def test_app_factory(self):
        data = 'test_app_factory'

        paste_conf = self.create_tempfile("""[DEFAULT]
paste.app_factory = openstack.common.pastedeploy:app_factory
openstack.app_factory = tests.unit.test_pastedeploy:App

        app = pastedeploy.paste_deploy_app(paste_conf, 'myfoo', data)
        self.assertEqual(, data)
    def test_app_factory(self):
        data = 'test_app_factory'

        paste_conf = self.create_tempfile("""[DEFAULT]
paste.app_factory = openstack.common.pastedeploy:app_factory
openstack.app_factory = tests.unit.test_pastedeploy:App

        app = pastedeploy.paste_deploy_app(paste_conf, 'myfoo', data)
        self.assertEqual(, data)
    def test_app_factory_with_local_conf(self):
        data = 'test_app_factory_with_local_conf'

        paste_conf = self.create_tempfile("""[DEFAULT]
paste.app_factory = openstack.common.pastedeploy:app_factory
openstack.app_factory = tests.unit.test_pastedeploy:AppWithLocalConf
foo = bar

        app = pastedeploy.paste_deploy_app(paste_conf, 'myfoo', data)
        self.assertEqual(, data)
        self.assertEqual(, 'bar')
    def test_app_factory_with_local_conf(self):
        data = 'test_app_factory_with_local_conf'

        paste_conf = self.create_tempfile("""[DEFAULT]
paste.app_factory = openstack.common.pastedeploy:app_factory
openstack.app_factory = tests.unit.test_pastedeploy:AppWithLocalConf
foo = bar

        app = pastedeploy.paste_deploy_app(paste_conf, 'myfoo', data)
        self.assertEqual(, data)
        self.assertEqual(, 'bar')
    def test_filter_factory(self):
        data = 'test_filter_factory'

        paste_conf = self.create_tempfile("""[DEFAULT]
pipeline = myfoofilter myfooapp

paste.filter_factory = openstack.common.pastedeploy:filter_factory
openstack.filter_factory = tests.unit.test_pastedeploy:Filter

paste.app_factory = openstack.common.pastedeploy:app_factory
openstack.app_factory = tests.unit.test_pastedeploy:App

        app = pastedeploy.paste_deploy_app(paste_conf, 'myfoo', data)
        self.assertEqual(, data)
        self.assertEqual(, data)
    def test_filter_factory(self):
        data = 'test_filter_factory'

        paste_conf = self.create_tempfile("""[DEFAULT]
pipeline = myfoofilter myfooapp

paste.filter_factory = openstack.common.pastedeploy:filter_factory
openstack.filter_factory = tests.unit.test_pastedeploy:Filter

paste.app_factory = openstack.common.pastedeploy:app_factory
openstack.app_factory = tests.unit.test_pastedeploy:App

        app = pastedeploy.paste_deploy_app(paste_conf, 'myfoo', data)
        self.assertEqual(, data)
        self.assertEqual(, data)
Example #7
def load_paste_app(app_name=None):
    Builds and returns a WSGI app from a paste config file.

    We assume the last config file specified in the supplied ConfigOpts
    object is the paste config file.

    :param app_name: name of the application to load
    :raises RuntimeError when config file cannot be located or application
            cannot be loaded from config file
    if app_name is None:
        app_name = CONF.prog

    # append the deployment flavor to the application name,
    # in order to identify the appropriate paste pipeline
    app_name += _get_deployment_flavor()
    conf_file = _get_deployment_config_file()

        LOG.debug('Loading %(app_name)s from %(conf_file)s', {
            'conf_file': conf_file,
            'app_name': app_name

        AppFactory.KEY = CONF.paste_deploy.app_factory
        FilterFactory.KEY = CONF.paste_deploy.filter_factory

        app = paste_deploy_app(conf_file, app_name, CONF)

        return app

    except (LookupError, ImportError, ValueError) as e:
        msg = ('Unable to load %(app_name)s from '
               'configuration file %(conf_file)s.'
               '\nGot: %(e)r') % locals()
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
Example #8
File: Project: atomd/mr
def load_paste_app(app_name=None):
    Builds and returns a WSGI app from a paste config file.

    We assume the last config file specified in the supplied ConfigOpts
    object is the paste config file.

    :param app_name: name of the application to load
    :raises RuntimeError when config file cannot be located or application
            cannot be loaded from config file
    if app_name is None:
        app_name = CONF.prog

    # append the deployment flavor to the application name,
    # in order to identify the appropriate paste pipeline
    app_name += _get_deployment_flavor()
    conf_file = _get_deployment_config_file()

        LOG.debug('Loading %(app_name)s from %(conf_file)s',
                  {'conf_file': conf_file, 'app_name': app_name})

        AppFactory.KEY = CONF.paste_deploy.app_factory
        FilterFactory.KEY = CONF.paste_deploy.filter_factory

        app = paste_deploy_app(conf_file, app_name, CONF)

        return app

    except (LookupError, ImportError, ValueError) as e:
        msg = ('Unable to load %(app_name)s from '
               'configuration file %(conf_file)s.'
               '\nGot: %(e)r') % locals()
        raise RuntimeError(msg)