Example #1
def ranges_to_weight_table(ranges):
    Create a table of weights from ranges. Include only edge points of ranges.
    Include each edge point twice: once as values within the range and zero
    value outside the range (with this output the weights can easily be interpolated).

    Weights of overlapping intervals are summed.

    Assumes 64-bit floats.

    :param ranges: list of triples (edge1, edge2, weight)
    :return: an Orange.data.Table

    values = {}

    inf = float("inf")
    minf = float("-inf")

    def dict_to_numpy(d):
        x = []
        y = []
        for a, b in d.items():
        return np.array(x), np.array([y])

    for l, r, w in ranges:
        l, r = min(l, r), max(l, r)
        positions = [nextafter(l, minf), l, r, nextafter(r, inf)]
        weights = [0., float(w), float(w), 0.]

        all_positions = list(set(positions)
                             | set(values))  # new and old positions

        # current values on all position
        x, y = dict_to_numpy(values)
        current = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(x, y, all_positions)[0]
        current[np.isnan(current)] = 0

        # new values on all positions
        new = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(np.array(positions),
        new[np.isnan(new)] = 0

        # update values
        for p, f in zip(all_positions, current + new):
            values[p] = f

    x, y = dict_to_numpy(values)
    dom = Orange.data.Domain(
        [Orange.data.ContinuousVariable(name=str(float(a))) for a in x])
    data = Orange.data.Table.from_numpy(dom, y)
    return data
Example #2
    def transformed(self, X, wavenumbers):
        # about 85% of time in __call__ function is spent is lstsq

        # compute average spectrum from the reference
        ref_X = np.atleast_2d(spectra_mean(self.reference.X))
        # interpolate reference to the data
        ref_X = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(getx(self.reference), ref_X,
        # we know that X is not NaN. same handling of reference as of X
        ref_X, _ = nan_extend_edges_and_interpolate(wavenumbers, ref_X)

        if self.weights:
            # interpolate reference to the data
            wei_X = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(getx(self.weights),
                                                 self.weights.X, wavenumbers)
            # set whichever weights are undefined (usually at edges) to zero
            wei_X[np.isnan(wei_X)] = 0
            wei_X = np.ones((1, len(wavenumbers)))

        N = wavenumbers.shape[0]
        m0 = -2.0 / (wavenumbers[0] - wavenumbers[N - 1])
        c_coeff = 0.5 * (wavenumbers[0] + wavenumbers[N - 1])
        M = []
        for x in range(0, self.order + 1):
            M.append((m0 * (wavenumbers - c_coeff))**x)
        M.append(ref_X)  # always add reference spectrum to the model
        n_add_model = len(M)
        M = np.vstack(
        ).T  # M is needed below for the correction, for par estimation M_weigheted is used

        M_weighted = M * wei_X.T

        newspectra = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X.shape[1] + n_add_model))
        for i, rawspectrum in enumerate(X):
            rawspectrumW = (rawspectrum * wei_X)[0]
            m = np.linalg.lstsq(M_weighted, rawspectrum)[0]
            corrected = rawspectrum

            for x in range(0, self.order + 1):
                corrected = (corrected - (m[x] * M[:, x]))
            if self.scaling:
                corrected = corrected / m[self.order + 1]
            )] = np.nan  # fix values which can be caused by zero weights
            corrected = np.hstack(
                (corrected, m))  # append the model parameters
            newspectra[i] = corrected

        return newspectra
Example #3
def ranges_to_weight_table(ranges):
    Create a table of weights from ranges. Include only edge points of ranges.
    Include each edge point twice: once as values within the range and zero
    value outside the range (with this output the weights can easily be interpolated).

    Weights of overlapping intervals are summed.

    Assumes 64-bit floats.

    :param ranges: list of triples (edge1, edge2, weight)
    :return: an Orange.data.Table

    values = {}

    inf = float("inf")
    minf = float("-inf")

    def dict_to_numpy(d):
        x = []
        y = []
        for a, b in d.items():
        return np.array(x), np.array([y])

    for l, r, w in ranges:
        l, r = min(l, r), max(l, r)
        positions = [nextafter(l, minf), l, r, nextafter(r, inf)]
        weights = [0., float(w), float(w), 0.]

        all_positions = list(set(positions) | set(values))  # new and old positions

        # current values on all position
        x, y = dict_to_numpy(values)
        current = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(x, y, all_positions)[0]
        current[np.isnan(current)] = 0

        # new values on all positions
        new = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(np.array(positions), np.array([weights]),
        new[np.isnan(new)] = 0

        # update values
        for p, f in zip(all_positions, current + new):
            values[p] = f

    x, y = dict_to_numpy(values)
    dom = Orange.data.Domain([Orange.data.ContinuousVariable(name=str(float(a))) for a in x])
    data = Orange.data.Table.from_numpy(dom, y)
    return data
Example #4
    def transformed(self, data):
        if data.X.shape[0] == 0:
            return data.X
        data = data.copy()

        if self.method == Normalize.Vector:
            nans = np.isnan(data.X)
            nan_num = nans.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
            ys = data.X
            if np.any(nan_num > 0):
                # interpolate nan elements for normalization
                x = getx(data)
                ys = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(x, ys, x)
                ys = np.nan_to_num(ys)  # edge elements can still be zero
            data.X = sknormalize(ys, norm='l2', axis=1, copy=False)
            if np.any(nan_num > 0):
                # keep nans where they were
                data.X[nans] = float("nan")
        elif self.method == Normalize.Area:
            norm_data = Integrate(methods=self.int_method,
                                  limits=[[self.lower, self.upper]])(data)
            data.X /= norm_data.X
        elif self.method == Normalize.Attribute:
            if self.attr in data.domain and isinstance(
                    data.domain[self.attr], Orange.data.ContinuousVariable):
                ndom = Orange.data.Domain([data.domain[self.attr]])
                factors = data.transform(ndom)
                data.X /= factors.X
                nd = data.domain[self.attr]
            else:  # invalid attribute for normalization
                data.X *= float("nan")
        return data.X
Example #5
    def transformed(self, data):
        if data.X.shape[0] == 0:
            return data.X
        data = data.copy()

        if self.method == Normalize.Vector:
            nans = np.isnan(data.X)
            nan_num = nans.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
            ys = data.X
            if np.any(nan_num > 0):
                # interpolate nan elements for normalization
                x = getx(data)
                ys = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(x, ys, x)
                ys = np.nan_to_num(ys)  # edge elements can still be zero
            data.X = sknormalize(ys, norm='l2', axis=1, copy=False)
            if np.any(nan_num > 0):
                # keep nans where they were
                data.X[nans] = float("nan")
        elif self.method == Normalize.Area:
            norm_data = Integrate(methods=self.int_method,
                                  limits=[[self.lower, self.upper]])(data)
            data.X /= norm_data.X
        elif self.method == Normalize.Attribute:
            if self.attr in data.domain and isinstance(data.domain[self.attr], Orange.data.ContinuousVariable):
                ndom = Orange.data.Domain([data.domain[self.attr]])
                factors = data.transform(ndom)
                data.X /= factors.X
                nd = data.domain[self.attr]
            else:  # invalid attribute for normalization
                data.X *= float("nan")
        return data.X
Example #6
 def interpolate_to_data(other_xs, other_data):
     # all input data needs to be interpolated (and NaNs removed)
     interpolated = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(
         other_xs, other_data, wavenumbers)
     # we know that X is not NaN. same handling of reference as of X
     interpolated, _ = nan_extend_edges_and_interpolate(
         wavenumbers, interpolated)
     return interpolated
Example #7
    def transformed(self, X, wavenumbers):
        # wavenumber have to be input as sorted
        # about 85% of time in __call__ function is spent is lstsq

        # compute average spectrum from the reference
        ref_X = np.atleast_2d(spectra_mean(self.reference.X))
        # interpolate reference to the data
        ref_X = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(getx(self.reference), ref_X, wavenumbers)
        # we know that X is not NaN. same handling of reference as of X
        ref_X, _ = nan_extend_edges_and_interpolate(wavenumbers, ref_X)

        if self.weights:
            # interpolate reference to the data
            wei_X = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(getx(self.weights), self.weights.X, wavenumbers)
            # set whichever weights are undefined (usually at edges) to zero
            wei_X[np.isnan(wei_X)] = 0
            wei_X =np.ones((1,len(wavenumbers)))

        N = wavenumbers.shape[0]
        m0 = - 2.0 / (wavenumbers[0] - wavenumbers[N - 1])
        c_coeff = 0.5 * (wavenumbers[0] + wavenumbers[N - 1])
        M = []
        for x in range(0, self.order+1):
            M.append((m0 * (wavenumbers - c_coeff)) ** x)
        M.append(ref_X)  # always add reference spectrum to the model
        n_add_model = len(M)
        M = np.vstack(M).T  # M is needed below for the correction, for par estimation M_weigheted is used


        newspectra = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X.shape[1] + n_add_model))
        for i, rawspectrum in enumerate(X):
            m = np.linalg.lstsq(M_weighted, rawspectrum)[0]
            corrected = rawspectrum

            for x in range(0, self.order+1):
                corrected = (corrected - (m[x] * M[:, x]))
            if self.scaling:
                corrected = corrected/m[self.order+1]
            corrected[np.isinf(corrected)] = np.nan  # fix values which can be caused by zero weights
            corrected = np.hstack((corrected, m))  # append the model parameters
            newspectra[i] = corrected

        return newspectra
Example #8
 def interpolate_extend_to(self, interpolate, wavenumbers):
     Interpolate data to given wavenumbers and extend the possibly
     nan-edges with the nearest values.
     # interpolate reference to the given wavenumbers
     X = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(getx(interpolate), interpolate.X, wavenumbers)
     # we know that X is not NaN. same handling of reference as of X
     X, _ = nan_extend_edges_and_interpolate(wavenumbers, X)
     return X
Example #9
def weighted_wavenumbers(weights, wavenumbers):
    Return weights for the given wavenumbers. If weights are a data table,
    the weights are interpolated. If they are a npfunc.Function, the function is
    computed on the given wavenumbers.
    if isinstance(weights, Function):
        return weights(wavenumbers).reshape(1, -1)
    elif weights:
        # interpolate reference to the data
        w = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(getx(weights), weights.X, wavenumbers)
        # set whichever weights are undefined (usually at edges) to zero
        w[np.isnan(w)] = 0
        return w
        w = np.ones((1, len(wavenumbers)))
        return w
Example #10
 def interpolate_to_data(other_xs, other_data):
     # all input data needs to be interpolated (and NaNs removed)
     interpolated = interp1d_with_unknowns_numpy(other_xs, other_data, wavenumbers)
     # we know that X is not NaN. same handling of reference as of X
     interpolated, _ = nan_extend_edges_and_interpolate(wavenumbers, interpolated)
     return interpolated