def test_get_sentences_fail():
	Test that get_sentences fails
	when passed None. 

def test_get_sentences_fail(): 
	Test that get_sentences fails
	when passed None. 

Example #3
def extract_aspects(reviews):
	INPUT: iterable of strings (pd Series, list)
	OUTPUT: list of aspects
	Return the aspects from the set of reviews

    # import the aspect extraction functions
    from opinion_mining.extract_aspects import get_sentences, tokenize, pos_tag, aspects_from_tagged_sents

    # put all the sentences in all reviews in one stream
    #sentences = []
    #for review in reviews:
    #	sentences.extend(get_sentences(review))

    tokenized_sentences = [
        for sentence in [sentences for sentences in get_sentences(reviews)]

    # tokenize each sentence
    #tokenized_sentences = [tokenize(sentence) for sentence in sentences]

    # pos tag each sentence
    tagged_sentences = [pos_tag(sentence) for sentence in tokenized_sentences]

    # from the pos tagged sentences, get a list of aspects
    aspects = aspects_from_tagged_sents(tagged_sentences)

    return aspects
def test_get_sentences():
	Test that the get_sentences method works
	(Sentence tokenization).

    text = """
	This is a test review. I love the sushi at this place!
	It is really amazing stuff, I swear. I also enjoy the 
	service here. This is a really long and complicated sentence
	just to make sure that this is working. 

    empty = ""
    null = None

    sentences = get_sentences(text)

    assert sentences[0].strip() == "This is a test review."
    assert len(sentences) == 5
def test_get_sentences(): 
	Test that the get_sentences method works
	(Sentence tokenization).

	text = """
	This is a test review. I love the sushi at this place!
	It is really amazing stuff, I swear. I also enjoy the 
	service here. This is a really long and complicated sentence
	just to make sure that this is working. 

	empty = ""
	null = None

	sentences = get_sentences(text)

	assert sentences[0].strip()=="This is a test review."
	assert len(sentences)==5
def get_sentences_by_aspect(aspect, reviews):
	INPUT: string (aspect), iterable of strings (full reviews)
	OUTPUT: iterable of strings

	Given an aspect and a list of reviews, return a list 
	sof all sentences that mention that aspect.  

    # THIS CODE IS TOTALLY COPIED FROM MAIN FILE function 'extract_aspects'

    from opinion_mining.extract_aspects import get_sentences, tokenize, pos_tag, aspects_from_tagged_sents

    # get
	sentences = []
	if type(reviews)==str:
		for review in reviews: 
    sentences = get_sentences(reviews)

    # tokenize each sentence

    tokenized_sentences = [tokenize(sentence) for sentence in sentences]

    sent_set = []
    for i in aspect:
        for j in tokenized_sentences:
            if i in j:
                if i not in sent_set:

    return sent_set
	Test that the get_sentences method works
	(Sentence tokenization).

    text = """
	This is a test review. I love the sushi at this place!
	It is really amazing stuff, I swear. I also enjoy the 
	service here. This is a really long and complicated sentence
	just to make sure that this is working. 

	empty = ""
	null = None

	sentences = get_sentences(text)

	assert sentences[0].strip()=="This is a test review."
	assert len(sentences)==5

def test_get_sentences_fail(): 
	Test that get_sentences fails
	when passed None. 


def test_tokenize():