Example #1
    def get_beta(self, when_utc=None):
        """Gets angle between orbital plane and Sun direction (beta) at given time, in degrees."""
        if when_utc is None:
            when_utc = dt.datetime.utcnow()

        # Here we calculate the complementary angle of beta,
        # because we use the normal vector of the orbital plane
        beta_comp = angle_between(get_sun(when_utc),

        # We subtract from 90 degrees to return the real beta angle
        return 90 - beta_comp
Example #2
def test_get_sun_matches_expected_result_within_precision(
        when_utc, expected_eci):
    eci = get_sun(when_utc)

    assert angle_between(eci, expected_eci) < 1.0  # Claimed precision
    assert angle_between(eci, expected_eci) < 0.5  # Actual precision