lti = riskmodel.lti  # loss type -> index
    L, R = len(lti), len(rlzs_assoc.realizations)
    T = len(assetcol.taxonomies)
    A = len(assetcol)
    taxonomy_id = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(sorted(assetcol.taxonomies))}
    losses = numpy.zeros((T, L, R), F64)
    avglosses = numpy.zeros((A, L, R), F64) if monitor.avg_losses else None
    agglosses = AccumDict(
        {lr: AccumDict() for lr in itertools.product(range(L), range(R))})
    for out in riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinput, rlzs_assoc, monitor, assetcol):
        # NB: out.assets is a non-empty list of assets with the same taxonomy
        t = taxonomy_id[out.assets[0].taxonomy]
        l, r = out.lr
        losses[t, l, r] += out.alosses.sum()
        if monitor.avg_losses:
            for i, loss in enumerate(out.alosses):
                if loss:
                    avglosses[i, l, r] += loss
        agglosses[l, r] += {eid: loss for eid, loss in
                            zip(out.eids, out.elosses) if loss}

    # convert agglosses into arrays to reduce the data transfer
    agglosses = {lr: numpy.array(sorted(agglosses[lr].items()), elt_dt)
                 for lr in agglosses}
    return AccumDict(losses=losses, avglosses=avglosses, agglosses=agglosses,
Example #60
def make_eps(assets_by_site, num_samples, seed, correlation):
    :param assets_by_site: a list of lists of assets
    :param int num_samples: the number of ruptures
    :param int seed: a random seed
    :param float correlation: the correlation coefficient
    :returns: epsilons matrix of shape (num_assets, num_samples)
    all_assets = (a for assets in assets_by_site for a in assets)
    assets_by_taxo = groupby(all_assets, by_taxonomy)
    num_assets = sum(map(len, assets_by_site))
    eps = numpy.zeros((num_assets, num_samples), numpy.float32)
    for taxonomy, assets in assets_by_taxo.items():
        # the association with the epsilons is done in order
        shape = (len(assets), num_samples)
        logging.info('Building %s epsilons for taxonomy %s', shape, taxonomy)
        zeros = numpy.zeros(shape)
        epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(zeros, seed, correlation)
        for asset, epsrow in zip(assets, epsilons):
            eps[asset.ordinal] = epsrow
    return eps