Example #1
 def getMaxMinTimeinLocation(self, loc, defectsList):
     op = operations.Operate()
     if len(defectsList) == 0:
         return dict()
     op = operations.Operate()
     minTimeVal = op.stringToDatetime(defectsList[0].detectionTime)
     maxTimeVal = op.stringToDatetime(defectsList[0].resolutionTime)
     # it is possible that an error happens in one position and has been resolved in another
     # so we should only consider that event of the error [Res, Det] which happened in the
     # current position. that is why we use d[detectionTime, resolutionTime] == loc in the following code
     for d in defectsList:  # find the min and max times
         dt_ts = op.stringToDatetime(d.detectionTime)
         rt_ts = op.stringToDatetime(d.resolutionTime)
         if minTimeVal > dt_ts and d.detectionLocationOrder == loc:
             minTimeVal = dt_ts
         if minTimeVal > rt_ts and d.resolutionLocationOrder == loc:
             minTimeVal = rt_ts
         if maxTimeVal < dt_ts and d.detectionLocationOrder == loc:
             maxTimeVal = dt_ts
         if maxTimeVal < rt_ts and d.resolutionLocationOrder == loc:
             maxTimeVal = rt_ts
     result = dict()
     result["max"] = op.Cast(maxTimeVal, str)
     result["min"] = op.Cast(minTimeVal, str)
     return result
Example #2
    def readRawData(self):
        op = operations.Operate()
        #        self.dataFrame()
        self.source = op.dataFrame(self.rawSource)
        carsDict = dict()
        op = operations.Operate()
        for inxDefect in range(len(self.source)):
            row = self.source.iloc[inxDefect, ]
            dfObj = df.DefectProfile(row)
            carID = dfObj.carID
            carObj = carsDict.get(carID, Car(row).populate())
            # check if the defect is represented in 2 rows
            siblingDf = self.findSibling(carObj, dfObj)
            if siblingDf == False:
                # only record the partial defect
                self.updateCarDefects(carObj, dfObj)
                # Extend it
                # update close/open device of the sibiling defect
                self.mergeSiblings(siblingDf, dfObj)
                # set extra device related info for this defect
                innerDefects = siblingDf.innerDefects()
                if len(innerDefects) != 0:

            if carID not in carsDict:
                carObj.ID = carID
                carsDict[carID] = carObj
        return carsDict
Example #3
    def populate(self):
        op = operations.Operate()
        self.source = op.dataFrame(self.rawSource)
#        self.dataFrame()
        out = dict()
        op = operations.Operate()
        for inx in range(len(self.source)):
            defectID = op.Cast(self.source['defectid'].iloc[inx,], str)
            if defectID not in out:
                out[defectID] = op.Cast(self.source['Unique_ID'].iloc[inx,], str)
        return out
Example #4
 def populate(self):
     op = operations.Operate()
     self.uniqueID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['Unique_ID_Combination'], str)
     self.groupID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['Objektgruppe_ID'], str)
     self.locationID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['Fehlerobjekt - location_ID'], str)
     self.typeID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['Fehlerart - type_ID'], str)
     self.verursacher = op.Cast(self.rawSource['Verursacher'], str)
Example #5
 def populate(self):
     op = operations.Operate()
     self.carID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['KANR'], str)
     self.ID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['DEFECT_ID'], str)
     self.detectionTime = self.rawSource['DEFECT_TS']
     self.resolutionTime = self.rawSource['REGISTER_TS']
     self.detectionDeviceName = self.rawSource['OPEN_DEVICE']          
     self.resolutionDeviceName = self.rawSource['CLOSE_DEVICE']
     self.groupID = self.rawSource['GROUP_ID']
     self.locationID = self.rawSource['LOC_ID']  
     self.typeID = self.rawSource['TYPE_ID']  
     self.verursacher = self.rawSource['OWNER_TEXT']      
Example #6
 def findParents(self, cDefect, defectsList):
     op = operations.Operate()
     # there is no paretnhood relationship btw defects after ZP6b
     cDefect_rl = op.Cast(cDefect.resolutionLine, str)
     if cDefect_rl in ["zp7", "outofline"]:
     cDefect_dl = op.Cast(cDefect.detectionLine, str)
     cDefect_ol = op.Cast(cDefect.occurranceLine, str)
     cDefect_ot = op.Cast(cDefect.occurranceTakt, int)
     cDefect_dt = op.Cast(cDefect.detectionTakt, int)
     parentsList = []
     for pDefect in defectsList:
         if op.Cast(pDefect.status, int) == defectStatus.multiLine.value:
         if cDefect.ID == pDefect.ID:
         pDefect_rl = op.Cast(pDefect.resolutionLine, str)
         if pDefect_rl == cDefect_rl and pDefect_rl is not None:
             # cDefect and pDefect are resolved in the same line
             pDefect_ol = op.Cast(pDefect.occurranceLine, str)
             pDefect_dl = op.Cast(pDefect.detectionLine, str)
             pDefect_rt = op.Cast(pDefect.resolutionTakt, int)
             #print "pDefect: %s has pDefect_rl: %s and pDefect_ol: %s and pDefect_dl: %s" % (pDefect["ID, pDefect_rl, pDefect_ol, pDefect_dl)
             if cDefect_ol == pDefect_ol and pDefect_ol is not None:
                 # cDefect and pDefect are occurred in the same line
                 # So, cDefect and pDefect are took place in the same line
                 pDefect_ot = op.Cast(pDefect.occurranceTakt, int)
                 #print "pDefect: %s, ot=%s, rt:%s, cDefect_ot:%s)" % (pDefect.ID, pDefect_ot, pDefect_rt, cDefect_ot)
                 if cDefect_ot is not None and pDefect_ot is not None and pDefect_rt is not None:
                     if pDefect.resolutionIsReal == True:
                         if cDefect_ot >= pDefect_ot and cDefect_ot < pDefect_rt:
                         if cDefect_ot >= pDefect_ot:
             elif cDefect_dl == pDefect_dl and pDefect_dl is not None:
                 # cDefect and pDefect are detected in the same line
                 # So, cDefect and pDefect are took place in the same line
                 pDefect_dt = op.Cast(pDefect.detectionTakt, int)
                 #print "pDefect: %s, dt=%s, rt:%s, cDefect_dt:%s)" % (pDefect.ID, pDefect_dt, pDefect_rt, cDefect_dt)
                 if cDefect_dt is not None and pDefect_dt is not None and pDefect_rt is not None:
                     if pDefect.resolutionIsReal == True:
                         if cDefect_dt >= pDefect_dt and cDefect_dt < pDefect_rt:
                         if cDefect_dt >= pDefect_dt:  # pDetect is a parent of cDefect
     #print "-----------------------"
     return parentsList
Example #7
 def getDefectsInaLocation(self, loc, processedLoc):
     if loc is None or loc in processedLoc:
         return []
     stat = dfct.defectStatus
     op = operations.Operate()
     dList = []
     # Find all defects detected or resolved in this position and store them
     for d in self.defects:  # Read all errors detected or resolved in this position and store them
         if op.Cast(d.status, int) == stat.multiLine.value:
         if (d.detectionLocationOrder == loc) or (d.resolutionLocationOrder
                                                  == loc):
     return dList
Example #8
    def defectsTaktResolution(self):
        op = operations.Operate()
        processedLoc = []
        stat = dfct.defectStatus
        for d in self.defects:
            if op.Cast(d.status, int) == stat.multiLine.value:
            dList = []
            loc = d.detectionLocationOrder
            dList = self.getDefectsInaLocation(loc, processedLoc)
            self.mapTimeToTakt(loc, dList)

            loc = d.resolutionLocationOrder
            dList = self.getDefectsInaLocation(loc, processedLoc)
            self.mapTimeToTakt(loc, dList)
Example #9
 def fetchSDGL(self, key):
     out = dict()
     op = operations.Operate()
     rawData = op.dataFrame(sdgl.globalRawSDGLs)
     for inx in range(len(rawData)):
         rawSDGL = rawData.iloc[inx, ]
         Obj = sdgl.StationDeviceGroupLocation(rawSDGL)
         if key.lower() == "g":
         elif key.lower() == "l":
         elif key.lower() == "s":
         elif key.lower() == "d":
         if Obj.ID not in out:
             out[Obj.ID] = Obj
     return out
Example #10
 def populate(self):
     op = operations.Operate()
     self.ID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['KANR'], str)
     self.model = self.rawSource['MODELL']
     self.motorType = self.rawSource['MOTORKB']
     self.gearType = self.rawSource['GETRIEBEKB']
     self.FGSTTM = self.rawSource['FGSTTM']
     self.FGSTPZ = self.rawSource['FGSTPZ']
     self.FGSTMJ = self.rawSource['FGSTMJ']
     self.FGSTWK = self.rawSource['FGSTWK']
     self.FGSTLFD = self.rawSource['FGSTLFD']
     self.F500_TS = self.rawSource['F500']
     self.F510_TS = self.rawSource['F510']
     self.F590_TS = self.rawSource['F590']
     self.F600_TS = self.rawSource['F600']
     self.G200_TS = self.rawSource['G200']
     self.G300_TS = self.rawSource['G300']
     self.ELFIS = self.rawSource['ELFIS']
Example #11
 def findSibling(self, carObj, dfObj):
     # in case that the defect has been detected and resolved once,
     # then its resolution and detection time will be the same and
     # it contains resolution device. Then there will be only 1 corresponding row
     op = operations.Operate()
     df_dt = op.stringToDatetime(dfObj.detectionTime)
     df_rt = op.stringToDatetime(dfObj.resolutionTime)
     # this defect has no sibling in the current list of car's defects
     # add it to the current list
     if df_dt == df_rt and (dfObj.resolutionDeviceName != None
                            or len(dfObj.resolutionDeviceName) > 0):
         self.updateCarDefects(carObj, dfObj)
     # otherwise, the defect is represeted in 2 rows
     currentDefectID = dfObj.ID
     # we check if this defect is already recorded for this car
     # if yes, its means:
     # 1. The defect is represented in 2 rows and has a sibiling
     # 2. The defect is represented in 1 row and will be fetched itself
     for d in carObj.defects:
         if currentDefectID == op.Cast(d.ID, str):
             return d
     return False
Example #12
 def populate(self, key):
     op = operations.Operate()
     self.firstTakt = op.Cast(self.rawSource['FirstTakt'], str)
     self.lastTakt = op.Cast(self.rawSource['LastTakt'], str)
     self.locationOrder = op.Cast(self.rawSource['LocationOrder'], str)
     self.length = op.Cast(self.rawSource['Length'], str)
     self.line = op.Cast(self.rawSource['Line'], str)
     #self.stationID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['StationID'], str)
     self.stationName = op.Cast(self.rawSource['StationName'], str)
     #self.groupID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['GroupID'], str)
     self.groupName = op.Cast(self.rawSource['GroupName'], str)
     #self.deviceID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['DeviceID'], str)
     self.deviceName = op.Cast(self.rawSource['DeviceName'], str)
     if key == "device":
         self.ID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['DeviceName'], str)
     elif key == "group":
         self.ID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['GroupName'], str)
     elif key == "station":
         self.ID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['StationName'], str)
     elif key == "location":
         self.ID = op.Cast(self.rawSource['LocationOrder'], str)
Example #13
    def generate(self, defectsList):
        #defectsList = car.get("defects", [])
        if len(defectsList) == 0:
        # Parenthood matrix represents relationship btw all errors
        # X axis represents children and Y axis represents Parents
        # SP = Start Point
        #    F1 | F2 | SP
        # F1|   |   |
        # F2|   |   |
        # order of defects in columns and rows should be the same
        # to do it, we creat a primary order of defects and keep this order in rows and columns
        op = operations.Operate()
        stat = defectStatus

        self.rows = self.emptyRow(len(self.columns) -
                                  1)  # #rows[] length = #cols without SP
        for cDefect in defectsList:
            if op.Cast(cDefect.status, int) == stat.multiLine.value:
            # to check parenthood, we only compare the real occurrance or detection event of a defect
            # with other defects
            # it means if a defect has a set of inner defects, we only inspect the inner defect of that
            # which represents the real occurrance or detection of the defect
            if op.Cast(
                    cDefect.status, int
            ) == stat.inner.value and cDefect.occurranceIsReal == False and cDefect.detectionIsReal == False:

            cDefectInx = self.getColumnInx(cDefect)
            row = self.fillRow(cDefect, defectsList)
            # rows contain a list of all rows. As said, order of defects in rows and columns are the same
            # so we insert a defect's row in the it's corresponding vertical location.
            # cDefectInx shows the vertical(row) and horizontal(column) location of a defect
            self.rows[cDefectInx] = row

Example #14
    def normalize(self, minVal, maxVal, positionStart, positionEnd, value):
        #    print "Min: %s, Max: %s, Start: %s, End: %s, val: %s" % (minVal, maxVal, positionStart, positionEnd, value)
        op = operations.Operate()
        if minVal is None or maxVal is None or value is None:
            return None
        if op.Cast(positionStart, int, None) is None:
            return None
        if op.Cast(positionEnd, int, None) is None:
            return None

        pf = __import__('profile')
        maxVal = op.datetimeDiffinSec(maxVal, pf.minPossibleTime)
        minVal = op.datetimeDiffinSec(minVal, pf.minPossibleTime)
        value = op.datetimeDiffinSec(value, pf.minPossibleTime)
        if maxVal == minVal:
            maxVal = maxVal + 1
        if positionEnd == positionStart:
            positionEnd = int(positionEnd) + 1
        newVal = float(value - minVal) / float(maxVal - minVal) * (
            int(positionEnd) - int(positionStart)) + int(positionStart)
        if int(newVal) == positionEnd:
            newVal = newVal - 1
        return int(newVal)
Example #15
 def setDeviceRelatedData(self):
     op = operations.Operate()
     DvDict = self.fetchSDGL("d")
     DvObj = None
     # Detection device----------------
     # fetch required data from corresponding device profile 
     if self.detectionDeviceName in DvDict:
         # it is detected before the end of line
         DvObj = DvDict.get(self.detectionDeviceName, sdgl.StationDeviceGroupLocation()) 
         # it is not detected by the end of line
         DvObj = DvDict.get(sdgl.oufOfLineStationDeviceGroupID, sdgl.StationDeviceGroupLocation())        
     self.detectionLine = DvObj.line
     self.detectionDeviceName = DvObj.deviceName 
     self.detectionStationName = DvObj.stationName
     self.detectionLocationOrder = DvObj.locationOrder
     # Resolution device----------------
     # check if the error is open after ZP6b
     if self.resolutionDeviceName in DvDict:
         # it is resolved by the end of line
         # fetch required data from corresponding device profile 
         DvObj = DvDict.get(self.resolutionDeviceName, sdgl.StationDeviceGroupLocation())
         DvObj = DvDict.get(sdgl.oufOfLineStationDeviceGroupID, sdgl.StationDeviceGroupLocation())        
     self.resolutionLine = DvObj.line
     self.resolutionDeviceName = DvObj.deviceName
     self.resolutionStationName = DvObj.stationName
     self.resolutionLocationOrder = DvObj.locationOrder
     # error is resolved before it has been detected
     if op.Cast(self.resolutionLocationOrder, int) < op.Cast(self.detectionLocationOrder, int):
         self.abnormal = True
     if op.Cast(self.resolutionLocationOrder, int) >= 900: # loc 900 is beginning of ZP7
            self.openAfterZP6b = True
            if op.Cast(self.resolutionLocationOrder, int) < 1000: # loc 1000 is after ZP7
                self.resolvedInZP7 = True