Example #1
# Set a parameter for the axial load
P = 180.0;                # 10% of axial capacity of columns

# create a Linear TimeSeries (load factor varies linearly with time) - command: timeSeries Linear $tag
ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1)

# create a Plain load pattern - command: pattern Plain $tag $timeSeriesTag { $loads }
ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1, "-fact", 1.0)

# create the nodal load - command: load nodeID xForce yForce zMoment
ops.load(3, 0.0, -P, 0.0)
ops.load(4, 0.0, -P, 0.0)

# print model
ops.printModel("-JSON", "-file", "Example3.1.json")

# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------

# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------

# create the system of equation

# create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
Example #2
# Single point constraints
#      node u1 u2
ops.fix(1, 1, 1)
ops.fix(bn, 0, 1)

# Define gravity loads
# create a Linear time series
ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1)
# create a Plain load pattern
ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1, "-fact", 1.0)
ops.load(l1, 0.0, -1.0)
ops.load(l2, 0.0, -1.0)

# print model
ops.printModel("-JSON", "-file", "Example6.1.json")

# -----------------------
# End of model generation
# -----------------------

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start of static analysis (creation of the analysis & analysis itself)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

# create the system of equation

# create the DOF numberer
Example #3
P = 180.0
# 10% of axial capacity of columns

# create a Linear TimeSeries (load factor varies linearly with time) - command: timeSeries Linear $tag
ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1)

# create a Plain load pattern - command: pattern Plain $tag $timeSeriesTag { $loads }
ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1, "-fact", 1.0)

# create the nodal load - command: load nodeID xForce yForce zMoment
ops.load(3, 0.0, -P, 0.0)
ops.load(4, 0.0, -P, 0.0)

# print model
ops.printModel("-JSON", "-file", "Example3.1.json")

# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------

# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------

# create the system of equation

# create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
Example #4
# Define earthquake excitation
# ----------------------------
dt = 0.02
# Set up the acceleration records for Tabas fault normal and fault parallel
ops.timeSeries("Path", 2, "-filePath", "tabasFN.txt", "-dt", dt, "-factor", g)
ops.timeSeries("Path", 3, "-filePath", "tabasFP.txt", "-dt", dt, "-factor", g)

# Define the excitation using the Tabas ground motion records
#                         tag dir         accel series args
ops.pattern("UniformExcitation", 2, 1, "-accel", 2)
ops.pattern("UniformExcitation", 3, 2, "-accel", 3)

# print model
ops.printModel("-JSON", "-file", "Example5.1.json")

# ----------------------- 
# End of model generation
# -----------------------

# ----------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ----------------------------

# create the system of equation

# create the DOF numberer
Example #5
ops.element("truss", 2, 2, 4,  5.0, 1)
ops.element("truss", 3, 3, 4,  5.0, 1)

# Define loads
# ------------
# create a Linear TimeSeries (load factor varies linearly with time) - command: timeSeries Linear $tag
ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1)

# create a Plain load pattern - command: pattern Plain $tag $timeSeriesTag { $loads }
ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1, "-fact", 1.0)
# create the nodal load - command: load nodeID xForce yForce
ops.load(4, 100.0, -50.0)

# print model
ops.printModel("-JSON", "-file", "Example1.1.json")

# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------

# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------

# create the system of equation, a SPD using a band storage scheme

# create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
Example #6
    node1 = i*3 + 2
    node2 = node1 + 1
    if (i == 0):
        ops.load(node1, 0.0, P,     0.0) 
        ops.load(node2, 0.0, P/2.0, 0.0)
    elif (i == numBay):
        ops.load(node1, 0.0, P,     0.0)
        ops.load(node2, 0.0, P/2.0, 0.0)
        ops.load(node1, 0.0, 2.0*P, 0.0)
        ops.load(node2, 0.0, P,     0.0)

# print model
ops.printModel("-JSON", "-file", "Example4.1.json")

# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------

# --------------------------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation for gravity analysis
# --------------------------------------------------

# create the system of equation

# create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
Example #7
    currentDisp = ops.nodeDisp(3, 1)
    ok = 0
    while ((ok == 0) and (currentDisp < maxU)):

        ok = ops.analyze(1)

        # if the analysis fails try initial tangent iteration
        if (ok != 0):
                "regular newton failed .. lets try an initial stiffness for this step"
            ops.test("NormDispIncr", 1.0E-12, 1000)
            ops.algorithm("ModifiedNewton", "-initial")
            ok = ops.analyze(1)
            if (ok == 0):
                print("that worked .. back to regular newton")
            ops.test("NormDispIncr", 1.0E-12, 10)

        currentDisp = ops.nodeDisp(3, 1)

# Print a message to indicate if analysis succesfull or not
if (ok == 0):
    print("\nPushover analysis completed SUCCESSFULLY\n")
    print("\nPushover analysis FAILED\n")

# Print the state at node 3
ops.printModel("node", 3)
Example #8
if (ok != 0):

    currentDisp = ops.nodeDisp(3, 1)
    ok = 0
    while ((ok == 0) and (currentDisp < maxU)):

        ok = ops.analyze(1)

        # if the analysis fails try initial tangent iteration
        if (ok != 0):
            print("regular newton failed .. lets try an initial stiffness for this step")
            ops.test("NormDispIncr", 1.0E-12, 1000) 
            ops.algorithm("ModifiedNewton", "-initial")
            ok = ops.analyze(1)
            if (ok == 0):
                print("that worked .. back to regular newton")
            ops.test("NormDispIncr", 1.0E-12, 10) 

        currentDisp = ops.nodeDisp(3, 1)
# Print a message to indicate if analysis successful or not
if (ok == 0):
    print("\nPushover analysis completed SUCCESSFULLY\n")
    print("\nPushover analysis FAILED\n")

# Print the state at node 3
ops.printModel("node", 3)
Example #9
    node1 = i * 3 + 2
    node2 = node1 + 1

    if (i == 0):
        ops.load(node1, 0.0, P, 0.0)
        ops.load(node2, 0.0, P / 2.0, 0.0)
    elif (i == numBay):
        ops.load(node1, 0.0, P, 0.0)
        ops.load(node2, 0.0, P / 2.0, 0.0)
        ops.load(node1, 0.0, 2.0 * P, 0.0)
        ops.load(node2, 0.0, P, 0.0)

# print model
ops.printModel("-JSON", "-file", "Example4.1.json")

# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------

# --------------------------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation for gravity analysis
# --------------------------------------------------

# create the system of equation

# create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
Example #10
ops.element("truss", 2, 2, 4, 5.0, 1)
ops.element("truss", 3, 3, 4, 5.0, 1)

# Define loads
# ------------
# create a Linear TimeSeries (load factor varies linearly with time) - command: timeSeries Linear $tag
ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1)

# create a Plain load pattern - command: pattern Plain $tag $timeSeriesTag { $loads }
ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1, "-fact", 1.0)
# create the nodal load - command: load nodeID xForce yForce
ops.load(4, 100.0, -50.0)

# print model
ops.printModel("-JSON", "-file", "Example1.1.json")

# ------------------------------
# End of model generation
# ------------------------------

# ------------------------------
# Start of analysis generation
# ------------------------------

# create the system of equation, a SPD using a band storage scheme

# create the DOF numberer, the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm