Example #1
 def touch_right(cur_position: Location):
     if touch_tip == "right":
         p10_multi.move_to(cur_position.move(Point(x=2.7, z=-0.75)))
         p10_multi.move_to(cur_position.move(Point(x=-1, z=0.75)))
         p10_multi.move_to(cur_position.move(Point(x=-2.7, z=-0.75)))
         p10_multi.move_to(cur_position.move(Point(x=1, z=0.75)))
Example #2
 def _get_move_to_point_loc_by_state(self) -> Location:
     assert self._z_height_reference is not None, \
         "saveOffset has not been called yet"
     pt_id = MOVE_POINT_STATE_MAP[self._current_state]
     coords = self._deck.get_calibration_position(pt_id).position
     loc = Location(Point(*coords), None)
     return loc.move(point=Point(0, 0, self._z_height_reference))
Example #3
 def moving_fractional_dispense(pip,
                                vol: float,
                                liq_height: float,
                                y_offsets: Sequence[float],
                                dest_location: Location,
                                do_blowouts: bool = True):
     This function moves to the offsets from the center of the well in the
     y-direction and dispenses a fractional amount based on the length of
     the offset sequence.
     :param pip: Pipette to dispense with
     :param vol: The volume to dispense
     :param offsets: A tuple of offsets from the center of the dest_well
     to do fractional dispenses at
     :param dest_location: The location to dispense at
     nonlocal is_verbose, ctx
     fractional_vol = vol / len(y_offsets)
     for offset in y_offsets:
         offset_point = Point(0, offset, 0)
         disp_loc = dest_location.move(offset_point)
         if is_verbose:
             ctx.comment("Dispensing at {}".format(str(disp_loc)))
         pip.dispense(fractional_vol, disp_loc)
Example #4
 async def move_to_point_one(self):
     assert self._z_height_reference is not None, \
         "saveOffset has not been called yet"
     target_loc = Location(self._cal_ref_point, None)
     target = target_loc.move(point=Point(0, 0, self._z_height_reference))
     await self._move(target)