def correct_TR(struct, incidence="top"):
    if not struct._TR_calculated:

    # Commented out because right now wl_A and struct.wl
    # have the same range and step        
    T0 = calc.interpolate(struct.wl, struct.T, wl_A)
    R0 = calc.interpolate(struct.wl, struct.R, wl_A)
##    T0 = struct.T
##    R0 = struct.R

    _layers_list = struct._layers_list[:]
    struct_rev = ML(_layers_list, unit=struct.unit,
                    label=struct.label+"_rev", min_wl=struct._min_wl,
                    max_wl = struct._max_wl, wl_step=struct._wl_step,
                    n0=struct.ns, ns=struct.n0)
    Tr0 = calc.interpolate(struct_rev.wl, struct_rev.T, wl_A)
    Rr0 = calc.interpolate(struct_rev.wl, struct_rev.R, wl_A)
##    Tr0 = struct_rev.T
##    Rr0 = struct_rev.R

    if incidence == "top":
        T = (1 - A) * Tg * T0 / (1 - (1 - A)**2 * Rg * Rr0)
        R = R0 + (1 - A)**2 * Rg * T0 * Tr0 / (1 - (1 - A)**2 * Rg * Rr0)
    elif incidence == "bot":
        T = (1 - A) * Tg * Tr0 / (1 - (1 - A)**2 * Rg * Rr0)
        R = Rg + (1 - A)**2 * Rr0 * Tg * Tg / (1 - (1 - A)**2 * Rg * Rr0)

    struct_rev.wl = wl_A
    struct_rev.T = T
    struct_rev.R = R

    return struct_rev