def test7_ten_degrees_distance(self):
     surface = self._test1to7surface()
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0, -10), Point(-15, 10)])
     dists = surface.get_rx_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [1111.9505230826488, -1111.9505230826488]
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(dists, expected_dists))
Example #2
class SiteCollectionFilterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    SITES = [
        Site(location=Point(10, 20, 30), vs30=1.2, vs30measured=True,
             z1pt0=3, z2pt5=5, id=0),
        Site(location=Point(11, 12, 13), vs30=55.4, vs30measured=False,
             z1pt0=6, z2pt5=8, id=1),
        Site(location=Point(0, 2, 0), vs30=2, vs30measured=True,
             z1pt0=9, z2pt5=17, id=2),
        Site(location=Point(1, 1, 3), vs30=4, vs30measured=False,
             z1pt0=22, z2pt5=11, id=3)

    def test_filter(self):
        col = SiteCollection(self.SITES)
        filtered = col.filter(numpy.array([True, False, True, False]))
        self.assertIsInstance(filtered, FilteredSiteCollection)
        arreq = numpy.testing.assert_array_equal
        arreq(filtered.vs30, [1.2, 2])
        arreq(filtered.vs30measured, [True, True])
        arreq(filtered.z1pt0, [3, 9])
        arreq(filtered.z2pt5, [5, 17])
        arreq(filtered.mesh.lons, [10, 0])
        arreq(filtered.mesh.lats, [20, 2])
        arreq(filtered.sids, [0, 2])
        arreq([ for site in filtered], [0, 2])
        self.assertIs(filtered.mesh.depths, None)

        filtered = col.filter(numpy.array([False, True, True, True]))
        self.assertIsInstance(filtered, FilteredSiteCollection)
        arreq(filtered.vs30, [55.4, 2, 4])
        arreq(filtered.vs30measured, [False, True, False])
        arreq(filtered.z1pt0, [6, 9, 22])
        arreq(filtered.z2pt5, [8, 17, 11])
        arreq(filtered.mesh.lons, [11, 0, 1])
        arreq(filtered.mesh.lats, [12, 2, 1])
        self.assertIs(filtered.mesh.depths, None)

    def test_filter_all_out(self):
        col = SiteCollection(self.SITES)
        filtered = col.filter(numpy.zeros(len(self.SITES), bool))
        self.assertIs(filtered, None)

    def test_filter_all_in(self):
        col = SiteCollection(self.SITES)
        filtered = col.filter(numpy.ones(len(self.SITES), bool))
        self.assertIs(filtered, col)

    def test_double_filter(self):
        col = SiteCollection(self.SITES)
        filtered = col.filter(numpy.array([True, False, True, True]))
        filtered2 = filtered.filter(numpy.array([False, True, False]))
        arreq = numpy.testing.assert_array_equal
        arreq(filtered2.vs30, [2])
        arreq(filtered2.vs30measured, [True])
        arreq(filtered2.z1pt0, [9])
        arreq(filtered2.z2pt5, [17])
        arreq(filtered2.mesh.lons, [0])
        arreq(filtered2.mesh.lats, [2])
        self.assertIs(filtered2.mesh.depths, None)
        arreq(filtered.indices, [0, 2, 3])
        arreq(filtered2.indices, [2])
        filtered2 = filtered.filter(numpy.array([True, False, True]))
        arreq(filtered2.indices, [0, 3])

    def test_expand_2d(self):
        col = SiteCollection(self.SITES).filter(
            numpy.array([False, True, False, True]))
        data_condensed = numpy.array([
            [1, 2, 3],
            [5, 6, 7],
        data_expanded = col.expand(data_condensed, placeholder=-1)
        data_expanded_expected = numpy.array([
            [-1, -1, -1],
            [1, 2, 3],
            [-1, -1, -1],
            [5, 6, 7],
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(data_expanded, data_expanded_expected)

    def test_expand_1d(self):
        col = SiteCollection(self.SITES)
        col = col.filter(numpy.array([1, 0, 1, 1]))
        data_condensed = numpy.array([5, 6, 7])
        data_expanded = col.expand(data_condensed, placeholder=100)
        data_expanded_expected = numpy.array([5, 100, 6, 7])
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(data_expanded, data_expanded_expected)

    def test_expand_no_filtering(self):
        col = SiteCollection(self.SITES)
        data_condensed = numpy.array([3, 2, 1, 0])
        data_expanded = col.expand(data_condensed, placeholder=100)
        data_expanded_expected = data_condensed
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(data_expanded, data_expanded_expected)
Example #3
    def test_build_fault_model(self):
        Tests the constuction of a fault model with two faults (1 simple, 
        1 complex) each with two mfd rates - should produce four sources
        self.model = mtkActiveFaultModel('001', 'A Fault Model', faults=[])

        x0 = Point(30., 30., 0.)
        x1 = x0.point_at(30., 0., 30.)
        x2 = x1.point_at(30., 0., 60.)
        # Total length is 60 km
        trace = Line([x0, x1, x2])
        simple_fault = SimpleFaultGeometry(trace, 90., 0., 20.)
        # Creates a trace ~60 km long made of 3 points
        upper_edge = Line([x0, x1, x2])
        lower_edge = Line([
            x0.point_at(40., 20., 130.),
            x1.point_at(42., 25., 130.),
            x2.point_at(41., 22., 130.)
        complex_fault = ComplexFaultGeometry([upper_edge, lower_edge], 2.0)
        config = [{
            'MFD_spacing': 0.1,
            'Maximum_Magnitude': 7.0,
            'Maximum_Uncertainty': None,
            'Model_Name': 'Characteristic',
            'Model_Weight': 0.5,
            'Sigma': 0.1,
            'Lower_Bound': -1.,
            'Upper_Bound': 1.
        }, {
            'MFD_spacing': 0.1,
            'Maximum_Magnitude': 7.5,
            'Maximum_Uncertainty': None,
            'Model_Name': 'Characteristic',
            'Model_Weight': 0.5,
            'Sigma': 0.1,
            'Lower_Bound': -1.,
            'Upper_Bound': 1.
        fault1 = mtkActiveFault('001',
                                'Simple Fault 1',
                                simple_fault, [(10.0, 1.0)],
                                scale_rel=[(WC1994(), 1.0)],
                                shear_modulus=[(30.0, 1.0)],
                                disp_length_ratio=[(1E-5, 1.0)])
        fault2 = mtkActiveFault('002',
                                'Complex Fault 1',
                                complex_fault, [(10.0, 1.0)],
                                scale_rel=[(WC1994(), 1.0)],
                                shear_modulus=[(30.0, 1.0)],
                                disp_length_ratio=[(1E-5, 1.0)])
        self.model.faults = [fault1, fault2]

        # Generate source model
        self.assertEqual(len(self.model.source_model.sources), 4)
        # First source should be an instance of a mtkSimpleFaultSource
        model1 = self.model.source_model.sources[0]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(model1, mtkSimpleFaultSource))
        self.assertEqual(, '001_1')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(model1.mfd.min_mag, 6.9)
            np.array([-2.95320041, -2.54583708, -2.953200413]))

        # Second source should be an instance of a mtkSimpleFaultSource
        model2 = self.model.source_model.sources[1]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(model2, mtkSimpleFaultSource))
        self.assertEqual(, '001_2')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(model2.mfd.min_mag, 7.4)
            np.array([-3.70320041, -3.29583708, -3.70320041]))

        # Third source should be an instance of a mtkComplexFaultSource
        model3 = self.model.source_model.sources[2]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(model3, mtkComplexFaultSource))
        self.assertEqual(, '002_1')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(model3.mfd.min_mag, 6.9)
            np.array([-2.59033387, -2.18297054, -2.59033387]))

        # Fourth source should be an instance of a mtkComplexFaultSource
        model4 = self.model.source_model.sources[3]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(model4, mtkComplexFaultSource))
        self.assertEqual(, '002_2')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(model4.mfd.min_mag, 7.4)
            np.array([-3.34033387, -2.93297054, -3.34033387]))
Example #4
 def test_vertical_planar_surface(self):
     p1 = Point(0.1, 0.1, 0.0)
     p2 = Point(0.1, 0.126979648178, 0.0)
     surface = SimpleFaultSurface.from_fault_data(Line([p1, p2]),
                                                  2.0, 4.0, 90.0, 1.0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(surface.get_width(), 2.0)
Example #5
    def get_cdppvalue(self, target, buf=1.0, delta=0.01, space=2.):
        Get the directivity prediction value, centred DPP(cdpp) at
        a given site as described in Spudich et al. (2013), and this cdpp is
        used in Chiou and Young(2014) GMPE for near-fault directivity
        term prediction.

        :param target_site:
            A mesh object representing the location of the target sites.
        :param buf:
            A float vaule presents  the buffer distance in km to extend the
            mesh borders to.
        :param delta:
            A float vaule presents the desired distance between two adjacent
            points in mesh
        :param space:
            A float vaule presents the tolerance for the same distance of the
            sites (default 2 km)
            A float value presents the centreed directivity predication value
            which used in Chioud and Young(2014) GMPE for directivity term

        min_lon, max_lon, max_lat, min_lat = self.surface.get_bounding_box()

        min_lon -= buf
        max_lon += buf
        min_lat -= buf
        max_lat += buf

        lons = numpy.arange(min_lon, max_lon + delta, delta)
        lats = numpy.arange(min_lat, max_lat + delta, delta)
        lons, lats = numpy.meshgrid(lons, lats)

        target_rup = self.surface.get_min_distance(target)
        mesh = RectangularMesh(lons=lons, lats=lats, depths=None)
        mesh_rup = self.surface.get_min_distance(mesh)

        target_lons = target.lons
        target_lats = target.lats
        cdpp = numpy.empty(len(target_lons))

        for iloc, (target_lon, target_lat) in enumerate(zip(target_lons,

            cdpp_sites_lats = mesh.lats[(mesh_rup <= target_rup[iloc] + space)
                                        & (mesh_rup >= target_rup[iloc]
                                           - space)]
            cdpp_sites_lons = mesh.lons[(mesh_rup <= target_rup[iloc] + space)
                                        & (mesh_rup >= target_rup[iloc]
                                           - space)]

            dpp_sum = []
            dpp_target = self.get_dppvalue(Point(target_lon, target_lat))

            for lon, lat in zip(cdpp_sites_lons, cdpp_sites_lats):
                site = Point(lon, lat, 0.)
                dpp_one = self.get_dppvalue(site)

            mean_dpp = numpy.mean(dpp_sum)
            cdpp[iloc] = dpp_target - mean_dpp

        return cdpp
Example #6
    def setUp(self):
        super(MakeContextsTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.site1_location = Point(1, 2)
        self.site2_location = Point(-2, -3)
        self.site1 = Site(vs30=456, vs30measured=False,
                          z1pt0=12.1, z2pt5=15.1,
        self.site2 = Site(vs30=1456, vs30measured=True,
                          z1pt0=112.1, z2pt5=115.1,
        min_distance = numpy.array([10, 11])
        rx_distance = numpy.array([4, 5])
        jb_distance = numpy.array([6, 7])
        ry0_distance = numpy.array([8, 9])
        azimuth = numpy.array([12, 34])
        top_edge_depth = 30
        width = 15
        strike = 60.123

        class FakeSurface(object):
            call_counts = collections.Counter()

            def get_azimuth(self, mesh):
                self.call_counts['get_azimuth'] += 1
                return azimuth

            def get_strike(self):
                self.call_counts['get_strike'] += 1
                return strike

            def get_dip(self):
                self.call_counts['get_dip'] += 1
                return 45.4545

            def get_min_distance(fake_surface, mesh):
                self.assertIsInstance(mesh, Mesh)
                [point1, point2] = mesh
                self.assertEqual(point1, self.site1_location)
                self.assertEqual(point2, self.site2_location)
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_min_distance'] += 1
                return min_distance

            def get_rx_distance(fake_surface, mesh):
                self.assertIsInstance(mesh, Mesh)
                [point1, point2] = mesh
                self.assertEqual(point1, self.site1_location)
                self.assertEqual(point2, self.site2_location)
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_rx_distance'] += 1
                return rx_distance

            def get_ry0_distance(fake_surface, mesh):
                self.assertIsInstance(mesh, Mesh)
                [point1, point2] = mesh
                self.assertEqual(point1, self.site1_location)
                self.assertEqual(point2, self.site2_location)
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_ry0_distance'] += 1
                return ry0_distance

            def get_joyner_boore_distance(fake_surface, mesh):
                self.assertIsInstance(mesh, Mesh)
                [point1, point2] = mesh
                self.assertEqual(point1, self.site1_location)
                self.assertEqual(point2, self.site2_location)
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_joyner_boore_distance'] += 1
                return jb_distance

            def get_top_edge_depth(fake_surface):
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_top_edge_depth'] += 1
                return top_edge_depth

            def get_width(fake_surface):
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_width'] += 1
                return width

        self.rupture_hypocenter = Point(2, 3, 40)
        self.rupture = BaseRupture(
            mag=123.45, rake=123.56,
            hypocenter=self.rupture_hypocenter, surface=FakeSurface(),
        self.fake_surface = FakeSurface
Example #7
 def test_get_strike_along_meridian(self):
     line = Line([Point(0, 0), Point(1e-5, 1e-3), Point(0, 2e-3)])
     surface = SimpleFaultSurface.from_fault_data(line, 1.0, 6.0, 89.9, 0.1)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(0, surface.get_strike(), delta=6e-2)
 def test1_site_on_the_edges(self):
     surface = self._test_rectangular_surface()
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0.0, 0.05), Point(0.0, -0.05)])
     dists = surface.get_ry0_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [0, 0]
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(dists, expected_dists)
 def test2_site_on_the_foot_wall(self):
     surface = self._test1to7surface()
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0.05, -0.05), Point(-140, -0.05)])
     dists = surface.get_rx_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [-5.559752615413244] * 2
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(dists, expected_dists, rtol=.01)
Example #10
    # Get parameters based on domain
    # loop through domains and find point in poly
    for neo_dom, mmax, dom_shape in zip(neo_doms, dom_mmax, dom_shapes):
        dom_poly = Polygon(dom_shape.points)
        # check if leonard centroid in domains poly
        if shapely_pt.within(dom_poly):
            tmp_dom = neo_dom
            max_mag = mmax
    for zone_trt, zone_dep, l_shape in zip(ltrt, ldep, l08_shapes):
        l_poly = Polygon(l_shape.points)
        if shapely_pt.within(l_poly):
            trt = zone_trt
            depth = zone_dep
#    print max_mag, trt, depth

    point = Point(lons[j], lats[j], depth)  # Openquake geometry Point
    mfd = TruncatedGRMFD(min_mag, max_mag, 0.1, a_vals[j], b_vals[j])
    hypo_depth_dist = PMF([(1.0, depth)])
    nodal_plane_dist = PMF([(0.3, NodalPlane(0, 30, 90)),
                            (0.2, NodalPlane(90, 30, 90)),
                            (0.3, NodalPlane(180, 30, 90)),
                            (0.2, NodalPlane(270, 30, 90))])
    point_source = mtkPointSource(identifier,
 def test_point_outside(self):
     corners = [[(0.1, -0.1, 1), (-0.1, -0.1, 1)],
                [(0.1, 0.1, 2), (-0.1, 0.1, 2)]]
     surface = DummySurface(corners)
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([
         Point(-0.2, -0.2),
         Point(1, 1, 1),
         Point(4, 5),
         Point(8, 10.4),
         Point(0.05, 0.15, 10)
     dists = surface.get_joyner_boore_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [
         Point(-0.2, -0.2).distance(Point(-0.1, -0.1)),
         Point(1, 1).distance(Point(0.1, 0.1)),
         Point(4, 5).distance(Point(0.1, 0.1)),
         Point(8, 10.4).distance(Point(0.1, 0.1)),
         Point(0.05, 0.15).distance(Point(0.05, 0.1))
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(dists, expected_dists, rtol=0.01)
 def test_several_sites(self):
     surface = DummySurface(test_data.TEST_7_RUPTURE_2_MESH)
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0, 0), Point(-0.3, 0.4)])
     dists = surface.get_min_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [7.01186304977, 55.6159556]
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(dists, expected_dists))
 def test_1(self):
     surface = DummySurface(test_data.TEST_7_RUPTURE_6_MESH)
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0, 0)])
 def _create_mesh(self):
     points = [[Point(*coordinates) for coordinates in row]
               for row in self.coordinates_list]
     return RectangularMesh.from_points_list(points)
 def test_4(self):
     surface = DummySurface(_planar_test_data.TEST_7_RUPTURE_2_MESH)
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(-0.3, 0.4)])
 def test3_site_on_centroid(self):
     surface = self._test1to7surface()
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0.05, 0)])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(surface.get_rx_distance(sites)[0], 0)
 def test_several_sites(self):
     surface = DummySurface(_planar_test_data.TEST_7_RUPTURE_2_MESH)
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0, 0), Point(-0.3, 0.4)])
     dists = surface.get_min_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [7.01186301, 55.58568427]
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(dists, expected_dists)
 def test6_one_degree_distance(self):
     surface = self._test1to7surface()
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0.05, -1), Point(20, 1)])
     dists = surface.get_rx_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [-111.19505230826488, +111.19505230826488]
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(dists, expected_dists, rtol=.01)
Example #19
min_mag = 4.5
max_mag = 7.2
#bval = 1.0 # just define as 1 for time being
# Read in data again to solve number fomatting issue in
# For some reason it just returns 0 for all a values
data = np.genfromtxt(smoother_filename, delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
#print max(data[:,4])
#print data[:,4]
#print len(data[:,4])
tom = PoissonTOM(50)  # Dummy temporal occurence model for building pt sources
msr = Leonard2014_SCR()
for j in range(len(data[:, 2])):
    #    print[j,:]
    identifier = 'ASS' + str(j)
    name = 'Helmstetter' + str(j)
    point = Point(data[j, 0], data[j, 1], 10)
    rate = data[j, 2]
    # Convert rate to a value??
    #aval = rate
    aval = np.log10(rate) + bvalue * config["mmin"]
    #print rate, aval
    mfd = TruncatedGRMFD(min_mag, max_mag, 0.1, aval, bvalue)
    hypo_depth_dist = PMF([(0.5, 10.0), (0.25, 5.0), (0.25, 15.0)])
    nodal_plane_dist = PMF([(0.3, NodalPlane(0, 30, 90)),
                            (0.2, NodalPlane(90, 30, 90)),
                            (0.3, NodalPlane(180, 30, 90)),
                            (0.2, NodalPlane(270, 30, 90))])
    point_source = PointSource(identifier, name, 'Non_cratonic', mfd, 2, msr,
                               2.0, tom, 0.1, 20.0, point, nodal_plane_dist,
    #                           upper_depth = 0.1, lower_depth = 20.0,
 def test7_ten_degrees_distance(self):
     surface = self._test1to7surface()
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0, -10), Point(-15, 10)])
     dists = surface.get_rx_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [-1111.9505230826488, +1111.9505230826488]
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(dists, expected_dists, rtol=.01)
Example #21
 def setUp(self):
     self.fault_trace = Line([Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 1.0)])
 def __init__(self, coordinates_list):
     points = [[Point(*coordinates) for coordinates in row]
               for row in coordinates_list]
     self.mesh = RectangularMesh.from_points_list(points)
Example #23
    def test_fault_trace_on_surface(self):
        fault_trace = Line([Point(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), Point(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)])

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, SimpleFaultSurface.check_fault_data,
                          fault_trace, 0.0, 1.0, 90.0, 1.0)
 def test_get_middle_point(self):
     corners = [[(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.089932, 0.0)],
                [(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), (0.0, 0.089932, 10.0)]]
     surface = DummySurface(corners)
         Point(0.0, 0.044966, 5.0) == surface.get_middle_point())
Example #25
 def test_one_point_in_an_edge(self):
     edges = [Line([Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1)]),
              Line([Point(0, 0, 1), Point(0, 1, 1)]),
              Line([Point(0, 0, 2)])]
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, ComplexFaultSurface.from_fault_data,
                       edges, mesh_spacing=1)
 def test_2(self):
     surface = DummySurface(_planar_test_data.TEST_7_RUPTURE_6_MESH)
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(-0.25, 0.25)])
Example #27
    def test_dumps_and_loads(self):
        point = Point(1, 2, 3)
        site1 = Site(point, 760.0, True, 100.0, 5.0)
        site2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(site1))

        self.assertEqual(site1, site2)
 def test_3(self):
     surface = DummySurface(_planar_test_data.TEST_7_RUPTURE_2_MESH)
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0, 0)])
 def _parse_distance_data(self, event, site, metadata):
     Read in the distance related metadata and return an instance of the
     :class: smtk.sm_database.RecordDistance
     # Compute various distance metrics
     # Add calculation of Repi, Rhypo from event and station localizations 
     # (latitudes, longitudes, depth, elevation)?
     target_site = Mesh(np.array([site.longitude]),
                        np.array([-site.altitude / 1000.0]))
     # Warning ratio fixed to 1.5
     surface_modeled = rcfg.create_planar_surface(
         Point(event.longitude, event.latitude, event.depth),
     hypocenter = rcfg.get_hypocentre_on_planar_surface(
         dip = surface_modeled.get_dip()
         dip_dir = (surface_modeled.get_strike() - 90.) % 360.
         ztor = surface_modeled.top_left.depth
         d_x = ztor * np.tan(np.radians(90.0 - dip))
         top_left_surface = surface_modeled.top_left.point_at(d_x,
         top_left_surface.depth = 0.
         top_right_surface = surface_modeled.top_right.point_at(d_x,
         top_right_surface.depth = 0.
         surface_modeled = SimpleFaultSurface.from_fault_data(
             Line([top_left_surface, top_right_surface]),
     # Rhypo
     Rhypo = get_float(metadata["Hypocentral Distance (km)"])
     if Rhypo is None:
         Rhypo = hypocenter.distance_to_mesh(target_site)
     # Repi
     Repi = get_float(metadata["Epicentral Distance (km)"])
     if Repi is None:
         Repi= hypocenter.distance_to_mesh(target_site, with_depths=False)
     # Rrup
     Rrup = get_float(metadata["Rupture Distance (km)"])
     if Rrup is None:
         Rrup = surface_modeled.get_min_distance(target_site)
     # Rjb
     Rjb = get_float(metadata["Joyner-Boore Distance (km)"])
     if Rjb is None:
         Rjb = surface_modeled.get_joyner_boore_distance(target_site)
     # Need to check if Rx and Ry0 are consistant with the other metrics
     # when those are coming from the flatfile?
     # Rx
     Rx = surface_modeled.get_rx_distance(target_site)
     # Ry0
     Ry0 = surface_modeled.get_ry0_distance(target_site)
     distance = RecordDistance(
         repi = float(Repi),
         rhypo = float(Rhypo),
         rjb = float(Rjb),
         rrup = float(Rrup),
         r_x = float(Rx),
         ry0 = float(Ry0))
     distance.azimuth = get_float(metadata["Source to Site Azimuth (deg)"])
     #distance.hanging_wall = get_float(metadata["FW/HW Indicator"])
     if metadata["FW/HW Indicator"] == "HW":
         distance.hanging_wall = True
     elif metadata["FW/HW Indicator"] == "FW":
         distance.hanging_wall = False
     return distance
 def test6_one_degree_distance(self):
     surface = self._test1to7surface()
     sites = Mesh.from_points_list([Point(0.05, -1), Point(20, 1)])
     dists = surface.get_rx_distance(sites)
     expected_dists = [111.19505230826488, -111.19505230826488]
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(dists, expected_dists))