def test_6_rlzs(self): # test with 2x3 realizations and TRTA, TRTB # rlzs_by_g = 012, 345, 03, 14, 25 inp = read_input(PARAM, source_model_file=os.path.join( CWD, 'data', 'sm02.xml')) R = inp.gsim_lt.get_num_paths() # compute the contributions by trt tot = AccumDict() # g_ -> key -> array for src_group in inp.groups: cmaker = inp.cmakerdict[src_group.trt] ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol) tot += cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls) # compose the contributions by rlz, 0+2, 0+3, 0+4, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4 rlzs_by_g = inp.gsim_lt.get_rlzs_by_g() csdic = contexts.csdict(len(cmaker.imts), 1, 1, 0, R) for g_, rlz_ids in enumerate(rlzs_by_g): for r in rlz_ids: csdic[r] += tot[g_] df = csdic_to_dframe(csdic, cmaker.imts, 0, 0) # check the results expected = os.path.join(CWD, 'expected', 'spectra6.csv') if OVERWRITE_EXPECTED: df.to_csv(expected, index=False, line_terminator='\r\n', float_format='%.6f') expdf = pandas.read_csv(expected) pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(df, expdf, atol=1E-6)
def test(self): inp = read_input(JOB) [[trt, cmaker]] = inp.cmakerdict.items() [[area]] = inp.groups # there is a single AreaSource srcs = list(area) # split in 3+3 PointSources cmaker.set_weight(srcs, inp.sitecol) weights = [src.weight for src in srcs] # 3 within, 3 outside numpy.testing.assert_allclose(weights, [3.04, 3.04, 3.04, 1, 1, 1])
def test_1_rlz(self): # test with one GMPE, 1 TRT, checking additivity inp = read_input( PARAM, gsim_logic_tree_file=os.path.join(CWD, 'data', 'lt01.xml')) [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values() [src_group] = inp.groups ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol) assert len(ctxs) == 100 ctxs1 = ctxs[:50] ctxs2 = ctxs[50:] c1, s1 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs1, imti, imls) c2, s2 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs2, imti, imls) c, s = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls) aac((c1 + c2) / (s1 + s2), c / s)
def main(params): # example with 2x2=4 realizations with weights .36, .24, .24, .16 inp = read_input(params) print(inp) print(inp.gsim_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_trt()) acc = AccumDict(accum=[]) ebrs = sample_ebruptures(inp.groups, inp.cmakerdict) ne = sum(ebr.n_occ for ebr in ebrs) print('There are %d ruptures and %d events' % (len(ebrs), ne)) df = get_ebr_df(ebrs, inp.cmakerdict) print(df.groupby('rlz').count()) # there are 8, 9, 11, 8 events per rlz for ebr in ebrs: cmaker = inp.cmakerdict[ebr.rupture.tectonic_region_type] gmf_dict, _ = GmfComputer(ebr, inp.sitecol, cmaker).compute_all() acc += gmf_dict print(pandas.DataFrame(acc))
def test_1_rlz(self): # test with one GMPE, 1 TRT, checking additivity inp = read_input(PARAM, gsim_logic_tree_file=os.path.join( CWD, 'data', 'lt01.xml')) [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values() [src_group] = inp.groups ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol) assert len(ctxs) == 100 ctxs1 = ctxs[:50] ctxs2 = ctxs[50:] dic1 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs1, imti, imls)[0] dic2 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs2, imti, imls)[0] dic = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls)[0] aac((dic1['_c'] + dic2['_c']) / (dic1['_s'] + dic2['_s']), dic['_c'] / dic['_s'])
def test_2_rlzs(self): # test with two GMPEs, 1 TRT inp = read_input(PARAM) [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values() [src_group] = inp.groups ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol) csdic = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls) df = csdic_to_dframe(csdic, cmaker.imts, 0, 0) # check the result expected = os.path.join(CWD, 'expected', 'spectra2.csv') if OVERWRITE_EXPECTED: df.to_csv(expected, index=False, line_terminator='\r\n', float_format='%.6f') expdf = pandas.read_csv(expected) pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(df, expdf, atol=1E-6)
def test1rup(self): param = dict(rupture_model_file=RUP_XML, number_of_ground_motion_fields=10, gsim='AtkinsonBoore2006', ses_seed=42, sites=[(0, 1), (0, 0)], reference_vs30_value="760",'200'), imtls={'PGA': [0]}) inp = read_input(param) [grp] = inp.groups [ebr] = grp cmaker = inp.cmakerdict[grp.trt] gc = gmf.GmfComputer(ebr, inp.sitecol, cmaker) gmfdata = gc.compute_all() self.assertIn('sid', gmfdata) self.assertIn('eid', gmfdata) self.assertIn('rlz', gmfdata) self.assertIn('gmv_0', gmfdata)
def test_point(self): # point source with 3 ruptures, checking additivity inp = read_input( PARAM, source_model_file=os.path.join(CWD, 'data', 'point.xml'), gsim_logic_tree_file=os.path.join(CWD, 'data', 'lt01.xml')) [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values() [src_group] = inp.groups ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol) aac([ctx.occurrence_rate for ctx in ctxs], [0.00018, 0.00018, 0.00054]) ctxs1 = ctxs[:2] ctxs2 = ctxs[2:] # check that the total spectra is a weighted mean of the two # rupture spectra; the weight is the same for all IMTs c1, s1 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs1, imti, imls) c2, s2 = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs2, imti, imls) comp_spectra = (c1 + c2) / (s1 + s2) c, s = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls) aac(comp_spectra, c / s)
def test_2_rlzs(self): # test with two GMPEs, 1 TRT inp = read_input(PARAM) [cmaker] = inp.cmakerdict.values() [src_group] = inp.groups ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol) [c_], [s_] = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls) spectra = [c / s for c, s in zip(c_, s_)] # check the result expected = os.path.join(CWD, 'expected', 'spectra2.csv') if OVERWRITE_EXPECTED: rlzs = list(inp.gsim_lt) spectra_to_df(spectra, cmaker.imts, rlzs).to_csv( expected, index=False, line_terminator='\r\n', float_format='%.6f') df = pandas.read_csv(expected) for g, gsim in enumerate(cmaker.gsims): dfg = df[df.rlz_id == g] aac(dfg.cs_exp, np.exp(spectra[g][0]), atol=1e-6) aac(dfg.cs_std, np.sqrt(spectra[g][1]), atol=1e-6)
def test_6_rlzs(self): # test with 2x3 realizations and TRTA, TRTB # rlzs_by_g = 012, 345, 03, 14, 25 inp = read_input( PARAM, source_model_file=os.path.join(CWD, 'data', 'sm02.xml')) rlzs = list(inp.gsim_lt) R = len(rlzs) # compute the contributions by trt all_cs = [] for src_group in inp.groups: cmaker = inp.cmakerdict[src_group.trt] ctxs = cmaker.from_srcs(src_group, inp.sitecol) [c], [s] = cmaker.get_cs_contrib(ctxs, imti, imls) for cs in zip(c, s): all_cs.append(cs) # compose the contributions by rlz, 0+2, 0+3, 0+4, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4 rlzs_by_g = inp.gsim_lt.get_rlzs_by_g() nums = np.zeros((R, 2, len(cmaker.imts))) denums = np.zeros(R) for g, rlz_ids in enumerate(rlzs_by_g): c, s = all_cs[g] for r in rlz_ids: nums[r] += c denums[r] += s spectra = [nums[r] / denums[r] for r in range(R)] # check the results expected = os.path.join(CWD, 'expected', 'spectra6.csv') if OVERWRITE_EXPECTED: spectra_to_df(spectra, cmaker.imts, rlzs).to_csv( expected, index=False, line_terminator='\r\n', float_format='%.6f') df = pandas.read_csv(expected) for rlz in rlzs: r = rlz.ordinal df_rlz = df[df.rlz_id == r] aac(df_rlz.cs_exp, np.exp(spectra[r][0]), atol=1e-6) aac(df_rlz.cs_std, np.sqrt(spectra[r][1]), atol=1e-6)