def net_atten(input_data, input_pos, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope('net', reuse=reuse): #得到input_data的嵌入 x = embed(input_data, cfg.vocab_size, cfg.vocab_dim) #得到输入位置input_pos的嵌入 pos = embed(input_pos, 800, cfg.vocab_dim) #将以上嵌入加在一起然后再做layernorm x = x + pos x = normalize(x, 'norm_' + get_uid()) #以下循环只要超过2次就会收敛的很慢 for _ in range(3): #先预留一个short_cut做residue连接用 short_cut = x #一个multi head attention 输出 x = mha_block2(x, 64, 8) #矩阵乘到512,没有用激活函数 x = linear(x, 512, dummy_func) #给x+short_cut这个residue连接做layernorm x = normalize(x + short_cut, 'norm_' + get_uid()) #再加两个矩阵乘, 注意第一个有relu激活 ix = linear(x, 512, tf.nn.relu) lx = linear(ix, 512, dummy_func) #最后给lx+x这个residue连接做layernorm x = normalize(lx + x, 'norm_' + get_uid()) #由于我拿声音特征做测试,所以输出为27维, 所以再做一个输出的矩阵乘 x = linear(x, 27, dummy_func) output = tf.transpose(x) return output
def __transform(self, input_data, masks): """Apply transformer encoder """ config = self.config transformed_output = tf.identity(input_data) if config.tf_used: tf_keep_prob = tf.cond(self.is_train, lambda: config.tf_keep_prob, lambda: 1.0) tf_mh_keep_prob = tf.cond(self.is_train, lambda: config.tf_mh_keep_prob, lambda: 1.0) tf_ffn_keep_prob = tf.cond(self.is_train, lambda: config.tf_ffn_keep_prob, lambda: 1.0) # last dimension must be equal to model_dim because we use a residual connection. model_dim = transformed_output.get_shape().as_list()[-1] # sinusoidal positional signal signal = positional_encoding(self.sentence_lengths, self.sentence_length, model_dim, zero_pad=False, scale=False, scope='positional-encoding', reuse=None) transformed_output += signal # block for i in range(config.tf_num_layers): x = transformed_output # layer norm x_norm = normalize(x, scope='layer-norm-sa-%s' % i, reuse=None) # multi-head attention y = self.__self_attention(x_norm, masks, model_dim=model_dim, keep_prob=tf_mh_keep_prob, scope='self-attention-%s' % i) # residual and dropout x = tf.nn.dropout(x_norm + y, keep_prob=tf_keep_prob) # layer norm x_norm = normalize(x, scope='layer-norm-ffn-%s' % i, reuse=None) # position-wise feed forward net y = self.__feedforward(x_norm, masks, model_dim=model_dim, kernel_size=config.tf_ffn_kernel_size, keep_prob=tf_ffn_keep_prob, scope='feed-forward-%s' % i) # residual and dropout x = tf.nn.dropout(x_norm + y, keep_prob=tf_keep_prob) transformed_output = x # final layer norm transformed_output = normalize(transformed_output, scope='layer-norm', reuse=None) return transformed_output
def intersect(self, rayO, rayD): N = -1.0 * ops.normalize(ops.einsum_cross(self.c - self.a, self.b - self.a)) d =, self.a) t_num = d - (, rayO)) t_dem =, rayD) t = t_num / t_dem P = rayO + t * rayD d = self.intersect_plane(rayO, rayD, P, self.normal) if d == np.inf: return np.inf # check edge 1 e1 = self.b - self.a vp1 = P - self.a c1 = ops.einsum_cross(e1, vp1) if, c1) < 0: return np.inf # check edge 2 e2 = self.c - self.b vp2 = P - self.b c2 = ops.einsum_cross(e2, vp2) if, c2) < 0: return np.inf # check edge 3 e3 = self.a - self.c vp3 = P - self.c c3 = ops.einsum_cross(e3, vp3) if, c3) < 0: return np.inf return d
def simple_save_result_from_test_lb_whole(batch_img_list, i, result, labels, stage, config): """ """ parent_path = os.path.join(config.PARENT_PATH, stage) if not os.path.isdir(parent_path): os.mkdir(parent_path) # save labels labels_str = '' for l in labels: labels_str += (l + '\n') with open(parent_path + '/label.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(labels_str) parent_path = os.path.join(parent_path, 'whole_output') if not os.path.isdir(parent_path): os.mkdir(parent_path) # save the ori for idx in range(i.shape[0]): + '/ori_' + str(idx) + '.bmp', i[idx]) # save the result with open(parent_path+'/result.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(result) for img in batch_img_list: tmp_img = img['img'] tmp_label = img['label'].replace('/', '-')'/'+tmp_label+'.bmp', normalize(tmp_img))
def reflect_transmit_rays(og_rayO, og_rayD, col, reflection, transmission_depth, max_transmission_depth): traced = trace_ray(og_rayO, og_rayD) if not traced: return False # reflection: create a new ray obj, M, N, col_ray = traced rf_rayO = M + N * 0.001 rf_rayD = ops.normalize(og_rayD - 2 *, N) * N) col_rf = reflection * col_ray transmission_depth += 1 opacity = obj.get_opacity() transparency = 1.0 - opacity if transmission_depth <= max_transmission_depth: # transmission of ray through transparent object tr_rayO = M - N * 0.001 tf_rayD = og_rayD transmitted = reflect_transmit_rays( tr_rayO, tf_rayD, transparency * col, reflection, transmission_depth, args.transmission_depth, ) if transmitted: _, _, col_tr, _, _ = transmitted col += transparency * col_tr col += opacity * col_rf reflection *= obj.get_reflection() col = np.clip(col, 0.0, 1.0) return rf_rayO, rf_rayD, col, reflection, transmission_depth
def trace_ray(rayO, rayD): t = np.inf for group in scene: # print("[debug] Testing intersection with", group) intersected = False bounds = scene[group]["bounds"] t_obj = bounds.intersect(rayO, rayD) if t_obj < t: # print("[debug] Intersected with", group) objects = scene[group]["objects"] for obj in objects: # print("[debug] Testing intersection with", obj.type) t_obj = obj.intersect(rayO, rayD) if t_obj < t: # print("[debug] Intersected with", obj.type) t = t_obj intersected_object = obj intersected = True break if intersected: break if t == np.inf: return None obj = intersected_object # print("[debug]", obj.type) M = rayO + rayD * t # get properties of object N = obj.get_normal(M) color = obj.get_color(M) toL = ops.normalize(L - M) toO = ops.normalize(O - M) # compute color col_ray = ambient_c col_ray += obj.get_diffuse_c() * max(, toL), 0) * color col_ray += (obj.get_specular_c() * max( N, ops.normalize(toL + toO)), 0)**obj.get_specular_k() * color_light) return obj, M, N, col_ray
def shade_pixel(x, y, q_z, depth_max): col = np.zeros(3) Q = np.array([x, y, q_z]) D = ops.normalize(Q - O) depth = 0 rayO, rayD = O, D reflection = 1.0 transmission_depth = 0 while depth < depth_max: traced = reflect_transmit_rays(rayO, rayD, col, reflection, transmission_depth, args.transmission_depth) if traced: rayO, rayD, col, reflection, transmission_depth = traced else: break depth += 1 return col
def net(self, input, is_training = True, reuse = False, scope = 'Encoder'): with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'Encoder', [input], reuse = reuse ) as net_scope: with slim.arg_scope(model_arg_scope(is_training = is_training, ac_fn = _leaky_relu)): if reuse: net_scope.reuse_variables() #b*32*32 net = slim.conv2d(input, self.nef, [5,5], stride = 2, normalizer_fn = None, scope = 'e_conv_1') #b*16*16 net = slim.conv2d(net, self.nef*2, [5,5], stride = 2, scope = 'e_conv_2') #b*8*8 net = slim.conv2d(net, self.nef*4, [5,5], stride = 2, scope = 'e_conv_3') #b*4*4 net = slim.conv2d(net, self.nef*8, [5,5], stride = 2, scope = 'e_conv_4') #b*1*1 net = slim.conv2d(net,, [4,4], stride = 1, padding = 'VALID', normalizer_fn = None, activation_fn = None, scope = 'e_conv_5') if self.noise == 'sphere': net = normalize(net) return net
def getBatch(batch_paths): batch_images_x = np.empty((len(batch_paths), 256, 256, 3), dtype=np.float32) batch_images_y = np.empty((len(batch_paths), 256, 256, 3), dtype=np.float32) for i,img_path in enumerate(batch_paths): img_xy = cv2.imread(img_path) img_xy = cv2.resize(img_xy, (512, 256)).astype(np.float32) img_xy = ops.normalize(img_xy) img_x = img_xy[:,:256,:] img_y = img_xy[:,256:,:] if args.direction == 'ytox': img_x, img_y = img_y, img_x batch_images_x[i, ...] = img_x batch_images_y[i, ...] = img_y return tf.convert_to_tensor(batch_images_x), tf.convert_to_tensor(batch_images_y)
def simple_save_result_from_test_lb(batch_img_list, result, labels, stage, config, output_layer): """Simple save the result. """ if '/' in output_layer: raise ValueError('output_layer should not have /, but %s'%output_layer) parent_path = os.path.join(config.PARENT_PATH, stage) if not os.path.isdir(parent_path): os.mkdir(parent_path) # save labels labels_str = '' for l in labels: labels_str += (l + '\n') with open(parent_path + '/label.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(labels_str) with open(parent_path + '/result.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(result) parent_path = os.path.join(parent_path, output_layer) if not os.path.isdir(parent_path): os.mkdir(parent_path) tmp_count = 0 for single_batch in batch_img_list: tmp_count += 1 tmp_path = os.path.join(parent_path, str(tmp_count)) if not os.path.isdir(tmp_path): os.mkdir(tmp_path) ori_img = single_batch[1] + '/ori.bmp', ori_img) tmp_count_inner = 0 for single_kernel_lb in single_batch[0]: tmp_count_inner += 1 + '/' + single_kernel_lb['label'].replace('/', '-') + str(tmp_count_inner) + '.bmp', normalize(single_kernel_lb['img']))
def assertNormalizes(self, src, dst, ntype): value = ops.normalize(src, type=ntype) message = '%s != %s' % (type(value).__name__, type(dst).__name__) self.assertTrue(isinstance(value, type(dst)), message) self.assertEqual(value, dst)
''' h_pool1 = nn_ops.conv2d_transpose(h_conv2 + b_conv2,W_conv2, [class_size,14,14,conv1_size],[1,1,1,1]) ''' index = 0 dir = "l1f/" for t in W_conv1_t.eval(): with open(dir + 'filter' + str(index) + '.png', "wb") as file: t = tf.constant(t) #t = tf.expand_dims(tf.constant(t), 0) #t_n = tf.squeeze(nn_ops.conv2d_transpose(t, W_conv1, [1,5,5,1],[1,1,1,1]), [0]) t = tf.image.resize_images(t, 50, 50, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC) t = tf.constant(ops.normalize(t.eval(), 0, 255)) file.write(tf.image.encode_png(t).eval()) index += 1 W_conv2_t = tf.transpose(W_conv2, perm=[3, 0, 1, 2]) index = 0 dir = "l2f/" #for t in W_conv1_t.eval(): for t in W_conv2_t.eval(): with open(dir + 'filter' + str(index) + '.png', "wb") as file: t = tf.expand_dims(tf.constant(t), 0) t_n = tf.squeeze( nn_ops.conv2d_transpose(t, W_conv1, [1, 5, 5, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]), [0]) t_n = tf.image.resize_images(t_n,
def compute_normal(self): return ops.normalize(ops.einsum_cross(self.c - self.a, self.b - self.a))
def simple_gray_nor_imshow(img): plt.imshow(normalize(img), cmap ='gray')
def initialize(m_opts): m_vars = {} np.random.seed(m_opts['random_state']) data = loadmat(m_opts['dataset']) print "Dataset loaded: ", m_opts['dataset'] m_vars['Y_train'] = sparsify(data['Y_tr']) m_vars['X_train'] = sparsify(data['X_tr']) m_vars['Y_test'] = sparsify(data['Y_te']) m_vars['X_test'] = sparsify(data['X_te']) print "Training data -- Y:", m_vars['Y_train'].shape, " X:", m_vars[ 'X_train'].shape print "Testing data -- Y:", m_vars['Y_test'].shape, "X: ", m_vars[ 'X_test'].shape m_vars['n_users'], m_vars['n_labels'] = m_vars['Y_train'].shape m_vars['n_features'] = m_vars['X_train'].shape[1] if m_opts['label_normalize']: normalize(m_vars['Y_train'], norm='l2', axis=1, copy=False) if m_opts['no_feat_normalize'] == False: normalize(m_vars['X_train'], norm='l2', axis=1, copy=False) normalize(m_vars['X_test'], norm='l2', axis=1, copy=False) # m_vars['U'] = m_opts['init_std']*np.random.randn(m_vars['n_users'], m_opts['n_components']).astype(floatX) m_vars['U_batch'] = np.zeros( (m_opts['batch_size'], m_opts['n_components'])).astype(floatX) m_vars['V'] = m_opts['init_std'] * np.random.randn( m_vars['n_labels'], m_opts['n_components']).astype(floatX) m_vars['W'] = m_opts['init_w'] * np.random.randn( m_opts['n_components'], m_vars['n_features']).astype(floatX) # accumulator of sufficient statistics of label factors m_vars['sigma_v'] = [None] * m_vars['n_labels'] for i in range(m_vars['n_labels']): m_vars['sigma_v'][i] = m_opts['lam_v'] * ssp.eye( m_opts['n_components'], format="csr") m_vars['x_v'] = np.zeros((m_vars['n_labels'], m_opts['n_components'])) if not m_opts['use_grad']: # accumulator of sufficient statistics of W matrix m_vars['sigma_W'] = m_opts['lam_w'] * ssp.eye( m_vars['n_features'], m_vars['n_features'], format="csr") m_vars['x_W'] = np.zeros( (m_vars['n_features'], m_opts['n_components'])) if m_opts['observance']: m_vars['a'], m_vars['b'] = m_opts['init_mu_a'], m_opts['init_mu_b'] # Beta random initialization m_vars['mu'] = np.random.beta(m_vars['a'], m_vars['b'], size=(m_vars['n_labels'])) # constant initialization # m_vars['mu'] = m_opts['init_mu']*np.ones(m_vars['n_labels']).astype(floatX) else: m_vars['mu'] = np.ones(m_vars['n_labels']).astype(floatX) return m_vars
def get_normal(self, coords): return -1.0 * ops.normalize(coords -{x: batch[0], y_: batch[1], keep_prob: 0.5}) ''' def t_map(func, tensor): flat = tf.reshape(tensor, [-1]).eval() flat_mapped = list(map(func, flat)) return tf.reshape(tf.constant(flat_mapped), tensor.get_shape()) def normalize(tensor, lower, upper): minVal = tf.reduce_min(tensor).eval() maxVal = tf.reduce_max(tensor).eval() translated = t_map(lambda x: x+minVal-lower, tensor) scaled = t_map(lambda x: numpy.uint8(x*(upper-lower)/(maxVal-minVal)), translated) #print(tf.reduce_min(scaled).eval(),tf.reduce_max(scaled).eval()) return scaled ''' W_conv1_t = tf.transpose(W_conv1, perm=[3,0,1,2]) index = 0 dir = "filters/" for t in W_conv1_t.eval(): with open(dir+'filter'+str(index)+'.png', "wb") as file: t = tf.constant(t) t_n = tf.image.resize_images(t,50,50, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC) t_n = tf.constant(ops.normalize(t_n.eval(), 0, 255)) #t_n = t_map(lambda x: numpy.uint8(x), t_n) file.write(tf.image.encode_png(t_n).eval()) index += 1 #for t in W_conv1.eval():
def extract_vgg_face(self, inputs): inputs = normalize((F.hardtanh(inputs) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 255, [129.1863, 104.7624, 93.5940], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) return self.vgg_face(inputs)