Example #1
def create_source_info(csm, source_data, h5):
    Creates source_info, source_wkt, trt_smrs, toms
    data = {}  # src_id -> row
    wkts = []
    lens = []
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        for src in sg:
            srcid = basename(src)
            trti = csm.full_lt.trti.get(src.tectonic_region_type, -1)
            row = [srcid, src.grp_id, src.code, 0, 0, 0, trti, 0]
            wkts.append(getattr(src, '_wkt', ''))
            data[srcid] = row
            src.id = len(data) - 1

    logging.info('There are %d groups and %d sources with len(trt_smrs)=%.2f',
                 len(csm.src_groups), sum(len(sg) for sg in csm.src_groups),
    csm.source_info = data  # src_id -> row
    num_srcs = len(csm.source_info)
    # avoid hdf5 damned bug by creating source_info in advance
    h5.create_dataset('source_info',  (num_srcs,), source_info_dt)
    h5['source_info'].attrs['atomic'] = any(
        grp.atomic for grp in csm.src_groups)
    h5['source_wkt'] = numpy.array(wkts, hdf5.vstr)
Example #2
def zero_times(sources):
    # src.id -> nrups, nsites, time, weight
    calc_times = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(4, F32))
    for src in sources:
        row = calc_times[basename(src)]
        row[0] += src.num_ruptures
        row[1] += src.nsites
        row[3] += src.weight
    return calc_times
Example #3
def sample_ruptures(sources, cmaker, sitecol=None, monitor=Monitor()):
    :param sources:
        a sequence of sources of the same group
    :param cmaker:
        a ContextMaker instance with ses_per_logic_tree_path, ses_seed
    :param sitecol:
        SiteCollection instance used for filtering (None for no filtering)
    :param monitor:
        monitor instance
        dictionaries with keys rup_array, calc_times
    srcfilter = SourceFilter(sitecol, cmaker.maximum_distance)
    # AccumDict of arrays with 3 elements num_ruptures, num_sites, calc_time
    calc_times = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(3, numpy.float32))
    # Compute and save stochastic event sets
    num_ses = cmaker.ses_per_logic_tree_path
    grp_id = sources[0].grp_id
    # Compute the number of occurrences of the source group. This is used
    # for cluster groups or groups with mutually exclusive sources.
    if (getattr(sources, 'atomic', False) and
            getattr(sources, 'cluster', False)):
        eb_ruptures, calc_times = sample_cluster(
            sources, srcfilter, num_ses, vars(cmaker))

        # Yield ruptures
        er = sum(src.num_ruptures for src, _ in srcfilter.filter(sources))
        yield AccumDict(dict(rup_array=get_rup_array(eb_ruptures, srcfilter),
                             calc_times=calc_times, eff_ruptures={grp_id: er}))
        eb_ruptures = []
        eff_ruptures = 0
        # AccumDict of arrays with 2 elements weight, calc_time
        calc_times = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(3, numpy.float32))
        for src, _ in srcfilter.filter(sources):
            nr = src.num_ruptures
            eff_ruptures += nr
            t0 = time.time()
            if len(eb_ruptures) > MAX_RUPTURES:
                # yield partial result to avoid running out of memory
                yield AccumDict(dict(rup_array=get_rup_array(eb_ruptures,
                                     calc_times={}, eff_ruptures={}))
            samples = getattr(src, 'samples', 1)
            for rup, trt_smr, n_occ in src.sample_ruptures(
                    samples * num_ses, cmaker.ses_seed):
                ebr = EBRupture(rup, src.source_id, trt_smr, n_occ)
            dt = time.time() - t0
            calc_times[basename(src)] += numpy.array([nr, src.nsites, dt])
        rup_array = get_rup_array(eb_ruptures, srcfilter)
        yield AccumDict(dict(rup_array=rup_array, calc_times=calc_times,
                             eff_ruptures={grp_id: eff_ruptures}))
Example #4
def sample_cluster(sources, srcfilter, num_ses, param):
    Yields ruptures generated by a cluster of sources.

    :param sources:
        A sequence of sources of the same group
    :param num_ses:
        Number of stochastic event sets
    :param param:
        a dictionary of additional parameters including
        dictionaries with keys rup_array, calc_times, eff_ruptures
    eb_ruptures = []
    ses_seed = param['ses_seed']
    [trt_smr] = set(src.trt_smr for src in sources)
    # AccumDict of arrays with 3 elements nsites, nruptures, calc_time
    calc_times = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(3, numpy.float32))
    # Set the parameters required to compute the number of occurrences
    # of the group of sources
    #  assert param['oqparam'].number_of_logic_tree_samples > 0
    samples = getattr(sources[0], 'samples', 1)
    tom = getattr(sources, 'temporal_occurrence_model')
    rate = tom.occurrence_rate
    time_span = tom.time_span
    # Note that using a single time interval corresponding to the product
    # of the investigation time and the number of realisations as we do
    # here is admitted only in the case of a time-independent model
    grp_num_occ = numpy.random.poisson(rate * time_span * samples *
    # Now we process the sources included in the group. Possible cases:
    # * The group is a cluster. In this case we choose one rupture per each
    #   source; uncertainty in the ruptures can be handled in this case
    #   using mutually exclusive ruptures (note that this is admitted
    #   only for nons-parametric sources).
    # * The group contains mutually exclusive sources. In this case we
    #   choose one source and then one rupture from this source.
    rup_counter = {}
    rup_data = {}
    for rlz_num in range(grp_num_occ):
        if sources.cluster:
            for src, _ in srcfilter.filter(sources):
                # Track calculation time
                t0 = time.time()
                src_id = src.source_id
                rup = src.get_one_rupture(ses_seed)
                # The problem here is that we do not know a-priori the
                # number of occurrences of a given rupture.
                if src_id not in rup_counter:
                    rup_counter[src_id] = {}
                    rup_data[src_id] = {}
                if rup.idx not in rup_counter[src_id]:
                    rup_counter[src_id][rup.idx] = 1
                    rup_data[src_id][rup.idx] = [rup, src_id, trt_smr]
                    rup_counter[src_id][rup.idx] += 1
                # Store info
                dt = time.time() - t0
                calc_times[basename(src)] += numpy.array(
                    [len(rup_data[src_id]), src.nsites, dt])
        elif param['src_interdep'] == 'mutex':
            raise NotImplementedError('src_interdep == mutex')
    # Create event based ruptures
    for src_key in rup_data:
        for rup_key in rup_data[src_key]:
            rup, source_id, trt_smr = rup_data[src_key][rup_key]
            cnt = rup_counter[src_key][rup_key]
            ebr = EBRupture(rup, source_id, trt_smr, cnt)

    return eb_ruptures, calc_times