Example #1
    def test_dda_iml_above_range(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is higher than the highest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.7). Given this condition, to compute
        # the fractions of buildings we use the highest intensity
        # measure level defined in the model (0.7 in this case)

        [ism] = models.inputs4job(self.job.id, input_type="fragility")

        fmodel = models.FragilityModel(
            owner=ism.owner, input=ism, imls=[0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7],
            imt="mmi", lss=["LS1"], format="discrete")


        func = models.Ffd(
            fragility_model=fmodel, taxonomy="RC",
            ls="LS1", poes=[0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00], lsi=1)


        self._close_to(compute_gmv_fractions([func], 0.7),
                compute_gmv_fractions([func], 0.8))
Example #2
    def test_dda_iml_below_range_damage_limit_defined(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is lower than the lowest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.1) and lower than the no_damage_limit
        # attribute defined in the model. Given this condition, the
        # fractions of buildings is 100% no_damage and 0% for the
        # remaining limit states defined in the model.

        [ism] = models.inputs4job(self.job.id, input_type="fragility")

        fmodel = models.FragilityModel(
            owner=ism.owner, input=ism, imls=[0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7],
            imt="mmi", lss=["LS1"], format="discrete", no_damage_limit=0.05)


        func = models.Ffd(
            fragility_model=fmodel, taxonomy="RC",
            ls="LS1", poes=[0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00], lsi=1)


        self._close_to([1.0, 0.0],
            compute_gmv_fractions([func], 0.02))
Example #3
    def test_gmv_between_no_damage_limit_and_first_iml(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is lower than the lowest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.1) but bigger than the no_damage_limit
        # attribute defined in the model. Given this condition, the
        # fractions of buildings is 97.5% no_damage and 2.5% for the
        # remaining limit states defined in the model.

        fm = self._store_dsc_fmodel()
        funcs = fm.ffd_set.filter(taxonomy="RC").order_by("lsi")

        self._close_to([0.975, 0.025, 0.], compute_gmv_fractions(funcs, 0.075))
Example #4
    def test_gmv_between_no_damage_limit_and_first_iml(self):
        # corner case where we have a ground motion value
        # (that corresponds to the intensity measure level in the
        # fragility function) that is lower than the lowest
        # intensity measure level defined in the model (in this
        # particular case 0.1) but bigger than the no_damage_limit
        # attribute defined in the model. Given this condition, the
        # fractions of buildings is 97.5% no_damage and 2.5% for the
        # remaining limit states defined in the model.

        fm = self._store_dsc_fmodel()
        funcs = fm.ffd_set.filter(

        self._close_to([0.975, 0.025, 0.],
            compute_gmv_fractions(funcs, 0.075))