def _request_simple(self, endpoint: EndpointTypes, relative_uri: str, params: Dict[str, str] = None, headers: Dict[str, str] = None, req_type: CurlRequestType = CurlRequestType.GET, data: str or dict = None) -> CURLResponse or None: if endpoint == EndpointTypes.identity: _endpoint: str = f"{self.__login_api}" else: _endpoint: str = self.__endpoints.get_endpoint(endpoint) url = f"{_endpoint}{relative_uri}" _t_start = 0 if self.__debug: _t_start = time.time_ns() r = None try: return curl(url, req_type=req_type, params=params, headers=headers, data=data) except TimeoutError: self.__last_errors.append("Timeout exception on API request") return None finally: if self.__debug: from openstack_cli.core.output import Console _t_delta = time.time_ns() - _t_start _t_sec = _t_delta / 1000000000 _params = ",".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in params.items() ]) if params else "None" _f_caller = self.__get_origin_frame( self._request_simple.__name__) _chunks = [ f"[{_t_sec:.2f}s]", f"[{req_type.value}]", f"[{endpoint.value}]", f" {relative_uri}; ", str(Colors.RESET), f"{Colors.BRIGHT_BLACK}{os.path.basename(_f_caller[0].filename)}{Colors.RESET}: ", f"{Colors.BRIGHT_BLACK}->{Colors.RESET}".join( [f"{f.function}:{f.lineno}" for f in _f_caller]) ] Console.print_debug("".join(_chunks))
def get_asset(ver: ConfProperties) -> Tuple[GHRelease, GHAsset]: r = curl(ver.update_src) if r.code not in [200, 201]: return None, None releases = sorted([GHRelease(serialized_obj=i) for i in r.from_json()], key=lambda x: x.version, reverse=True) release = releases[0] if releases else None if not release or release.version <= ver.version: return None, None for _asset in release.assets: if ".whl" in and _asset.state == "uploaded": return release, _asset
def _request(self, endpoint: EndpointTypes, relative_uri: str, params: Dict[str, str] = None, req_type: CurlRequestType = CurlRequestType.GET, is_json: bool = False, page_collection_name: str = None, data: str or dict = None) -> str or dict or None: if not self.__is_auth and not self.login(): raise RuntimeError("Not Authorised") _endpoint = self.__login_api if endpoint == EndpointTypes.identity else self.__endpoints.get_endpoint( endpoint) _t_start = 0 if self.__debug: _t_start = time.time_ns() url = f"{_endpoint}{relative_uri}" headers = {"X-Auth-Token": self._conf.auth_token} r = None try: r = curl(url, req_type=req_type, params=params, headers=headers, data=data) except TimeoutError: self.__last_errors.append("Timeout exception on API request") return finally: if self.__debug: from openstack_cli.core.output import Console _t_delta = time.time_ns() - _t_start _t_sec = _t_delta / 1000000000 _params = ",".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in params.items() ]) if params else "None" _f_caller = self.__get_origin_frame(self._request.__name__) _chunks = [ f"[{_t_sec:.2f}s]", f"[{req_type.value}]", f"[{endpoint.value}]", f" {relative_uri}; ", str(Colors.RESET), f"{Colors.BRIGHT_BLACK}{os.path.basename(_f_caller[0].filename)}{Colors.RESET}: ", f"{Colors.BRIGHT_BLACK}->{Colors.RESET}".join( [f"{f.function}:{f.lineno}" for f in _f_caller]) ] Console.print_debug("".join(_chunks)) if r.code not in [200, 201, 202, 204]: # if not data: # return None raise JSONValueError(r.content) if r.code in [204]: return "" content = r.from_json() if is_json else r.content if is_json and page_collection_name and isinstance(content, dict): if "next" in content and content["next"]: uri, _, args = content["next"].partition("?") elif "links" in content and "next" in content["links"] and content[ "links"]["next"]: uri, _, args = content["links"]["next"].partition("?") else: return content params = dict([i.split("=") for i in args.split("&")]) next_page = self._request( endpoint, uri, params=params, req_type=req_type, is_json=is_json, page_collection_name=page_collection_name) content[page_collection_name].extend( next_page[page_collection_name]) return content