def import_rows(job, ses_coll, gmf_coll, sorted_tags, rows): """ Import a list of records into the gmf_data and hazard_site tables. :param job: :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.OqJob` instance :param gmf_coll: :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.Gmf` instance :param rows: a list of records (imt_type, sa_period, sa_damping, gmvs, wkt) """ gmfs = [] # list of GmfData instance site_id = {} # dictionary wkt -> site id rupture = fake_rupture() prob_rup_id, ses_rup_ids, seeds = create_db_ruptures( rupture, ses_coll, sorted_tags, seed=42) tag2id = dict(zip(sorted_tags, ses_rup_ids)) for imt_str, tag, data in rows: imt = from_string(imt_str) rup_id = tag2id[tag] for wkt, gmv in data: if wkt not in site_id: # create a new site site_id[wkt] = models.HazardSite.objects.create( hazard_calculation=job, location=wkt).id gmfs.append( models.GmfData( imt=imt[0], sa_period=imt[1], sa_damping=imt[2], gmvs=[gmv], rupture_ids=[rup_id], site_id=site_id[wkt], gmf=gmf_coll, task_no=0)) writer.CacheInserter.saveall(gmfs)
def save_gmf(gmfcoll_id, gmf_dict, sites): """ Helper method to save computed GMF data to the database. :param int gmfcoll_id: the id of a :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.Gmf` record :param dict gmf_dict: The GMF results during the calculation :param sites: An :class:`openquake.engine.models.SiteCollection` object """ inserter = writer.CacheInserter(models.GmfData, 100) # NB: GmfData may contain large arrays and the cache may become large for imt, gmfs_ in gmf_dict.iteritems(): # ``gmfs`` comes in as a numpy.matrix # we want it is an array; it handles subscripting # in the way that we want gmfarray = numpy.array(gmfs_) sa_period = None sa_damping = None if isinstance(imt, openquake.hazardlib.imt.SA): sa_period = imt.period sa_damping = imt.damping imt_name = imt.__class__.__name__ for i, site in enumerate(sites): inserter.add(models.GmfData( gmf_id=gmfcoll_id, ses_id=None, imt=imt_name, sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping,, rupture_ids=None, gmvs=gmfarray[i].tolist())) inserter.flush()
def post_execute(self, result=None): """ Saving the GMFs in the database """ gmf_id = inserter = writer.CacheInserter(models.GmfData, max_cache_size=1000) gsim = self.oqparam.gsim for imt in self.imts: gmfs = numpy.array([ self.acc[tag][gsim][str(imt)] for tag in self.tags ]).transpose() for site_id, gmvs in zip(self.sites.sids, gmfs): inserter.add( models.GmfData(gmf_id=gmf_id, task_no=0, imt=imt[0], sa_period=imt[1], sa_damping=imt[2], site_id=site_id, rupture_ids=self.rupids, gmvs=list(gmvs))) inserter.flush()
def import_rows(hc, gmf_coll, rows): """ Import a list of records into the gmf_data and hazard_site tables. :param hc: :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.HazardCalculation` instance :param gmf_coll: :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.Gmf` instance :param rows: a list of records (imt_type, sa_period, sa_damping, gmvs, wkt) """ gmfs = [] site_id = {} # dictionary wkt -> site id for imt_type, sa_period, sa_damping, gmvs, wkt in rows: if wkt not in site_id: # create a new site site_id[wkt] = models.HazardSite.objects.create( hazard_calculation=hc, location=wkt).id gmfs.append( models.GmfData(imt=imt_type, sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping, gmvs=gmvs, site_id=site_id[wkt], gmf=gmf_coll)) del site_id writer.CacheInserter.saveall(gmfs)
def _save_gmfs(ses, imt, gmvs_per_site, ruptures_per_site, sites): """ Helper method to save computed GMF data to the database. :param ses: A :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.SES` instance :param imt: An intensity measure type instance :param gmf_per_site: The GMFs per rupture :param rupture_per_site: The associated rupture ids :param sites: An :class:`` object, representing the sites of interest for a calculation. """ gmf_coll = models.Gmf.objects.get( lt_realization=ses.ses_collection.lt_realization) sa_period = None sa_damping = None if isinstance(imt, openquake.hazardlib.imt.SA): sa_period = imt.period sa_damping = imt.damping imt_name = imt.__class__.__name__ for site_id in gmvs_per_site: inserter.add(models.GmfData( gmf=gmf_coll,, imt=imt_name, sa_period=sa_period, sa_damping=sa_damping, site_id=site_id, gmvs=gmvs_per_site[site_id], rupture_ids=ruptures_per_site[site_id])) inserter.flush()