def submit(self, login=None, mail=None, password1=None, password2=None): user = cherrypy.request.user if mail == '': mail = None if password1 == '': password1 = None if password2 == '': password2 = None if mail is not None and user.mail != mail: user.mail = mail messages_service.success('Your mail was changed.') if password1 is not None and password2 is not None: if password1 != password2: messages_service.warning('The passwords do not match.') else: user.password = hash_password(password1, user.salt) messages_service.success('Your password was changed.') raise HTTPRedirect('/settings')
def _validate_user_params(login=None, mail=None, roles=None, password1=None, password2=None): if login is None or len(login) < 3: messages_service.warning('Login must be at least 3 chars.') raise cherrypy.HTTPError(status=409) if mail is None or len(mail) < 3: messages_service.warning('Mail must be at least 3 chars.') raise cherrypy.HTTPError(status=409) return if password1 is not None and password2 is not None: if password1 != password2: messages_service.warning('The passwords do not match.') raise cherrypy.HTTPError(status=409)