def to_datetime(self, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", col=None):
     """ Run pd.to_datetime on timestamp column
     if col is None:
         col = self._time_field
     logging.debug("Running pd.to_datetime on {} ".format(col))
     self.df[col] = pd.to_datetime(self.df[col])
Example #2
 def normalize_time_to_datetime(self, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", col=None):
     """ Apply datetime format to timestamp column
     if col is None:
         col = self._time_field
     logging.debug("setting {} to datetime ".format(col))
     self.df[col] = self.df[col].apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x, format), 1)
    def map_column(self, col, func):
        """Apply a function to col
        logging.debug("Mapping col:{}".format(col))
        if col not in self.df.columns:
            self.df[col] = 'unknown'

        self.df[col] = self.df[col].apply(func, 1)
 def epoch_time_to_datetime(self, col=None):
     """Format col as datetime
     if col is None:
         col = self._time_field
     logging.debug("Running to_datetime on {}  ".format(col))
     self.df[col] = self.df[col].apply(
         lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, unit='s'), 1)
    def copy_column(self, to, fro):
        """Copy column data

            fro (str): column name to copy data from
            to (str): column name to copy to
        logging.debug("copying {} to {}".format(fro, to))
        self.df[to] = self.df[fro]
    def trim_timeseries(self, start, stop):
        """ Get time range

            start (datetime):  start of time-sereies trim
            stop (datetime):  stop of time-sereies trim
        logging.debug("trim_timeseries start:{} stop:{} ".format(start, stop))
        self.df = self.df.loc[(self.df[self._time_field] >= start) &
                              (self.df[self._time_field] <= stop), :]
    def ensure_columns(self, std):
        """ Set column types to specified type

            std (dict):
        for col in list(std.keys()):
            logging.debug("checking  {} is astype {} ".format(col, std[col]))
            if col not in self.df.columns:
                if std[col] == 'float64':
                    self.df[col] = float('nan')
                    self.df[col] = None
            self.df[col] = self.df[col].astype(std[col])
        self.df = self.df[list(std.keys())]
 def rbind(self, tt):
     """Append data  """
     logging.debug("appending tt.df")
     self.df = self.df.append(tt.df)
 def unique(self, col):
     """Get unique values of a column  """
     logging.debug("unique col:{}".format(col))
     return self.df[col].unique()
 def pandas_merge(self, right, right_cols, how='left', on='id'):
     """ Run merge with data """
     logging.debug("merging right:{} right_cols:{} ".format(
         right, right_cols))
     self.df = self.df.merge(right.loc[:, right_cols], how=how, on=on)
Example #11
 def rbind(self, tt):
     '''Append data  '''
     logging.debug("appending tt.df")
     self.df = self.df.append(tt.df)