Example #1
def test_update_thermal_demand_forecast(ctrl, obs, ua_mocks, monkeypatch):
    ctrl_proxy = ua_mocks[0].ctrl_agent
    # Note: Controller for testing is initialized with current system time.
    #       *start* has thus to be set in the future of utcnow()
    start = arrow.utcnow().replace(days=1,
    res = 900
    data = np.arange(96 * 2)
    fc = util.TimeSeries(start, res, data)
    target_schedule = util.TimeSeries(start, res, [0 for i in range(96)])
    weights = util.TimeSeries(start, res, [0 for i in range(96)])

    # Patch ControllerAgent
    def run_negotiation(neg_start):
        return start

    monkeypatch.setattr(ctrl, '_run_negotiation', run_negotiation)

    # Call method and assert that a new negotiation has been started
    yield from ctrl_proxy.update_thermal_demand_forecast(
        target_schedule, weights, fc)
    ret = yield from ctrl._task_negotiation
    assert ret == start

    # Assert that all UnitAgents got the (same) data
    futs = [ua.update_forecast_called for ua in ua_mocks]
    ret = yield from gather(*futs)
    for i in ret:
        assert i == fc
Example #2
    def get_day_ahead_plan(self, dap_start, dap_end):
        """Return the day ahead plan (which is the result of a negotiation).

        fc = self._forecast_p

        if dap_start < fc.start:
            raise ValueError('dap_start must be >= the forecast start')
        if dap_end > fc.end:
            raise ValueError('dap_end must be <= the forecast end')

        # TODO FIXME: is this still correct?
        # FIXME cont: Maybe _forecast_p should be handled different?
        # Update target_schedule and weights array.
        # Because we communicate our planned generation to an external party,
        # we have to set it as new target schedule for our VPP:
        self._target_schedule = util.TimeSeries(fc.start, fc.res,
        self._target_schedule[:dap_end] = fc[:dap_end]
        self._weights = util.TimeSeries(fc.start, fc.res, np.zeros(len(fc)))
        self._weights[:dap_end] = 1

        # Extract DAP
        dap = fc[dap_start:dap_end]

        return dap
Example #3
def test_user_get_thermal_demand_forecast(user):
    start = arrow.get(demand_meta['start_time'])
    fc = user._get_thermal_demand_forecast(start, 2)
    assert fc == util.TimeSeries(start, demand_meta['interval_minutes'] * 60,
                                 [0, 25])

    start = start.replace(hours=1)
    fc = user._get_thermal_demand_forecast(start, 2)
    assert fc == util.TimeSeries(start, demand_meta['interval_minutes'] * 60,
                                 [25, 60])
Example #4
    def _get_target(self, date):
        """Sets and returns self._ts and self._weights, both TimeSeries,
        depending on the given date. If no target has been given for date,
        zero target with zero weights is given.

        Raises a RunTimeError if more than one target is passed for one day,
        as this has to be handled by the intraday routines."""

        # get appropriate target
        start_keys = []
        for start_key in self._target_gens:
            date_diff = start_key - date
            if date_diff.days >= 0 and date_diff.days < 1:

        if len(start_keys) > 1:
            raise RuntimeError('More than 1 target given for day %s' % date)

        # TODO FIXME: We have hardcoded stuff here for dap far too much
        if len(start_keys) == 0:
            logger.info('UserAgent:_get_target: no target for day %s,'
                        'taking zero ts' % date)
            target_res = 15 * 60  # TODO FIXME: hardcoded default resolution
            # day-ahead-planning relies on targets starting at midnight local
            # time, so we have to use this for zero target as well
            dap_target_start = util.get_tomorrow(date, 'local')
            self._ts = util.TimeSeries(dap_target_start, target_res,
                                       [0 for i in range(96)])
            self._weights = util.TimeSeries(dap_target_start, target_res,
                                            [0 for i in range(96)])
            # date_str = start_keys[0].format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss ZZ')
            logger.info('UserAgent:_get_target: starting with target %s' %
            target_start = start_keys[0]
            target_res, target_gen = self._target_gens[target_start]

            # read all target and weights data entries from file
            ts_data = []
            weights_data = []
            for line in target_gen:
                data = line.strip().split(',')
                val, weight = map(float, data)

            self._ts = util.TimeSeries(target_start, target_res, ts_data)
            self._weights = util.TimeSeries(target_start, target_res,

        # target has to be dap-compatible:
        assert self._ts.start.to('local').hour == 0
        return (self._ts, self._weights)
Example #5
def test_update_thermal_demand_forecast_argchecks(ctrl, obs, err_kwargs):
    """Check various bad arguments."""
    kwargs = {
        'start': ctrl._da_scheduler._forecast_p.start,
        'res': ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_res,
        'data': np.zeros(ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_intervals),
    fc = util.TimeSeries(**kwargs)
    target_schedule = util.TimeSeries(**kwargs)
    weights = util.TimeSeries(**kwargs)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        yield from ctrl.update_thermal_demand_forecast(target_schedule,
                                                       weights, fc)
Example #6
    def _get_thermal_demand_forecast(self, date, hours):
        """Return a :class:`~util.TimeSeries` with a thermal demand forecast
        for the period from *date* for *hours* hours."""
        # The forecast usually covers a period of 48h and we request a new
        # forecast every 24 hours.
        # The forecast data comes from a large file.  We don't want to keep the
        # full content of that file in memory.
        # So in order to create a new forecast, we
        # 1. reuse the old one,
        # 2. strip all data from before the new start date, and
        # 3. extend it with new data from the data file

        demand_start, demand_res, demand_gen = self._demand_gen
        if self._fc is None:
            # Create an initial, empty forecast if there is none
            self._fc = util.TimeSeries(date, demand_res, [])

        # Strip old data from the forecast

        # We need data for [start_date, end_date) from the data file
        # (in the first run, we load 2 days, but on second day, we only
        # have to add the data for the second, as the first has been
        # read already)
        period = hours * 3600 - self._fc.period
        start_date = self._fc.end
        end_date = start_date.replace(seconds=period)

        # Skip lines until we reach "start_date"
        start_diff = util.get_intervals_between(start_date, demand_start,
        [next(demand_gen) for i in range(start_diff)]

        # Get the data from the file and extend the forecast
        n_lines = util.get_intervals_between(end_date, start_date, demand_res)
        fc_data = []
        for i in range(n_lines):
            data = next(demand_gen).strip().split(',')
            p_el, p_th_heat, p_th_water = map(float, data)
            sum_p_th = p_th_heat + p_th_water
        new_data = util.TimeSeries(start_date, demand_res, fc_data)

        self._demand_gen = (end_date, demand_res, demand_gen)

        return self._fc
Example #7
def test_get_day_ahead_plan(ctrl_obs):
    ctrl, obs = ctrl_obs
    ctrl._da_scheduler._forecast_p = util.TimeSeries(
        arrow.get('2015-01-01T09:00:00'), ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_res,
    ctrl._task_negotiation = asyncio.Future()

    # 15h, because its 09:00
    r_start = int(15 * 3600 / ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_res)
    r_end = r_start + (24 * 3600 // ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_res)
    expected_dap = list(range(r_start, r_end))

    # Assert that the ts returned is the correct sub-range of the forecast:
    dap_start = arrow.get('2015-01-02')
    dap_end = dap_start.replace(days=1)
    dap = yield from ctrl.get_day_ahead_plan(dap_start, dap_end)
    assert list(dap) == expected_dap

    # Assert that the correct target_schedule and weight vector have been set
    exp_len = ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_intervals
    pad_len = exp_len - r_end  # Length of 0-padding
    assert len(ctrl._da_scheduler._target_schedule) == exp_len
    assert list(ctrl._da_scheduler._target_schedule.data) == \
        list(range(r_end)) + [0] * pad_len
    assert len(ctrl._da_scheduler._weights) == exp_len
    assert list(
        ctrl._da_scheduler._weights.data) == [1] * r_end + [0] * pad_len
Example #8
def test_run_negotiation_timeout(ctrl, obs, ua_mocks):
    """UAs don't detect termination and we time out."""
    ctrl._agents = collections.OrderedDict(
        sorted(ctrl._agents.items(), key=lambda i: i[1]))
    ctrl._neg_timeout = 0.1
    start = arrow.get('2015-01-01')
    res = ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_res = 15
    ctrl._da_scheduler._forecast_p = util.TimeSeries(start, res, [0] * 4)
    ctrl._da_scheduler._target_schedule = util.TimeSeries(
        start, res, list(range(4)))
    ctrl._da_scheduler._weights = util.TimeSeries(start, res, [1] * 4)

    yield from aiomas. async (ctrl._run_negotiation(start))

    # Check solution returned to the BGA
    assert ctrl._da_scheduler._forecast_p == util.TimeSeries(
        start, res, [18, 22, 26])
Example #9
def test_user_get_dap_dates(user, now, exp_start, exp_end):
    now, exp_start, exp_end = [arrow.get(d) for d in [now, exp_start, exp_end]]
    ts = util.TimeSeries(exp_start, 900, [0 for i in range(96)])
    user._ts = ts
    s, e = user._get_dap_dates(user.container.clock)
    assert s.tzinfo == dateutil.tz.tzutc()
    assert s == exp_start
    assert e.tzinfo == dateutil.tz.tzutc()
    assert e == exp_end
Example #10
def test_udpate_thermal_demand_forecast_neg_running(ctrl, obs):
    """Raise an error if the forecast is update while a negotiation is
    currently running."""
    ctrl._task_negotiation = asyncio.Future()
    kwargs = {
        'start': ctrl._da_scheduler._forecast_p.start,
        'res': ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_res,
        'data': np.zeros(ctrl._da_scheduler._scheduling_intervals),
    fc = util.TimeSeries(**kwargs)
    target_schedule = util.TimeSeries(**kwargs)
    weights = util.TimeSeries(**kwargs)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        yield from ctrl.update_thermal_demand_forecast(target_schedule,
                                                       weights, fc)

    # Try again:
    yield from ctrl.update_thermal_demand_forecast(target_schedule, weights,
Example #11
def test_dummy(uas, ctrl_obs, target):
    # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
    ctrl, obs = ctrl_obs
    results = []
    msgs = []
    for i in range(NUM_EXP):
        start = arrow.get().replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
        ctrl._target_schedule = util.TimeSeries(start, 900, target)
        ctrl._weights = util.TimeSeries(start, 900, [1] * 5)
        ctrl._forecast_p = util.TimeSeries(start, 900, [0] * 5)
        ctrl._scheduling_period = 900 * 5

        target_schedule = util.TimeSeries(start, 900, [0] * 5)
        weights = util.TimeSeries(start, 900, [0] * 5)
        fc = util.TimeSeries(start, 900, [0] * 5)
        yield from ctrl.update_thermal_demand_forecast(target_schedule,
                                                       weights, fc)
        dap = yield from ctrl.get_day_ahead_plan(
            start, start.replace(seconds=5 * 900))

        diff_abs = np.abs(dap - target)
        diff_mean = np.mean(diff_abs / target)
        assert diff_mean <= 0.02

    assert np.mean(results) <= 0.05
Example #12
    def __init__(self, controller, scheduling_res, scheduling_period):
        self._controller = controller
        self._scheduling_res = scheduling_res
        self._scheduling_period = scheduling_period
        self._scheduling_intervals = int(scheduling_period / scheduling_res)
        # We need a basic TimeSeries as long as we have no real data.
        # We take utc 7a.m., as if the schedule were the result of a dap
        utctime = self._controller.container.clock.utcnow()
        utctime = utctime.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, hour=7)
        zero_ts = util.TimeSeries(utctime, self._scheduling_res,
        # TODO wording: Maybe this should be called "planned_p", because its
        # the result of a negotiation – the aggregate power output of the VPP:
        self._forecast_p = zero_ts
        self._target_schedule = zero_ts.copy()
        # The *weights* list allows us to express that intervals closer to
        # "now" must match the target schedule closer than intervals farther in
        # the future:
        self._weights = zero_ts.copy()

        self._start = None
Example #13
def test_run_negotiation(ctrl_obs, ua_mocks):
    """Test a simple DAP from the ctrl's point of view.
    No negotitation at unit agents is performed (mocks used).
    ctrl, obs = ctrl_obs
    obs._termination_detector._num_agents = len(ua_mocks)
    # General config
    ctrl._agents = collections.OrderedDict(
        sorted(ctrl._agents.items(), key=lambda i: i[1]))
    start = arrow.get('2015-01-01')
    res = ctrl._scheduling_res = 15

    ctrl._da_scheduler._forecast_p = util.TimeSeries(start, res, [0] * 4)
    ctrl._da_scheduler._target_schedule = util.TimeSeries(
        start, res, list(range(4)))
    ctrl._da_scheduler._weights = util.TimeSeries(start, res, [1] * 4)

    ts = list(ctrl._da_scheduler._target_schedule.data)
    weights = list(ctrl._da_scheduler._weights.data)

    # conn = {}

    # t = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    # w = [0, 0, 0, 0]

    neg_task = aiomas. async (ctrl._run_negotiation(start))

    # Test init_negotiation()
    futs = [ua.init_negotiation_called for ua in ua_mocks]
    ret = yield from gather(*futs)

    assert ret == [
          'tcp://'], start, res, ts, weights, True),  # NOQA
          'tcp://'], start, res, ts, weights, False),  # NOQA
          'tcp://'], start, res, ts, weights, False),  # NOQA

    # UA agents found a solution
    for ua in ua_mocks:
        yield from ua.obs_agent.update_stats(ua, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, True)

    # Retrieve final solution
    yield from neg_task

    assert ctrl._da_scheduler._forecast_p == util.TimeSeries(
        start, res, [18, 22, 26])

    # Check solutions sent to each UA
    futs = [ua.stop_negotiation_called for ua in ua_mocks]
    yield from gather(*futs)

    # Sent final solution to observer
    futs = [ua.obs_agent.update_final_cand(ua.solution) for ua in ua_mocks]
    yield from gather(*futs)

    futs = [ua.set_schedule_called for ua in ua_mocks]
    ret = yield from gather(*futs)
    solution = ua_mocks[0].solution
    for i, schedule_id in enumerate(ret):
        assert schedule_id == solution.sids[i]
Example #14
    def generate_schedules(self, start, res, intervals, state):
        # TODO for electrical target schedule: generate more than one possible
        # schedule / first in a simple manner to verify adaptation to
        # electrical target schedule optimization
        # TODO: unify resolution check?
        # TODO: schedule resolution is 60 (thus a minute)

        if res < self.model.res or res % self.model.res != 0:
            raise ValueError('Schedule resolution must be >= %d and a '
                             'multiple of it' % self.model.res)

        # The latest unit state should be from time "start", but we want
        # the state from the interval before.
        # Example: "start" is 09:00 o'clock, then the last state is for the
        # interval [09:00, 09:01).  If we want to simulate from 09:00, we need
        # the previous state from [08:59, 09:00).
        assert state[-1][0] == start
        state = state[-2][1]

        self._schedules = {}
        self._schedule_id = itertools.count()

        # Start index in the array with the forecast data
        res_ratio = int(res // self.model.res)
        n_sim_steps = res_ratio * intervals

        # Generate initial schedule
        setpoint = self._setpoint_for(state['chp_p_el'])
        storage_e = state['storage_e_th']
        self.model.reset(chp_setpoint=setpoint, storage_e_th=storage_e)
        p_el = np.zeros(n_sim_steps)
        p_th_gen = self._forecast_demand_p_th.iter(start, self.model.res,
        for i, p_th in enumerate(p_th_gen):
            p_el[i] = self.model.chp_p_el

        schedule_id = next(self._schedule_id)
        unit_schedule = util.TimeSeries(start, self.model.res, p_el)
        utility = 1

        # reshaping to 15 min resolution
        negotiation_schedule = p_el.reshape(intervals, res_ratio).mean(axis=1)

        self._schedules[schedule_id] = unit_schedule
        possible_schedules = [(schedule_id, utility, negotiation_schedule)]

        # TODO: quick hack for testing multiple schedules - remove
        # np.random.seed(7)  # at least .. deterministic hack
        # for i in range(10):
        #     tmp_data = np.random.permutation(unit_schedule.data)
        #     tmp = util.TimeSeries(start, self.model.res, tmp_data)
        #     # print(tmp.data)
        #     sched_id = next(self._schedule_id)
        #     self._schedules[sched_id] = tmp
        #     # reshaping to 15 min resolution
        #     negotiation_schedule = tmp_data.reshape(
        #                                 intervals, res_ratio
        #                                 ).mean(axis=1)
        #     possible_schedules.append((sched_id, utility,
        #                                negotiation_schedule))

        # print("sched 6:")
        # for val in self._schedules[6].data:
        #     print(val)
        # end quick hack

        # return [(schedule_id, utility, negotiation_schedule)]
        return possible_schedules
Example #15
 def finalize_negotiation(self, solution):
     # TODO wording: forecast_p = aggregierter Einsatzplan
     forecast_p = self._aggregate_solution(solution)
     assert self._start is not None
     res = self._target_schedule.res
     self._forecast_p = util.TimeSeries(self._start, res, forecast_p)