Example #1
def get_composite_source_model(oqparam, full_lt=None, h5=None):
    Parse the XML and build a complete composite source model in memory.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param full_lt:
        a :class:`openquake.commonlib.logictree.FullLogicTree` or None
    :param h5:
         an open hdf5.File where to store the source info
    if full_lt is None:
        full_lt = get_full_lt(oqparam)
    csm = get_csm(oqparam, full_lt, h5)
    grp_ids = csm.get_grp_ids()
    gidx = {tuple(arr): i for i, arr in enumerate(grp_ids)}
    if oqparam.is_event_based():
    data = {}  # src_id -> row
    mags = AccumDict(accum=set())  # trt -> mags
    wkts = []
    ns = 0
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        if hasattr(sg, 'mags'):  # UCERF
            mags[sg.trt].update('%.2f' % mag for mag in sg.mags)
        for src in sg:
            ns += 1
            if src.source_id in data:
                num_sources = data[src.source_id][3] + 1
                num_sources = 1
            row = [
                src.source_id, gidx[tuple(src.grp_ids)], src.code, num_sources,
                0, 0, 0, src.checksum, src.serial
            wkts.append(src._wkt)  # this is a bit slow but okay
            data[src.source_id] = row
            if hasattr(src, 'mags'):  # UCERF
                continue  # already accounted for in sg.mags
            elif hasattr(src, 'data'):  # nonparametric
                srcmags = ['%.2f' % item[0].mag for item in src.data]
                srcmags = [
                    '%.2f' % item[0]
                    for item in src.get_annual_occurrence_rates()

    logging.info('There are %d sources with %d unique IDs', ns, len(data))
    if h5:
        hdf5.create(h5, 'source_info', source_info_dt)  # avoid hdf5 damned bug
        h5['source_wkt'] = numpy.array(wkts, hdf5.vstr)
        for trt in mags:
            h5['source_mags/' + trt] = numpy.array(sorted(mags[trt]))
        h5['grp_ids'] = grp_ids
    csm.source_info = data
    if os.environ.get('OQ_CHECK_INPUT'):
    return csm
Example #2
def get_composite_source_model(oqparam, h5=None):
    Parse the XML and build a complete composite source model in memory.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param h5:
         an open hdf5.File where to store the source info
    full_lt = get_full_lt(oqparam)
    if oqparam.csm_cache and not oqparam.is_ucerf():
        csm = _get_csm_cached(oqparam, full_lt, h5)
        csm = get_csm(oqparam, full_lt, h5)
    grp_ids = csm.get_grp_ids()
    gidx = {tuple(arr): i for i, arr in enumerate(grp_ids)}
    if oqparam.is_event_based():
    data = {}  # src_id -> row
    mags = AccumDict(accum=set())  # trt -> mags
    wkts = []
    ns = -1
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        if hasattr(sg, 'mags'):  # UCERF
            mags[sg.trt].update('%.2f' % mag for mag in sg.mags)
        for src in sg:
            if src.source_id in data:
                multiplicity = data[src.source_id][MULTIPLICITY] + 1
                multiplicity = 1
                ns += 1
            src.gidx = gidx[tuple(src.grp_ids)]
            row = [src.source_id, src.gidx, src.code,
                   multiplicity, 0, 0, 0, src.checksum, src.serial or ns,
            wkts.append(src._wkt)  # this is a bit slow but okay
            data[src.source_id] = row
            if hasattr(src, 'mags'):  # UCERF
                continue  # already accounted for in sg.mags
            elif hasattr(src, 'data'):  # nonparametric
                srcmags = ['%.2f' % item[0].mag for item in src.data]
                srcmags = ['%.2f' % item[0] for item in
    logging.info('There are %d sources', ns + 1)
    if h5:
        attrs = dict(atomic=any(grp.atomic for grp in csm.src_groups))
        # avoid hdf5 damned bug by creating source_info in advance
        hdf5.create(h5, 'source_info', source_info_dt, attrs=attrs)
        h5['source_wkt'] = numpy.array(wkts, hdf5.vstr)
        for trt in mags:
            h5['source_mags/' + trt] = numpy.array(sorted(mags[trt]))
        h5['grp_ids'] = grp_ids
    csm.source_info = data  # src_id -> row
    if os.environ.get('OQ_CHECK_INPUT'):
    return csm
Example #3
def get_composite_source_model(oqparam, h5=None):
    Parse the XML and build a complete composite source model in memory.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param h5:
         an open hdf5.File where to store the source info
    logging.info('Reading the CompositeSourceModel')
    full_lt = get_full_lt(oqparam)
    if oqparam.cachedir and not oqparam.is_ucerf():
        csm = _get_cachedir(oqparam, full_lt, h5)
        csm = get_csm(oqparam, full_lt, h5)
    et_ids = csm.get_et_ids()
    logging.info('%d effective smlt realization(s)', len(full_lt.sm_rlzs))
    data = {}  # src_id -> row
    mags_by_trt = csm.get_mags_by_trt()
    wkts = []
    lens = []
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        for src in sg:
            row = [
                src.source_id, src.grp_id, src.code, 0, 0, 0,
                full_lt.trti[src.tectonic_region_type], 0
            data[src.id] = row
    logging.info('There are %d groups and %d sources with len(et_ids)=%.2f',
                 len(csm.src_groups), sum(len(sg) for sg in csm.src_groups),
    if h5:
        attrs = dict(atomic=any(grp.atomic for grp in csm.src_groups))
        # avoid hdf5 damned bug by creating source_info in advance
        hdf5.create(h5, 'source_info', source_info_dt, attrs=attrs)
        h5['source_wkt'] = numpy.array(wkts, hdf5.vstr)
        h5['et_ids'] = et_ids
        for trt in mags_by_trt:
            h5['source_mags/' + trt] = numpy.array(mags_by_trt[trt])
    csm.source_info = data  # src_id -> row
    if os.environ.get('OQ_CHECK_INPUT'):
    return csm
Example #4
def _get_cachedir(oq, full_lt, h5=None):
    # read the composite source model from the cache
    if not os.path.exists(oq.cachedir):
    checksum = get_checksum32(oq, h5)
    fname = os.path.join(oq.cachedir, 'csm_%s.pik' % checksum)
    if os.path.exists(fname):
        logging.info('Reading %s', fname)
        with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
            csm = pickle.load(f)
            csm.full_lt = full_lt
            return csm
    csm = get_csm(oq, full_lt, h5)
    if not csm.src_groups:  # everything was filtered away
        return csm
    logging.info('Saving %s', fname)
    with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(csm, f)
    return csm
Example #5
def _get_csm_cached(oq, full_lt, h5=None):
    # read the composite source model from the cache
    if not os.path.exists(oq.csm_cache):
    checksum = get_checksum32(oq)
    if h5:
        h5.attrs['checksum32'] = checksum
    fname = os.path.join(oq.csm_cache, '%s.pik' % checksum)
    if os.path.exists(fname):
        with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
            return pickle.load(f)
    csm = get_csm(oq, full_lt, h5)
    logging.info('Weighting the sources')
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        for src in sg:
            src.weight  # cache .num_ruptures
    with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(csm, f)
    return csm
Example #6
def get_composite_source_model(oqparam, h5=None):
    Parse the XML and build a complete composite source model in memory.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param h5:
         an open hdf5.File where to store the source info
    # first read the logic tree
    full_lt = get_full_lt(oqparam)

    # then read the composite source model from the cache if possible
    if oqparam.cachedir and not os.path.exists(oqparam.cachedir):
    if oqparam.cachedir and not oqparam.is_ucerf():
        # for UCERF pickling the csm is slower
        checksum = get_checksum32(oqparam, h5)
        fname = os.path.join(oqparam.cachedir, 'csm_%s.pik' % checksum)
        if os.path.exists(fname):
            logging.info('Reading %s', fname)
            with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
                csm = pickle.load(f)
                csm.full_lt = full_lt
            if h5:
                # avoid errors with --reuse_hazard
                h5['et_ids'] = csm.get_et_ids()
                hdf5.create(h5, 'source_info', source_info_dt)
            _check_csm(csm, oqparam, h5)
            return csm

    # read and process the composite source model from the input files
    csm = get_csm(oqparam, full_lt,  h5)
    save_source_info(csm, h5)
    if oqparam.cachedir and not oqparam.is_ucerf():
        logging.info('Saving %s', fname)
        with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(csm, f)

    _check_csm(csm, oqparam, h5)
    return csm
Example #7
def _get_cachedir(oq, full_lt, h5=None):
    # read the composite source model from the cache
    if not os.path.exists(oq.cachedir):
    checksum = get_checksum32(oq, h5)
    fname = os.path.join(oq.cachedir, 'csm_%s.pik' % checksum)
    if os.path.exists(fname):
        logging.info('Reading %s', fname)
        with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
            csm = pickle.load(f)
            csm.full_lt = full_lt
            return csm
    csm = get_csm(oq, full_lt, h5)
    logging.info('Weighting the sources')
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        for src in sg:
            src.weight  # cache .num_ruptures
    logging.info('Saving %s', fname)
    with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(csm, f)
    return csm
Example #8
def get_composite_source_model(oqparam, h5=None):
    Parse the XML and build a complete composite source model in memory.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param h5:
         an open hdf5.File where to store the source info
    source_model_lt = get_source_model_lt(oqparam)
    trts = source_model_lt.tectonic_region_types
    trts_lower = {trt.lower() for trt in trts}
    reqv = oqparam.inputs.get('reqv', {})
    for trt in reqv:
        if trt in oqparam.discard_trts:
        elif trt.lower() not in trts_lower:
            raise ValueError('Unknown TRT=%s in %s [reqv]' %
                             (trt, oqparam.inputs['job_ini']))
    gsim_lt = get_gsim_lt(oqparam, trts or ['*'])
    p = source_model_lt.num_paths * gsim_lt.get_num_paths()
    if oqparam.number_of_logic_tree_samples:
        logging.info('Considering {:_d} logic tree paths out of {:_d}'.format(
            oqparam.number_of_logic_tree_samples, p))
    else:  # full enumeration
        if (oqparam.is_event_based() and
            (oqparam.ground_motion_fields or oqparam.hazard_curves_from_gmfs)
                and p > oqparam.max_potential_paths):
            raise ValueError(
                'There are too many potential logic tree paths (%d):'
                'use sampling instead of full enumeration or reduce the '
                'source model with oq reduce_sm' % p)
        logging.info('Potential number of logic tree paths = {:_d}'.format(p))

    if source_model_lt.on_each_source:
        logging.info('There is a logic tree on each source')
    csm = get_csm(oqparam, source_model_lt, gsim_lt, h5)
    if oqparam.is_event_based():
    if h5:
        info = hdf5.create(h5, 'source_info', source_info_dt)
    data = []
    mags = set()
    n = len(csm.full_lt.sm_rlzs)
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        for src in sg:
            eri = src.grp_ids[0] % n
            data.append((eri, src.grp_ids[0], src.source_id, src.code,
                         src.num_ruptures, 0, 0, 0, src.checksum, src._wkt))
            if hasattr(src, 'mags'):  # UCERF
                srcmags = ['%.2f' % mag for mag in src.mags]
            elif hasattr(src, 'data'):  # nonparametric
                srcmags = ['%.2f' % item[0].mag for item in src.data]
                srcmags = ['%.2f' % item[0] for item in
    if h5:
        hdf5.extend(info, numpy.array(data, source_info_dt))
        h5['source_mags'] = numpy.array(sorted(mags))
    return csm
Example #9
def get_composite_source_model(oqparam, h5=None):
    Parse the XML and build a complete composite source model in memory.

    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param h5:
         an open hdf5.File where to store the source info
    full_lt = get_full_lt(oqparam)
    if oqparam.cachedir and not oqparam.is_ucerf():
        csm = _get_cachedir(oqparam, full_lt, h5)
        csm = get_csm(oqparam, full_lt, h5)
    et_ids = csm.get_et_ids()
    logging.info('%d effective smlt realization(s)', len(full_lt.sm_rlzs))
    grp_id = {tuple(arr): i for i, arr in enumerate(et_ids)}
    data = {}  # src_id -> row
    mags = AccumDict(accum=set())  # trt -> mags
    wkts = []
    lens = []
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        if hasattr(sg, 'mags'):  # UCERF
            mags[sg.trt].update('%.2f' % mag for mag in sg.mags)
        for src in sg:
            src.grp_id = grp_id[tuple(src.et_ids)]
            row = [
                src.source_id, src.grp_id, src.code, 0, 0, 0, src.id,
            wkts.append(src._wkt)  # this is a bit slow but okay
            data[src.source_id] = row
            if hasattr(src, 'mags'):  # UCERF
                continue  # already accounted for in sg.mags
            elif hasattr(src, 'data'):  # nonparametric
                srcmags = ['%.2f' % item[0].mag for item in src.data]
                srcmags = [
                    '%.2f' % item[0]
                    for item in src.get_annual_occurrence_rates()
    logging.info('There are %d groups and %d sources with len(et_ids)=%.1f',
                 len(csm.src_groups), sum(len(sg) for sg in csm.src_groups),
    if h5:
        attrs = dict(atomic=any(grp.atomic for grp in csm.src_groups))
        # avoid hdf5 damned bug by creating source_info in advance
        hdf5.create(h5, 'source_info', source_info_dt, attrs=attrs)
        h5['source_wkt'] = numpy.array(wkts, hdf5.vstr)
        h5['et_ids'] = et_ids
        mags_by_trt = {}
        for trt in mags:
            mags_by_trt[trt] = arr = numpy.array(sorted(mags[trt]))
            h5['source_mags/' + trt] = arr
    csm.source_info = data  # src_id -> row
    if os.environ.get('OQ_CHECK_INPUT'):
    return csm