def test_explicit_start_time(self):
        """Test `start_time` argument."""

        now = time.time()
        with self.shim.start_active_span("TestSpan", start_time=now) as scope:
            result = util.time_seconds_from_ns(scope.span.unwrap().start_time)
            # Tolerate inaccuracies of less than a microsecond. See Note:
            # TODO: This seems to work consistently, but we should find out the
            # biggest possible loss of precision.
            self.assertAlmostEqual(result, now, places=6)
Example #2
    def test_explicit_start_time(self):
        """Test `start_time` argument."""

        now = time.time()
        with self.shim.start_active_span("TestSpan", start_time=now) as scope:
            result = util.time_seconds_from_ns(scope.span.unwrap().start_time)
            # Tolerate inaccuracies of less than a microsecond.
            # TODO: Put a link to an explanation in the docs.
            # TODO: This seems to work consistently, but we should find out the
            # biggest possible loss of precision.
            self.assertAlmostEqual(result, now, places=6)
    def test_explicit_end_time(self):
        """Test `end_time` argument of `finish()` method."""

        span = self.shim.start_span("TestSpan")
        now = time.time()

        end_time = util.time_seconds_from_ns(span.unwrap().end_time)
        # Tolerate inaccuracies of less than a microsecond. See Note:
        # TODO: This seems to work consistently, but we should find out the
        # biggest possible loss of precision.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(end_time, now, places=6)
Example #4
    def test_explicit_end_time(self):
        """Test `end_time` argument of `finish()` method."""

        span = self.shim.start_span("TestSpan")
        now = time.time()

        end_time = util.time_seconds_from_ns(span.unwrap().end_time)
        # Tolerate inaccuracies of less than a microsecond.
        # TODO: Put a link to an explanation in the docs.
        # TODO: This seems to work consistently, but we should find out the
        # biggest possible loss of precision.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(end_time, now, places=6)
    def test_log_kv(self):
        """Test the `log_kv()` method on `Span` objects."""

        with self.shim.start_span("TestSpan") as span:
            span.log_kv({"foo": "bar"})
            self.assertEqual(span.unwrap().events[0].attributes["foo"], "bar")
            # Verify timestamp was generated automatically.

            # Test explicit timestamp.
            now = time.time()
            span.log_kv({"foo": "bar"}, now)
            result = util.time_seconds_from_ns(
            self.assertEqual(span.unwrap().events[1].attributes["foo"], "bar")
            # Tolerate inaccuracies of less than a microsecond. See Note:
            # TODO: This seems to work consistently, but we should find out the
            # biggest possible loss of precision.
            self.assertAlmostEqual(result, now, places=6)