Example #1
    def test_relative_sampling(storage_mode: str,
                               comm: CommunicatorBase) -> None:

        relative_search_space = {
            "x": distributions.UniformDistribution(low=-10, high=10),
            "y": distributions.LogUniformDistribution(low=20, high=30),
            "z": distributions.CategoricalDistribution(choices=(-1.0, 1.0)),
        relative_params = {"x": 1.0, "y": 25.0, "z": -1.0}
        sampler = DeterministicRelativeSampler(
            relative_params  # type: ignore

        with MultiNodeStorageSupplier(storage_mode, comm) as storage:
            study = TestChainerMNStudy._create_shared_study(storage,
            mn_study = ChainerMNStudy(study, comm)

            # Invoke optimize.
            n_trials = 20
            func = Func()
            mn_study.optimize(func, n_trials=n_trials)

            # Assert trial counts.
            assert len(mn_study.trials) == n_trials

            # Assert the parameters in `relative_params` have been suggested among all nodes.
            for trial in mn_study.trials:
                assert trial.params == relative_params
Example #2
    def test_pruning(storage_mode: str, pruner_init_func: Callable[[],
                     comm: CommunicatorBase) -> None:

        with MultiNodeStorageSupplier(storage_mode, comm) as storage:
            pruner = pruner_init_func()
            study = TestChainerMNStudy._create_shared_study(storage,
            mn_study = ChainerMNStudy(study, comm)

            def objective(_trial: ChainerMNTrial, _comm: bool) -> float:

                raise TrialPruned  # Always be pruned.

            # Invoke optimize.
            n_trials = 20
            mn_study.optimize(objective, n_trials=n_trials)

            # Assert trial count.
            assert len(mn_study.trials) == n_trials

            # Assert pruned trial count.
            pruned_trials = [
                t for t in mn_study.trials if t.state == TrialState.PRUNED
            assert len(pruned_trials) == n_trials
Example #3
    def test_failure(storage_mode: str, comm: CommunicatorBase) -> None:

        with MultiNodeStorageSupplier(storage_mode, comm) as storage:
            study = TestChainerMNStudy._create_shared_study(storage, comm)
            mn_study = ChainerMNStudy(study, comm)

            def objective(_trial: ChainerMNTrial, _comm: bool) -> float:

                raise ValueError  # Always fails.

            # Invoke optimize in which `ValueError` is accepted.
            n_trials = 20
            mn_study.optimize(objective, n_trials=n_trials, catch=(ValueError,))

            # Assert trial count.
            assert len(mn_study.trials) == n_trials

            # Assert failed trial count.
            failed_trials = [t for t in mn_study.trials if t.state == TrialState.FAIL]
            assert len(failed_trials) == n_trials

            # Synchronize nodes before executing the next optimization.

            # Invoke optimize in which no exceptions are accepted.
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                mn_study.optimize(objective, n_trials=n_trials, catch=())

            # Assert trial count.
            assert len(mn_study.trials) == n_trials + 1

            # Assert failed trial count.
            failed_trials = [t for t in mn_study.trials if t.state == TrialState.FAIL]
            assert len(failed_trials) == n_trials + 1
Example #4
    def test_optimize(storage_mode: str, comm: CommunicatorBase) -> None:

        with MultiNodeStorageSupplier(storage_mode, comm) as storage:
            study = TestChainerMNStudy._create_shared_study(storage, comm)
            mn_study = ChainerMNStudy(study, comm)

            # Invoke optimize.
            n_trials = 20
            func = Func()
            mn_study.optimize(func, n_trials=n_trials)

            # Assert trial counts.
            assert len(mn_study.trials) == n_trials

            # Assert the same parameters have been suggested among all nodes.
            for trial in mn_study.trials:
                assert trial.params == func.suggested_values[trial.number]