Example #1
    def tick(self):
        rx, ry, dx, dy = self.orientation()
        if self.flipped:
            rx = -rx
            ry = -ry

        if self.invulnerable:
            self.invulnerable -= 1

        if self.turnfrenzy:
            if self.turnfrenzy > 1:
                self.dx += self.jumpx
                self.dy += self.jumpy
            self.turnfrenzy -= 1
            self.dx -= rx * 0.3
            self.dy -= ry * 0.3

        self.angle = 180 * math.atan2(-dx, dy) / math.pi

        if random.randint(0, 60 * 10) == 0:
            self.flipped = not self.flipped
            self.turnfrenzy = 15
            self.jumpx = self.dx * 0.2
            self.jumpy = self.dy * 0.2

Example #2
    def tick(self):
        rx, ry, dx, dy = self.orientation()

        falling = self.sameway(dx, dy)

        ground = self.get_colliders(dx * 2, dy * 2)

        if self.movex > 0:
            self.frame += 1
            if self.frame == 8:
                self.frame = 0
                self.revolve += 1
            self.frame -= 1
            if self.frame == -1:
                self.frame = 7
                self.revolve += 1

        if self.revolve >= 1:
            self.revolve = 0
            run.run.wood3.play(0.5, self)

        if ground:
            if falling > 0:
                self.dx -= falling * dx
                self.dy -= falling * dy
            self.dx -= dx * 0.4
            self.dy -= dy * 0.4
            self.dx += dx * 0.4
            self.dy += dy * 0.4

        self.dx += self.movex * rx * 0.35
        self.dy += self.movex * ry * 0.35

        ox = self.x
        oy = self.y
        ox -= self.x
        oy -= self.y
        if ox ** 2 + oy ** 2 < 0.2 * 0.2:
            self.stuck += 1
            if self.stuck > 10:
                self.stuck = 0
                self.movex = -self.movex
Example #3
    def tick(p):
        game = run.run.game
        kx = p.kx
        ky = p.ky
        rx = game.rightx
        ry = game.righty
        dx = game.downx
        dy = game.downy
        gx = game.gravityx
        gy = game.gravityy

        if p.jumping: p.jumping -= 1

        jumpx = 0
        jumpy = 0

        ground = p.get_colliders(dx * 2, dy * 2)
        falling = p.sameway(dx, dy)

        # If we are falling right into the ground, handle it in the next tick
        # after we bounce. Also a fudge factor of 3 pixels to make it all work
        # smooth :P
        if falling > 3: ground = []

        if ground:
            if falling < -1:
                v = falling / -6.0
                if v > 1.0: v = 1.0
                #run.run.wood2.play(v, p)
            if p.frame == 16: p.frame = 0
            gx = 0
            gy = 0
            if ky < 0 and p.jumping == 0:
                if kx == 0:
                    p.frame = 16
                    jumpx = -15 * dx
                    jumpy = -15 * dy
                    v = 1.0
                    jumpx = -12 * dx + kx * 2 * rx
                    jumpy = -12 * dy + kx * 2 * ry
                    v = 0.8
                p.jumping = 20
                run.run.jump.play(v, p)

        for g in ground:
            g.touch(p, 0)

        if ky > 0:
            for g in ground:

        if kx and ground: # jump a bit up when going sideways
            # If we are actually falling down (no more than 2 pixels due to
            # check earlier) - cancel it away to move smoother.
            if falling > 0:
                p.dx -= falling * dx
                p.dy -= falling * dy
            p.dx -= 0.45 * dx
            p.dy -= 0.45 * dy

        p.dx += kx * 0.4 * rx + jumpx + gx * 0.2
        p.dy += kx * 0.4 * ry + jumpy + gy * 0.2

        if kx > 0:
            p.flipped = True
        if kx < 0:
            p.flipped = False

        if p.frame == 16 and falling > 1:
            p.frame = 0
        if kx and p.frame < 16:
            p.runcycle += 8
            p.runcycle %= 256
            p.frame = p.runcycle / 16

        if not kx and p.frame < 16:
            p.runcycle = 0
            p.frame = 0
