Example #1
    def optimize_irrigated_area(self, zone) -> Dict:
        """Apply Linear Programming to naively optimize irrigated area.
        Occurs at start of season.

        * zone : FarmZone object, representing a farm or a farming zone.
        calc = []
        areas = []
        constraints = []
        zone_ws = zone.water_sources
        total_avail_water = zone.avail_allocation

        field_areas = {}
        for f in zone.fields:
            area_to_consider = f.total_area_ha
            did = f"{f.name}__".replace(" ", "_")

            naive_crop_income = f.crop.estimate_income_per_ha()
            naive_req_water = f.crop.water_use_ML_per_ha
            app_cost_per_ML = self.ML_water_application_cost(zone, f, naive_req_water)

            pos_field_area = [w.allocation / naive_req_water
                                for ws_name, w in zone_ws.items()
            pos_field_area = min(sum(pos_field_area), area_to_consider)
            field_areas[f.name] = {
                ws_name: Variable(f"{did}{ws_name}", 
                                  ub=min(w.allocation / naive_req_water, area_to_consider))
                for ws_name, w in zone_ws.items()

            # total_pump_cost = sum([ws.pump.maintenance_cost(year_step) for ws in zone_ws])
            profits = [field_areas[f.name][ws_name] * 
                       (naive_crop_income - app_cost_per_ML[ws_name])
                       for ws_name in zone_ws

            calc += profits
            curr_field_areas = list(field_areas[f.name].values())
            areas += curr_field_areas

            # Total irrigated area cannot be greater than field area
            # or area possible with available water
            constraints += [
                Constraint(sum(curr_field_areas), lb=0.0, ub=pos_field_area)
        # End for

        # for ws_name in zone_ws:
        #     total_f_ws = 0
        #     for f in zone.fields:
        #         total_f_ws += field_areas[f.name][ws_name]
        #     # End for
        # # End for

        # constraints += [Constraint(total_f_ws,
        #                     lb=0.0,
        #                     ub=zone.total_area_ha)]

        constraints += [Constraint(sum(areas),

        # Generate appropriate OptLang model
        model = Model.clone(self.opt_model)
        model.objective = Objective(sum(calc), direction='max')

        if model.status != 'optimal':
            raise RuntimeError("Could not optimize!")

        return model.primal_values
Example #2
    def optimize_irrigation(self, zone, dt: object) -> tuple:
        """Apply Linear Programming to optimize irrigation water use.

        Results can be used to represent percentage mix
        e.g. if the field area is 100 ha, and the optimal area to be
             irrigated by a water source is

            `SW: 70 ha
            GW: 30 ha`

        and the required amount is 20mm

            `SW: 70 / 100 = 0.7 (irrigated area / total area, 70%)
            GW: 30 / 100 = 0.3 (30%)`
        Then the per hectare amount to be applied from each 
        water source is calculated as:

            `SW = 20mm * 0.7
               = 14mm

            GW = 20mm * 0.3
               = 6mm`
        * zone : FarmZone
        * dt : datetime object, current datetime

        * Tuple : OrderedDict[str, float] : keys based on field and water source names
                                            values are hectare area
                  Float : $/ML cost of applying water
        model = self.opt_model
        areas = []
        profit = []
        app_cost = OrderedDict()
        constraints = []

        zone_ws = zone.water_sources
        total_irrigated_area = sum(map(lambda f: f.irrigated_area 
                                    if f.irrigated_area is not None 
                                    else 0.0, zone.fields))
        field_area = {}
        possible_area = {}
        for f in zone.fields:
            f_name = f.name
            did = f"{f_name}__".replace(" ", "_")
            if f.irrigation.name == 'dryland':
                areas += [Variable(f"{did}{ws_name}", lb=0, ub=0) 
                            for ws_name in zone_ws]
            # End if

            # Disable this for now - estimated income includes variable costs
            # Will always incur maintenance costs and crop costs
            # total_pump_cost = sum([ws.pump.maintenance_cost(dt.year) for ws in zone_ws])
            # total_irrig_cost = f.irrigation.maintenance_cost(dt.year)
            # maintenance_cost = (total_pump_cost + total_irrig_cost)

            # estimated gross income - variable costs per ha
            crop_income_per_ha = f.crop.estimate_income_per_ha()
            req_water_ML_ha = f.calc_required_water(dt) / ML_to_mm

            if req_water_ML_ha == 0.0:
                field_area[f_name] = {
                    ws_name: Variable(f"{did}{ws_name}",
                    for ws_name in zone_ws
                max_ws_area = zone.possible_area_by_allocation(f)

                field_area[f_name] = {
                    ws_name: Variable(f"{did}{ws_name}",
                    for ws_name in zone_ws
            # End if

            # Costs to pump needed water volume from each water source
            app_cost_per_ML = self.ML_water_application_cost(zone, f, req_water_ML_ha)

                f"{did}{k}": v
                for k, v in app_cost_per_ML.items()

            profit += [
                - (app_cost_per_ML[ws_name] * req_water_ML_ha)
                ) * field_area[f_name][ws_name]
                for ws_name in zone_ws
        # End for

        # Total irrigation area cannot be more than available area
        constraints += [Constraint(sum(areas),
                                   ub=min(total_irrigated_area, zone.total_area_ha))

        # 0 <= field1*sw + field2*sw + field_n*sw <= possible area to be irrigated by sw
        for ws_name, w in zone_ws.items():
            alloc = w.allocation
            pos_area = zone.possible_irrigation_area(alloc)

            f_ws_var = []
            for f in zone.fields:
                f_ws_var += [field_area[f.name][ws_name]]
            # End for

            constraints += [Constraint(sum(f_ws_var),
        # End for

        # Generate appropriate OptLang model
        model = Model.clone(self.opt_model)
        model.objective = Objective(sum(profit), direction='max')

        return model.primal_values, app_cost