def test_get_joint(self): """ This test creates a path in openrave format and test the class method get_joint to return a known joint. """ path = blade_coverage.Path(self.rays) ind = str() for i in range(self.robot.GetDOF()): ind += str(i) + ' ' cs = ConfigurationSpecification() _ = cs.AddGroup('joint_values ' + self.robot.GetName() + ' ' + ind, len(self.robot.GetActiveDOFIndices()), 'cubic') cs.AddDerivativeGroups(1, False) cs.AddDerivativeGroups(2, False) _ = cs.AddDeltaTimeGroup() traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(self.turbine.env, '') traj.Init(cs) for i in range(len(self.joints[:1])): waypoint = list(self.joints[i]) waypoint.extend(list(self.joints[i])) waypoint.extend(list(self.joints[i])) waypoint.extend([0]) traj.Insert(traj.GetNumWaypoints(), waypoint) = [traj] joint = path.get_joint(self.robot, 0, 0) self.assertTrue(linalg.norm(joint - self.joints[0]) <= 1e-5, msg='get_joint failed')
def deserialize(self, turbine, directory): """ Method deserializes data in OpenRave format. Args: turbine: (@ref Turbine) is the turbine object. directory: (str) is the relative path to the folder where to load. Examples: >>> path.deserialize(turbine,'my_folder') """ ind = str() for i in range(turbine.robot.GetDOF()): ind += str(i) + ' ' cs = ConfigurationSpecification() _ = cs.AddGroup('joint_values ' + turbine.robot.GetName() + ' ' + ind, len(turbine.robot.GetActiveDOFIndices()), 'cubic') cs.AddDerivativeGroups(1, False) cs.AddDerivativeGroups(2, False) _ = cs.AddDeltaTimeGroup() directory = realpath(directory) TRAJ = [] onlyfiles = [ f for f in listdir(directory) if isfile(join(directory, f)) ] onlyfiles.sort(key=int) for afile in onlyfiles: traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(turbine.env, '') traj.Init(cs) xml = ET.parse(open(join(directory, afile))) traj.deserialize(ET.tostring(xml.getroot())) TRAJ.append(traj) = TRAJ return
def create_trajectory(turbine, joints, joints_vel, joints_acc, times): """ This method creates the trajectory specification in OpenRave format and insert the waypoints: joints - vels - accs - times DOF - DOF - DOF - DOF - 1 Args: turbine: (@ref Turbine) turbine object joints: (float[n<SUB>i</SUB>][nDOF]) joints to create the trajectory joints_vel: (float[n<SUB>i</SUB>][nDOF]) joints_vel to create the trajectory joints_acc: (float[n<SUB>i</SUB>][nDOF]) joints_acc to create the trajectory times: (float[n<SUB>i</SUB>]) deltatimes Returns: trajectory: OpenRave object. """ robot = turbine.robot ind = str() for i in range(robot.GetDOF()): ind += str(i) + ' ' cs = ConfigurationSpecification() _ = cs.AddGroup('joint_values ' + robot.GetName() + ' ' + ind, len(robot.GetActiveDOFIndices()), 'cubic') cs.AddDerivativeGroups(1, False) cs.AddDerivativeGroups(2, False) _ = cs.AddDeltaTimeGroup() traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(turbine.env, '') traj.Init(cs) for i in range(len(joints)): waypoint = list(joints[i]) waypoint.extend(list(joints_vel[i])) waypoint.extend(list(joints_acc[i])) waypoint.extend([times[i]]) traj.Insert(traj.GetNumWaypoints(), waypoint) return traj
def test_serialize(self): """ This test verifies if the class can serialize a path in openrave format. """ ind = str() for i in range(self.robot.GetDOF()): ind += str(i) + ' ' cs = ConfigurationSpecification() _ = cs.AddGroup('joint_values ' + self.robot.GetName() + ' ' + ind, len(self.robot.GetActiveDOFIndices()), 'cubic') traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(self.turbine.env, '') traj.Init(cs) for i in range(len(self.joints)): waypoint = list(self.joints[i]) traj.Insert(traj.GetNumWaypoints(), waypoint) path = blade_coverage.Path(self.rays) = [traj] try: path.serialize('test_serialize') shutil.rmtree('test_serialize') except: self.assertTrue(False, msg='Data can not be serialized')