Example #1
    def append(col_name=None, value=None):
        Append a column to a Dataframe
        :param col_name: Name of the new column
        :param value: List of data values

        def lit_array(_value):
            temp = []
            for v in _value:
            return F.array(temp)

        df = self

        if is_num_or_str(value):
            value = F.lit(value)
        elif is_list(value):
            value = lit_array(value)
        elif is_tuple(value):
            value = lit_array(list(value))

        if is_(value, F.Column):
            df = df.withColumn(col_name, value)

        return df
Example #2
    def _add_driver_class_path(self, driver_class_path):
        if self.driver_class_path is None:
            self.driver_class_path = []

        if is_list(driver_class_path):
            for d in val_to_list(driver_class_path):
Example #3
    def _add_jars(self, jar):
        if self.jars is None:
            self.jars = []

        if is_list(jar):
            for j in val_to_list(jar):
Example #4
def get_output_cols(input_cols, output_cols):
    # Construct input and output columns names
    if is_list(input_cols) and is_list(output_cols):
        if len(input_cols) != len(output_cols):
            RaiseIt.length_error(input_cols, output_cols)
    elif is_list(input_cols) and is_str(output_cols):
        if len(input_cols) > 1:
            output_cols = list([i + output_cols for i in input_cols])
            output_cols = val_to_list(output_cols)
    elif is_str(input_cols) and is_str(output_cols):
        output_cols = val_to_list(output_cols)
    elif output_cols is None:
        output_cols = input_cols

    return output_cols
Example #5
def val_to_list(val):
    Convert a single value string or number to a list
    :param val:
    if not is_list(val):
        val = [val]

    return val
Example #6
    def replace(columns, search_and_replace=None, value=None, regex=None):
        Replace a value or a list of values by a specified string
        :param columns: '*', list of columns names or a single column name.
        :param search_and_replace: values to look at to be replaced
        :param value: new value to replace the old one
        :param regex:
        replace = None
        search = None

        if is_list_of_tuples(search_and_replace):
            params = list(zip(*search_and_replace))
            search = list(params[0])
            replace = list(params[1])

        elif is_list(search_and_replace):
            search = search_and_replace
            replace = value

        elif is_one_element(search_and_replace):
            search = val_to_list(search_and_replace)
            replace = value

        if regex:
            search = search_and_replace
            replace = value

        # if regex or normal replace we use regexp or replace functions
        # TODO check if .contains can be used instead of regexp
        def func_regex(_df, _col_name, _search, _replace):
            return _df.withColumn(
                c, F.regexp_replace(_col_name, _search, _replace))

        def func_replace(_df, _col_name, _search, _replace):
            data_type = self.cols.dtypes(_col_name)
            _search = [PYTHON_TYPES_[data_type](s) for s in _search]
            _df = _df.replace(_search, _replace, _col_name)
            return _df

        if regex:
            func = func_regex
            func = func_replace

        df = self

        columns = parse_columns(self,
        for c in columns:
            df = func(df, c, search, replace)

        return df
Example #7
def infer(value):
    Infer a Spark data type from a value
    :param value: value to be inferred
    :return: Spark data type
    result = None
    # print(v)
    if value is None:
        result = "null"

    elif is_bool(value):
        result = "bool"

    elif isint(value):
        result = "int"

    elif isfloat(value):
        result = "float"

    elif is_list(value):
        result = ArrayType(infer(value[0]))

    elif is_datetime(value):
        result = "datetime"

    elif is_date(value):
        result = "date"

    elif is_binary(value):
        result = "binary"

    elif is_str(value):
        if str_to_boolean(value):
            result = "bool"
        elif str_to_date(value):
            result = "string"  # date
        elif str_to_array(value):
            result = "string"  # array
            result = "string"

    return get_spark_dtypes_object(result)
Example #8
def escape_columns(columns):
    Add a backtick to a columns name to prevent the dot in name problem
    :param columns:

    escaped_columns = []
    if is_list(columns):
        for col in columns:
            # Check if the column is already escaped
            if col[0] != "`" and col[len(col) - 1] != "`":
                escaped_columns.append("`" + col + "`")
        # Check if the column is already escaped
        if columns[0] != "`" and columns[len(columns) - 1] != "`":
            escaped_columns = "`" + columns + "`"

    return escaped_columns
Example #9
    def create(self, df, func, suffix=None, output="df", *args, **kwargs):
        This is a helper function that output python tests for Spark Dataframes.
        :param df: Spark Dataframe
        :param suffix: The create method will try to create a test function with the func param given.
        If you want to test a function with different params you can use suffix.
        :param func: Spark dataframe function to be tested
        :param output: can be a 'df' or a 'json'
        :param args: Arguments to be used in the function
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to be used in the functions

        buffer = []

        def add_buffer(value):
            buffer.append("\t" + value)

        if suffix is None:
            suffix = ""
            suffix = "_" + suffix

        # Create func test name. If is None we just test the create.df function a not transform the data frame in
        # any way
        if func is None:
            func_test_name = "test_" + "create_df" + suffix + "()"
            func_test_name = "test_" + func.replace(".", "_") + suffix + "()"

        print("Creating {test} test function...".format(test=func_test_name))

        add_buffer("def " + func_test_name + ":\n")

        if df is not None:
            source_df = "\tsource_df=op.create.df(" + df.export() + ")\n"
            df_func = df
            df_func = self.df

        # Process simple arguments
        _args = []
        for v in args:
            if is_str(v):
                _args.append("'" + v + "'")
            elif is_numeric(v):
            elif is_list(v):
                if is_list_of_strings(v):
                    lst = ["'" + x + "'" for x in v]
                elif is_list_of_numeric(v):
                    lst = [str(x) for x in v]
                elif is_list_of_tuples(v):
                    lst = [str(x) for x in v]

                _args.append('[' + ','.join(lst) + ']')

        _args = ','.join(_args)
        _kwargs = []

        # print(_args)
        # Process keywords arguments
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if is_str(v):
                v = "'" + v + "'"
            _kwargs.append(k + "=" + str(v))

        # Separator if we have positional and keyword arguments
        separator = ""
        if (not is_list_empty(args)) & (not is_list_empty(kwargs)):
            separator = ","

        if func is None:
            add_buffer("\tactual_df = source_df\n")
            add_buffer("\tactual_df = source_df." + func + "(" + _args +
                       separator + ','.join(_kwargs) + ")\n")

        # Apply function to the dataframe
        if func is None:
            df_result = self.op.create.df(*args, **kwargs)
            for f in func.split("."):
                df_func = getattr(df_func, f)

            df_result = df_func(*args, **kwargs)

        if output == "df":
            expected = "\texpected_df = op.create.df(" + df_result.export(
            ) + ")\n"
        elif output == "json":
            if is_str(df_result):
                df_result = "'" + df_result + "'"
                df_result = str(df_result)
            expected = "\texpected_value =" + df_result + "\n"


        if output == "df":
                "\tassert (expected_df.collect() == actual_df.collect())\n")
        elif output == "json":
            add_buffer("\tassert (expected_value == actual_df)\n")

        return "".join(buffer)
Example #10
    def create(self, df, func, suffix=None, output="df", *args, **kwargs):
        This is a helper function that output python tests for Spark Dataframes.
        :param df: Spark Dataframe
        :param suffix: The create method will try to create a test function with the func param given.
        If you want to test a function with different params you can use suffix.
        :param func: Spark dataframe function to be tested
        :param output: can be a 'df' or a 'json'
        :param args: Arguments to be used in the function
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to be used in the functions

        buffer = []

        def add_buffer(value):
            buffer.append("\t" + value)

        if suffix is None:
            suffix = ""
            suffix = "_" + suffix

        # Create func test name. If is None we just test the create.df function a not transform the data frame in
        # any way
        if func is None:
            func_test_name = "test_" + "create_df" + suffix + "()"
            func_test_name = "test_" + func.replace(".", "_") + suffix + "()"

        print("Creating {test} test function...".format(test=func_test_name))

        add_buffer("def " + func_test_name + ":\n")

        source = "source_df"
        if df is None:
            # Use the main df
            df_func = self.df
        elif isinstance(df, pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame):
            source_df = "\tsource_df=op.create.df(" + df.export() + ")\n"
            df_func = df
            # TODO: op is not supposed to be hardcoded
            source = "op"
            df_func = df

        # Process simple arguments
        _args = []
        for v in args:
            if is_str(v):
                _args.append("'" + v + "'")
            elif is_numeric(v):
            elif is_list(v):
                if is_list_of_strings(v):
                    lst = ["'" + x + "'" for x in v]
                elif is_list_of_numeric(v):
                    lst = [str(x) for x in v]
                elif is_list_of_tuples(v):
                    lst = [str(x) for x in v]

                _args.append('[' + ','.join(lst) + ']')
            elif is_function(v):
            # else:
            #     import marshal
            #     code_string = marshal.dumps(v.__code__)
            #     add_buffer("\tfunction = '" + code_string + "'\n")
            # import marshal, types
            # code = marshal.loads(code_string)
            # func = types.FunctionType(code, globals(), "some_func_name")

        _args = ','.join(_args)
        _kwargs = []

        # print(_args)
        # Process keywords arguments
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if is_str(v):
                v = "'" + v + "'"
            _kwargs.append(k + "=" + str(v))

        # Separator if we have positional and keyword arguments
        separator = ""
        if (not is_list_empty(args)) & (not is_list_empty(kwargs)):
            separator = ","

        if func is None:
            add_buffer("\tactual_df = source_df\n")
            add_buffer("\tactual_df =" + source + "." + func + "(" + _args +
                       separator + ','.join(_kwargs) + ")\n")

        # Apply function to the dataframe
        if func is None:
            df_result = self.op.create.df(*args, **kwargs)
            # Here we construct the method to be applied to the source object
            for f in func.split("."):
                df_func = getattr(df_func, f)

            df_result = df_func(*args, **kwargs)

        if output == "df":
            expected = "\texpected_df = op.create.df(" + df_result.export(
            ) + ")\n"
        elif output == "json":
            if is_str(df_result):
                df_result = "'" + df_result + "'"
                df_result = str(df_result)
            add_buffer("\tactual_df =json_enconding(actual_df)\n")

            expected = "\texpected_value =json_enconding(" + df_result + ")\n"
            expected = "\t\n"


        if output == "df":
                "\tassert (expected_df.collect() == actual_df.collect())\n")
        elif output == "json":
            add_buffer("\tassert (expected_value == actual_df)\n")

        return "".join(buffer)