Example #1
    def __init__(
            *,  # Makes all args keyword only.
            global_step: tf.Variable,
            trainer: Optional[runner.AbstractTrainer] = None,
            evaluator: Optional[runner.AbstractEvaluator] = None,
            strategy: Optional[tf.distribute.Strategy] = None,
            # Actions
            train_actions: Optional[List[Action]] = None,
            eval_actions: Optional[List[Action]] = None,
            # Train related
            steps_per_loop: Optional[int] = None,
            checkpoint_manager: Optional[tf.train.CheckpointManager] = None,
            # Summary related
            summary_interval: Optional[int] = None,
            summary_dir: Optional[str] = None,
            # Evaluation related
            eval_summary_dir: Optional[str] = None):
        """Initializes a `Controller` instance.

    Note that if `checkpoint_manager` is provided and there are checkpoints in
    the associated model directory, the model will be restored from the most
    recent checkpoint during this `__init__` method.

      global_step: An integer `tf.Variable` storing the global training step
        number. Usually this can be obtained from the `iterations` property of
        the model's optimizer (e.g. `trainer.optimizer.iterations`). In cases
        where multiple optimizers are used, or if one model "step" corresponds
        to more than one update to model parameters, users can create and
        increment their own global step variable as well. In this case it is
        recommended to create the `tf.Variable` inside the distribution strategy
        scope, with `aggregation=tf.VariableAggregation.ONLY_FIRST_REPLICA` (see
        also `orbit.utils.create_global_step()`).
      trainer: An instance of `orbit.AbstractTrainer`, which implements the
        inner training loop.
      evaluator: An instance of `orbit.AbstractEvaluator`, which implements
      strategy: An instance of `tf.distribute.Strategy`. If not provided, the
        strategy will be initialized from the current in-scope strategy using
      train_actions: An optional list of `orbit.Action`s to call after each
        block of `steps_per_loop` training steps are run. These will be called
        with the output of `trainer.train`.
      eval_actions: An optional list of `orbit.Action`s to call after each
        evaluation. These will be called with the output of
      steps_per_loop: The number of steps to run in each inner loop of training
        (passed as the `num_steps` parameter of `trainer.train`).
      checkpoint_manager: An instance of `tf.train.CheckpointManager`. If
        provided and there are checkpoints in the associated model directory,
        the model will be restored from the most recent checkpoint inside this
        `__init__` method. If not provided, the `Controller` will not
        automatically save to or restore from checkpoints.
      summary_interval: Step interval for training summaries. Note that this
        argument only applies to `tf.summary` calls inside the `trainer.train`
        function. Summaries written by the `Controller` (specifically
        "steps_per_second" and output from the `trainer.train` method) will
        always be enabled unless the `summary_dir` parameter is `None`. If set,
        the value must be divisible by `steps_per_loop`.
      summary_dir: The directory to write summaries to. To use the same
        directory as for checkpointing, pass `checkpoint_manager.directory`. If
        `None`, no training summaries will be written.
      eval_summary_dir: The directory to write eval summaries to. If `None`, it
        will be set to `summary_dir`. If both `summary_dir` and
        `eval_summary_dir` are `None`, no eval summaries will be written.

      ValueError: If both `trainer` and `evaluator` are `None`.
      ValueError: If `steps_per_loop` is not a positive integer.
      ValueError: If `summary_interval` is not a positive integer or is not
        divisible by `steps_per_loop`.
        if trainer is None and evaluator is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "`trainer` and `evaluator` should not both be `None`.")

        if trainer is not None:
            if steps_per_loop is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "`steps_per_loop` is required when `trainer` is provided.")
            elif not isinstance(steps_per_loop, int) or steps_per_loop < 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"`steps_per_loop` ({steps_per_loop}) must be a positive integer."

            if summary_interval is not None:
                if summary_interval <= 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"`summary_interval` ({summary_interval}) must be larger than 0."
                elif summary_interval % steps_per_loop != 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"`summary interval` ({summary_interval}) must be a multiple "
                        f"of `steps_per_loop` ({steps_per_loop}).")

        if not isinstance(global_step, tf.Variable):
            raise ValueError("`global_step` must be a `tf.Variable`.")

        self.trainer = trainer
        self.evaluator = evaluator

        self.strategy = strategy or tf.distribute.get_strategy()

        self.train_actions = train_actions or []
        self.eval_actions = eval_actions or []

        self.global_step = global_step
        self.checkpoint_manager = checkpoint_manager

        self.hparams = hparams

        if self.trainer is not None:
            self.step_timer = None
            self.steps_per_loop = steps_per_loop
            self.summary_interval = summary_interval
            self.summary_manager = utils.SummaryManager(
                summary_dir, tf.summary.scalar, global_step=self.global_step)

        if self.evaluator is not None:
            eval_summary_dir = eval_summary_dir or summary_dir
            if eval_summary_dir == summary_dir and self.trainer is not None:
                # Reuse the summary writer if train and evaluation summary directory
                # are the same.
                self.eval_summary_manager = self.summary_manager
                self.eval_summary_manager = utils.SummaryManager(


        # Restores the model if needed.
        if self.checkpoint_manager is not None:
            restored_path = self.restore_checkpoint()
            if restored_path:
                _log(f"restored from checkpoint: {restored_path}")
Example #2
    def __init__(
            strategy: Optional[tf.distribute.Strategy] = None,
            trainer: Optional[runner.AbstractTrainer] = None,
            evaluator: Optional[runner.AbstractEvaluator] = None,
            global_step: Optional[tf.Variable] = None,
            # Train related
            steps_per_loop: Optional[int] = None,
            checkpoint_manager: Optional[tf.train.CheckpointManager] = None,
            # Summary related
            summary_interval: Optional[int] = None,
            summary_dir: Optional[Text] = None,
            # Evaluation related
            eval_summary_dir: Optional[Text] = None):
        """Constructs a `Controller` instance.

      strategy: An instance of `tf.distribute.Strategy`.
      trainer: An instance of `orbit.AbstractTrainer`, which represents model
        training details.
      evaluator: An instance of `orbit.AbstractEvaluator`, which represents
        model evaluation details.
      global_step: An integer `tf.Variable` indicating the global training step
        number. Usually this can be obtained from `iterations` property of the
        model's optimizer (e.g. `self.optimizer.iterations`), or users can
        create their own global step variable as well. If the users create their
        own global step variable, it is recommended to create the `tf.Variable`
        inside strategy scope, and with
      steps_per_loop: The number of steps to run in each "inner loop" of
        training (passed to the `num_steps` parameter of `trainer.train`).
      checkpoint_manager: An instance of `tf.train.CheckpointManager`.
      summary_interval: Step interval for training summaries. Note that this
        argument only applies to the summaries inside `trainer.train` function.
        Summaries outside like "steps_per_second" and outputs from
        `trainer.train` function will always be enabled. If set, the value
        should be divisible by steps_per_loop.
      summary_dir: The directory to restore and write checkpoints and summaries.
        If None, it will be set to `checkpoint_manager.directory`.
      eval_summary_dir: The directory to write eval summaries. If None, it will
        be set to `summary_dir`.

      ValueError: If both `trainer` and `evaluator` are None.
      ValueError: If `steps_per_loop` is not a positive integer.
      ValueError: If `summary_interval` is not a positive integer or it cannot
        be divisible by `steps_per_loop`.
        if trainer is None and evaluator is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "`trainer` and `evaluator` should not both be None")

        if trainer is not None:
            if steps_per_loop is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "`steps_per_loop` is required when `trainer` is "

            if not isinstance(steps_per_loop, int) or steps_per_loop < 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "`steps_per_loop` should be a positive integer")

            if summary_interval is not None:
                if summary_interval <= 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "`summary_interval` should be larger than 0")

        self.trainer = trainer
        self.evaluator = evaluator

        self.strategy = strategy or tf.distribute.get_strategy()

        self.global_step = global_step
        self.checkpoint_manager = checkpoint_manager

        if summary_dir is None and checkpoint_manager:
            summary_dir = checkpoint_manager.directory

        if self.trainer is not None:
            self.step_timer = None
            self.steps_per_loop = steps_per_loop
            self.summary_interval = summary_interval
            self.summary_manager = utils.SummaryManager(
                summary_dir, tf.summary.scalar, global_step=self.global_step)

        eval_summary_writer = None
        if self.evaluator is not None:
            eval_summary_dir = eval_summary_dir or summary_dir
            if eval_summary_dir == summary_dir and self.trainer is not None:
                # Reuse the summary writer if train and evaluation summary directory
                # are the same.
                self.eval_summary_manager = self.summary_manager
                self.eval_summary_manager = utils.SummaryManager(

        if self.global_step is not None:

        # Restores the model if needed.
        # TODO(momernick): We probably only want to do this on certain occasions?
        if self.checkpoint_manager is not None:
            checkpoint_interval = self.checkpoint_manager.checkpoint_interval

            model_restored = self.restore_checkpoint()
            if not model_restored and (checkpoint_interval
                                       and self.trainer is not None):
                # If the model is not restored from a checkpoint, and
                # `checkpoint_interval` is enabled for training, save an initial
                # checkpoint.